
Jun 10, 2009
I am about as hurt and furious as I can be.

Turns out my wife of 20+ years has been having an affair for over five years. I learned about it five years ago, and confronted her, and she said it was over, counseling, all that. Turns out it never stopped.

Last week I found out again. She met him out of state.

But this is why I'm here: I got into her e-mail account to find out what was going on. Turns out she's been sending him all these e-mails about how big he is and how he is so much bigger than me and how much she likes it and all that.

Fricking great.

So does your stuff here work? My fantasy is to get my dick bigger than his, go back to her for one night, screw her and then wipe my big dick off on her hair and leave her there.

Can you tell I'm pissed?

I don't know how you guys measure, but I just measured last night and as near as I can tell I'm right at 6", maybe a tad under.

How long until I get my revenge?
welcome to MOS Dirk. sir, i feel your pain....if i were you i would just divorce her. you dont need to take that bullshit... i myself hate cheaters and females that are like this.... i dedicated a whole thread with these kinds of matters about women who are Size Queens.

Penis Enlargement does work, some of the verterans here started out smaller than what i started out naturally. thier penises are way bigger than mine is now after all the Penis Enlargement that they have done. dont worry sir, apart from this bein Penis Enlargement website its like group therapy for men...everyone helps everyone out with whatever problem they may have, no matter if its Penis Enlargement related or personal. but seriously if she keeps cheatin on you just leave her....its not worth it.
Welcome to mos and sorry to read about what that women has done to you.
I DESPISE that in anyone, its really cruel and LOW!!

Hmmm part of me wants to take you under my wing and mentor you one on one with a routine so you can grow larger and do as you say.

Check our routines section here for ideas on guys methods of enlargement and how long it usually takes which I usually find you'll see temp results in a few weeks but permanent in several months.

It could be best you know we get you on a routine for a few weeks while you also purchase a pump & cock ring than pump before you go and fuck her while wearing the cock ring'll be larger in less time albeit it wont be permanent yet.

If you want me to make you a routine than let me know, it will be short and sweet but very intense to work your girth & length in a short amount of time.
I'm all for having a mentor!!! Are you serious? That would be great! I'll read that link and see if I have any questions.
REDZULU2003;341319 said:
If you want me to make you a routine than let me know, it will be short and sweet but very intense to work your girth & length in a short amount of time.

I'd love to hear this as well. Do you mind PMing it to me or posting it publicly?
No problems I will post it public when done. Infact I will post it in the 'Ask reds thread' located here but will link to it in here.
MrDirk101;341315 said:
I am about as hurt and furious as I can be.

Turns out my wife of 20+ years has been having an affair for over five years. I learned about it five years ago, and confronted her, and she said it was over, counseling, all that. Turns out it never stopped.

Last week I found out again. She met him out of state.

But this is why I'm here: I got into her e-mail account to find out what was going on. Turns out she's been sending him all these e-mails about how big he is and how he is so much bigger than me and how much she likes it and all that.

Fricking great.

So does your stuff here work? My fantasy is to get my dick bigger than his, go back to her for one night, screw her and then wipe my big dick off on her hair and leave her there.

Can you tell I'm pissed?

I don't know how you guys measure, but I just measured last night and as near as I can tell I'm right at 6", maybe a tad under.

How long until I get my revenge?

sorry to hear that man but she isnt worth your time and your soon to be bigger dick.
I've been doing "Penis Enlargement" for 6.5 months now, Im taking 0 days off of my penis exercises tbh and so far I have gained 4-4.3cm length (1.7 inches). (you find my routine in the "routine section" if's like the newbie routine tbh).

If you are commited this will happen to you aswell pherhaps. And btw, I would think the same tbh, and yes, I would do the same.
Good Luck!
I'm sorry to hear your story, hope everything works out.

Yes Penis Enlargement works and very successfully if you are committed and focused. I'm a relative newbie myself but my advice would be listen to RedZulu and Opa!

Redzulu is a veteran at Penis Enlargement and I'm sure whatever Penis Enlargement routine he gives you will be great. Opa is the perfect example of someone committing themselves to Penis Enlargement and succeeding. I first talked to him when I started about 2 months ago and as he said his routine does not have any days off. If you can put in 1-2 hours of Penis Enlargement everyday in 6 months time you will have great results. I put in 30-60 mins per day 5 days per week and so far I have gained nearly 1/2 inch in 2 months.
Good luck man!

I find it disturbing to have to read an e-mail saything those mean ass things about your dick.

Good news is you CAN get a bigger one!
Lol I Love Your Plan Lol Its Great Hahaha. Good Luck I Hope You Make The Bitch Pay Nicely Once You Get Your Dick Big Enough
Red, you are a good friend! Thank you so much for the routine. I've got it printed out and studied up and I guess I'm starting tonight.

My only concern is the "DLD squat behind the cheek rotaries". I haven't tried that yet, but my worry is that I've got a couple of pretty bad shoulders, and somehow that seems like it might put them in a bad angle. I'll let you know.

Otherwise, I'm off!

One other question...I'm not sure I did it right, but anyway last night I got fully erect and measured, top of penis, ruler pressed down to the bone as much as I could. I think I'm right at 5.75". Any predictions on how long to get to 6.5" or 7". Looking at the ruler, I can't imagine going past 7" (but maybe as I approach that, I'll change my mind!)

I know this is a "marathon, not a sprint", but I want some realistic expectations.

MrDirk101;341457 said:
Red, you are a good friend! Thank you so much for the routine. I've got it printed out and studied up and I guess I'm starting tonight.

My only concern is the "DLD squat behind the cheek rotaries". I haven't tried that yet, but my worry is that I've got a couple of pretty bad shoulders, and somehow that seems like it might put them in a bad angle. I'll let you know.

Otherwise, I'm off!

One other question...I'm not sure I did it right, but anyway last night I got fully erect and measured, top of penis, ruler pressed down to the bone as much as I could. I think I'm right at 5.75". Any predictions on how long to get to 6.5" or 7". Looking at the ruler, I can't imagine going past 7" (but maybe as I approach that, I'll change my mind!)

I know this is a "marathon, not a sprint", but I want some realistic expectations.


Good to hear mate and I would honestly say that 6-8 months time from now with honest dedication and commitment you should have something thats in the 6.5 inch range with regards to length, maybe longer but I cant say for certain as this game has showed me over the years everyone is different but I have found that all newbies fresh do gain and thats like weightlifting when we all see gains in the early days and than find it harder later on, so you will gain just put time in as that routine is very powerful and not too time wasting either.

Have you ever considered that maybe this guy's dick is no bigger than yours? After all, your size is certainly well within the "average". Some women want to make a guy happy, so they just say what they think he wants/needs to hear. For all you know he has size issues, is insecure, and she says all this stuff just to feed his ego. By cheating she has proved she's a liar; what makes you think this might be any different?

Don't get me wrong, I am all for getting a bigger dick (or why else would I be here?). But don't let some e-mail that you were never meant to read, be your motivation. And even if you did go back and bang her with the Godzilla of all cocks, do you really think that would make you feel any better?

So, even if for the wrong reasons, you've found this place. Now go forward for yourself and make yourself happy.

Red, and everyone else...

Didn't want you to think I disappeared. I've spent the last few weeks getting ready...moved into an apartment, got my furniture delivered, etc. I'm ready to start tonight!

Hot towel is warming in the microwave. Can't wait to get started!
MrDirk101;345066 said:
Red, and everyone else...

Didn't want you to think I disappeared. I've spent the last few weeks getting ready...moved into an apartment, got my furniture delivered, etc. I'm ready to start tonight!

Hot towel is warming in the microwave. Can't wait to get started!

Be careful the towel is not too hot!
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