
Oct 16, 2015
Hello! I personally think that ligament gains possibly has it limits. But does Tunica gains have a limit? Could Tunica gains possibly be the factor that you can grow your penis for an unlimited amount?
I don't believe there is when I think about it. Then I start thinking again...the body does have its limits. Even if we were perfect I think we'd be limited.
Genetic potential. Bodybuilders are a prime example of this theory. 30-40 years ago with the addition of decent steroids the biggest dudes were ~230lbs. Now? ~260 at the smallest and six footers are upper 290-300lbs. Can really eat or roid up past a certain point. Your dick will only grow as much as your body will let it with PE- skilled and solid PE could take you to freakishly new heights however as seen in and around the forum.
BornInFigi;670383 said:
Genetic potential. Bodybuilders are a prime example of this theory. 30-40 years ago with the addition of decent steroids the biggest dudes were ~230lbs. Now? ~260 at the smallest and six footers are upper 290-300lbs. Can really eat or roid up past a certain point. Your dick will only grow as much as your body will let it with PE- skilled and solid PE could take you to freakishly new heights however as seen in and around the forum.

Well PE is about natural enlargement. We're not really here taking some type of body enhancer extreme like steroids. But I do see your point

But the limit can be exceeded. Creating a new limit, which can be exceeded, and so on.
Well the tunica is alive so its always gonna be affected by PE. Its like asking how many times will a bone mend after you break it? You'll never know 0__0
habban;670346 said:
Hello! I personally think that ligament gains possibly has it limits. But does Tunica gains have a limit? Could Tunica gains possibly be the factor that you can grow your penis for an unlimited amount?

As long as you add more intensity,you will keep growing.I don't think there's a limit,as long as you have a good workout,you could have a 20" cock..but that would be very bad.
Hypertrophy and especially hyperplasia have a limit.

But if you look at DLD and other great gainers on this and on other PE boards, you'll see that the limit seems to be pretty damn high.
Or another example: Some African tribes where some dudes have like 13"-15" flaccid dicks. Obviously they can't use their dicks anymore, but it still shows that everybody can reach his goal size. And with SRT, we know exactly how to do it in the fastest time possible.

In my opinion, everything above 8" BPEL and 6" MSEG is just Ego-Enlargement. But that's ok, it's interessting to see how far we can push it :)
MoS-Newbie;670440 said:
Hypertrophy and especially hyperplasia have a limit.

But if you look at DLD and other great gainers on this and on other PE boards, you'll see that the limit seems to be pretty damn high.
Or another example: Some African tribes where some dudes have like 13"-15" flaccid dicks. Obviously they can't use their dicks anymore, but it still shows that everybody can reach his goal size. And with SRT, we know exactly how to do it in the fastest time possible.

In my opinion, everything above 8" BPEL and 6" MSEG is just Ego-Enlargement. But that's ok, it's interessting to see how far we can push it :)

But going above 15" is going to be a massive goal and will take hanging to another level.
There is limits to everything but for PE sake, the Tunica will stretch enough to bring anyone the gains they want within reason. Going for a 15" penis is not realistic. Going after 9" is and Tunica work will be a great force behind this. Bundled Stretches should be done before every workout, length or girth.
templnite;670396 said:
Well the tunica is alive so its always gonna be affected by PE. Its like asking how many times will a bone mend after you break it? You'll never know 0__0

It will anyways mend. And it won't break in the same place either. (Usually)
doublelongdaddy;670525 said:
There is limits to everything but for PE sake, the Tunica will stretch enough to bring anyone the gains they want within reason. Going for a 15" penis is not realistic. Going after 9" is and Tunica work will be a great force behind this. Bundled Stretches should be done before every workout, length or girth.

Yeah we may have our limits but we must do all that we can to get maximum gains.
DLD gained almost 5 inches in length,so we know anyone could achieve that..i was reading an article,another guy gained over 6 inches using an extender.He got a lig surgery tho.So we know we can achieve great gains,even if you have a 2" dick you can make it 8" :).
ChilDsh;670613 said:
DLD gained almost 5 inches in length,so we know anyone could achieve that..i was reading an article,another guy gained over 6 inches using an extender.He got a lig surgery tho.So we know we can achieve great gains,even if you have a 2" dick you can make it 8" :).

It's crazy how that sounds but it's so true. We can gain a big amount we just need to be consistent and make sure to gather that intensity
It's amazing to know that,and the sad thing is other PE-ers believe it's impossible to gain more than 2 inches or so..i've seen so many articles claiming DLD's photos are fake,because you can't gain more than 2 inches.Bullshit.With dedication,consistency,and a good routine you could gain so much size.A micropenis sized guy can transform himself into a average sized guy,or even a average-BIGish sized guy.
kyomoto;670591 said:
Yeah we may have our limits but we must do all that we can to get maximum gains.

There are limits but nothing stopping you from attaining what I made happen. I would think that nobody would want something as large as 12 x 8 but with lots of hard work and dedication this could even be possible.
Using bundled stretches I've been seeing my tunica expand daily for 3 weeks. So I'm going to actually change my answer to yes but it can change daily. It's not comfy, but it does keep going. Whether there's a legitimate maximum or not, I don't think it would be within the limits of a desirable size.

I don't think there really is a maximum to how large you can get your limit to be. Just judging by some of the success stories that have people increasing their mass by 1000%. Dld, for instance. But yea, assuming nobody really wants to hit 8 in girth, if seems feasible anyone could reach it.
There was a guy or two here with 8" girth or over that.Jesus Christ.That's waaayy too much..imagine __________'s girth is around 7" :). A 8" would look thick as a beer can.
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