OK NUFF with that heres how to get you good erections back.

I know what your going through. I feel I understand what is happening as it happened to me a little but not as much. Is it like the veins in your penis are getting too big? Like they are just letting the blood slip back into your body?

-Do some light hanging. This i absolutly garantee will help with weak erections from jelqing. I can almost promise you after a session of around 1/2 hour hanging with maybe 2 kgs (maybe a little more) someone at your level of experience. The next morning you'll wake up with steel, not wood. If you need an easy way of hanging, read my The poor mans hanging option right now in the Hangers Forums, If you feel you need more info you can pm me, or even start a thread in the main penis enlargement forum but the effects of hanging on weak erections. Your still just getting to know your penis. Dont listen to these people talking like you are somehow unable to benefit from pe and still get good erections. Also you need to start a proper Kegal routine of say at least 300 a day. As pe in general does lessen the strength of your erections a little bit, but not nearly at the severity that you are describing.

Anyways give it a little try don't go over board see if this helps you out, good luck. Keep posting. Keep hope dont give up. You can do it. Mail DLD if you have too, im sure he would be most happy too help someone like you out, when he is able.

Your gonna be fine trust.
also try doing PC training, that made my erections much better when i started i'm glad everything worked out for you man :)
Do not be sad about your penis size, it is not small, at 5.5" it is bang on average. I still accept the fact that you wanna do Penis Enlargement, who wouldn't, but do not be ashamed of an average sized cock. This may sound pessimistic, but bear in mind that the size u have now is the most common size!
awwdarn said:
but i guess when all you do is wish you had a bigger penis size all day, and especially at my age when there are so many girls flirting with you lol.

Dude you are only 18 roll with it LMAO Those girls that are flirting with you; theres a pretty good chance some of them are virgins at the age- hell I know some my age (25) that still are. You could be their first and you have a decent size for your age (you will continue to grow and Penis Enlargement'ing will only help you even more). See those girls that may be virgins, chances are they don't watch all that ���� that us guys do and therefore will not have much if anything to compare to. Don't ever think of something so drastic that could hurt more people than you would ever know; don't worry about the little things in life; and if you do hook up with any of these girls that are mackin on you "Don't be a fool, wrap your tool"- Van Wilder.

Good luck and enjoy the miracle of Penis Enlargement

(BTW my starting stats were only 5.5 and I'm 7 now after only 5 months)
an inch and half is darn imrpressive in that time, what do your routine look like?!?
sweets said:
an inch and half is darn imrpressive in that time, what do your routine look like?!?

Who me????? YAY I get to send more folks to check out my thread/ routine!!!!!


awwdarn- this is for you bud, the unhealthy relationship w/ another guys chick I spoke of in my thread- It was nuts I was sooo stressed out I was missing Penis Enlargement workouts as well as regular workouts and not eating right to the point that I lost 30LBS. My point- all of us on here have some demons in their closet and all of us will be there for another member in their time of need. You are not alone, members of this site share a common goal and are supportive of one another 99.9% of the time..... me'h make that 100% of the time now that [P]okey got shitcanned. I don't have time to look through all of your posts this evening but I will tomorrow sometime and give any advice I can (I am only a 5 monther myself so don't expect much :p ) In the meantime feel free to comment on MY routine maybe you can help me out too. :)
Well average REALLY is between 5 and 5.5 so... you're in the upper 50%. That's great!

Did you know it's only the 1st 1/3 of the vaginal entrance that is sensible? That means a 3-4 inch is enough to reach point g, and after that, it's more or less for the image. Most people here are peing for THEMSELVES not for girls.

You're 18. You're young. You've got high testosterone levels. Testosterone is a growth hormone. You need it to heal... Is there any links with Penis Enlargement do you think? :) There are. Not that only this factor will play on gains, but it does at least.

I'd personally reccomend you go on that newbie routine, keep it as a hobby, choose a moment when you're relaxed, say, in front of your computer, or listening to music... Pe is very enjoyable anyways :p

DLD gained 3+ inches, I gaines 1 up to now, and SO many people post pictures, you can't be wrong here :s
awwdarn said:
how would stretching for 30 minutes help my errection?

Many members report that PC muscle training is the way to retreive bad ass erection :p So by stretching + kegels while you are stretching ( pc muscle training ) you are working your way to better erections.

But most of the time the problem is in the head... set yourself goals, eat well, attend to a gym w/ a friend, reach your goal, but without stressing it, and see how hard you become :s
Hey buddy,

Look i found hanging (if not exessively) meaning ur not really stretching i found i had good erections in the morning. If this helps, stop hanging and just leave it.

I wont lie my erections arent as strong as they were (without a lady around) or as sensitive but thats a price you have to dable with with pe. I do have a very real size complex that i know about myself very well, and basically I feel better having a bigger, slightly less sensitive/strong erection than having a smaller one. Do you have a girlfriend? If not try not to obsess over your erection quality and let things flow when u get with a girl. I always find when im with a lady i get rock hard, although not as much when im on my own. The body does incredible things in the throws of hormoans.
The reason i feel hanging helps is that i feel it is stretching/conditioning your tunicae (that is the inner hard part of your penis), while leaving the veins almost untouched. I experienced less intense erections after jelqing, as i belive jelqing tend to enlarge your veins a bit much causing that "slippage" of blood out of the penis. SO i feel by hanging AND JUST HANGING A LITTLE, you are creating an inner penis of the approprite size for your veins. This is just my thoughts use them as you like.

Clearly, one needs not to break the little valves that stop the blood from flowing the wrong side in the veins, as this is called an injury :p and bad erections.
I as well have taken this topic into consideration and thank everyone for their replies.
Hey awwdarn,

You depression will subside one way or another, even if it takes years. I have been depressed since 10th grade and I am now a senior. Alot of things depressed me and it got severe, very severe. At time's it would get better and I would be okay, but it would get severe again and I would be soo emotionally distraught that it was hard to hide. The past week I have felt pretty good for the most part, and I believe it has to do with me deciding to join the military. And when I say severe depression, I mean it... I would get upset over litte things and they would kill me. Alot still bothers me, but I am working hard to fight it back and it seems to help for the most part.

PM me sometime if you don't mind.

Just hang in there man, you can end it any day of the week you like. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I promise you that. Just see how things pan out. We are here. Band of brothers! Take it easy
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