Routine and journey

Hey man I’m new to this group, happy to hear you got some results in the end. Was wondering what routines you were doing and how long for
welcome my brother
my routine was 2×20 minutes downward bundled stretching and sometimes 3×20 minutes
and it's been a month I make 1×30 BTC
and the BTC stretch are really good and intense
Thanks bro, I think I have a lot to learn, I don’t know what downward bundled stretching is exactly or what btc stands for. I’ve tried watching some videos but they don’t load for some reason
Thanks bro, I think I have a lot to learn, I don’t know what downward bundled stretching is exactly or what btc stands for. I’ve tried watching some videos but they don’t load for some reason
Look in my thread in this collection of videos.
I have many videos explaining this. I'm in the progress of replacing all the videos in order for them to load faster.

BTC-BS = Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches

Sweet I will look into them now! Thanks!
No problem.

Check out the Album section as well there we have all albums.
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No problem.

Check out the Album section as well there we have all albums.

Oh that’s helpful! Thanks for that, is there any videos that show a routine just for length only?
I love to see the brotherhood working together to help one another. God bless everyone as you
it's crazy my measurement today
I reached 7 in BPEL, I don't believe it

That’s insane, good work man! How long would it take to see results roughly? And is there a limit to how much one can grow ?
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That’s insane, good work man! How long would it take to see results roughly? And is there a limit to how much one can grow ?
Hello my brother
I wasn't really disciplined
I've been doing PE for 4 years now but I've given up in the meantime
Hello everyone
I will tell you about my progress and my little experience.
before joining MOS, I felt very small which pushed me to look for a solution.
I started buying products that supposedly enlarged the waist but without any results, I consulted a doctor and he advised me to take hormones but still without results, and he told me no way can make you increase your size.
I didn't give up, I searched everywhere and I tried everything and I didn't speak English so my research was in French and Arabic.
on the other hand I was depressed and I believed the doctors and people who said that there is no way to increase the size
but I said to myself, despite everything, I'm going to try everything.
IN 2019 I bought a pro-extender and started using it
when I started I had 12 cm in NBPEL
and after a few months I reached 13 cm and then no results
and as I was informed that the size never increases I said to myself that it must be false measurements or a strong erection.
I lost hope again and I returned to my depression
I didn't want to give up
so I continue to try products and watch videos on YouTube until I come across a comment talking about MOS the forum that gave me hope of living
at the beginning I practiced the routine with my hands ✋ and it gave me no results, and I decided to take an LM and I did with it for a few days but quickly I gave up because I saw no results
time passes and then I come back another time and @huge-girth coached me for 3 months and with him I managed to reach 14cm
this is where hope returned and I came up with the idea that the penis does not increase in size
after that I gave up too but with the idea that it was possible
A few months ago, I started again and I wasn't very determined but I'm training really hard
and I can tell you that today I am almost at 15 cm in NBPEL

thank you for listening to me, I want to thank @DLD the king and @huge-girth who gave me hope and thank you to all the brothers here
I wish you all good luck and must believe in the impossible and make it possible

I do believe PE takes time, patience, dedication, consistency and a lot of work.

I guess some guys think they will see dramatic change in month or less. keep going strong brother! You’re on the right track! I believe in you!
First rule is you never give up and you never give in. Next rule is you are consistent and determined in. Your worgout to make the growth happened with no reservations or doubts. Lastly, you continue to turn up the intensity and the time that you train. This will bring success
First rule is you never give up and you never give in. Next rule is you are consistent and determined in. Your worgout to make the growth happened with no reservations or doubts. Lastly, you continue to turn up the intensity and the time that you train. This will bring success
Is it possible to have the same size BPFSL and BPEL
by practicing erect stretch
or there is always a gap between the 2
I have about 1 inch difference between the BPFSL and the BPEL ?
This normal. When your BPFSL increases then so will your EL with time. Just stay consistent with it and you'll see the results.
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