
Dec 26, 2014
I've just started getting into PE and have been at it for a month now with a routine of using the bathmate and stretching plus jelqing. I've noticed it recently as my time using the bathmate has increased to 15 minutes per session that I would get a "donut" / swelling from water at the area below my glans and above the circumcision scar ring. It's becomes more prominent once I'm flaccid and it looks odd. Reminds me kind of like the clitellum of an earthworm which isn't the most attractive comparison. It goes away and returns to normal after a few hours though. Is this something that I should be worried about? Will repeated and continued usage causing this state cause permanent deformities down the line?
Thank you
I dont think the bathmate is supposed to change or deform your penis man,are you feeling any pain in your penis,i would continue,specially if you have noticed gains..
No pain. It just looks odd for a bit.
Apparently people new to PE are suppose to see quick 1 inch gains, at least according to what I've read but I haven't noticed anything like that. I do think I have gained a bit. Hopefully I have and I just haven't been measuring wrong. I do plan on continuing and also getting a SizeGenetics to incorporate into my PE.
Ok bro the bathmate is just a device that can help you to get gains easier maybe if follow a routine you can get quicker gains, you joined in Dec 2014 you have been into this for a very short period of time,besides gaining an inch can take more than a month...maybe you already know about the newbie routine,dont you? check the SRT routine too if you did not:)
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Use the BathMate routine found in the SRT thread. 15 minutes of pumping will always bring water retention. The best way to pump is like this:

5 Minutes of Pumping
5 Minutes of Jelqing

5 Minutes of Pumping
5 Minutes of Jelqing

5 Minutes of Pumping
5 Minutes of Jelqing

This method will greatly reduce water retention while bring incredible tissue expansion.
Brother, take it easy, you're new in this, everything is gonna be just fine, your penis needs time to adjust to the pump, donut effect is only temporary thing, stick to jelqing and pumping and you'll be ok soon! Peace
Perestroyka;632484 said:
Brother, take it easy, you're new in this, everything is gonna be just fine, your penis needs time to adjust to the pump, donut effect is only temporary thing, stick to jelqing and pumping and you'll be ok soon! Peace

great post, very supportive.
doublelongdaddy;632481 said:
Use the BathMate routine found in the SRT thread. 15 minutes of pumping will always bring water retention. The best way to pump is like this:

5 Minutes of Pumping
5 Minutes of Jelqing

5 Minutes of Pumping
5 Minutes of Jelqing

5 Minutes of Pumping
5 Minutes of Jelqing

This method will greatly reduce water retention while bring incredible tissue expansion.

Totally best way for quick results, I have ZERO experience with Bathmate, but I see through posts of guys who using the pump this method gives them great results.
Just adding from my own experience:

When you are starting, it is really wise to follow the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) program or otherwise pump for shorter amount of time as guided.
I also got the big doughnut effect, which is also called fluid retention. If it subsides after few hours or so, good, but one should aim for tissue build and blood engorgement.

So, start with shorter sets, let your penis get used to the work out. Later on you can intensify your program as time passes and you feel need for more power.

I did also get the big doughnut effect in the beginning, but nowadays not anymore. Of course I could push the limit and get it, but as said, it's better to get real expansion than sili floppy soft fluid retention.
Stay consistent with your program, believe in growing and you shall see progress!
i have been trying the 5x5x3 yesterday and havent felt anything important,got to exercise whit the bathmate today and see how it works:)
shortdick;632538 said:
i have been trying the 5x5x3 yesterday and havent felt anything important,got to exercise whit the bathmate today and see how it works:)

How did you do the 5x5x3 without the BathMate?
I'll try that out, thank you!
It's going to increase shower time but I guess others are just going to have to deal with it.
isaTiger;632728 said:
I'll try that out, thank you!
It's going to increase shower time but I guess others are just going to have to deal with it.

Keep working 5x5x3 and you'll see what will happen, massive gains in no time, believe me bro :)
shortdick;632592 said:
In my mind LOL

You must have a huge mental cock:)
I do now i have to get the huge cock off my head and place it 7 inches below belly button hahah
shortdick;632767 said:
I do now i have to get the huge cock off my head and place it 7 inches below belly button hahah

now you're in the right real estate!
Ive had that problem with the "donut" look, and it went away after a few hours. I purchased the comfort pads from and ever since using them, it seems like the fluid retention doesn't happen as much. I used my pump the other day for the first time in a week and little fluid retention.

I highly recommend the cushion rings as they keep my balls from getting sucked into the bathmate.
shortdick;632767 said:
I do now i have to get the huge cock off my head and place it 7 inches below belly button hahah

This made me laugh so hard people were looking at me 😂😂😂 Thanks shorty, you put a massive smile on my face 😆
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