Originally posted by Synthetic
How do you know if you have depression? I am sitting here at 7:30AM because last night I felt bad and couldn't really figure out why. College life is stressing the fuck outa me as I have a very hard schedule this semester and I am also a pledge. I also have very deep issues with my girlfriend.
Depression is most often associated with four types of symptoms:
Changes in mood: People with depression have either a persistent feeling of sadness, or a reduced feeling of pleasure in activities (hobbies, family activities, etc.) that were once considered enjoyable. There may be a decline in having sexual relations. Sometimes depression is experienced as intense irritability.
Physical symptoms: The most common physical symptoms involve:
Appetite: Reduced appetite, often with weight loss, is often seen. Increased appetite and weight gain may also be associated with depression.
Sleep: The most common sleep difficulty is awakening early in the morning. However, some people experience excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty falling asleep or frequent awakenings during the night.
Other physical symptoms: That may be present are headache, constipation, and general aches and pains.
Energy level and motivation: Depression often makes people feel profoundly tired, lacking energy and feeling unmotivated. Some people actually experience a physical slowing down, or a feeling of agitation and restlessness.
Changes in thought pattern: People with depression often have negative thoughts. Feelings of helplessness or hopelessness are prominent, as are guilt or pessimism. Self-esteem and self-confidence may suffer since they do not feel good about themselves. Many depressed people complain that they can’t focus their attention, have trouble concentrating or can’t remember things.
Anxiety: The vast majority of people with depression also have accompanying symptoms of anxiety, such as excessive worrying, nervousness, restlessness, panicky feelings or difficulty falling asleep. In fact, these symptoms may be so severe that many people seek help from their physician for anxiety, only to find that they are suffering from depression.