Okay, this is something that has nagged at me, and of course, just getting off my ass and going back to doing Penis Enlargement would remedy the feeling (partially anyways). I'm curious how many guys have gone gung-ho into Penis Enlargement, whether it be hanging, jelqing, etc. and then found themselves floundering, if not stopping altogether a few weeks or even days later. I've noticed this myself.
What happens with me is this... I'll get excited about enlarging my unit, then do the exercises for a few weeks, get some gains, and then... STOP (short of my goal). I've never really GIVEN UP in frustration - it's just that it seems like the goal sort of fades away from the list of important things after a relatively short while.
I'm wondering what kind of mindsets successfull Penis Enlargementers have adopted in order to overcome the sabotaging program that causes us to lose interest in making our penises bigger. I'm guessing is a subconscious, yet passionate desire to make ones dick bigger.
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What happens with me is this... I'll get excited about enlarging my unit, then do the exercises for a few weeks, get some gains, and then... STOP (short of my goal). I've never really GIVEN UP in frustration - it's just that it seems like the goal sort of fades away from the list of important things after a relatively short while.
I'm wondering what kind of mindsets successfull Penis Enlargementers have adopted in order to overcome the sabotaging program that causes us to lose interest in making our penises bigger. I'm guessing is a subconscious, yet passionate desire to make ones dick bigger.
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