Okay, this is something that has nagged at me, and of course, just getting off my ass and going back to doing Penis Enlargement would remedy the feeling (partially anyways). I'm curious how many guys have gone gung-ho into Penis Enlargement, whether it be hanging, jelqing, etc. and then found themselves floundering, if not stopping altogether a few weeks or even days later. I've noticed this myself.

What happens with me is this... I'll get excited about enlarging my unit, then do the exercises for a few weeks, get some gains, and then... STOP (short of my goal). I've never really GIVEN UP in frustration - it's just that it seems like the goal sort of fades away from the list of important things after a relatively short while.

I'm wondering what kind of mindsets successfull Penis Enlargementers have adopted in order to overcome the sabotaging program that causes us to lose interest in making our penises bigger. I'm guessing is a subconscious, yet passionate desire to make ones dick bigger.

Comments? ?:(
My desktop wallpaper is supra's penis :D it gives me motivation to go on

hahaha na j/k

but I've had that problem twice before but it's been two months now with the first month giving me a gain of .2" BPenis EnlargementL so I'm keeping at it, whether it be even a small amount of work per day its still something, when I find time I do more. Whenever I wank I make sure I do either some pumping, jelqling, slammers, or something else, kind of having to work for a reward.
I'd say how slow the gains come. It takes time, dedication, commitment, discipline, we want what we want now not two years from now.
:s speaking for just myself it's the gains have slowed, it's taking to long to reach my goals, the kids are in the way [at times], I'm doing stealth pe and the wife doesn't know about pe I'm still wondering what she is going to do or say if/when she finds out. :blush:
Losing interest in Penis Enlargement is very common for allot of guys. I think people can lose interest when they are near their goal size or they have slow or no gains. There are days when I really do not want to train (today being one) and I take a very specific approach to this. I will first go look at huge penis pictures (Lex, Mand, Etc.) and my jealousy usually jump starts my desire for a bigger penis. I then get myself as horny as possible looking at net adult entertainment or whatever. Once my frame of mind has become very sexual with light undertones of envy I get to work. This method has worked many times for me.
My biggest problem is what I want to best use my time doing. It seems with work and all that the little free time I have, I literally have to PUSH myself to use it towards Penis Enlargementing - even if it means waking up extra early to get a session in.
doublelongdaddy said:
Losing interest in Penis Enlargement is very common for allot of guys. I think people can lose interest when they are near their goal size or they have slow or no gains. There are days when I really do not want to train (today being one) and I take a very specific approach to this. I will first go look at huge penis pictures (Lex, Mand, Etc.) and my jealousy usually jump starts my desire for a bigger penis. I then get myself as horny as possible looking at net adult entertainment or whatever. Once my frame of mind has become very sexual with light undertones of envy I get to work. This method has worked many times for me.

Yep this works for me too. I have a log book I keep my Penis Enlargement training in plus any additional thoughts on the subeject. So I can go back and see what has worked for me in the past. In my log book I have big penis pics all through it. I just cut out pics from XXX mags and glued them in my notebook. When I'm feeling down about Penis Enlargement I just grab my log and look at the pics and read my entrys, and by the time I'm halfway through it I'm ready for a workout!
crazyed27 said:
Yep this works for me too. I have a log book I keep my Penis Enlargement training in plus any additional thoughts on the subeject. So I can go back and see what has worked for me in the past. In my log book I have big penis pics all through it. I just cut out pics from XXX mags and glued them in my notebook. When I'm feeling down about Penis Enlargement I just grab my log and look at the pics and read my entrys, and by the time I'm halfway through it I'm ready for a workout!

I guess guys get complacent. Or, they get brainwashed by the femi-nazi led media into beleiving that "it's not the size of the boat.....", or they dont care if their partner is truly satisfied, or they convince themselves that this "Penis Enlargement STUFF" just isnt worth it, and that they really are ok being average sized or smaller, or shit I could go on forever. Bottom line is, it's all excuses for giving up on yourself. Most people are used to failing, so one more dissapointment or self induced let down really isnt that big of a deal to them.

"Yea...I had a chance way back in the day to make my penis bigger....I "tried it" and then I just decided it really wasnt that important to me....."

To be honest I find coming here and reading posts gets me motivated especially if someone has made gains, I actually find looking at pics of people like Peter North, Rocco Siffredi...etc, people arounf the 7"-9" range more motivating than looking at people like Mandingo and Lex, the reason for this is probably that I am a lot closer to the 7"-9" range than the 10"+ range, although hopefully in the future I will be aiming at the 10"+ range!
I must admit the last week or so I haven't done any Penis Enlargement (apart from wearing the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words], which is better than nothing I suppose) due to the fact that I got a couple of new games for my PS2, I know it's a lam reason but 2 days ago I started stretching again and I feel good.
Man Lee I am really impressed with your dedication to the VTLC [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]Tugger[/words], Igot mine on right now and its great man!!
yeah would be easier if there were like say 15-30 min shower routines or something. or you could do this without being arroused that's for sure.

- loco
Hey Supra thanks for sharing about the [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]VLC[/words] [words=http://TLCTugger.com/MOS]tugger[/words] it really is awesome!
In my case I have made myself obsessed with Penis Enlargement and making gains. I even refuse to measure out of fear of not gaining. I know that if I do measure and I haven't made any progress I might quit or give up. I guess in this case being OCD is a good thing.
1) No gains
2) Beginners starting 100 jelqs a day, making a gain in the first month, then not bumping up the intensity.
3) Similar to above,when it turns out to be work. That probably weeds out a lot of the "Lose 30 lbs. in a week" thinkers.
4) Loss of privacy or time,something tramatic happening
5) No offense, getting caught up in the forums, distancing oneself from the real world from ANY online world.
6) Not having the self confidence to "know" that you will get a bigger dick
7) Looking at DLD's cock and wishing you had one like that, when you know you could, this thinking is self defeating.

To me giving up isnt an option.
I find this a habit now, its part of life .... exercise but on my dick.
Guys give up mainly cos they dont see gains, or they slow right the fuck down.
Look at me, my length gains are SHIT imho, SOOOOO slow, yet I NEVER gave in.
The thing that helped me was the great girth gains I have, but I get or used to get down over my length size.
I dont think guys who give in with pe are wimps .... this isnt a boxing match, this is just exercise, its not everyones cup of tea, just like with bodybuilding ..... ALOT give up on that cos its too much work, but they aint weak .... NEVER think ya weak cos ya reckon ya gunna give-up..... the guys who are weak are the ones who dont try this out cos they reckon its all fake...they see all this talk yet slag it off.....they are weak.

Time is an issue and privacy.
I live with all ma bros and sis here ... 8 of us in all , so its hard....av been caught naked a few times, no jokes but managed to talk the talk with ma charms LOL.

Another thing is the will to REALLY want that big dick, some just dont realy deep down want it.
Also it can be BORING.....at least to me it can be, or tiresome ... some forced effort.
When I was a Fireman, it was an effort to get into a session from 12 hours of hell...I mean when yav seen such horrors ya mind wasnt upto getting erections.
I forced myself however to make an effort ... like my father always says ..... hes 60+ years old and was in the army for 40+ years, the SAS for 15+ ..... '''son, you only get out what ya put in''' and this is true.
If ya put fuck all in than EXPenis EnlargementCT to get FUCK ALL BACK.....plain and simple, dont make the effort than ya dont pass ... this is a major problem with some.

I also dont think or look at larger men for motivation, that has never helped me.
I now find exercising and visualisation along with watching Bikini model videos, helps alot....I see myself larger these days, I have grown more over the months but I still feel more positive, somedays I am bigger than lex, my mind tells me this, it feels good and keeps me wanting more.
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loco said:
yeah would be easier if there were like say 15-30 min shower routines or something. or you could do this without being arroused that's for sure.

- loco

Or while eating a cheeseburger and some potato skins right? ;)
For me, it would be slow gaining that would frustrate me into "quitting". But I would never really quit. I don't think I could live with myself thinking "what could have been" if I had stuck with it, so if I get pissed off or too depressed to get it up enough to actually do a workout, I'll just take a few days off. The tortoise won the race.

On the other end of it, if you see a quick increase you might fool yourself into thinking Penis Enlargement is "easy" and that you can make your dick bigger at "any ol' time"...so you slack off.

Those are the only two things I can think of.
I feel lazy if I don't Penis Enlargement for a week or whatever. Its like "Oh come on John. Lots of men would KILL to have the knowledge you do, and you sit here and don't do anything about it when you have time? Get off your lazy bum and pull on that cock!"
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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