Hello everybody!
Let me say firstly that I feel very lucky to have found this site. I am ususally sceptic to things like this, but it just sounds too promising to not try at least. I am quite happy with my penis. I have a length of 18 cm (7.1") and a girth of 14 cm (5.6"). Anyway, I got to chat with a dude with a really huge one over the internet and he inspired me to try Penis Enlargement. He claimed that he mostly did his Penis Enlargement by pumping. I do not think I want to increase my length so much since I always enjoy dipping it all into the girl I'm doing, but I would love to have my girth grow a few inches. I have ordered a pump and it should arrive tomorrow hopefully (it is already a late delivery). Anyways, I have started with some jelqing and it is really enjoyable! Before I start for real I have some newbie questions I would like to ask though.
Question #1
I started with my jelqing already, and I have become quite entusiastic. Is there any danger in doing several reps a day? Yesterday I did approximately 300 reps in the morning and perhaps 600 in the evening. This morning I did not count, but the session lasted for around 25 minutes.
Question #2
I have been thinking of combining the jelqing with pumping, and make that my main routine. Should I do both same day if possible? Can I do both during one session? If so, which one should I start with first? Or should I let the penis rest some hours in the middle? Is warm up as important for pumping as it is for jelqing?
Question #3
I understand that the size will change, obviously. But what about the shape? I do not really wish to deform it if I do not have to, since I am quite happy with its shape. I read something about the possibility of having it to look like a baseball bat.
Question #4
The jelqing should stop at the head of the penis if I understand correctly. Does this mean that the head will not grov as much as the other part?
Question #5
I understand the thing with the warp up, but what about warm down? I saw it was mentioned in the newbie guide, but what is it? Same thing as warm up but just after ending the session?
Question #6
If I stretch, does it mean that when the length grows the girth will shrink somewhat if I do not jelq? If so does the girth grow quicker if I do not work with the length at all?
Question #7
Clamping? I do not know so much about it, and I will wait with that anyways. But how safe is it? Has anyone here had trouble with it? I wonder since Wikipedia, my greatest source of knowledge, mentions that it can be quite dangerous.
Yes, I am very courious. I tried to find answers to these questions in the forum but could not find them. If I manage to get my routine correctly I will make a thread of mine to show everybody how the progress is going. My desire is to have around 20 cm (7.9") in length (although I will firstly have my focus on girth) and a girth of 17 cm (6.7") Nice getting to know you all!
Let me say firstly that I feel very lucky to have found this site. I am ususally sceptic to things like this, but it just sounds too promising to not try at least. I am quite happy with my penis. I have a length of 18 cm (7.1") and a girth of 14 cm (5.6"). Anyway, I got to chat with a dude with a really huge one over the internet and he inspired me to try Penis Enlargement. He claimed that he mostly did his Penis Enlargement by pumping. I do not think I want to increase my length so much since I always enjoy dipping it all into the girl I'm doing, but I would love to have my girth grow a few inches. I have ordered a pump and it should arrive tomorrow hopefully (it is already a late delivery). Anyways, I have started with some jelqing and it is really enjoyable! Before I start for real I have some newbie questions I would like to ask though.
Question #1
I started with my jelqing already, and I have become quite entusiastic. Is there any danger in doing several reps a day? Yesterday I did approximately 300 reps in the morning and perhaps 600 in the evening. This morning I did not count, but the session lasted for around 25 minutes.
Question #2
I have been thinking of combining the jelqing with pumping, and make that my main routine. Should I do both same day if possible? Can I do both during one session? If so, which one should I start with first? Or should I let the penis rest some hours in the middle? Is warm up as important for pumping as it is for jelqing?
Question #3
I understand that the size will change, obviously. But what about the shape? I do not really wish to deform it if I do not have to, since I am quite happy with its shape. I read something about the possibility of having it to look like a baseball bat.
Question #4
The jelqing should stop at the head of the penis if I understand correctly. Does this mean that the head will not grov as much as the other part?
Question #5
I understand the thing with the warp up, but what about warm down? I saw it was mentioned in the newbie guide, but what is it? Same thing as warm up but just after ending the session?
Question #6
If I stretch, does it mean that when the length grows the girth will shrink somewhat if I do not jelq? If so does the girth grow quicker if I do not work with the length at all?
Question #7
Clamping? I do not know so much about it, and I will wait with that anyways. But how safe is it? Has anyone here had trouble with it? I wonder since Wikipedia, my greatest source of knowledge, mentions that it can be quite dangerous.
Yes, I am very courious. I tried to find answers to these questions in the forum but could not find them. If I manage to get my routine correctly I will make a thread of mine to show everybody how the progress is going. My desire is to have around 20 cm (7.9") in length (although I will firstly have my focus on girth) and a girth of 17 cm (6.7") Nice getting to know you all!