Whoa . . . don't you feel just a little self-conscious for making fun of my 'verbosity' in a post that long? Or criticizing me for repeating the same points, by uh, repeating that point, over and over again, like multiple times? Redundency, it's precious.
But seriously, I'll now attempt to defend myself here:
I went back and reread the thread, and I just can't seem to find the "nauseating" repetition and total disregard for your ideas that you describe. I don't have that many total posts on the subject you're all hot and obthered over - is that really enough material to agitate you this much? I seem to have an easy time pissing you off, so I'm really not trying to needle you with this, but your post repeatedly mentions some kind egregious lack of comprehnsion on my part, and I'm really not seeing it. I responded to some of your comments, added my own opinions, that's about it. To me it really looks like you just flew off the handle when I used the "c" word.
So far as the little subnote on the value of a civic culture, you said:
"Therefore, all of this chatter may be even more moot, in addition to the fact that we are essentially wasting time with our curiousity and expression in a manner which has no real or signifcant impact."
And then:
"My statement was, in essence and in other words, that the impact is incredibly marginal. I mean, if you feel you are going to change the world from you posts on this forum - then go ahead. Heck maybe we should just hold the Presidential Debates on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] forum. Get it?"
My response was just to say that in democratic theory, things of marginal impact are still important, and also that I didn't really expect or care whether the conversation had any impact. I fail to see how that's so incredibly frustrating for you - but then again the last time I confessed to not understanding your rationale for something I predictably got a few "Amen!" barbs from you, so I don't really know how to phrase what I'm trying to say here. Basically, you either didn't understand what I meant or just misinterperated. Either way, I find it a little strange that you were so upset by me repeating a certain sentiment. Someties people talk right past each other, get over it. You'll be a happier guy.
Now, the conspiracy stuff. I'll take your word for it that I edited my post - I really don't recall, but if I took it out I'm sure it's because I realized it might open a whole other can of worms. So far as lumping you and Reber together, that was my mistake. "You Guys" was the wrong way to phrase my comments. In the post where you really get after me for using the word conspiracy, you overlooked the fact that in Reber's previous post he had a link called "Clear Media Conspiracy Against Ron Paul." That's what I was talking about in my post. In fact I wasn't even really addressing you with the conspiracy stuff. I know I said "you guys," but I really didn't mean to include your views with Reber's. He's cool with being associated with conspiracy stuff, you clearly are not.
So far as my crimes of assumption, I did have you pegged as a some sort of a conspiracy guy (not necessarily on this topic) based from your comments, such as:
"You want to talk conspiracy? I also guarantee, if somebody like Ron Paul or Michael Badnarik were elected President, there would be another JFK and RFK incident"
"one might ask if there could be some sort of effort to some extent to marginilze them. When you further observe things like their rejection and or even arrest during attempts to participate in Presidential Debates, as Legitimate Presidential Candidates with growing support, you realize there may be further reason to ask such a question."
"As far as Ron Paul not being important enough for assination; no offesnse but it is obvious to me that you do not understand all of his ideas and the impact they would have. His banking policy alone could easily get him killed. It's like the world of Finance meets Syriana, but actually more serious to a large extent."
"You haven't paid you dues debating conspiracies until you've actually debated me."
So, those comments would normally lead a person to believe that you're at least open to the idea of conspiracies. You were outraged that I "labeled" you, but that's being pretty silly. I associated you with a person that I know believes there's some kind of conspiracy against Ron Paul, which prompted you to get pretty upset. Obviously you have some history of arguing with people about conspiracies and the topic is aggrivating for whatever reason. I don't care to know more, but reread the posts and I think you'll see that I wasn't specifically addressing you nor did I intentionally label you as a conspiracy guy.
On that note, all this whining - and I realize that's offensive, but really, you are whining a bit here - about character assasination? This is an anonymous internet forum and I'm fairly certain that there is at most a handful of people that will ever see this stuff. I don't think 'character assasination' is really possible under those circumstances. Also, do you really think I'm devious enough, or even care enough about this to intentionally try and portray you in a negative light? I had enjoyed reading and posting on the thread, I wasn't at all interested in having some kind of showdown with you.
And so, now the monster post:
"Here you go - again; giving more personal bullshit to reply to instead of actually giving me a chance to use the time that I may choose to allocate here to actually discuss the actual topic to further extent."
How can I take away your "chance" to reply on an internet forum? I don't take any of this stuff personally, but your post is loaded with taunts and some less than flattering commentary on my supposed total lack of any ability to understand the complexity of your ideas. When you choose to take a tone like that and say those sorts of things, I don't think it's really unwarranted of me to point out that you seem like a pretty angry person. Don't worry, my feelings aren't too wounded here, but your post was obviously angry, and I commented on that. I was pretty surprised by just how pissed you sounded.
"Wake up. The first two times I responded to your posts I was very civil, diplomatic, tactful and whatever else you want to call it along those lines."
Nothing wrong with being like that all the time . . . I've never understood peope who believe that being polite and civil is some kind of special mode of operation. It's the internet - why bother with the attitude? I'm sure you can cut me down to size in any state of mind.
"I am going to bluntly tell you to stop ASS-U-ME-ING - especially with such verbosity - which, when done in such a combo, illustrates quite clearly that you are in fact not really trying to understand what I am saying ... you are merely enjoying the slightest opportunity to spew as much of your views as possible."
Couple of strange things here. First of all, as I said, it's just funny that you're angry that I'm too verbose - you write just as I do, much if not more. Why do you care in the slightest how much I write? Kinda weird. And, if I assumed any conspiracy stuff about you, I think the quotes I provided above are demonstrative of why its reasonable.
Also, so far as my views, how come I always "spew" them? Your diction is pretty telling of your mental state here - something about me and what I write really, really pisses you off. Unless you consider spewing to be a good thing, in which case, thanks. Right back at you.
"Who is really being hostile when I point out that you have crossed the line in some aspect, in which case a mature man interested in mutual understanding in civil discourse would accept responsibility and apologize"
This is pretty crazy. I posted a response that obviously upset you, you blew me out with a very angry post, then all of a sudden I owe an apology for something? I think whatever perceived rivalry or war of words you're seeing here only existed for you. I was enjoying posting on the thread and I pretty much had no idea you were seething and getting preogressively more pissed off the entire time, nor that you were painstakingly attempting to get me to realize the many foolish errors and oversights I was perpetrating against your ideas.
"Now you're really starting to lose my respect. This is the second time you are distorting the reality of your own words - which some people call lying - clearly to try to cover your ass to an extent because you at least want to save yourself from what you perceive as a "hit" to your precious ego."
I really don't feel any need to "cover my ass." Why would I care in the first place and who exactly am I covering my ass from? I think it's more likely you don't want to have your reason for being so upset taken away, or whatever, I'm desperately attempting not assume anything here, as we know how you react to that mortal trespass.
I could point out that you hypocritically assume quite a few things in your above statement - but maybe that's just my monstersouly swollen and very demanding ego chiding me on again.
"The first time - you tossed around the word conspiracy to attempt to frame Reber and I as conspiracy theorists."
Once again, why the hell I would want to "frame" you? You seem to be sort of a paranoid guy. Reber does believe in conspiracies and is a proud conspiracy theorist. Like I said, and I know this is heartbreaking, if I implied that you are as well, it was because I was mistaken. Frame you? C'mon dude.
"since I had even just then QUOTED your own words ... you were staring at proof that you couldn't edit out like you did the first time. "
Good lord . . . I never denied saying it in the second post, where are you getting this from? Reber's link had the word "conspiracy in it," and I was attempting to direct my comments his way - I really didn't mean to include you in the fun, but you invited yourself. Seriously now, why are you so upset by this stuff? Did something bad happen to you? I mean, besides the physical pain that the stupidity of my posts seems to have caused.
"be ASS-U-ME-ing that Reber has no problem with your use of the word just because he hasn't specifically said so."
He has said so. He and I have talked at length about the subject. Kind of a big assumption on your part there, eh fella? Shoot, sorry, massively swollen ego got a hold of me again.
"Just like you were ASS-U-ME-ing what I thought about Ron Paul and that I thought his views were altogether consistent with mainstream views etc"
My point was that I think you severely overestimate the mass appeal of a guy like Ron Paul. You said something along the lines that you believed he would be able to change the nation and reprioritize politics for a lot of people if he had a larger audience. I didn't agree, I explained why. Like I said, I think that when people disagree with you, you get angry. Then perhaps your perceptions and responses are just a little bit influenced by said anger. C'mon, admit it, it's possible.
I'm assuming that by the way - sometimes its necessary for the mind to subsititue the most likely information for something that we don't know specifically. If I stick my hand out and catch a baseball, it's because I assume the laws of physics are in normal operation and its flight path is going to cross a certain point. It's not really clever to point out any and every statement with assumptive value, as many statements made by most people hold some form of assumption, inculding many of your own. I won't point it out from now on, but you should take a look at your own rhetoric before you get all hopping mad about somebody else's.
"I do not have a problem with the word at all. You have a problem with the word. You keep assuming and using it to character assassinate and frame people as kooky or silly conspiracy theorists"
World hear me now (or at least the one or two other people that will ever see this): I swear on my mother's eyes that I did not attempt to "frame" this guy as a "kooky" person. He believes that I have made a deliberate effort to do this, almost like a conspir . . . uh, nevermind. But let the record show, I'm not in the habit of 'framing' or 'character assasinating' in friendly conversations carried out over an internet message board. That would be pretty kooky indeed. Wait, are you framing me as kooky! Ha, I have you, hypocrite.
And, you do have some sort of problem with the word. It seems that if you even suspect it is being related to you in some way, you tend to get pretty freakin' upset. See your own posts for reference.
"in other words in desperate attempt for you to SHUT THE FUCK UP with this nauseous exhaustion by FINALLY understanding my point and how it is not at all in disagreement with yours"
Ah, nauseous exhaustion? Really? I think this is more funny than stomach churning or exhausting, you're making me feel bad here. I was quite entertained by the fact that you make a point of speaking to me as if I were a fairly stupid person, but then show your superior character and maturity by instructing me to "SHUT THE FUCK UP," boldly manifested in all caps as well. Okay, I get it man, you don't like what I have to say so I shouldn't say anything.
I wasn't really ever attempting to subvert or somehow 'prove you wrong' with my comments, I was just giving my take on things. I thought (assumed) that you thought Ron Paul was being unfairly snubbed by the media and that he really does have mass appeal. I disagreed. I'm sorry I didn't realize that in actuality we do agree, and I unfortunately still don't see how it is that we agree, but if you say so then I'll take your word for it.
"You have proven my point. You assumed, you labeled, you failed to retain, you failed to understand. YOU then persisted with behavior that I asked you to stop, and that deep down you knew was wrong because you even edited some of your posts, said it was a poor choice of words, and you continue to deny ...."
Damn, I've rally been up to some dastardly hijinks on this thread. I can tell you that, deep down, I had absolutlely no feeling whatsoever that what I was saying was "wrong." I also didn't see where you asked my to curb my horrendously offensive behavior, but I'll check back over the thread for it. We've established that I'm a pretty slow guy and have a hard time taking in the full complexity of your statements (except for "SHUT THE FUCK UP," which I feel confident in saying that I was able to comprehend right away), so maybe you should have been more direct with me. So, you know, it's all your fault.
"The primary thing I am "sick of" is the way you are using the word "conspiracy" and your intent behind it - character assassination and framing things you don't understand"
Character assasination, framing, etc. Same points again. Aren't I supposed to be kind of a jackass for repeating myself too much? But I digress, as I'm repeating myself by pointing out that you accuse me of repeating myself, repeatedly. We've established that I was referring to Reber's link, which has the word "conspiracy" in it. Show me somewhere on here where I've said "PenilePersist, you are a damned conspiracy theorist and therefore you are a kooky person whose views carry no
weight" - otherwise the immense load of whining and indignity you're heaping on here looks just a little ridiculous, to me anyway. My opinion doesn't seem to hold a lot of
weight with you, so you probably shouldn't worry about it.
"You took 5 paragraphs to reply to those 3 of mine."
No way, your parapgraphs are clearly much longer than mine. Ha.
"You responded to every single point, so this was just a rhetorical attempt to frame your ego."
Something as immense and demanding as my ego often requires a little framing. I ignored many of your comments.
"since it is full of character assassination, assumption, judgments based on assumption ... and vehemently redundant points ... stemming from a lack of understanding and bias combined with a zeal of wanting to be so verbose about the topic for reasons of both fact and theory that I will avoid discussing so as to not offend. "
Uh, just wanted to point out the continuing obsession with character assasination, assumptions, redundancy, etc. Oh yeah, I'm also too verbose and I don't understand anything you write. Looks like you got them all in there at once this time.
"The thing I really can't stand is HOW you are handling the discussion, NOT your actual points. AND, we barely actually disagree about the on topic points that have been made.... if we even disagree at all ... and due to your false assumptions, character assassination and failure to retain and or understand the points that I have made .... you don't even get that the only thing we are clearly starting to disagree with is HOW to have the conversation."
Mmm, once again I'll take your word that we agree. I hadn't even really been looking at this as some sort of pointed debate - as you did accurately notice, a lot of my posting was just me waxing my opinion on something because it interested me. You were the one that took it to be some kind of debate scenario.
I really don't see all these terrorist-style tactics that I'm supposedly employing or how I'm being so blatantly unethical, but that might be my serious inability to understand your writing acting up again. Mention of character assasination: check. Mention of making assumptions: check.
"I had already troubled myself to respond to you on TWO occasions herein - wherein I both replied to specific and on topic points very civilly, even having the patience to respond to your redundancy by re-explaining my same points in other words in hopes for you to understand."
You are truly a kind man for taking some of your time to attempt to steer me straight, and I apologize that your altruistic efforts were wasted. I can't imagine the agony that I put you through. Sarcasm aside, I would raise the point that if you hate what I have to say so much and find it so frustrating, you could have ignored it, but I think you yourself realize the irony of the situation here.
"clearly crossed the lines of civil, fair, discourse and actual shown no true intent to be fair and have mutual understanding"
Crossed the line? Fair discourse? Please, outline the rules for me next time. I was under the impression that I was shooting the breeze about Ron Paul on an internet forum, an activity for which I didn't know there was some kind of prescribed code of ethics. The more of this I read, the more I'm wondering how nefarious of a bastard you really think I am?
"merely intent to assume and pass judgment on those assumptions combined with your bias that leads to your character assassination and negative framing of points that you don't even understand as "silly" and such"
More framing, more character assasination. But, believe me, I will never use the word 'silly' in anything of even remote relation to something that you are discussing. We can see what happens.
"I think, though, if you are to be truly honest on this point of mine, then you would consider that this reply of yours was about your ego of not primarily wanting to validate your credibility for such discussion"
Not really, but I don't care if anybody feels that way. You suggested that I needed to find some kind of outlet in my life for my political interests, I was just explaining that I've had it and still have it. Pretty simple. Working in politics isn't something I'd really want to brag about. It's pretty easy to do and most people hate it. It's not like I was crowing about where I went to college or the size of my paycheck. But, my gigantic ego was no doubt involved at some level, as it seems to be with most of my comments.
"The most likely reality is, the only people that may even really give two shits about what we are saying here are posting in this thread. Everybody else mostly couldn't care less - if anybody else is even viewing this thread"
Yep. Makes me feel kind of dumb for even bothering to attempt a character assasination on you since nobody else is paying attention.
"Is all of the energy and passion and abundant content that you put into it really worth it without a better platform .... or is it just like mental masturbation to kill time ..... or in this case, our "circle jerk"
As long as it's entertaining, sure. I know it may be hard to believe, but it doesn't take a huge quantity of my energy or attention to respond on this thread. I have used it as a timekiller, particularly my first long response, which I wrote while staying awake to catch a flight. Why do you care so much about why or how I post? Kinda nosy aren't you? And who cares what the 'platform' is? I'm not looking for attention or recognition here.
"Hypocrite, but not exactly. The difference between us here is not that one of us read what we wrote and the other did not."
Eh, I have the same feeling about you, I just choose not to state it over and over and over again. Everybody is hypocritical about some things, so I always thought it was a pretty weak tactic to seriously accuse somebody of hypocrisy, although I've done it in my time. Get it?
"Hopefully you get it now. I'm sorry I didn't explain it in a way that you would understand before and I'm sorry that you assumed that I just don't understand your point, that really goes without saying, so you should just keep repeating it."
Alright, I admit, this is one of those times when I don't really understand you. All this abstract discussion of 'points' and interpretation is getting a little heady. We already established that your level of discourse is just a little too intricate for me to handle, so be charitable and bear with me.
After reading the thread I would argue that I was articulating my point further - you still commented that you didn't understand why I thought it was worth anybody's time to talk about this stuff - I believe I quoted you earlier in this post. I just said that I think civil society is built on . . . wait, I'm not supposed to repeat anything.
Here's what went on, as far as I can tell - I explained my take, you responded in a very similar manner as before, I tried to articualte my views a little better, then you got really pissed and took me to task, partly for repeating myself - something which you never do. If I'm wrong here feel free to put me back on track once more.
"You got that right. We agree here, as I'm sure we would on many other points if the discussion was kept more fair and civil - which is the only thing I've been posting about as of late."
Geeze, that's no fun. Honestly, the conversation about anything Ron Paul and media related was totally derailed by your need to point out what an unfair and devious commentator I am, and now we're just talking shit, which is also fun, but ultimately doesn't contain many of those lofty civic values that you know I love.
"Again, I'm sorry you did not understand. Again, I'm sorry that your lack of understanding combined with your zeal to reply as if you did understand has been problematic. Please consider letting it go if you don't understand, rather than framing your posts with judgments of me based on things that you assume about me."
And, I'm sorry that you prefer to be coy about telling me that I'm not as smart as you are by constantly referencing my inability "to understand." I really don't care if that's how you feel and I genuinely don't understand why you would be so upset by anything I said, but I think we would disagree as to what the origin of my inability to figure out your pissed-off state of mind actually is. It seems that I deliberately frame my posts with negative insinuations to discredit you - I understand that. I hope you will then understand that I really was not paying even remotely enough attention to this to even consider attempting 'to frame' anything. Really.
"I've actually interpreted what you said very accurately. I've even backed it up with hard evidence and this forum corroborates it with your own words that you can no longer edit like you tried to the first time. I've proven that you have shown a trend of being audacious enough to deny this, though, as well ... which doesn't surprise me if you have worked close with politicians ... because their bullshit can break good men down enough to rub off on the good men after a while."
Dang, I'm audacious now too? I'm coming off like a pretty bad guy here: a scheming, lying, unethical, mean-spirited, slow-witted, audacious egomaniac who commits character assasination.
Like I said, if I took out the word conspiracy when I was editing the post, and I believe you when you say I did, then I did it because I probably realized nobody was directly advocating such a thing at that point, although I know Reber a bit and I do believe that was his intention. I was trying to avoid anybody being pissed-off, but you found a way to make it happen anyway and waited until I wasn't even addressing your comments to go nuts over it. I'll also have to take your word that you accurately understand everything I mean, although I'd personally disagree on that one.
In my experience most politicians are very good people. I'd say I was more unethical in terms of what I would condone around the margins in the political world until I actually spent a lot of time in it. Most politicos are hardworking people with good intentions, and they're well aware that a lot of people really hate politicians going into the job. Lobbying on the other hand, well, that was pre-reform days. We were sleazy as hell. Consultants are only sleazy at the proper pay
"I have actually proven that you are the one who is having a difficult time interpreting what I am saying. You even admitted you do not understand - and I assure you it is not because my points are oxymoronic - it is because they are complex ... as I said from the start:"
Yes, yes, I get it. You have foresnically constructed an airtight case proving that I can't comprehend your statements, and it's not because they're unclear, but because they are very complex and too much for me to mentally digest. I promised to never stop learning, but from this day forth I will rededicate myself to improving my reading comprehension because a guy from the old Penis Enlargement forum took the time out of his schedule to show me just how conceptually illiterate I have become. Note to self: spend less time attempting to negatively frame other's comments, spend more time attempting to understand the meaning of statements. Yes sir, you have empirically proved your point and then some. Sorry, that was pouring it on a little thick, but don't you feel just a little goofy when so seriously informing me that you have "proved" your accusations?
"Lastly, I have clearly only shown interest in posting here very casually as I feel, and actually preferring to tend to many other responsibilities and not get wrapped up in this at all and advocating that there are much better ways to spend the time and effort on this topic"
Well, same advice as before bro. You keep referring to the value of your time and how taxing and draining this apparently is for you - so if you have a better way to spend your time, have at it. This is entirely humerous to me, but as I said, your dire need to put me in my place pretty much ruined the thread so far as the original topic is concerned.
"Therefore, I had actually consistently shown absolutely no desire to take this as a challenge. This post of mine here is the first one that could really even be interpreted as challenging"
Uh, Hydromaxm, actually we were all just talking about Ron Paul and media topics when you saw the "c" word and decided it was time to take a bite out of me and let me know about all the ethical and civil lines I was crossing with my posts. As the kids say, you started it. There's also some sayings about the merit, or lack of merit, in losing your temper on the internet, but I'll spare us those little jewels.
"On the contrary, you have clearly been zealously and strategically formulating verbose posts that scream : "I'm right! I have a lot to say about this! Listen to me! This discussion is very valuable! I'm so experienced with this! C'mon, c'mon, trouble yourself to reply to me! "
Strategically? Yeeaaah . . . once again I think you're giving me a little too much credit. I am verbose though, which apparently really makes you angry. Sorry, this is the longest post yet.
I think your above comment pretty much sums it up, and I'm going to do some assuming about you, so maybe grab a stick to bite or something. Obviously you don't like the way I post or what I say - you think I'm a know-it-all that wants to post just to marvel at my own intelligence and knowledge about a subject that I'm familiar with. So, you couldn't stand it anymore and you ripped into me for my numerous trespasses and afronts to polite society. I'd say that some of your comments suggest that you're no stranger to agruing with people on the internet and it apparently 'consumes' you, and I also still think that you just really can't stand it when somebody is contrarian to you. Also, judging by the number of times you needed to remind me that I'm not a very sharp cookie, I'd say you derive a good deal of your self-confidence from feeling a little smarter than the guy next to you, and that instigates the need to take people to task on internet message boards for imaginary rhetorical crimes. Lots of assumptions in there, sue me.
So, I hope you'll take that all as toungue in cheek, as I assume your comments are as well. You're clearly a smart guy and I take your points - I even understand a few of them. I still don't really understand why you take such personal offense at this stuff or how it generates what seems like such strong emotion, but that's none of my business. And, yes, I intentionally wrote a ton on this post to be an ass - it's hard to resist when you make such an issue of the old "verbosity." Hopefully the joke isn't too obscured by its intended effect. Best Regards.