kyomoto;724699 said:
Some things are unavoidable. Glad you're not giving up no matter what the struggle is. By the way have you tried using programs to block adult entertainment sites?

Yup and they are worthless. I have given my computer to my Son who has the permissions set to restrictive. He has a adult entertainment blocker, actually 2 but the sad thing is, they are worthless. I was able to hack my way around any blocker or restriction and if I weren't able to do that I would rent it on TV and if I could not get it like that I would buy a magazine. My point is, where there is a will there is a way. I realized early that it would take cognitive steps of self discipline to attain to abstinence. The desire to stop needs to trump the desire to continue. This is all a process of time and discipline but most important, patience with self. I have to be strong with myself and not expect anyone to help me but God, my Son and the Brotherhood and in this support I have gone miles in success. Over the last 3 months I have a total of 3 falls, when I compare this to myself prior to this I could not go a day without adult entertainment/mast. We need to feel good about what we have accomplished and how far we have come from the onset. As stated, I will never be free of these temptations so I always have the armor of Christ on, I am always watching, I am always aware and I am always learning. Progress is measured in many ways, in this sense I believe I have made great progress in a sport most think nothing about.
doublelongdaddy;724713 said:
Yup and they are worthless. I have given my computer to my Son who has the permissions set to restrictive. He has a adult entertainment blocker, actually 2 but the sad thing is, they are worthless. I was able to hack my way around any blocker or restriction and if I weren't able to do that I would rent it on TV and if I could not get it like that I would buy a magazine. My point is, where there is a will there is a way. I realized early that it would take cognitive steps of self discipline to attain to abstinence. The desire to stop needs to trump the desire to continue. This is all a process of time and discipline but most important, patience with self. I have to be strong with myself and not expect anyone to help me but God, my Son and the Brotherhood and in this support I have gone miles in success. Over the last 3 months I have a total of 3 falls, when I compare this to myself prior to this I could not go a day without adult entertainment/mast. We need to feel good about what we have accomplished and how far we have come from the onset. As stated, I will never be free of these temptations so I always have the armor of Christ on, I am always watching, I am always aware and I am always learning. Progress is measured in many ways, in this sense I believe I have made great progress in a sport most think nothing about.

I see. We all work towards something and this might be one of the things to focus on disciplining yourself with. Don't be too extreme on yourself though. You're very honest and that is a great thing that overwrites the temptations. Maybe you just need a new distraction. Or make it so you're too busy now that you don't have time for it.
adult entertainment,and so many other habits,addictions, whatever the list goes on.....Beating them all little by little is my job...:):cool:
Yes , she's doing better each day, only real issue is stress caused by her mother.
LONGERDICK7+;724721 said:
adult entertainment,and so many other habits,addictions, whatever the list goes on.....Beating them all little by little is my job...:):cool:

Exactly Long! These habits are long learned and become a great comfort to us and when we notify ourselves in taking this away there will be great resistance. The resistance is because we fear what would happen if we lost this comfort. For me it is a moment by moment thing, I try to keep one continuous act of love going in my mind through the entire day. If I find myself checking out a girl I will stop, thank Jesus for creating such a beautiful person, and move on. As I said the temptations will never leave and in many cases, as we travel this path, the temptations may become stronger. The most important part of this is to be kind, gentle and understanding with yourself. Progress can be slow but, with tenacity, it will continue until you reach the point you desire. My case is different than the next therefor my goals may differ from others but the root issue that we are all working on is self discipline.

I wrote this last night and I hope it explains and helps others with the proverb I made mention of:

Stay away from the corner where you know the harlot lurks. If you find yourself at that corner take flight to Jesus before you are flattered by her speech and appearance which turneth you away from God and gives way to the enemy of your soul who is the devil.
comfort is ok,a good life is ok,there are so many things that are ok.... you are one of the fewst guys i have "met" that seems to believe in God...

I haven't read through this thread but, I'd like to tag along as this was/is an issue for me as well. I've been looking at adult entertainment early on in my life. We got connected to the internet back in the late 90s (around 9th grade for me) and that's really when my addiction took off. Of course, as years went by, it got worse due to the ease of being able to get pretty much anything you want on the net and for free. Before the internet, I stumbled on adult entertainment related subject through magazines and our satellite tv. Those, however, only had temporary effects on me. I'm not sure what it is specifically about the online stuff but, it certainly had me hooked.

Before I started no fapping about a year a so or go, I was past the downward spiral and was at the bottom of the pit. If messed with my EQ tremendously and I'd even go as far as to say it permanently messed with me mentally in one way or another. I mean, viewing that stuff for years has to have some mental effect. I finally decided enough is enough. Although I haven't completely quit it, and while I can't control my urges, I have a lot more control over my actions. I also quit looking at the extreme of the extreme. Since doing no fap, looking at something as simple as a commercial with a girl doing yoga gets the blood flowing, where as before, I wouldn't of been phased by it. Anytime I do get an urge to get the ol google search going, I end up looking at "candid" material of normal girls on the street wearing things like leggings or shorts or something. This is pretty much softcore to the extreme and although I do get let down when I give in, it doesn't effect me as badly mentally because the material I look at isn't taboo or anything. It's simply pictures of normal women out and about, and compared to adult entertainment, the "desensitizing" factor is pretty much non-existent, for me anyways.

Unfortunately, I recently broke a 3 month no fap streak but, it hasn't effected me EQ wise and on top of that, I don't binge as bad as before. The good thing about having this self control is that I can go months at a time in between 'releases'. Also, without getting too deep into it, the feeling and the load is pretty intense. Setting realistic goals for yourself is key. Some (probably very few) people may have the spirit to stop all together and never have any issues going back and others will have nothing but problems stopping. For me, taking baby steps was the key to get me at the level I am today. I knew I'd never be able to stop 'cold turkey', but I knew if I tried hard enough, I'd be able to control it better. Not only control what I view, but the frequency of it as well. Setting goals was the best way for me to tackle the issue. Simply saying "I'm gong to stop" did not help in any way. Set a goal for yourself. Whether it's days, weeks, months or even years :P. If possible, keep yourself limited to computer/phone usage as much as possible. If you do use these devices, try watching videos on learning new skills or something. Learn programming, learn plumbing, etc. Use your free time towards doing something rather than sitting around. If creating a log or posting about it helps, continue doing that. I personally keep a mental not of when I last gave in and leave it at that. if I continually talk about it, it keeps my mind focused on the subject where as if I don't continually talk about it, I'll have a better time keeping my mind away from it and there is less risk of me doing it. Whatever works for you, stick with it. There is no one size fits all guide for breaking addictions.

I understand that these are things which are well know and are frequently repeated but, they are repeated for good reasons because it works and the goals are realistic.

Best of luck to all of you :D

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LONGERDICK7+;724802 said:
comfort is ok,a good life is ok,there are so many things that are ok.... you are one of the fewst guys i have "met" that seems to believe in God...

I believe, love, worship, bless, adore and give every bit of my mind, body, heart and soul to, my true love is Jesus!

pedud;724832 said:
I understand that these are things which are well know and are frequently repeated but, they are repeated for good reasons because it works and the goals are realistic.

Best of luck to all of you :D


Three Months! WOW! I am very proud of you and what a shining example for me! You have given me hope my Brother! I think I am coming up on a month and this month was easier than the first two. Well, let me rephrase that, I am becoming much better with the temptations.
And I did it :(

Well, I don't know, is a sexual cartoon still adult entertainment? Yes. So I justified. Start all over again.

what led me to this? I started to think it was unhealthy to never have an orgasm. i went straight for the hard stuff but it had little effect on me. Then a found this cartoon, cock hero video that seemed more innocent than the real thing but idk. I guess I will wait to hear what you say. Guilt? nah. I did it right in front of my Lord and asked for forgiveness right after. you can't hide, thats just stupid. i think 30 days seems to be the longest i can go for now. maybe this next round longer. Love to get some good information on holding back ejaculation for long periods, this worries me a bit and left a justification open :) So i guess i will have to look into all this and come up with a plan. i don't wanna end up like a gay priest! :) I love Jesus, Jesus loves me, I am forgiven. But are cartoons really adult entertainment?
theres not much difference between cartoons and real,the purpose can be the same they show erotic scenes to arouse the mind....Besides lets be realistic not even religious people can keep themselves away from lust (I.E. masturbation)
everything is adult entertainment and nothing is adult entertainment...the depiction of sexual acts have been well documented since the beginning of time and what used to be considered pornographic, even 50 years ago, would be on cable TV these days. Wait another 50 years and a triple-team bukake-fest would probably be considered tame. The real question is far more personal...did viewing (insert whatever you were watching here) make you feel like you were demeaning yourself? Demeaning others? Objectifying the women in your life? If yes, then I'd say the affect of pornography created those ill feelings...if no, then you were watching something erotic that caused you to have an orgasm. My views on pornography may differ from the norm, but it's my belief that viewing something that creates feelings of aggression/angst/guilt/shame/etc. is pornographic. Watching hate crimes, acts against women/children/animals are all things I consider pornographic (and the images could be fully clothed) so coitus (or any variation thereof) doesn't need to be included.
Now to the 'justification' part...the only reason one would feel the need to ask/need this would be if one felt they were doing something wrong, (read: guilt/shame) if you didn't feel the need to justify, then the act was within your moral boundaries. I'd peel-back your moral 'onion' and find the root of your 'guilt', it may provide you the freedoms that Mother Nature intended.
(this response was typed with my purest intentions and deep caring/love for you, Mike and The Brotherhood)
LONGERDICK7+;725531 said:
theres not much difference between cartoons and real,the purpose can be the same they show erotic scenes to arouse the mind....Besides lets be realistic not even religious people can keep themselves away from lust (I.E. masturbation)

Agree Short, no one is void of temptations, lust and the things that ensue. You are right, it was adult entertainment and I was justifying it.

Big Schwanz Acht;725532 said:
did viewing (insert whatever you were watching here) make you feel like you were demeaning yourself? Demeaning others? Objectifying the women in your life? If yes, then I'd say the affect of pornography created those ill feelings.

I am not sure on this. The first stuff I viewed definitely demeaned the women but soon I was led in another direction with the the cartoons. I thought to myself, thee are not women, they are cartoons so maybe it is OK. I knew in myself it was not OK but I did it anyway. I was very strong up until this point. I did stop smoking cigarettes this week which may add to the stress I am feeling (not that this is an excuse but maybe it contributed). I am so tired and depressed this morning. I prayed for forgiveness and I know I am forgiven I just find it so hard to forgive myself. When I woke up this morning the enemy in my mind was saying "well, you fucked up wit the adult entertainment, you might as well smoke cigarettes again" I hate this type of shit! I hate the accusations. I hate that nagging voice! Just venting guys, but I hate this enemy!

I also understand your point on what I consider to be adult entertainment and in my mind it is pretty much everything and that is the sad part, this world is nothing but sex and lust at every corner.
doublelongdaddy;725550 said:
I also understand your point on what I consider to be adult entertainment and in my mind it is pretty much everything and that is the sad part, this world is nothing but sex and lust at every corner.

Be that as it may, we all need to navigate societal trappings in the best way we're able...I find the biggest hurdle is when my mores conflict with what Mother Nature intended.
Big Schwanz Acht;725588 said:
Be that as it may, we all need to navigate societal trappings in the best way we're able...I find the biggest hurdle is when my mores conflict with what Mother Nature intended.

That is the struggle, my beliefs conflict with nature in this way...
Big Schwanz Acht;725593 said:
exactly! (who do you think is going to win that battle?) mitigate and manage without guilt or shame...

Indeed, the devil is the guilt and the shame, God is the mitigator and manager in my life and when I follow the way I never fall into guilt, only conviction.

Thanks so much Big for all your help through this. You understand my position and you are not trying to justify or change me, you are showing loving concern and I appreciate that so much. I never want to hear what I want to hear! I want to hear what I need to hear.
Big Schwanz Acht;725593 said:
exactly! (who do you think is going to win that battle?) mitigate and manage without guilt or shame...

Hey Big, Wanted to come in and talk a bit. I slipped last night and ended up masturbating and watching adult entertainment. No excuses, my fault and I have prayed for forgiveness. I wanted to add another reason why I ended up here again and this is a very important thing to understand. I read a lot, whenever I am not here I am reading. Yesterday I was reading a book on the interpretation of some parts of the Bible and about maybe 50 pages in I started to realize the guy was not interpreting, he was justifying his sinful lifestyle. I got kind of obsessed and continued reading waiting for him to prove me wrong and make a final explanation that explained his position, but it did not. It basically ended like this, you can do whatever you want because it is all from God and since God made it you can do it. He went on to say that you can basically do anything you want and you will still get to Heaven, even hate and not believing in God. After I read this I became consumed with some of his justifications and I wanted to go back and read some parts again and when I did I ended up on a adult entertainment site.

I think the message here is that there are some things we should not allow ourselves to read. I, personally, am against every religion. I grew up Roman Catholic but over my time in my own ministry I have realized, in religion, anything man touches, that has to do with God, he turns to shit. Today I base every belief I have on the true interpretation of the Bible. I am very simple in my approach to Jesus and I eliminate all the man made rules and guilt trips. When I sin I feel terrible, not because I sinned and not because I fear some punishment, when I sin I feel bad because I have hurt Jesus and abused the gift He has given me. So I avoid as much religion as possible so as not to pollute my childish ways of loving God. Occasionally, like yesterday, I will become enticed by a book and end up reading something I should have gotten approved by my Spiritual Director before hand. I did not and I ended up with a head full of justifications.

Your thoughts are always so encouraging and help me get up quicker every time. I look forward to your help my Brother!
Prayer for those struggling

Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I bring to you my struggle with masturbation. Father, forgive me, for I want to live a life that is honouring to you and one free from form slavery. Lord forgive me for looking to another source of comfort rather than the COMFORTER whom you have promised. Holy Spirit reveal to me the roots of my problem.

In the name of Jesus I command every spirit of sexual perversion working against my life to go, all mind polluting thought’s of fantasy every arrow of lust that the enemy would shoot against me, I bind you in the name of Jesus Christ and forbid you from tormenting me any more. I speak to every evil spirit and I remind you that I have been bought by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ and that you no longer have any rights to operate in my life and that you must leave now, Lord shine your light into the dark areas of my life, surround me with a wall of fire and give me Your strength every day aganist my struggle. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen
doublelongdaddy;726145 said:
Hey Big, Wanted to come in and talk a bit. I slipped last night and ended up masturbating and watching adult entertainment. No excuses, my fault and I have prayed for forgiveness. I wanted to add another reason why I ended up here again and this is a very important thing to understand. I read a lot, whenever I am not here I am reading. Yesterday I was reading a book on the interpretation of some parts of the Bible and about maybe 50 pages in I started to realize the guy was not interpreting, he was justifying his sinful lifestyle. I got kind of obsessed and continued reading waiting for him to prove me wrong and make a final explanation that explained his position, but it did not. It basically ended like this, you can do whatever you want because it is all from God and since God made it you can do it. He went on to say that you can basically do anything you want and you will still get to Heaven, even hate and not believing in God. After I read this I became consumed with some of his justifications and I wanted to go back and read some parts again and when I did I ended up on a adult entertainment site.

I think the message here is that there are some things we should not allow ourselves to read. I, personally, am against every religion. I grew up Roman Catholic but over my time in my own ministry I have realized, in religion, anything man touches, that has to do with God, he turns to shit. Today I base every belief I have on the true interpretation of the Bible. I am very simple in my approach to Jesus and I eliminate all the man made rules and guilt trips. When I sin I feel terrible, not because I sinned and not because I fear some punishment, when I sin I feel bad because I have hurt Jesus and abused the gift He has given me. So I avoid as much religion as possible so as not to pollute my childish ways of loving God. Occasionally, like yesterday, I will become enticed by a book and end up reading something I should have gotten approved by my Spiritual Director before hand. I did not and I ended up with a head full of justifications.

Your thoughts are always so encouraging and help me get up quicker every time. I look forward to your help my Brother!

We all have a 'personal prism' and see everything very uniquely. I've read your post 3 times in an attempt to find a commonality in how we perceive what 'sin' actually is. In my world, anything that disrespects either myself or anyone else is sinful, and unlike how I was raised (Catholic schools from Kindergarten thru when I graduated as a Junior) where sin is sin without varying degrees, I believe if my intentions are true in my heart and I've hurt someone, this is just a simple mistake of which I offer a sincere apology. If I'm riddled with guilt/shame from acting 'human', I'm paralyzed from living a full and abundant life. If adult entertainment affects this ability, it's time for an adjustment...if masturbation takes-away from a chance to meet someone, then I need to re-think that behavior.
Give yourself the widest berth possible...if your actions are true and your intent is love, then everything you do will honor your God. He has provided you with an 'outlet' for a reason, so I'd look at masturbation as a gift to be enjoyed.
Big Schwanz Acht;726177 said:
We all have a 'personal prism' and see everything very uniquely. I've read your post 3 times in an attempt to find a commonality in how we perceive what 'sin' actually is. In my world, anything that disrespects either myself or anyone else is sinful, and unlike how I was raised (Catholic schools from Kindergarten thru when I graduated as a Junior) where sin is sin without varying degrees, I believe if my intentions are true in my heart and I've hurt someone, this is just a simple mistake of which I offer a sincere apology. If I'm riddled with guilt/shame from acting 'human', I'm paralyzed from living a full and abundant life. If adult entertainment affects this ability, it's time for an adjustment...if masturbation takes-away from a chance to meet someone, then I need to re-think that behavior.
Give yourself the widest berth possible...if your actions are true and your intent is love, then everything you do will honor your God. He has provided you with an 'outlet' for a reason, so I'd look at masturbation as a gift to be enjoyed.

Thanks Big, The thing is I don't enjoy it :( I was also raised Catholic. I am an ex-Catholic, I am a believer in the Gospels or Jesus Christ and I base my understanding on right and wrong based on His teachings. Catholic guilt I have destroyed for the most part. I would love to explain all of my positions as I think it would be good to exchange, I will do this in the appropriate place. Sin, to me, is anything that would hurt Jesus or separate me from Him. I have a very close relationship with Jesus and I never want to put that in jeopardy. But I do understand your way of measuring sin and I agree with you.

What I am loving most about this Big is finding all the secret ways the enemy gets to me. Every time I come back to load on you :) I have learned something more and the need to defend myself in that particular area. I never thought I could learn so much more about myself. I have learned so much since starting this thread that I am amazed! I love you guys so very much and I thank you for all the attention you give me.

I wouldnt worry about masturbation,i do masturbate before starting my lenght session....Is ok to knock one off at least once a week...there are so many other things that are worse than masturbation..
OK, I am setting a new goal. I have reset my mental button and I am setting a goal of 90 days. I have come to the conclusion that saying "I will never do this again" will never work. I also think my loose way of progressing in this was without the proper discipline needed. Setting a goal is going to be very helpful for me, so 90 days would be incredible. Last night I am clueless to why it happened, I had no desire, no urge, no dwelling on lust, nothing at all. I finished prayers and was getting ready for bed and I pulled out the computer and went right to it, as if it were not even me! I am not making excuses as I take full responsibility for this but I am curious to this fall and why it happened when I was not in any way dwelling on it. Perhaps the body needed a release and I did not realize it in my consciousness.

So why do relapses happen? Why is it so hard to remain consistent and conquer this? The only answer I can give is that we are built t this way. We have hungers that need to be filled one way or the other and if we do not do this ourselves consciously it will happen in any other way it can. I think that looking at NoPMO or NoFap as a method of moderation more than elimination is the best approach to this. 90 days is a good start and, in the place I am, a realistic goal. After 90 days I should gain quite a bit of confidence and maybe I can shoot for 6 months. Just like in PE, we need direction, goals, and support.

I hope my other NoFappers are doing well!
LONGERDICK7+;726700 said:
I wouldnt worry about masturbation,i do masturbate before starting my lenght session....Is ok to knock one off at least once a week...there are so many other things that are worse than masturbation..

Indeed there are! For me this has been a big lesson in self-discipline also. I understand that the act is not as bad as many things but it is the point that it has power over me that pisses me off. You know how much I value self-discipline, this is a big reason why I am attempting this.
doublelongdaddy;726702 said:
Indeed there are! For me this has been a big lesson in self-discipline also. I understand that the act is not as bad as many things but it is the point that it has power over me that pisses me off. You know how much I value self-discipline, this is a big reason why I am attempting this.

Once or twice a month can be OK, wouldnt it be impossible to keep your hands off the penis,You ahve a 10 incher D,took you a lot of years to get there,you deserve some satisfaction..But if you want to quit permanently you know the way...
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LONGERDICK7+;726704 said:
doublelongdaddy;726702 said:
Indeed there are! For me this has been a big lesson in self-discipline also. I understand that the act is not as bad as many things but it is the point that it has power over me that pisses me off. You know how much I value self-discipline, this is a big reason why I am attempting this.[/QUOTE

Once or twice a month can be OK, wouldnt it be impossible to keep your hands off the penis,You ahve a 10 incher D,took you a lot of years to get there,you deserve some satisfaction..But if you want to quit permanently you know the way...

That has been my record for the most part. 90 days seems like a reasonable goal.
This would be easy if not for PE. I cannot get 100% erection quality in the [words=]bathmate[/words] without some type of visual stimulation. [words=]SSJ[/words]'s and clamping is fine, otherwise.

I'm not sure how to win at this... As much as I hate adult entertainment
acromegaly;729779 said:
i really hope so man

It's time to tap-into your inner 'badass', be that positive confident man you're born to be. It's a privilege for a woman to spend time with you. Get your mind out of the trap your ex put you in...she doesn't have the power to do this. Stand-up straight and tall a go get whatever you want, all it takes is effort. Spending any time lamenting about the past is a waste of energy and won't change anything...take charge of today!
Big Schwanz Acht;729786 said:
It's time to tap-into your inner 'badass', be that positive confident man you're born to be. It's a privilege for a woman to spend time with you. Get your mind out of the trap your ex put you in...she doesn't have the power to do this. Stand-up straight and tall a go get whatever you want, all it takes is effort. Spending any time lamenting about the past is a waste of energy and won't change anything...take charge of today!

yep true that we all may be full of regrets,pains,sadness,depression, but we have to leave the past and forget it permanently...that will allow us to heal our minds and bodies..

adult entertainment and masturbation is addictive like a drug or worse, I assume.... I will try to stop at least for some time, try to focus on other things and create new habits I think it´s the key to change this situation.
prologik;729815 said:
adult entertainment and masturbation is addictive like a drug or worse, I assume.... I will try to stop at least for some time, try to focus on other things and create new habits I think it´s the key to change this situation.

creating new/healthy habits is challenging, but we're all here for your of luck and take it one-step-at-a-time
prologik;729815 said:
adult entertainment and masturbation is addictive like a drug or worse, I assume.... I will try to stop at least for some time, try to focus on other things and create new habits I think it´s the key to change this situation.

Indeed! And the advice from Big Schwanz Acht is on target.
doublelongdaddy;729984 said:
bulbacavernous? This is only one very small part of the Pelvic Floor Muscles. You were also told originally that you needed to increase strength here, so the advice you got at PEGym you took but from us you chose not to? Confused why this is?

Maybe you did not see this?

High road taken...nicely done, Mike :)
doublelongdaddy;716550 said:
This is a thread that I am creating for those who are struggling with either pornography or masturbation issues (or both) and want to stop these behaviors. I have spent much time reading ways to stop masturbation and pornography and I have to say, most of these things will never help. I have found some things that do help for me, but much of what I use to deter these issues is based in my deep belief and love for Jesus. But when I look at my methods I do see room for those who do not believe to still use the benefits of such. I will post these in my next post.

So every time you slip up you come to this thread and we will hold each other accountable. Having to admit to one another the struggles we are having will always lead to a quicker recovery. Now, do not get down on yourself, I do not expect anyone to be successful at first, you will fall but we will be there to help you up. So this thread is not so much a challenge than a support group. We have many Brothers who will support this cause and through our collective power this thread will serve to help so many in the future.

It's been about 5 days now, no masturbation and no marijuana. I don't feel horny at all. This is one thing I love about length work.
huge-girth;760133 said:
It's been about 5 days now, no masturbation and no marijuana. I don't feel horny at all. This is one thing I love about length work.

I have a 10 days put together. Things have been frustrating lately and I think that is why I fell off this month. 10 days is still a good deal of time. I was reading on another forum where a guy has gone 2 years! Thats is amazing. The longest I have gone I believe is 40 days.
doublelongdaddy;760243 said:
I have a 10 days put together. Things have been frustrating lately and I think that is why I fell off this month. 10 days is still a good deal of time. I was reading on another forum where a guy has gone 2 years! Thats is amazing. The longest I have gone I believe is 40 days.

I think I'm well conditioned to challenge you on this now Boss. You care for a challenge? I'm surely gonna stay off until September
huge-girth;760311 said:
I think I'm well conditioned to challenge you on this now Boss. You care for a challenge? I'm surely gonna stay off until September

OK, first let me confess my sins so you can pray for me. I jerked off last night watching adult entertainment. This lasted about 10 minutes. I felt immediate regret. The only thing I can think of that made this happen was I have been frustrated lately with money, bills, family, and other stressful things so when this happens it becomes east to go back to my old self and deal with it through adult entertainment, such a bad idea and I knew it but did it anyway. So I ask for you to pray for my self control and strength in the face of temptation.

A challenge is just what I need! I accept the challenge, abstinence until September 1. Lets do this and support each other everyday!

again, pray for me!
doublelongdaddy;760382 said:
OK, first let me confess my sins so you can pray for me. I jerked off last night watching adult entertainment. This lasted about 10 minutes. I felt immediate regret. The only thing I can think of that made this happen was I have been frustrated lately with money, bills, family, and other stressful things so when this happens it becomes east to go back to my old self and deal with it through adult entertainment, such a bad idea and I knew it but did it anyway. So I ask for you to pray for my self control and strength in the face of temptation.

A challenge is just what I need! I accept the challenge, abstinence until September 1. Lets do this and support each other everyday!

again, pray for me!

Sure you are in my prayers. As long as I don't watch any new adult entertainment video, I will win this challenge come September 1st.
huge-girth;760488 said:
Sure you are in my prayers. As long as I don't watch any new adult entertainment video, I will win this challenge come September 1st.

It's On! September 1st of Bust!
doublelongdaddy;760555 said:
It's On! September 1st of Bust!

I fell off yesterday after taking my flaccid measurement and felt discouraged a bit. But now I'm fully ready. Today is June 6th, let the competition begin.
huge-girth;760639 said:
I fell off yesterday after taking my flaccid measurement and felt discouraged a bit. But now I'm fully ready. Today is June 6th, let the competition begin.

You fucker! I could have got a last minute wack in too! :) Alright, today forward. September 1st or bust. $5 bet.
doublelongdaddy;760723 said:
You fucker! I could have got a last minute wack in too! :) Alright, today forward. September 1st or bust. $5 bet.

Oh no I don't have $5 to bet on.
huge-girth;760777 said:
Oh no I don't have $5 to bet on.

I will dock you!

<iframe width="407" height="210" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
doublelongdaddy;760847 said:
I will dock you!

<iframe width="407" height="210" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Let's see how this plays out