Hi folks,
just wanted to tell you that there has been a new All-Night Pumping system on the market in Germany. I don't have it myself and it's too early to tell from the forum activity if it's decent or not. I just felt I should show you, so you can judge for yourself if you want this:

I hope you can switch the language to English, I couldn't.
Anyways, it's basically a fitted condom with an electric (very silent) pump that creates a small vacuum over a couple of hours (you're supposed to work up to that of course)
Price is 190 EUR for now, w/o shipping.

I know: Don't Penis Enlargement at night, but this is apparently doctor-approved or something. I'll keep my eyes open, b/c it does sound promising.

Best Wishes,
this is definitely for gaining.
Ppl on the forums are trying it and hopefully there's also some sort of clinical trial. For now all we can do is wait (or try ourselves)
The FAQ says:
Kann der Unterdruck der elektrischen Vakuumpumpe Verletzungen verursachen?
Nein. Der Unterdruck der elektrischen Vakuumpumpe wurde eigens für den vitallusPLUS® auf -100 mbar gedrosselt, so dass selbst bei einer Anwendung über viele Stunden am gesunden Penis keine ernsthaften Verletzungen auftreten können.
Quick translation:
Can this hurt me?
No. The pump has a max. vacuum of -100mbar.
VitallusPLUS ® is made individually by the corresponding dimensions of the user and can growth be matched again. The precise fit and the high flexibility of the material ensures a very high level of comfort without pain.

The cylinder of vitallusPLUS Vakuumextenders ® consists of very light, highly flexible Penis Enlargement, which is also used in medical technology.

The extra soft and very good adhesion of the cylinder opening fits the natural shape of the penile shaft perfectly. Thus, an optimal comfort during use and ensures there are no experimental pressure on the shaft.

The vitallusPLUS Vakuumextender ® made possible by its extremely light weight with the use of a very moderate vacuum. Thus it is possible to obtain an application through time over several hours (in contrast to conventional cylinders) have a high and sustained efficacy.

The high flexibility of the material allows a virtually unrestricted freedom of movement. The blood circulation is obstructed at any point. Furthermore, there is no risk of injury as with cylinders made from acrylic or glass.

The customized compression sleeve of latex
vitallusPLUS Vakuumextenders ® keeps the tissue together like a corset, so that an excessive sagging skin, vascular injuries, bruises or the accumulation of lymph fluid can be virtually eliminated.

The vitallusPLUS ® allows Vakuumextender after depositing an aesthetic result without deformation of the penis and glans.

We recommend using the vitallusPLUS ® Vakuumextenders overnight. During sleep, running from very many regenerative processes. Tissues are repaired and functionally adapted. This is a very good condition for the unfolding impact of vitallusPLUS ® optimally. Nocturnal erections are due to the flexibility of cylinder compression sleeve and not a problem for which you can use the Schwellkörpertraining vitallusPLUS ® Vakuumextender alternatively during the day.

vitallusPLUS ® is the first, patent-pending vacuum system for the penis that has an extremely light weight and consists of a flexible material.

vitallusPLUS ® can thus train long time without any health risks from very slight negative pressure to the penis expand and permanently enlarge.

A healthy penis is naturally every night during training

In the night and morning to the healthy penis stiffened several times (up to six times, each 20 to 50 minutes). This is the natural training. Through the night practice, the vessels are better supplied with oxygen and trains the muscles of the cavernous smooth. Good penile blood flow is an important prerequisite for long-lasting potency.

This principle was laid the basis vitallusPLUS ® Vakuumextender by long time by very slight negative pressure for several hours at night during sleep, a three-dimensional expansion of the penile tissue is performed. If this method is 6 to 8 hours per day, administered over a period of 3 to 6 months, a significant growth of the penis can be achieved alongside the Schwellkörpertraining and potency enhancement.

vitallusPLUS ® features an extra soft and very well clinging to the shaft
Latex-cylinder opening.

This ensures that no pressure points develop on the shaft and the vitallusPLUS ® can be used for many hours completely free of pain.

vitallusPLUS ® features a compression-fit latex sheath in the interior of the cylinder that holds together the fabric like a corset and ensures that the penis is stretched in a balanced ratio in length and width.

A Überdehung and thus excessive sagging skin, vascular injuries, bruises or the accumulation of lymph fluid can be excluded as practical.
Last edited:
Stick with the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words]...If something better comes along [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] will know first.
If this device is sound, safe and becomes proven for gains then me personally would buy it for the night-time. Sure it would be knocked down to do most Penis Enlargement at night while asleep but that's because its new and not really talked about. I'm sure Penis Enlargement can be done while asleep so it doesn't harm the penis. Guys have used various stretching devices over the years on other sites that helped them without serious side effects.

What would concern me more then anything is the amount of pressure and if this pressure can be set for X amount of hours, otherwise when I wake up my dick is going to be-like the marsHydromaxallow man.
Now if they could just make an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] to wear at night...hell I'd settle for one I can wear for more than 20 minutes but that's another issue...
REDZULU2003;444880 said:
What would concern me more then anything is the amount of pressure and if this pressure can be set for X amount of hours, otherwise when I wake up my dick is going to be-like the marsHydromaxallow man.

The pump has a clock so you can set it to, say 3 hours then stop or so.
I don't know if you can precisely alter the pressure as well.
The condom should deliver some compression to minimize fluid buildup as well.

It sounds interesting, but we'll have to wait I guess.
irafreak1;444925 said:
Now if they could just make an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] to wear at night...hell I'd settle for one I can wear for more than 20 minutes but that's another issue...

they do have an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] that you can wear all night. its the [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]phallosan[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] and i go to sleep with it every night. in fact you're suppose to wear it for at least 8 hours a day and there's no pain whatsoever. really comfortable. i'm wearing it right now lol
Don't derail this thread to the [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]Phallosan[/words] plz. It's another German product, but I didn't write about it b/c I don't feel it's as genius (and the forum echo was bad imo).
If you feel different, get your own thread :)
i'd like to give this a shot, whats the worst it can do give you great erections, thats worth it for me in my book.
It is never an option to do Penis Enlargement while sleeping, many terrible things can happen if you roll the wrong way or end up in a position that cuts circulation. You could wake up with gangrene.
doublelongdaddy;445072 said:
It is never an option to do Penis Enlargement while sleeping, many terrible things can happen if you roll the wrong way or end up in a position that cuts circulation. You could wake up with gangrene.

how could professionals think we do not move while sleeping?

i use vitallusplus for over three months and am very happy. I have already increases to length and extent. The equipment cannot be used without problems over night, it causes water storages and no injuries. You find information from other users in the German forum penis-thick (forum.penisdicke.de). Unfortunately my English is not particularly good, but I answer questions so well I can.

Greetings, Franky
Franky68;446312 said:

i use vitallusplus for over three months and am very happy. I have already increases to length and extent. The equipment cannot be used without problems over night, it causes water storages and no injuries. You find information from other users in the German forum penis-thick (forum.penisdicke.de). Unfortunately my English is not particularly good, but I answer questions so well I can.

Greetings, Franky

It can or cannot be used overnight?
ya, I'm not aware of any injuries related to this product so far.
I've seen some gains reported as well.

I'll keep you informed.
I don't know. A light vacuum on your penis for 2 to 4 hours will probably just collect a lot of lymph.

The skin of the penis isn't going to transfer the vacuum to the tunica or the internals. The skin will simply swell as lymph retention builds. Certainly not worth 189 Euro! Maybe 20 just for fun.
i ordered it aswell.
u can go up to 8 hours. gotta try it before i try [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words], because they claim no discolouration will appear.

if it would really works, it would be hilarious awesome.... especially for me.
IneedmoreFG;446728 said:
i ordered it aswell.
u can go up to 8 hours. gotta try it before i try [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words], because they claim no discolouration will appear.

if it would really works, it would be hilarious awesome.... especially for me.

Goo luck with that, any pump that brings pressure to the penis that actually gives expansion will always cause some kind of discoloration, permanent or temporary.
I am very tempted to try this out - I tried to order on the link earlier in the thread but the website doesnt seem to want to take orders! Does anyone have links to an order page that works, and also to any other websites not linked to the manufacturer that have genuine feedback on its use etc?

ok got the order page to work - whats interesting is that the latex sleeve lasts 4-6 weeks with daily use - also can anyone who has this confirm that the pressure is constant or builds up and releases to repeat? Thanks and sorry is these are really silly questions
hi again,
this is the thread from penisdicke that I'm trying to relay to you.
It's German though, so be warned.

@shavenasian: Users have reported that the latex lasts much longer if you don't use oily substances like lotion or similar stupidities. Someone also said that it would last even longer if you used some sort of silicone oil for cars, but I have no idea about that. I believe the pressure is constant, but very small, but unsure about that.

Again: I don't have this myself (yet)
To sum up: I haven't read any major complications. People are figuring out / modding how to sleep with this in the best way. I've seen 3-5 ppl reporting gains, some, but not all of them newbie gains though.
The manufacturer is in contact with someone from the forum there and seems quite cooperative.
Thanks SirKyle - I am split on this one. I love Penis Enlargement and pumping - I love the feel and it has worked for me combined with manual work. I started at BPenis EnlargementL of near to 6 inches (i think around 5.75) but now have 7 inches+ (been awhile since measured), and my girth is nice and thick. Pumping has worked for me. I do some manual stretches and jelqings. I thought combining 6-8 hours pumping at night would help big time but the more I have read on the German forums (translated) the more unsure I am.

My concerns are

a) How tried and tested is this amongst the community

b) Have people had negative issues over night - any permanent injuries

c) If people have gained - were these permanent, temp?

But then I think, fuck it, someone from [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] has to try it out, why not me! So might order one today and post how I get on. Not sure that I will rely on this alone, will intially just use the pump and then add manual work to it.
As I said, this is pretty new. People have started experimented with this since May at the longest I believe. (that's 2011)

I'm unsure about minor problems like the occasional blister or fluid buildup. I'm defnitely not aware of any major injuries as of this moment.

The gains I'm referring to were in the range of 1cm EL, 1cm EG and were permanent. Probably not cemented, but we have no way to know right now, but not just buildup over night and then measured the next morning. On the other hand, I'm only aware of 3-5 guys reporting gains so far.

As I said, I'll wait and try next year. Until then, someone probably choked his dick off in his sleep or the thing is actually pretty safe. We'll see.

I'm using the vitallus alongside [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] routine, sqjs and [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]SG[/words] for minimum 3 hours/day.

The vitallus is on right now as i type,very comfortable. I have a few questions franck about it, could you pm me or something?

So far so good, the idea of constantly having a mild pump makes sense when you count in the teenager's nightly boner theory, but still needs to be proven.

The pressure can be set to your liking, however there's a ceiling in the pressure, probably for security reasons.

sleeping with it is not dangerous, there's a band you place around your leg with a belcro and you're not supposed to lie on your stomach with it, obviously. flat on your back or a bit on the side is fine.

It is, however, very important to keep the penis and the compression sleeve lubricated, if possible with heating lubes or wrapping a heat pad or something as i've noticed that after a few hours, the head starts getting cold though color is fine. I suspect that in my case it's because of the sleeve which is not long enough for my penis. I'll need to ask them to send me a longer perhaps by .5 inches to keep it safe for the next 6 months or so.

doublelongdaddy;445072 said:
It is never an option to do Penis Enlargement while sleeping, many terrible things can happen if you roll the wrong way or end up in a position that cuts circulation. You could wake up with gangrene.
Agreed!Ive been at this for 20 years and id never consider pumping in my sleep.
shavenasian;446816 said:
Thanks SirKyle - I am split on this one. I love Penis Enlargement and pumping - I love the feel and it has worked for me combined with manual work. I started at BPenis EnlargementL of near to 6 inches (i think around 5.75) but now have 7 inches+ (been awhile since measured), and my girth is nice and thick. Pumping has worked for me. I do some manual stretches and jelqings. I thought combining 6-8 hours pumping at night would help big time but the more I have read on the German forums (translated) the more unsure I am.

My concerns are

a) How tried and tested is this amongst the community

b) Have people had negative issues over night - any permanent injuries

c) If people have gained - were these permanent, temp?

But then I think, fuck it, someone from [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] has to try it out, why not me! So might order one today and post how I get on. Not sure that I will rely on this alone, will intially just use the pump and then add manual work to it.
This is a very risky venture..like using a pogo stick in a mine field.
I am very still enthusiastic of vitallusplus. I use it since more than a half year exclusive at the night. And it works! I have now after this time a permanent enlargement and it seem more to become. I will write my results in the next days.

Many greetings,

I agree whit you DLD. The wearing from things like that is to uncertain. A pump over night! My first thought is mortify! Anyway the system stands under vacuum. It is better to do exercices which I can affect. And therefor it is essential to be awake.
singleboy;506813 said:
I agree whit you DLD. The wearing from things like that is to uncertain. A pump over night! My first thought is mortify! Anyway the system stands under vacuum. It is better to do exercices which I can affect. And therefor it is essential to be awake.

The temptation to train while you sleep is huge, I mean for most it would be an extra 8 hours of Penis Enlargement. The thing is does the risk outweigh the reward? Waking up with a fucked up dick that can not be repaired would be something I am not willing to bet.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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