Some months ago I started with experimenting with a new Penis Enlargement exercise. I wanted to create something that implies both “inner dick ligs” and suspensory lig. This is what came out of it:

Snake Choker

I decided to call it Snake Choker for the base cutting and the very firm grip needed behind the head.

This is how to do them:
1. Light pre-stretch for some time.
2. Get a heavy object that you won’t be able to lift with your penis. Preferably in shape of a dumbbell (I use a 23 kg dumbbell) Get a soft clothing material that is easy on the penis and is not too elastic. I use pyjama pants and tie the legs together. Try to roll the pants making the contact area smaller. The weight should be on the floor, red material is longer than shown in picture.
3. The clothing goes on the grip area of the dumbbell and on the base of the penis(suspensory lig) when stretched out.
4. Then stretch upwards around 11:00 and try to lift the weight.(determine your own force) Grip firmly behind the head and use 2 hand for grip if needed.
5. At max stretch/force throw in reverse kegels, watch the breathing. Hold for 30-60 seconds per set.

Only for extra resistance, turn hand as shown in picture when at stretch/force or simply use the legs.
It is also possible to do them with less weight and to actually lift the object, this requires more grip and control and can be more dangerous.
I will not boast about how great the exercise is, you should try and judge for yourself.
All feedback is welcome.
Good excersise man. I've been doing these with a 20 pound dumbell. Of course the dumbell doesn't move but I've been getting a good stretch trying to move the dumbell.
woah shit, seeing KingCobra then kingsnake i got confused as fuck lol. fuckin buzz is trippin me out. but yea, i might try these today since i got time
I like the logic behind these and will try them. Going to link these in my routine thread so I don't forget. Hope others try them.
I've just had a good read through the exercise and OMG I think you could be onto something here. This sounds to me like a Manuel hanger if you will, without the hanger.

Your essentially applying a dead weight force to the very base of the penis, where the ligaments rest and than pulling against it(Up) and to increase tension that twist you mention at the end.

I'm certainly going to try this out and have in fact got a possible variation to this, so let me know your thoughts KingCobra.

I have a strand expander, like those used in the classic days that strongmen used and often called chest expanders but you can use them for a variety of exercises. Mine has 3 rubber bands that each have a resistance of 100lbs when stretched out fully to twice their length. I find the expander really good addition to my body workouts as it hits muscles so much different than the conventional bells and bars.

Now its place in this. Well I was thinking of being lay out on the floor, padded at the base of the penis with something like a sock. Having the penis pushed through one of the expander handles and than pushing my foot through the other handle. Still lay on the floor. With my hands I can perform the grip as you explain. With a good grip and ready, I than thrust my leg forwards(Which would be along the floor to mimic this if lay down on my back) and pull the penis as described.

I see that mimicking this very well but without the weights and the possibility of more resistance to be added with allot more ease. I will also try that method and report back. If it works and I start to gain inches than expanders will shoot up in sales.
Sound like a good idea Red! However, I would change one thing.
Instead of pushing your penis while padded through on of the expander handles, try to tie a piece of cloth(like soft thin cotton pyjama-pants or maybe a thin sock) through the handle loopwise.
This will dig more into the penis base and thus increase force on target area. Haven't tried using a sock, but I expect it would dig even further into the base with the more elastic character.
I believe you will generate a lots of force with your setup! I'm looking forward on your results.

The stretch is more effective when position the weight behind my feet, as much opposed to my manual stretch.
For example when stretching upward at 11:00, weight is placed at 5:00 .This is again a way to apply more force and focus.
Maybe this is also possible in your setup, to thrust behind the body.

I have experimented with hanging the weight on the base without floor contact.
I did this with a 10 kg (22 pounds) weight plate. Maybe this was too much weight, because I couldn't hold it longer then 30 sec. (Also tried with 5 kg, but the weight was not enough)
Concluding, I found this way to dangerous and couldn't focus on other aspects of the stretch, I was to only trying to keep the weight up.
Imagine if you would replace your hands with the [words=!!!]LM[/words]... much easier!
That is, if you can reach the same grip stretch with the device.
Most def possible, I need to find the right padding for the [words=!!!]LM[/words] when I get back to Penis Enlargement.
My [words=]extender[/words] wrapping isn't resistant against that much force.
I heard Thera-Band is good...???
Yeah this sounds like it will be fairly effective. What you have also just wrote, about the weight lasting around 30 seconds before you couldn't hold it, may have been a good workout in short bursts of multiple sets or keep it held and reverse kegel until the ligament cannot take it any more and stop. Thats it, just 30 seconds and your done because the intensity would be so fucking intense you need no more and I have done similar things in weight lifting and max contraction lifts with GREAT success. So perhaps you could try that again and go for complete ligament fatigue(Failure) and see how it goes. If you've seen my ligament thread, it states that ligament stress elongates them, which is what we want with the penis but if we played sports and did that to our knee, its very bad and is why football players who hurt knees and delicate structures never fully heal, as the ligament has elongated permanently.
Yeah, I agree with you that it will produce faster gains and yes the lig failure did came quicker.
The time on mastering of the hanging method made me sign out early.
I will give it another shot to build it up and to fully master it. (When I'm recovered though)
Girth Hammer;373523 said:
the cartoon has a huge head rofl. Jokes aside, Looks like a great exercise. Will be putting it into my routine.

Yeah, the cock looks kind of massive...wishful thinking. :)
doublelongdaddy;373562 said:
Yeah, the cock looks kind of massive...wishful thinking. :)

You know it! Everyone loves a cum spitting, pussy stretching mean big snake head :)

For those of you who have tried the exercise, any feedback would be nice.
I found it more effective to do the Snake Choker with a non-movable mass. I replaced the clothing material with a gauze bandage (same as my [words=]extender[/words] wrapping), this cuts more and controlled into the base. Try to hold the stretch for 1 minute per set. Feel the intensity.

It is possible to use the penis base (ligament) cutting concept (choker) is combination with other exercises in order to intensify them. For example, the DLD blaster and blue whale’s mandingo stretch can be transformed into DLD “choked” blasters and mandingo “choked” stretch. Notice that I’m not aiming at the name change, but at possible intensifications of existing exercises by only adding a leverage point!
Oh yeah, forgot to say Ill add these to my routine. Im trying length work for the first time in about a year or more of my Penis Enlargement career. I dont know if I should start a thread about my journey cause I dont have a routine I just got a few length exercises I like and do them through the day but my daily work is pretty intense. I use to do this exercise in my young and dumb days when I was like 12 just fucking around before I know a thing about Penis Enlargement. Its funny how this is a great exercise. Wish I would of know then rofl.
That looks more like a rooster than a cock:)
I’m doing the snake choker these days while using my non-stretching hand as “the choker” (pressing directly the suspensory ligament down) instead of the weight.
I think they’re more easy to perform in this manner and you don’t need anything extra only your two hands. It mostly depends how hard you can push down and still maintain proper grip.
I you do them good, it should be pretty intense and could be felt afterwards.
Having a strong grip is a pro. Reverse kegels and twisting the stretching-hand can use for further intensity increase.

I tried these a couple nights baCC, and i gotta tell you these are the shit!!!.
BaCC when i was just about to finish up on the DLD [words=]newbie routine[/words] i really wasn't getting that burn that i used to (you know what i mean?).
mandingo stretches dose it for me but i really hadn't found any other exercise that did... until i tried these!!!.
Ive started off with 1.5 kg (don't know what that is in lbs...we don't use that shit round here) just to ease myself into it and im holding it for 5min.

Im gonna start working this into my routine cuz i believe this is some powerful shit!!!

Good job on making this cuhz.
Is there any benefit to having the weight as close to the base as possible rather than midshaft or anywhere else? When I do these with the weight at midshaft it feels a lot more intense and heavier? But if that's not the best way to gain I'll change to the conventional way again=) Can anyone let me know, thanks in advance guys.
The idea is to stretch the penis away from the body and let the weight directly target the suspensory ligament.
You tried both variations for a week and see which one works better for you.
The idea is to stretch the penis away from the body and let the weight directly target the suspensory ligament.
Use a weight you can't lift and do them with the intention to lift it.
You tried both variations for a week and see which one works better for you.
KingCobra;485455 said:
The idea is to stretch the penis away from the body and let the weight directly target the suspensory ligament.
Use a weight you can't lift and do them with the intention to lift it.
You tried both variations for a week and see which one works better for you.

Hey man thanks for the reply,

What I was actually doing was more like the kettlebell v-stretch, so I was actually lifting it and holding the weight, but I think both exercises are very similar? I just found it easier to actually lift the object up because then the stretch won't rely on the power I can generate with my arms and could also monitor the weight I use and move up occasionally like a hanger would. IN THEORY, do you think it is still better to have the the weight at the base? And do you think placing it midshaft might stretch the tunica or internal structures better?

Thanks again man for any help you can give =)
IMHO, the snake choker is a more controlled stretch: You can use more force, let go when needed to, no gripping dangers and focus more on feeling of the stretch.
I agree with you on monitoring weight and personal strength limitations, it is easier.
I would go for the base, because it targets the suspensory ligament directly; You stretch your penis, while you push down at the suspensory ligament.
KingCobra;485478 said:
IMHO, the snake choker is a more controlled stretch: You can use more force, let go when needed to, no gripping dangers and focus more on feeling of the stretch.
I agree with you on monitoring weight and personal strength limitations, it is easier.
I would go for the base, because it targets the suspensory ligament directly; You stretch your penis, while you push down at the suspensory ligament.

Cool I think I understand what you're saying. Why do you think I feel it's more intense midshaft (2.) rather than at the base, when I do it at the base it feels like I could carry far more weight.

But from what I understand from you, you're meaning to perform it like in diagram (1.), and use heavy or immoveable weight AND ALSO pull upwards very hard so you stretch the internal structurse too =). Sorry to keep bothering you man it would be cool to see what some other people have to say regarding this like DLD or someone.

View attachment 25456
Once I get going with a routine, I may add this type of method to some of the OTS hanging sessions to cause more specified trauma to certain points on the shaft. I can see it working very well combined with OTC and SU hanging against the shaft.

This is an advanced exercise, not for newbies.
Once I get going with a routine, I may add this type of method to some of the OTS hanging sessions to cause more specified trauma to certain points on the shaft. I can see it working very well combined with OTC and SU hanging against the shaft.

This is an advanced exercise, not for newbies.
OTS is a very powerful Tunica exercise!
Some months ago I started with experimenting with a new Penis Enlargement exercise. I wanted to create something that implies both “inner dick ligs” and suspensory lig. This is what came out of it:

Snake Choker

I decided to call it Snake Choker for the base cutting and the very firm grip needed behind the head.

This is how to do them:
1. Light pre-stretch for some time.
2. Get a heavy object that you won’t be able to lift with your penis. Preferably in shape of a dumbbell (I use a 23 kg dumbbell) Get a soft clothing material that is easy on the penis and is not too elastic. I use pyjama pants and tie the legs together. Try to roll the pants making the contact area smaller. The weight should be on the floor, red material is longer than shown in picture.
3. The clothing goes on the grip area of the dumbbell and on the base of the penis(suspensory lig) when stretched out.
4. Then stretch upwards around 11:00 and try to lift the weight.(determine your own force) Grip firmly behind the head and use 2 hand for grip if needed.
5. At max stretch/force throw in reverse kegels, watch the breathing. Hold for 30-60 seconds per set.

Only for extra resistance, turn hand as shown in picture when at stretch/force or simply use the legs.
It is also possible to do them with less weight and to actually lift the object, this requires more grip and control and can be more dangerous.
I will not boast about how great the exercise is, you should try and judge for yourself.
All feedback is welcome.

I hope you are safe wherever you are brother.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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