NXT_432;532514 said:How many kegels should I do, how many do you do?
I do 500 everyday, some days I do x3 500.
How many months does it take to get a real strong PC muscle?
"Penis Enlargement!!!"
NXT_432;532844 said:Think I gonna try with Bishops routine, awesome!
IAmatheBishop;532548 said:My normal routine is this:
100 2sec squeezes
50 5sec squeeezes
30 30sec squeezes
10 1min squeezes
Then about 300 fast squeezes after
5x a day.
My PC muscle is sreaming by 6:00 pm haha! Keep training your PC no matter how string it gets. Make it stronger. It'll help with controlling orgasms, better sexuality, improved volume, stronger ejaculations, gaining length and girth, and overall penial health. I Kegel religiously now, because I know the great affects it can have.
Medicating;532979 said:I really need to kegel more. I look at your routine and then look at mine which looks like this:
8am-12am - 3-4 kegels.
grapeape;535164 said:I read that quick jab kegels are bad, real bad. they aid in premature ejaculation.
Anyone heard of this?
thanks gents
thependulum;535166 said:No such thing as a bad kegel. Just my opinion
grapeape;535164 said:I read that quick jab kegels are bad, real bad. they aid in premature ejaculation.
Anyone heard of this?
Shenlong;536919 said:This was discussed here some time ago. Apparently, kegeling brings the prostate forward as part of the action, potentially leading to increased sensitivity and premature ejaculation if the kegel is held during sex. This problem is easily solved by simply not kegeling during sex and learning to control your kegeling can actually help with this. Furthermore, reverse kegeling can be the solution to premature ejaculation.
Shenlong;536919 said:This was discussed here some time ago. Apparently, kegeling brings the prostate forward as part of the action, potentially leading to increased sensitivity and premature ejaculation if the kegel is held during sex. This problem is easily solved by simply not kegeling during sex and learning to control your kegeling can actually help with this. Furthermore, reverse kegeling can be the solution to premature ejaculation.
Zambrodom3;543128 said:Hmm, i just tried it, i can feel them when I am erect, but when I am not erect I can say that I feel almost nothing (tension, I feel something getting flexed,but no tension), plus I tried the reverse kegels and it didn't seem to work very well. I pushed and pushed, and while I felt some tension, it was like I am trying to fart or take a sh** out. Is that what you guys feel? Is it a must to have your bowl cleaned before you do any reverse kegels. Most guys here on the forum said that it was quite a tension they felt when doing this ( kegels and reverse kegels). If you can help me with this I would get my routine pumped with literally thousands per day. And what is a good kegel routine? I mean once you flex your PC muscle, how much time you keep the tension, before you release it and start again?
grapeape;547560 said:I posted this question in a jelq page too (its a tweener question) Thanks guys!!
Question for you gentlemen. Ive started focusing on jelqing in the last week. It seems i am now having a hard time kegeling. The feeling is like when you cant fully flex your bicep to get a good buldge. I assume its some fatigue from adding jelqs. yesterday was day 5 and i did two 15 min straight jelq sessions.....Maybe that's a lil too much too early.
I normally feel kegels and can do 10 second holds all the time. Today i struggle to hold one for 5 seconds. Im positive it's fatigue from the shock of jelqing now. but just getting opinions.
grapeape;547716 said:thanks boss! It sure was the issue, i laid off jelqing yesterday and was able to feel and isolate kegels today with ease. had excellent kegels in fact
IAmatheBishop;532548 said:gaining length and girth
doublelongdaddy;547803 said:YAY! My help helps again!
Medicating;532979 said:I really need to kegel more. I look at your routine and then look at mine which looks like this:
8am-12am - 3-4 kegels.
doublelongdaddy;534277 said:3-4? Like three or four actual kegels?
Medicating;548259 said:Yes, 3 to 4 actual kegels. Like WHOLE kegels.
mustc2it;548160 said:You can gain length and girth with kegals?
How is this so?
Curious, if your routine consisted of only kegals would you gain?
Kegeling increases the strength of your PC muscle and, in turn, the amount of blood it will pump into your penis. Should you have a strong enough PC muscle that you are overexpanding your dick every time you go erect, you will gain like nobody's business but, in most cases, any expansion gained this way will be minimal at best. And yeah, hunk of iron fo' sho' dude!grapeape;548164 said:i believe the action of kegels expands your girth and stretch your length beyond your normal size (just not as extreme as other Penis Enlargements), which stretches the cells. I dont know how much gain, (this would be a complete guess) maybe an inch of length and half inch of girth over a long ass period of time if you only did kegels. the bright side would be if you achieved that by strictly doing kegels, you would prob have a hunk of iron for a dick.