So I have been seeing this incredibly hot skinny big tittied middle eastern hottie (swear to god she looks like a cross of sophia loren and audrey hepburn) for a while and all but ive been getting vibes from her...she mentioned that her X was much larger (im only 6*5) and while doing her doggystyle she said "how does it feel to have a small cock?" man I have been so down...I was falling in love with her now I havent called her....

I havent really done any Penis Enlargement in years either..once a couple years back I did it for 4 months and gained 1 inch but it all went away when I stopped. How does this whole "cementing" thing work?
Cementing is something that's not really understood. It is believed that you should work to a bit larger than your goal size and then use a maintenance routine 2-3 days a week for 5-6 months and everything should solidify at your goal size. Honestly, Penis Enlargement is really a life long journey. I'm not sure I'll ever be completely finished but once you get to a point where you are truly happy then I'd say cut back to maintenance. What kind of program did you work on when you gained the 1"?
Kick her to the curb...that is uncalled for.
Listen real carefully. Dump that girl, you are too *GOOD* for her. I don't care how good looking she is. She has no concern for your feelings and may very well be calculating, cold and manipulative. That's NOT how a person who's concerned with another person acts. In the middle of banging some chick would you say "how's it feel to have a loose pussy/small tits?" I didn't think so.

If you have any self respect you'll be done with her, otherwise you're already showing signs of being whipped and broken-- and if she dosen't care and respect you now, things are going to be far worse down the line, regardless of how big your dick is.
millionman said:
Cementing is something that's not really understood. It is believed that you should work to a bit larger than your goal size and then use a maintenance routine 2-3 days a week for 5-6 months and everything should solidify at your goal size. Honestly, Penis Enlargement is really a life long journey. I'm not sure I'll ever be completely finished but once you get to a point where you are truly happy then I'd say cut back to maintenance. What kind of program did you work on when you gained the 1"?

Back then I joined a paysite that advocated eating enlargement pills AND excersising at the same time. I dont even remember the site but it had a chat room. I did ate the pills who made me soooo hornyy and big and excercised..yeah I had incredible gains...
This is my program back then:

- get the shower steamy
- fill a jug will HOT water and put my dick into it for 10 min
- manual stretches 10min
- wet jelqs with palms down 30min
- dick-into-jug thing 10min

I should also mention I have a LOT at about 10 or something.
Sounds like you've already figured out gains, so there's no reason to worry. You should probably get rid of that girl anyways, though. She'll end up hurting you worse down the line.
I'm not really sure what to think about such incredible insensetive remarks. That almost sounds unreal but then again I've met some very vindictive women before. I'd let this go. I would seriously just not ever speak to her again as there's really no point in telling her off or getting emotional about it with her. If I were to say something it would be something to the effect of "I honestly don't see myself with you or in you anywhere in the near future but it was really nice knowing you for a short while. Have a good night." Come from a place of strength and balance and everything will work out as it should. I'm still really in shock that someone would say such a thing during intercourse, unless in her mind she thought it would be sexy to taunt you to make you TRY harder. Women are ridiculous and it wouldn't surprise me.
I would have given her the "shocker". I would have pulled my so-called small dick out of her puss and jammed it right in her ass! Then, I would have asked if it still felt small.
EvilPenis said:
she said "how does it feel to have a small cock?" man I have been so down...I was falling in love with her now I havent called her...
Lika uh-huh you said cock.
Be an Evil Penis and stay true to your last move ...
I agree with what everyone else said, what she did was uncalled for. And as Million just said, dump her but do it in a classy way -- DO NOT try to engage her in some kind've argument where you try to one-up each other. While I've never had someone say anything like this to me, I have however dated a number of women like this (seem to attract them for some reason but trying to stop that).

Engaging her in such an argument is exactly what she wants you to do so that 1. she knows she has control and knows how to push your buttons and 2. no matter what you might verbally prove and point out, she'll still walk away feeling she got the better of you simply because she manipulated you into the argument. Keep her off balance, break up with her with a direct reason, leave it at that (no matter how much she tries to get you to 'talk about it'), stick to your guns and don't look back.

And by the way, I would not say you have a small dick, that is bullshIt -- since you Penis Enlargement and I assume have read up on stats and what not, you know as well as any of us that you're not small. So don't let her f*ck with your head; just relish the fact you already nailed her hot ass (hell, nail it again THEN break up with her, heh -- PIITB even, I would, hehe) and that soon she will be someone else's problem.
Ask her how it feels to have such a loose and smelly vagina. Or just find a woman who is going to respect you for you.

No woman of worth would ask such a question...or even mention it. You deserve better.

But if you look past it because she's hot, then you deserve her. No bitch is hot enough to shit on your self respect...even if she does have big titties.
when a girl says i have a small dick it turns me on
i say take that small dick baby

lol. Why on earth would that turn you on? Id break her nose!

Anyway, simple... fuck her off mate, you dont need that, bang out of order! I had comments like that when i was 5.75, now im 7 and i get the opposite type of comments, my goal is 8x6 and i will get there, just a matter of time! Your with the right people and at the right place.

Start Penis Enlargement again, you will gain again! but fuck her off, and stick with your comments and dont ring her again, maybe when you have a 9" dick and hurt her!!!
She's got the right to fancy bigger dicks but saying you're too small means that she's after a dick not you. Drop her for your mental health.
yes I am about 6.5 BP. girth about 5" or so.
it hurt like a motherfucker when she said it. <:(
I never thought chicks thought it would be such an issue.
And yes she is kinda slutty I fucked her the first night I met her and she was so game. I hadnt even kissed until I touched her pussy it was she is probably looking for a big cock stud which I am not...thing is though she was fucking GORGEOUS I mean supermodel + big firm tits, what more can you ask for. But her BJ abilities sucked arse. She had had about 10+ lovers (she is 20) and told me "one was so huge he could barely get it in". jesus christ what kinda size you got to have if you cant even get your dick into a pussy!?? :O
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EvilPenis said:
yes I am about 6.5 BP. girth about 5" or so.
it hurt like a motherfucker when she said it. <:(
I never thought chicks thought it would be such an issue.
And yes she is kinda slutty I fucked her the first night I met her and she was so game. I hadnt even kissed until I touched her pussy it was she is probably looking for a big cock stud which I am not...thing is though she was fucking GORGEOUS I mean supermodel + big firm tits, what more can you ask for. But her BJ abilities sucked arse. She had had about 10+ lovers (she is 20) and told me "one was so huge he could barely get it in". jesus christ what kinda size you got to have if you cant even get your dick into a pussy!?? :O

"supermodel" who gives a fuck!!! sounds now like you're just as preoccupied with asthetics as she is.

if i were you and she had said those words to me in her house, i wuda just left immediately, without a word.

in my house, i wuda thrown her out my fuckin' window... and when i say house i mean flat, 13th floor.

she was mind fuckin' you!! - this is just the begining of hurt. cut your ties.

keep pushing
doublelongdaddy said:
Kick her to the curb...that is uncalled for.

Kick her in the Cunt then kick her to the curb. You know I am of the opinion that most women even if you were the biggest dick they ever fucked would lead you to believe that they had fucked some bigger cock before they met you. It's all about getting control of your balls, they want to make you feel insecur so they can control you.

women want to be controled or they want control they do not want a equal partner ship. and if they get control they will loose respect for you and either cheat or treat you like shit the rest of your life. this chick might have been testing the water. had you smacked her in the ass so fucking hard it left a print and said "ya bitch but im going to fuck you like you never been fucked before" then procede to fuck the shit out of her. I would bet that she would give you your props and totaly respect you.

but if you show weaknes to her remarks she has allready won.
Wow.. amazing, what a stuipd whore.

When i was your age i would have felt the same way, I am 27 now.. with a slightly bigger cock than i had then (not doing enough Penis Enlargement) I used to only date 9's at 10's I'm very picky, and had my heart broke a lot. I recently started getting to know a girl who is i'd call a solid 7.. but she's the sweetest nicest girl i've ever met. After all of that anxiety with the model types, you would think i would care less.... but i don't. i care more.. she makes me feel like a king.

Bottom line is she will never make you happy. shove it in her ass. if she likes it say look at me b itch and break her nose with your dick still in her ass.

Mean people suck.
Dude, fuck this broad...dump her ass. If she says something like that, she is deliberately trying to bring down your confidence. She wouldnt say something like that to someone she respected...boot this broad.
robjeremy said:
Kick her in the Cunt then kick her to the curb. You know I am of the opinion that most women even if you were the biggest dick they ever fucked would lead you to believe that they had fucked some bigger cock before they met you. It's all about getting control of your balls, they want to make you feel insecur so they can control you.

women want to be controled or they want control they do not want a equal partner ship. and if they get control they will loose respect for you and either cheat or treat you like shit the rest of your life. this chick might have been testing the water. had you smacked her in the ass so fucking hard it left a print and said "ya bitch but im going to fuck you like you never been fucked before" then procede to fuck the shit out of her. I would bet that she would give you your props and totaly respect you.

but if you show weaknes to her remarks she has allready won.


An ex of mine use to tell me she had bigger (I am a legit 9+). I always had my doubts but figured she was telling the truth. After dumping her ass, I found out I was the biggest she ever had because she has told her gf's that(more than one). The jaded and fucked up girls pull shit like this to remain in control because they are insecure...
Yep, all girls do it! If shes slept with 10+ people the chances are she wont have had as "big" as shes claiming, that it was so huge it wouldnt fit in! She might have had 7, 8" at a push. Dont listen to her games!

Just dump her, so what if shes gorgeous. Looks isnt everything! As by now you well know after her saying that! Who wants a girl like that! Not me, and you shouldnt either! Their not nice people! Get a girl who respects you, a girl who is willing to wait will be classy and have a personality! Go for a virgin ha.

Dont let it get to you, millions of nice girls who have a kind personality as well, she is obviously a manipuliative slut!
dude I just saw your pics man your very big. did you really start at 6 like me? How long have you been training you look fucking huuuuge.
EvilPenis said:
dude I just saw your pics man your very big. did you really start at 6 like me? How long have you been training you look fucking huuuuge.

Thanks mate, i probably started at below 6, one girl said i was 5" once. So thats when i decided to look to do something about it, and found [words=]MOS[/words]. Not looked back since! Yes and now im 7". You can do this too! Follow the [words=]newbie routine[/words], start slow, be patient and stay dedicated and you WILL get a bigger dick! trust me! 90% of my gains came from the [words=]newbie routine[/words], i achieved these gains in about a years time, at first i was doing Penis Enlargement off and on, which didnt help but after being consistent my gains came through!
[words=]Newbie routine[/words] will make you gain as long as you are willing! Now i have positive comments about my penis, i feel so much better about myself now!

Im taking a deconditioning break at the moment, as ive had problems gaining since the [words=]newbie routine[/words], but with help from DLD i aim to get to 8" this year! Im sure he will get me there!

Good luck mate, all your help you want is on this site!

PS - fuck the slut off!!!!!!
BULC, It might help your length gains if you used either an [words=]ACE bandage[/words] wrap (real cheap and easy to apply) or get a vac-extender for [words=]ADS[/words] purposes. Companied with a solid 4-8 weeks off for deconditioning this would be a huge help in your attempts to break through to the next level. As I've said before this has made a huge difference in my progress here in the last 4-5 months.
could you explain the technicalities of your post I dont understand I am new to this stuff. How much have you gained in the last 4-5 months? How long you figure it will take me to reach 8"? Ive excercised once before 6 years ago and gained 1 inch in 3-4 months, so I think I am a decent grower. My LOT is about 10.
millionman said:
BULC, It might help your length gains if you used either an [words=]ACE bandage[/words] wrap (real cheap and easy to apply) or get a vac-extender for [words=]ADS[/words] purposes. Companied with a solid 4-8 weeks off for deconditioning this would be a huge help in your attempts to break through to the next level. As I've said before this has made a huge difference in my progress here in the last 4-5 months.

Hi, what is the [words=]ACE bandage[/words] wrap used for, what exercise or method do you use this in aid of?

I own a macvac hanger, and a vimax [words=]extender[/words]. I cant afford to invest into anything expensive as im a student and have a girlfriend... meals, cinema etc.

I have been on decon for 5weeks now, going to stick it out till end of Jan, be good i think as ive got a lot of work to get done in this time.

What gains / benifits have you recieved in the 4/5 months? Did you take a decon beak as well. Also whats the routine mate?

I PM'd DLD other week and hes got something in the works lined up for me to try, just awaiting to see what it conists of.
million man you use a vac [words=]extender[/words] how has it worked for ya
Make like your about to go down on her, then just when your about to touch the pussy with your mouth suddenly grab your nose and mouth with a look of shock on your face. then run as fast as you can to the nearet bathroom/sink whatever and induce vomiting! Then when/if she comes to see why you freaked out keep your fingers over your nose and wave her off. Then vomit again for good measure! lol
LMAO OH MAN I DARE YOU, MATTER A FACT I DARE ANYONE OF YOU BROS TO DO THAT ON YOUR GIRL...LOL Just make sure come back and tell us what she does..that would be hilarious..She will probably finger herself and sniff to see if there is actualy a mishap or dilemma going on down town, if you will
Milionman >
Hi, what is the [words=]ACE bandage[/words] wrap used for, what exercise or method do you use this in aid of?

I own a macvac hanger, and a vimax [words=]extender[/words]. I cant afford to invest into anything expensive as im a student and have a girlfriend... meals, cinema etc.

I have been on decon for 5weeks now, going to stick it out till end of Jan, be good i think as ive got a lot of work to get done in this time.

What gains / benifits have you recieved in the 4/5 months? Did you take a decon beak as well. Also whats the routine mate?

I PM'd DLD other week and hes got something in the works lined up for me to try, just awaiting to see what it conists of.

Cheers mate, just fort u might av lost what i said with other posts coming in
I remember this guy was drunk, went down on this chick and threw up on her because it smelled so bad. He ran out of the house pulling his pants up! Don't throw up in a sink, throw up on her pussy. rofl
EvilPenis said:
...And yes she is kinda slutty I fucked her the first night I met her and she was so game. ...I touched her pussy it was soaking. thing is though she was fucking GORGEOUS I mean supermodel + big firm tits, what more can you ask for. She had about 10+ lovers (she is 20) and told me "one was so huge he could barely get it in". :O
She's playing you dawg... she grewn tired of you and couldn't tell you like an adult. So she had to create Drama and say, she wanted a bigger Dick. So let her persue her happiness for it. She's a slut and you know that ... correct. Except her as she is (Size-Queen Slut)without change, choice is your now. Do you wanna be around that or not. It's better to have Fucked-her than to not have Fucked her at all. If you get a next time ... FIST her pussy.
BULC, The [words=]ace[/words] wrap is just an [words=]ACE bandage[/words] used as a wrap around the penis. The wrapping is done around the penis while flaccid and is meant to keep the penis in an extended state as the wrap is fairly tight but also wraps numerous times around the shaft to maintain the extended position.

With the vac-extender as my [words=]ADS[/words] I've gained about half an inch in FSL and a bit more than a quarter in EL. I'm getting closer and closer to 8". I didn't do much flaccid stretching before I got the [words=]ADS[/words] as I have worked on girth for more than a year now. I did take 2 weeks off prior to making the decision to go back to length work. I'm not a huge advocate of IPR but I do believe in rest and allowing the tissue to heal. My routines consist of manual stretches of mainly the basic and bundled sort. I usually start off after a break with as little work as possible and gradually increase over the course of a two week period and then it's time to rest for 7-14 days and the back to it. I usually have the vac-extender on for 4-6 hours during the day, and I take it off only to use the bathroom and when I'm taking an hour or so break.
Cheers millionman, i get you now about the [words=]ace[/words] wrap, good idea! Beats trying use an [words=]extender[/words], keeps falling off in public when i used to wear it.

Do you know anywhere that you can order that stuff from on the Internet, i dont think they have that in UK, i cant find any if it is here!

I think i will be doing something similar to you when i start back late Jan, i think im going to do manual stretches twice a day, with rest days. My main aim is length as well now. Have to have see DLD has got in stall for me, i dont think ill be doing any [words=]ADS[/words], will have to see. But i feel like the 2month break will be so benifical to me, i can feel a difference in my dick that when i start again it wont take me long to gain, i think the break has been good and instead of training too much all the time everyday and obsessing i am going to take it slow and have rest days! Then 8" wont be too far away for me either... Thats my aim for the new year! Want to try to get 7.5" by June. I cant wait to start back again! thanks mate
hog said:
Bulc- [words=]Ace[/words] wrap is a wrap that is elastic athletic wrap that is primarily used in the case of sprained ankles or something along that line. I am sure you can find something similar to that at a pharmacy. It is like this¿-Self-Adherent-Athletic/dp/B000F2BPJS

Thanks for the link, i will look into it, i did have some of this stuff i think but i could find the [words=]ACE[/words] wrap stuff, just have to get sumat similar. cheers
I bought some gauze that's strectchy. Same thing as the [words=]ace bandage[/words] stuff, I just bought it from the dollar store. I use adhesive tape to keep it on there. I've noticed my [words=]FL[/words] to be longer even when I take it off. I think it may help with the healing process too but I haven't been doing this long enough to be sure.
Should have pulled out, and jammed your whole hand up in her. "HOWS MY ARM FEEL BITCH?" Not that I'm an advocate of violence against women, but shit. Let some woman ask me how it feels to have a small penis DURING SEX. :s
Man, I'm sick of you guys who have sex with that kind of girls. Stop empowering such idiots. What do you call a guy who tells his gf that she's fat or she needs a serious nose job or something out of the blue? not to mention during sex?

Man, 6.5 isn't small, it's above average, if she wants a horse dick then let her get one. You deserve better.

The problem with men is that we have a weak tie together when it comes to appearances, when a man's appearance is critisized it's ok, if he goes to talk to his male friends they make fun of him. If you do the same for a women, guess what happens?

For example my ex had no problem telling me I'm over-weight our first week out, now do I dare even imply that she might just need to go easier on eating fast food? NO...

I've just had enough of that shit. You're not even small, Next time just shove it up her ass or just cum (preferably on her face or her furniture), go grab a drink from her fridge and leave. She would've have no problem breaking the most expensive thing in your place if you said anything like that to her, not even during sex.
bIgjOe;248961 said:
Make like your about to go down on her, then just when your about to touch the pussy with your mouth suddenly grab your nose and mouth with a look of shock on your face. then run as fast as you can to the nearet bathroom/sink whatever and induce vomiting! Then when/if she comes to see why you freaked out keep your fingers over your nose and wave her off. Then vomit again for good measure! lol

OMFG I just shot diet coke out of my nose laughing :P . But seriously , she said it knowing it was a fucked statement. Not the type of chic I could be with nor should you my friend. Sounds like that is the general consensus of this thread also.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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