Hey brothers I would like to know if anyone has hanged behind the balls. I know the Chinese hang weights behind the balls with a cloth and a special knot or method of tying. I would like to learn or hear about this method of how to tie behind the balls as I feel this could have potential of more gains then normal hanging. My theory is when you hang behind the balls you have potential for a deeper stretch. I believe also it could release more hormones from the balls due to the engorement and expansion of the balls. With more hormones being released there should be faster gains in my opinion. Feel free to put out any theories or idea's also on this subject as I'm open minded and want to discover and know more knowledge that could increase penis and balls size and or sexual power's. Search Iron crotch on youtube where they pull trucks, swing and lift weights using a cloth to tie behind the balls.Here's a video of some iron crotch. https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=zdrRE5XnJKU
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