
OK, this is a bit of a different deal for me. Something I did not do when hanging for gains, but I that I think has great merit. I usually don’t recommend techniques where I do not have a good deal of experience. But this is different.

This was reported to me in an email, by a guy that does not wish to post on the forums. He gave me permission to do with it as I wish. He has hung for seventeen months, and so far has reported making 2 3/8 inches in EBPL. About one inch was made fairly quickly, hanging at the BTC angle, and the rest hanging OTS with and without a fulcrum, and SO with and without a fulcrum.

Now, I tried this out, just because of his comments about the techniques. I do not hang for gains anymore. I did not try this for long, because I felt I would gain fairly easily doing it. Tunica fatigue as I have never felt it before. If you do this, please realize it has limited testing.

Basically, this is using a rice sock as the fulcrum, but with a solid difference. When making your rice sock, you will probably need a few tries to get the correct size and shape. But the materials needed are cheap.

First, estimate the size of the fulcrum you will need, measuring from the seat of your hanging chair, to the bottom of your penis, while hanging in the SO position.. Then, add a bit on top of that, maybe 2-2.5 inches.

Next, you want to fill a good sized rice sock, enough to where that height dimension is reached when the sock is flattened out, then add a bit more. Tie off the sock to where there is not much extra room; fairly tight. Then, wrap duct tape around the sock lengthwise, pulling fairly tight as you wrap. This will make the sock wider or taller, however you wish to look at it. Then, wrap the sock with duct tape laterally, a bit tight in the middle, and looser toward the ends. This will give you a valley in which your shaft can ride while hanging. When you are finished, the fulcrum should look wide or tall, and rather flat.

Next is the important part. Take a plastic drink cup, preferably with thick walls, and cut out a piece of the plastic a bit smaller than the area of one side of the rice sock. Lay this on the rice sock, and use duct tape to firmly secure it to the sock, wrapping around the entire fulcrum several times. Completely cover the plastic. That’s it.

Now, you have roughly three sides of the fulcrum that are somewhat soft, and one side that is hard. The hard side is the hanger side. The opposite soft side will ride against your inner thighs or buttocks while hanging. The top with the valley is of course for the shaft. The other side rides on the chair seat.

Simply attach the hanger as normal. Then, put the fulcrum in place, on the chair seat between your legs. Then, place your shaft over the fulcrum with the hanger on the other side of the fulcrum. Very important: Before adding the weight, hold the hanger in place over the fulcrum, and pull the extra shaft skin, scrotal skin, testicles, etc, back either over the fulcrum, or on top of the fulcrum. I found having the balls split, one on each side of the shaft, and on top of the fulcrum, to be comfortable. THEN add the weight.

To begin, and until you are comfortable with this technique, use very little weight. I recommend cutting the normal amount used for SO in HALF, perhaps less.

With this setup, what results is actually a double fulcrum action. Not only does the shaft have a gentle bend in it, placing great stress on the top side of the tunica (the septum in particular), but also the skids of the hanger attempt to swing down and into the fulcrum. With the hard plastic in position, the skids are firmly halted, and you get greater stress on the top of the shaft. The stretch is incredible.

The position of your butt on the chair seat matters greatly. You can scoot down in the seat, with your pelvis tilted back, and the hanger sticking almost straight out, with the weights hanging almost straight down. This results in a great double fulcrum situation, which can even stress the ligs somewhat.

Another great thing: While in the above position, with your butt toward the edge of the chair, and the hanger sticking out, and the weights hanging straight down; you can turn the hanger to either side, a very slight twist, to further stress the sides of the septum in a dedicated fashion. The force of the weight pulling the skids into the hard plastic will keep the hanger in place, with this small turn.

Or you can scoot back in the chair, sitting up straight, with the hanger pointed down, and have a greater bend in the shaft, but a bit less double fulcrum action. Either way, it is a great stretch.

Once you learn how to do it, it takes literally seconds to set up. The uncomfortable fulcrum will be a thing of the past.

Tips: With the type of duct tape I used, I could still heat the rice sock in the microwave. Check your duct tape before using to make sure there is no metal in it.

If the sticky stuff bleeds from the tape, use some talc or Vaseline to render it inert. It can stick to the skin.

If the stress becomes too great during a set, you can simply lift up the hanger, and take out the fulcrum, giving a straight SO angle. This effectively changes the angle to hit all of the tunica, but with a previously stretched septum, it will be more effective.

This same type thing works great for OTS. However, you will probably need to make another fulcrum of a more rounded nature, a tube. The combination of the rice sock and duct tape is really great, and the ideas are limitless.

A combination of OTS and SO, with and without a fulcrum, gives four great angles for tunica stretch, that should budge the toughest tunica. This is about the greatest technique for tunica stretch, especially the septum, that I have come across.

Probably not the greatest explanation in the world. Any questions, just ask. If somebody could make one of these, take some pics, and post the pics in this thread, that would be great.

Awesome new idea BIB! Any idea recommended from one of the true Penis Enlargement pioneer/guru's for faster gains for hanging I am going to try out. :cool:

Dammit, I was planning on taking a deconditioning break from hanging and Penis Enlargement for about a month. <:( Oh well, I guess a little experimenting to gain some experience with this new technique using the Wench hanger could be beneficial in the long run for the learning experience. Thanks BIB and most importantly to the mystery poster! :)

-- LoveMachine
Great post!!

I will try this out once my hanging period starts again.
I might try and make one this weekend, but I don't have a digital camera, so I can't take any pics.
I do think that some pics would be very helpful, though. It is likely that I misunderstood some of the explanation.

Greatr post. This combined with the post on bundled stretching by Prince Albert is really inspiring. Cant wait so start hanging again...

I remember when you told me about this. I never tried it, because of my history with twisting and numbness.

Also, because I have extreme fatigue to the point of not getting good erections, so I am taking a bit of a break.

But my question is: with this being a rice sock that guys use as heating mechanism. Does the heat for the first half of half of your sets apply?

Meaning, 10 minutes into a 20 minute set. For say, 3 sets of a total of 6 sets?

Thanks Bib


Can you please explain me the difference between the duct tape rice sock fulcrum and a normal fulcrum?

Is the only difference that the rice sock fulcrum is heated and the normal fulcrum not?
The idea seems sound but i am having a bit of trouble following the instructions. Could some one do a step by step picture guide for this.

From Thunders courtesy of Mr. Fantastic:

This is how I see it...

Here are the labels:

1. Wang
2. Rice Sock
3. Section of Plastic cup (for resting hanger skids against)
4. Bib-hanger
5. Chair / Seat
6. Balls
I should add that I have been doing using a similar technique for a while now, same set up except I use a door stop, I forget the technical name but they are used to stop breeze underflow at the base of doors, essentially very long rice socks if you will which easily sit across both legs and form the fulcrum set up as pictured above. Feels kinda like a sustained A-stretch, very intense.
Awesome pics [words=]PA[/words] - will adjust my set up to include something more along those lines...

Can Bib or anyone else provide any more comments regarding the sort of weight/set frequency the individual in question was using?

Thanks, FR.

That seems a little big.

I am over 9" erect, with somewhere near 10" FSL. And considering the foot print of the regular Bib, that seems a bit big.

I could be wrong, but that is the first thing that jumps out at me. Hopefully Bib will be along, at some point, to comment on the interpretation.

But, thanks for providing a visual, though.
anonymous07128 said:

That seems a little big.

I am over 9" erect, with somewhere near 10" FSL. And considering the foot print of the regular Bib, that seems a bit big.

I could be wrong, but that is the first thing that jumps out at me. Hopefully Bib will be along, at some point, to comment on the interpretation.

But, thanks for providing a visual, though.

Thanks for the imput mate,it was a bit hit and miss really going of the instructions,height i believe is right i have pretty big legs its 5 inches from the seat to the underside of the shaft,the instructions said to add an additional 2-2.5 inches to that so that brings the height to over 7 inches.

The depth of it,eg balls to head may be to much i have my own doubts there,my first attempt was quite a bit smaller but was to small,until i try it out i won't no,if it works i will post some pics up of it in use,if not it will be back to the drawing board.
Wow I havent posed here in a cunts age. Anyway...2 3/8" in 17 months? Dashdeming reported 2 3/8" in 15 months...same person? Just thought it was too similar to be someone different.
Sorry for not getting back to this. I thought the discussion of others would help more than me prattling.


>I remember when you told me about this. I never tried it, because of my history with twisting and numbness. Also, because I have extreme fatigue to the point of not getting good erections, so I am taking a bit of a break.<

This is for guys that have hit a wall, have a hard time reaching fatigue, etc. You may try it to see how you like it, but it is not an absolute.

>But my question is: with this being a rice sock that guys use as heating mechanism. Does the heat for the first half of half of your sets apply? Meaning, 10 minutes into a 20 minute set. For say, 3 sets of a total of 6 sets?<

That is correct. However, you do not HAVE to use it as a heat source. But it is nice.

If you heat it, watch out for the boys.


That drawing looks about perfect. But the fulcrum appears to be a roll. It should be flatter. The plastic should also end up being flatter. In fact, you do not have to use a rounded drinking cup. Junk flat plastic will work also.

It really is fairly simple. Just make it to fit your conditions.

That looks pretty good, but you need to flatten out the rice sock a bit before applying the duct tape. Once the tape is on, it will hold the flatter shape.


No, it was not Dash. He would have shared.

Pandora said:
not sure only try this i was think of looking into an Infrared Heat Lamp for when im streching with the [words=]PA[/words].

Yes thanks but i have others views for that i must find a good electric warmer i gonna put it on all nigt in tandem with an [words=]ads[/words] maybee this interact fine on the Ligs......
Forgive my ignorance , i cant seem to understand how you could use the rice sock in OTS position. I've been hanging for over a year and havent made any gains , so im hopeing by changing angel and using this rice sock it should budge my tough bastard of a tunica.
VeryShyGuy, what's your lot, I didn't make gains hanging for more than a year and just recently changed my angels. my lot is like a 6/7 if that, I now do SO, OTS, what were u doing, weight, routine, and what r u going to do know??

>Forgive my ignorance , i cant seem to understand how you could use the rice sock in OTS position. I've been hanging for over a year and havent made any gains , so im hopeing by changing angel and using this rice sock it should budge my tough bastard of a tunica.<

You can put it under your shaft, between your shaft and stomach, for half of the time. This will also give a fulcrum effect for half the time. Then, cool down without the rice sock, stressing a slightly different set of tissues.

Or, you can put the rice sock on top of the shaft, which in the OTS position is actually the bottom of the shaft. Just try to keep it off the balls.

Has anyone done any work on this topic in the SO position? I especially would like to hear from GS and [words=]PA[/words] and other guys with septum issues.

No but I made a fantastic way to stretch SO with out using any weights or pulleys, just using a wrist roller. I mentioned it on a tread already but if anyone is interested in learning how( extremely easy ) just ask.:)
How about wrapping the Fulcrum with a heating pad and then wraping the exposed part of the stretched penis with a rice sock? Seems like yiu would have nothing but heat on your penis. Then maybe to top it off do all of that under a heat lamp? Would this be too much heat?

I like the idea, I'll give it a go sometime this week, with the heating pad and rice scok combined. I'll go with about 10lbs to see how stretchey my penis will get. And to see if I can soften up my septum.
Bib said:
Has anyone done any work on this topic in the SO position? I especially would like to hear from GS and [words=]PA[/words] and other guys with septum issues.


Bib i'm using one but not SO,the 3rd one i made was just to short in height to use for SO,my shaft was just sitting flat on top of the fulcrum,i ran out of tape and havn't had the chance to get to the hardware store for any as of yet.

I have been using the 3rd attempt for SD well the weight hangs SD the shaft itself is pointed just below SO ,only using 8lbs and that feels quite heavy but i'm getting a good ache along the top of the shaft.

I also decided to remove the gel padding from the hanger and this has really made it easier to get a solid grip on the shaft.
sweets said:
VeryShyGuy, what's your lot, I didn't make gains hanging for more than a year and just recently changed my angels. my lot is like a 6/7 if that, I now do SO, OTS, what were u doing, weight, routine, and what r u going to do know??

Hey bud to answer your questions my lot is the same as yours between 6/7 and i was orginally hanging SD/BTC and didnt gain anything ... i was hanging 2 hours a day 5-6 days a week for 6-7 months.I got up to about 20 lbs at one stage. Now i havent started hanging again , i just feel i have wasted a fuck load of time on something that i didnt gain anything from so im not sure what the plan is as of yet. When i hang again ill hang OTS with a pulley and see how it goes , failing that i will have figured that gaining is almost impossible for myself. Gotta keep posative though :)
THat's exactly what has been helping me out these last 2 months. I pe's for what seemed like an official 3 years before finally at the end of last year(finding [words=]MOS[/words]:) ) and discovering routines that has worked. Keep at it bud!
Yea nice man , glad things are working out for you. I just hanging with my [words=]ads[/words] for 3 hours every day after work for a longer flaccid , will eventually get back into hanging. After gaining a 1/2 inch as a newbie over a year ago i havent had anything since and i have been consistant with my hanging or manuals.... Time will tell i guess , i feel like ive tryed everything else and nothing else has worked. Maybe im at my limits at NBP 6.7 x 5.8 and BPenis EnlargementL 7.2
VeryShyGuy said:
Hey bud to answer your questions my lot is the same as yours between 6/7 and i was orginally hanging SD/BTC and didnt gain anything ... i was hanging 2 hours a day 5-6 days a week for 6-7 months.I got up to about 20 lbs at one stage. Now i havent started hanging again , i just feel i have wasted a fuck load of time on something that i didnt gain anything from so im not sure what the plan is as of yet. When i hang again ill hang OTS with a pulley and see how it goes , failing that i will have figured that gaining is almost impossible for myself. Gotta keep posative though :)

JUst gotta chime in here... I havent had gains from manuals OR hanging in a couple months and I'm frustrated as well. But, I'm gonna try this straight-out thing and see what gives. My LOT is straight out at 9 oclock so I SHOULD be getting something from hanging SD... 15 lbs x3 20 min segments... frustrating indeed
yo big charlie, gotta wear an [words=]ads[/words] to keep em cells open, i bet if you get one, you'll start or eventually take off.
VSG, maybe the manuals weren't enough, but I think doin SO and OTS will definetly see some results, and maybe 3 hours aren't enough>:( I think the pipe idea is better than any pulley possible, again just holler if ya need a description.:)
bigcharlie said:
JUst gotta chime in here... I havent had gains from manuals OR hanging in a couple months and I'm frustrated as well. But, I'm gonna try this straight-out thing and see what gives. My LOT is straight out at 9 oclock so I SHOULD be getting something from hanging SD... 15 lbs x3 20 min segments... frustrating indeed

exactly the same as me. My LOT is around 9, a tad higher, and I've had no gains whatsoever. I've been hanging almost everyday, at 10-12.5 lbs x 4 sets. just today I did 2 sets with 15 lbs but I had to drop the weight after 10 mins. I don't know I'm thinking of doing 1 set BTC, 1 set SD, and 2 sets SO.
I heard that some people wouldn't gain untill they hit 30+ lbs.
I think thats just some golden arch thing, like by the time you would be able to hang that much, you'd probably have gained by then. They say to stetch above your lot, so why is it that people with high lot's are supposed to hand BTC and not over the shoulder?? Maybe if you do that your length might also take off?:)
sweets said:
I heard that some people wouldn't gain untill they hit 30+ lbs.
I think thats just some golden arch thing, like by the time you would be able to hang that much, you'd probably have gained by then. They say to stetch above your lot, so why is it that people with high lot's are supposed to hand BTC and not over the shoulder?? Maybe if you do that your length might also take off?:)

I'm having problems even thinking about I think it would be uncomfotable for more many reasons. Not to mention that most of the weight would be dissapated through friction with your body.

and, to reach 30+ lbs i'd have to at least be hanging another 4-5 months. and that's assuming adding 1 lbs/week. I seem to be stuck at 12.5 and i cant easily move up.

so me no knows.?:(
I've been using the rice sock technique for two weeks now. I'm still using 7.5 lbs, and sometimes 10 lbs, and am hanging for about 80 minutes per day on average(4x20 minutes).

It took a few days to get the wrapping right, but no problems since. My dick actually shrunk a little after the first few days, probably due to the new stresses it was experiencing. Fortunately that was short lived and I'm back to normal length, or even slightly longer.

Has anyone had trouble increasing weight, or is it too early for me to worry about that? I may have to try going up in increments of 1.25 lbs instead of 2.5.
prince Albert said:
This is what ive come up with,second attempt the first one was to small,pretty easy to make took about 15 mins.I carn't test it out until tomorrow,will give feedback then.

What kind of sock is that where can i get some from:)
I used the [words=]power assist[/words] penis wrench, and tried too replicate this technique pretty good stretch.
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