Okay so I did it.
I LIVED rofl
anyways I found out that my dosage [half a male leaf] did not increase my size, or at least not so one could really notice...BUT I have found something with this.
Here goes.
I started masturbating.....I was REAL horny as hell.
Just wanking away at adult entertainment like a kid again.
So what I did as 'a'' got the day of, I phoned an escort up to come round
anyways I shagged her to death for 1 whole hour and guess what??? I could not no matter what was tryed, even cum once.....I fealt the urge and the sensation of it, but I didnt cum once.
I had the orgasms time after time I was faint.
She left and I carryed on wanking and doing some pulls, jelqs.
I knew this wasnt my PC muscle or anything like that cos when I wonna cum I can cum.
I was wanking away and I would get near the zone than suddenly it would go...than my orgasm set in like when you cum...but I didnt cum.
I could still wank and have more and more.
I did all this within 2 hours of taking the leaf.
Alright so it doesnt seem to make the penis bigger, but it works GREAT at making you last LONG LONG LONG.
I will try another test with the leafs, dunno when..but it will be one more before spring as the things are dead.
Anyone else wonna try?
Half a leaf.
It really works....you can last for ages.