I need to know two things first before I try this.

#1 what are RX meds that rain keeps mentioning?
#2 How would one know [me] that I have been poisoned..toxins in me?


Okay this is what I WILL do tommorow at around 12pm GMT.
Get a male fern leaf and eat 1/2 of it, the largest half of the leaf.
I gunna get it fresh from the garden, cut it up into bits than add it to some warm water and take it orally.

Than after that I will take X1 multi vitamin and mineral pill to help boost the depleted vitamin B2 the fern takes away.

Thats it.

I will monitor my cock size throughout the day.

I'll also keep you informed here thru'' the day on how I am feeling etc from the thing.
can someone upload that song ''Live and let die'' from the bond film....very appropiate for this..cos I could poison myself tommorow or nuthing could happen, or maybe my dick will swellup alot bigger???

also I need these answering

#1 what are RX meds that rain keeps mentioning?
#2 How would one know [me] that I have been poisoned..toxins in me?
A transdermal experiment with using a catalyst like DMSO.
Certain types of oral steroids can be used this way (e.g.) primobolan acetate. It is rubbed onto the stomach and mostly bypasses the liver, maybe in theory it could be used as such.
Just a thought
I tryed this at 12:40pm GMT [40 mins ago].
I had probz finding a leaf, cos they have nearly all died here.

I found a big one.
I cut it in half, washed it and ate the biggest half.

Washed it down with some milk...YUK it was fucking aweful, the most bitter shit I ever tasted.

The effect thus far.

I fealt sick at times, very slight headache, but the most syomptoms are dizzyness and also a spasm like movement around my pectoral region now and again.

I feel alright.
Okay so I did it.
I LIVED rofl
anyways I found out that my dosage [half a male leaf] did not increase my size, or at least not so one could really notice...BUT I have found something with this.

Here goes.

I started masturbating.....I was REAL horny as hell.
Just wanking away at adult entertainment like a kid again.
So what I did as 'a'' got the day of, I phoned an escort up to come round ;) anyways I shagged her to death for 1 whole hour and guess what??? I could not no matter what was tryed, even cum once.....I fealt the urge and the sensation of it, but I didnt cum once.
I had the orgasms time after time I was faint.
She left and I carryed on wanking and doing some pulls, jelqs.
I knew this wasnt my PC muscle or anything like that cos when I wonna cum I can cum.
I was wanking away and I would get near the zone than suddenly it would go...than my orgasm set in like when you cum...but I didnt cum.
I could still wank and have more and more.

I did all this within 2 hours of taking the leaf.

Alright so it doesnt seem to make the penis bigger, but it works GREAT at making you last LONG LONG LONG.

I will try another test with the leafs, dunno when..but it will be one more before spring as the things are dead.

Anyone else wonna try?

Half a leaf.
It really works....you can last for ages.
Get a Fern plant...the same specious as described in this thread.
Have alook at the pictures in this thread of the fern so ya know what type...its the Dryopteris Filix Mas....you want the male leaves.

They grow WILD in many countrues.

Get half a leaf.
Cut it in half.
Wash it, remove the leaves from the stem and eat...chew them up and swollow.
Its a terrible taste...so take some mint afterwards and wash it down with summut.....also DO NOT TAKE ANY FORM OF ALCHHOL in the next 24 hours as this can make the thing deadly.

When you've taken the leaf you will notice after 30 minutes that you feel a little drousy [sleepy], dizzy and have mild slight stomach and headache - I had all of these.

Do summut within say 4 hours of having this plant, like wank, exercise, sex anything to test the penis.

Do you notice any changes??? tell us,

I will continue trials with the plant in the months ahead.
If it goes well.....than we could have a premature ejaculation solution.

Also you can buy this plant online...if ya wonna do that this site sells them

Originally posted by rain
Saw a link to this site at another Penis Enlargement site... So, posting the link here..


The information at that site reads as follows:

"Kantemir I, Akder G, Tulunay O.

In male mice and rats, one drop of an extract from Dryopteris filix mas, administered orally pure or suspended in sunflower-seed oil, caused a spectacular enlargement of the penis. This unexpected effect cannot be explained so far and will have to be elucidated by further experiments."

Would Dryopteris filix mas be poiseness to humans?

Did a quick search on Dryopteris filix mas and here's what turned-up... Not sure if that is the same Dryopteris filix mas they are writing about.





Are we sure the mice or the rats did not not Penis Enlargement....? :D That might have skewed the data rofl

Seriously, this sounds promising. However, if DLD's exercises work so well, why risk one's health for a herb?
good info'' Brock'

Heres the original extract that kicked all this off


[Preliminary report on an unexpected effect of an extract from Dryopteris filix mas (author's transl)]
[Article in German]
Kantemir I, Akder G, Tulunay O.
In male mice and rats, one drop of an extract from Dryopteris filix mas, administered orally pure or suspended in sunflower-seed oil, caused a spectacular enlargement of the penis. This unexpected effect cannot be explained so far and will have to be elucidated by further experiments.
PMID: 947210 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Also seems that this stuff certainly increses GSH - cellular glutathione (GSH), the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier, which is because the thing is toxic.

Also from what I read this plant produces L-Methionine which is an essential sulfur amino acid. The body cannot produce L-Methionine, which must be obtained from food or supplement sources.

Theirs lots of other chemical reactions that take place but I cant understand all that jargon...it makes not much sense tome as I aint a Scientist....we need Blade and 8 Isnt enough - any other npe/pe Science guru's on this.


Finally I must report that around 12/14 hours after taking the leaf, even while masturbating I could still last for ages.
I eventually cummed, but it took alot longer than usual....STILL AFTER 12 HOURS.
The final orgasm on ejaculation seemed the same, STILL INTENSE but I didnt notice it any more so....but the positive is that this thing has helped me stay longer...and the thing lasts.
Seriously, this sounds promising. However, if DLD's exercises work so well, why risk one's health for a herb?


Simple....its a new discovery.
A simple plant that can make you last for ages and ages not like anything else seen before.
I want tobe on the verge of this...the guy that tested it.
I dont think its been tested on humans like I have recently done :s they have done it on rats, mice and rabbits in large and prolonged periods.

However I want to see its effects in small, medium, large dosages over short periods.


Also guys I forgot to mention in that other post that from what I have researched, even them new sources that Brock landers have posted...it seems that this stuff when dryed, oitment, powder doesnt have the full % of certain chemicals.
Its more potent and strong when took fresh like I did.

Also is their anyother volunteers willing to test this stuff out.

So far its

#1 RedZulu2003 [me]
#2 Supra
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
Also is their anyother volunteers willing to test this stuff out.

So far its

#1 RedZulu2003 [me]
#2 Supra

I'm not quite as crazy as you Red, but I find it very intriguing. Full credit to you for giving it a go.

From what I've read on it, there's a fine balance between what can be taken safetly and what will poison you, so try and stick to the smaller quantities. BTW, did you get the shits? ;) It's supposed to have strong laxative properties in the male fern leaf. Here's a link for you felix mas
Originally posted by RED
Also from what I read this plant produces L-Methionine which is an essential sulfur amino acid. The body cannot produce L-Methionine, which must be obtained from food or supplement sources.

A fair while ago I read that L-Methionine can help with premature ejaculation, something to do with 2 chemicals have to be present to ejaculate and L-Methionine inhibits them to some degree making you last longer I THINK, not totally sure can't find the article I read that from but there are products with L-Methionine powder claiming to help with premature ejaculation among other benefits.


So this may explain why RED lasted so long when he ate the plant, maybe we should look down this avenue as well for lasting longer during sex.
wow, red, and some other guys, you'd eat anything to make you're dick better. I mean stomach cramps, headache, drowsiness, not being able to drink alchohol!!!??? is it worth it?
yes it is, common dude I am doing this for US......THE GUYS HERE and myself.
Could be onto something alittle new here.
Like Brock just said that chemical could be what helped me last the other day.

I think when the tests are over itll be worth it, cos guys wanting to last longer can just get a simple plant from the garden.
Its gotta be worth it than buying pills.
I thought this was supposed to make our penis bigger, not last longer? WTF?

I have about 20 Ferns in my yard, were are the pics of the exact on it need?

Were are the pics!

Also how do I know if If I have a male or female leaf?
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I thought this was supposed to make our penis bigger, not last longer? WTF?


Rats it did, we are testing it on HUMANS now.
I didnt get an increase in size but I only took half a leaf, and whats so bad about being able to last longer? thats a BIG fucking bonus if ya ask me.

READ thru'' the whole thread, pix of the plant are in the thread, you must read it all to gain a background of whats going on.
Theirs many links in this thread telling ya about the plant we need.

A male plant doesnt have the seeds ''reddish'' colour under its leaves at this time of year.
I might try to get some, lasting longer could bea great bonus to like a first date or something, or if you want to give your gf something special that night;)
As Brock suggested, it may be the L-Metionine that's helping you last longer. I've done some reading up on this stuff and ordered some, together with equal quantities of Magnesium and a smaller amount of vitamin B6, to give it a try.

To me, lasting longer would almost be as good as having a bigger dick.

I'll be taking the following on a daily basis :-
L-Methionine 550mg
Magnesium 450mg
B6 50mg

I'll report my results after taking it for a few days.
From what I have read the pills won't be as potent as taking it fresh.
But we could do with someone testing the pills.

I think its just pure fern leaf extract or summut to that extent.
Theirs tons of links to buy it throughout this thread,
post what your intentions are.

I am testing the raw fresh leaf

Slam_in_the_lamb is testing some of its [fern leaf] ingrediants -
L-Methionine 550mg
Magnesium 450mg
B6 50mg

and you could test the pills.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
why not try the leaf?
Chicken I guess ;) too many unknown risks for me.

What I'm really interested in finding out is if it was the L-Methionine in the leaf that caused the delayed ejaculation. If so, this could be a great supplement for many here.
yes it could, maybe you should just try that.
Dont use the vitamin B6 and magnesium incase they mess with one another.

I also belive that theirs more to it in the fern leaf than the L-Methionine, someother ingrediants may attribute to the LONG lasting effects of what I experienced [12 hours], I will test again .... date - TBA.
must be in the leaves cos why else would I not be able to cum for 12 hours ?:( the roots might have summut as-well? I dont fancy diggin a fern plant up, they are HUGE
You are a either brave or crazy... However, I don't have room to talk... You results are interesting... I've called a few plant stores in the area, hoping to buy one... No luck... And with winter months here, nothing growing in the wilds...

thanks for the feedback, nah I cant do it at the moment cos they [plants] aint around right now, have to start it up at a later day, or try and hunt a plant still alive which is remote now.
When I test this again I shall do so with a FULL large male fern leaf, FRESH cut from garden, same as before.
I will monitor as usual.

On anotherday I will take a TBA dosage of male fern root, fresh also and monitor as usual.
I read back, and it seems the root part is used to kill the tapeworm in humans, also the most toxic part. From what I read I DO NOT know what part was used on the rats when there dicks became huge?

It will be TWO seprate test days of course, wont be too long now.
The next 4-6 weeks I should begin the new trials ... testing the leaves [larger dosage] and the roots.
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This kinda reminds me of that Salvia divinorum me and my friend ordered off the Internet to smoke because it give's some wierd hallucinations and things. Im no drug head or anything but it was a scary experience. Im just saying dont try something until you know lots about it.
this is very interesting, the only thing keepin me back is the fact that i'm an epileptic and i don't know if this would confront my meds
I risk my life eachday on the streets, I already have a will made.
Shall be testing this again in the next few weeks as the ferns are coming up good.