A closely related plant: "Dryopteris juxtaposita" has been shown to be toxic in rabbits. I'd recommend extreme caution to all DIY experimenters.

Source: INDIAN JOURNAL OF EXPenis EnlargementRIMENTAL BIOLOGY; 37 (10). 1999. 980-985.


BIOSIS COPYRIGHT: BIOL ABS. Experimental studies with Bracken and Dryopteris ferns @ 25% concentrate ration mixture were conducted in rabbits. Fern fed rabbits showed progressive anaemia, leukopaenia, lymphopaenia and relative heterophilia. Significant elevations in serum enzymes like serum glutamate oxaloactate transminase (SGOT), serum glutamate pyruvate transminase (SGPT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), urea and creatinine levels were seen. Histopathologically, rabbits showed mild to moderate vascular changes in most of vi y thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods.
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i recently started taking nitro tech protein and the first time i had sex after loading up a few servings of this stuff i lasted for at least 20 min longer than normal. It has vitamin b6 525% daily value and L- methionine
results from the weekend???? I've read the whole thread, so I'm curious to see what's up with the results of a whole leaf....good luck bro
I just read the entire thread myself and I have to say RED you are one crazy dude. But damn I'm interested in trying this out. Haven't looked at the plant yet though. I'll check that out before I leave. Good luck and keep us posted.
Hey Red, you know how you had those stomach aches the day after and the headaches the day you took it? Did you eat anything with it? How much water did you take with it? I'm just wondering because I think drinking at least an 8 oz glass of water would help maybe? Kind of like taking medicine? Maybe taking it with something to eat and drink this time if you didn't the first trial. I'd hate to think your headache and other side effects would increase as your dose will be just because you didn't drink enough water or eat something with it you know? I mean I doubt it would hurt the potency or delivery time of the plant if you did this. BUt then again you probably did eat something relatively soon after right? eh forget it what do I know?
I shall try this, this weekened coming.
Had to delay cos of work again.
The stomach and head pains from lasttime are from the toxins IMHO in the plant.
I do belive that takeing water and some food before the plant would make these symptons less likely to occur, so thanks for reminding me.
REDZULU2003 said:
I shall try this, this weekened coming.
Had to delay cos of work again.
The stomach and head pains from lasttime are from the toxins IMHO in the plant.
I do belive that takeing water and some food before the plant would make these symptons less likely to occur, so thanks for reminding me.

Not sure if that was sarcastic or not...but anyway I hope all goes well. :s

I gotta find me some of that fern plant. I'll have to go up to this nursery or whatever they got around here and see if they have one.
REDZULU2003 said:
Get a Fern plant...the same specious as described in this thread.
Have alook at the pictures in this thread of the fern so ya know what type...its the Dryopteris Filix Mas....you want the male leaves.

They grow WILD in many countrues.

Get half a leaf.
Cut it in half.
Wash it, remove the leaves from the stem and eat...chew them up and swollow.
Its a terrible taste...so take some mint afterwards and wash it down with summut.....also DO NOT TAKE ANY FORM OF ALCHHOL in the next 24 hours as this can make the thing deadly.

When you've taken the leaf you will notice after 30 minutes that you feel a little drousy [sleepy], dizzy and have mild slight stomach and headache - I had all of these.

Do summut within say 4 hours of having this plant, like wank, exercise, sex anything to test the penis.

Do you notice any changes??? tell us,

I will continue trials with the plant in the months ahead.
If it goes well.....than we could have a premature ejaculation solution.

Also you can buy this plant online...if ya wonna do that this site sells them


VOLUNTEERS, come-on try this out.
Do as it says above.
I eate HALF a full leaf, same as last time if I recall right.
Simply broke up the little leaves, and eate them in fours.
Broke them up before eating and chewing them.
I started at 12:45pm, but I could not eat the leaf I first chose.
It was a full sized leaf, each time I tried I vomitted it back up.
So I went for half a leaf.
Started again.
The stuff was VILE and the most DISGUSTING thing I EVER tasted, fuckin helll is is AWEFUL.
I had a pint of water and sipped it after eachtime I chewed and swallowed.
It took me 15 mins in all to down the leaf, from 1:15 - 1:30pm.
I fealt sick from the shit.
Also I noticed my mouth dried up ALOT inside, like my spit was being took away.
I also noticed a feeling of dizzyness, kinda like when you have had a small amount of alchohol, like Wine.
I fealt my mood change to a more happy positive one.
This lasted say 30-45 minutes.
During this time I eate a sandwich and the taste went.
Also had to use strong mints and mouth wash.
Afterwards I still fealt the dizzy effects, but they arent bad like VERY DIZZY.
Feels like you have had a tiny bit to drink, even now at 4:45pm I feel this some.
Now for the penis,
I didnt see any change in my size ..... I now know it cant be the leaves that do this, I will HAVE TO try the roots next time as I feel that is what may change the penile size.
Anyhow, I noticed I could STILL last long.
I had sex with a girl freind and went at it for about 1 hour 30 mins.
I never cummed once, we only stopped cos the parents were comin home.
Usually during sex I can FEEL that urge to come, even though I'm alright at holding it back, I NEVER fealt this urge today.
Infact I had ORGASM after ORGASM, when the usual PC flex would kick in [to shoot sperm] I would feel a fade flux near my anus [ass] and a GREAT feeling would persue, an orgasm .... normally cum would come out as-well but not this time.
I had loads of these.
No matter how HARD I fucked her, or the speed I went .. my willy didnt wonna cum.
She even said I was a STUD in bed and said her cunt was sore from the non-stop pounding I gave her.
Aother thing, is I feel more HORNY.
Im more wanting sex, even now I want some pussy around my cock.

Overall I aint surprised by the results, as I had the same last time.
But I havent had as many side-effects from the past one, which included head aches and muscle spasms in the pectoral region, all that was avoided this time.

I think this leaf works so well as it does PARALYSE the Tape-Worm, for which the plant extract is used for.
IMHO, somehow the chemicals in the leaves have an effect on the MUSCLES in the human body, and the PC Muscle which starts orgasm and ejaculation is RELAXED or PARALYSED to a certain degree ????? I dunno, but I feel its somewhere around this explanation.
Nice man, but that sucks that it tasted so bad. maybe try downing it with some gatorade or coke. You probably didn't feel the side effects from the last one as bad because you drank more water, right? That's good to hear. Thanks again for trying the experiment and posting your results. How old was the girl you were fucking? Her parents came home? LMAO
lol she was 16 , thats the legal age here.
A freind of my sister lol I fuck what and when I can these days
Also next time I shall test the ROOT of the plant and see what gives, and I did eventually cum at around 5:30pm from LOTS of intense Blow Jobs by the same lass, I shot a load on her.
I also tasted some of the semen and it had THAT SAME leaf taste in it, albeit not as bad.
Hmmm, strange. Well, at least you came, right? haha Well, I might have to try this someday, sounds nice to be able to last so long. Good luck with the root, make sure it isn't toxic or anything before you go ahead with it.

Also, I think we need to change the title of this thread, cause it didn't cause penis enlargement, did it? Just in rats, right?
Also I noticed my mouth dried up ALOT inside, like my spit was being took away.
This is a clear sign of intoxication. I don't want to talk you out of it, just be careful and don't fuck youself up! Good luck
bigman808 said:
Hmmm, strange. Well, at least you came, right? haha Well, I might have to try this someday, sounds nice to be able to last so long. Good luck with the root, make sure it isn't toxic or anything before you go ahead with it.

Also, I think we need to change the title of this thread, cause it didn't cause penis enlargement, did it? Just in rats, right?

The title stays, I have been useing the leaves .. the penile size changes was seen after the root part was taken, in rats yes.

Also I noticed my mouth dried up ALOT inside, like my spit was being took away.

Thanks for clearing this up.
The dizzyness and slight drunken feeling must have been the toxins right?
Do you have any idea as to why this leaf is effective at holding of ejaclation longer than normal?
Yes, but it's very hard for me to express it in english... I will try it :D
The toxins of the plant also have their effects on the sensitive nerve endings maybe. (I'm not too familiar with this plant. To be honest I first read about it HERE)
This leads to desensitization, just like a local anaesthetic does. Did you experience feelings of numbness in your mouth, nose or even on the skin? Then this is the cause of it.
Thanks for the info! I am curious to try this product, but would like to see gains in penile sizes as well, just to make it a multi-tasking method, you know?
Have u tried getting a blender and some poweraid or some juice and putting everything in there mixing it together?I bet that would make it taste alot better even if it was the root to.
http://www.herbalglobal.com/cart/product.asp?p=11978&name=l_methionine its cheap and is a antioxidant.Its a amino acid thats why its in that nitrotech stuff.If i was u i wouldnt by nitrotech because its over priced overhyped crap.

L-Methionine Maintains blood flow to the kidneys, heart, brain, helps protects cells from free radicals, detoxifies harmful agents, aids digestion, help prevent brittle hair, aids muscle weakness, fights osteoporosis and allergies.L-Methionine helps prevent liver an artery fat buildup
If you try the leaves again, you might want to try putting them in geletin capsules. That way, you won't have to taste it.

When are you going to do a test with the root?
Chris23 said:
http://www.herbalglobal.com/cart/product.asp?p=11978&name=l_methionine its cheap and is a antioxidant.Its a amino acid thats why its in that nitrotech stuff.If i was u i wouldnt by nitrotech because its over priced overhyped crap.

L-Methionine Maintains blood flow to the kidneys, heart, brain, helps protects cells from free radicals, detoxifies harmful agents, aids digestion, help prevent brittle hair, aids muscle weakness, fights osteoporosis and allergies.L-Methionine helps prevent liver an artery fat buildup

Whats this to do with the fern leaf I am testing here?? enlighten me please.

When are you going to do a test with the root?

Hopefully on FRIDAY
I'm sorry to say that I've been experimenting with this plant over the last month and have not had the success with it that Red has. The plant grows wild where I live in the mountains of Northern Idaho, USA. Over the last month I've experimented with it about five times, varying the dose from a half leaf to a leaf and a half (I thought the effective dose might change according to a persons boby weight, I'm 6'4", 300 lbs) and no dose that I used could stop ejaculation. I tried it on an empty stomach, I tried it on a full stamach, I tried it with lots of water, etc. Nothing seemed to help. I didn't have any of the side-effects Red reported though, in fact I didn't seem to notice much of anything...... it was kind of like grazing on a little grass, just some green shit the next day, that was about it.
So...... needless to say I was disappointed. I hope others have better results.

I realize that. I was following Red's lead and trying the leaves for a solution to premature ejaculation, but it it didn't work for me.

I thought that's what Red said he was going to be testing since the leaf itself didn't cause any growth in him. I'll let him speak for himself about what exactly he's doing and the effects his pasts tests have had.
heres some more of the same info but someting instering at the end.

Synonyms: Male Fern.
• Family: Aspidiaceae.
• Range: Asia, Siberia, Greece, India, N. America.
• Botany description: It makes a very lovely houseplant. Plant has broad fronds, 6 to 10 inches long. Leaves monomorphic, green through winter, 6--40 × 1--6 cm, old leaves persistent as gray or brown conspicuous clump at plant base (only in this species). Petiole 1/3 length of leaf, scaly throughout; scales dense, brown to red-brown. Blades green, linear-lanceolate, pinnate-pinnatifid to 2-pinnate, papery, densely scaly (only in this species) abaxially, glandular, aromatic when handled (only in this species). Pinnae ± in plane of blade, linear-oblong; basal pinnae linear-oblong, much reduced, basal pinnules longer than adjacent pinnules, basal basiscopic pinnule and basal acroscopic pinnule equal; pinnule margins crenately toothed. Sori midway between midvein and margin of segments. Indusia glandular. Root is long obovate, slightly curved, the upper end obtuse or truncate, the lower end acuminate, some cut longitudinally into two pieces, 7-20 cm long, 4-8 cm in diameter. Externally yellowish-brown to black brown, densely covered with regularly arranged frond-bases and ramenta, and with curved rootlets. The frond bases oblate rounded 3-5 cm long, 5-10 mm in diameter, externally with longitudinal edge, texture hard and fragile, fracture slight smooth, brown and showing 5-13 yellowish white meristeles arranged in a ring. The outside of each frond base with three rootlet respectivly, ramenta striped lanceolate, entire, usually fallen off, texture hard, fracture slight smooth, dark green to brown, with 5-13 yellowish-white meristele ranged in a ring, relatively more leaf trace bundles scattered in the outer part. Odour characteristic; taste, firstly slight astringent and then gradually bitter or pungent.
• Chemical composition: Three new kaempferol glycosides, called crassirhizomosides A (1), B (2) and C (3), were isolated from the rhizome of Dryopteris crassirhizoma (Aspidiaceae), together with the known kaempferol glycoside, sutchuenoside A (4). The structures of 1-3 were determined as kaempferol 3-alpha-L-(2,4-di-O-acetyl)rhamnopyranoside-7-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside, kaempferol 3-alpha-L-(3,4-di-O-acetyl)rhamnopyranoside, and kaempferol 3-alpha-L-(2,3-di-O-acetyl)rhamnopyranosside-7-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside, respectively, by chemical and spectroscopic means. Inhibitory effects of 1-4 and kaempferol on human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase-associated DNA polymerase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase and DNA-dependent DNA polymerase) and RNase H activities were investigated (Min, 2001).
Two new ichthyotoxic compounds, aspidin PB (8) and dryofragin (9), along with three known phloroglucinol derivatives (1-3) and five terpenoids, were isolated from the whole herbs of Dryopteris fragrans(Ito,2000).
The two dimeric compounds aspidin and desaspidin, which were found to be the most active among the tested phlorophenones, were also examined in vivo on two stage mouse skin carcinogenesis, and found to show significant inhibitory effect on 7,12-dimethylbenz[alpha]anthracene (DMBA)-TPA tumor promotion(Kapadia,1996).
• Part Used: Root.
• Medicinal Uses: In male mice and rats, one drop of an extract from Dryopteris filix mas, administered orally pure or suspended in sunflower-seed oil, caused a spectacular enlargement of the penis. This unexpected effect cannot be explained so far and will have to be elucidated by further experiments (Kantemir, 1976).
Aspidin and desaspidin inhibit TPA induced tumors in mice(Kapadia 1996) .
Shows antibiotic properties of the male fern (Aizenman 1973).
Effect of desaspidin on photosynthetic phosphorylation and related processes(Hind 1966).
I already new thisn but I tryed the leaves to RULE them out.
Next time round I shall try the roots.
Also people helping with this, make sure you use the RIGHT fern plant and make sure its male.
Nrrru said:
heres some more of the same info but someting instering at the end.

Synonyms: Male Fern.
• Family: Aspidiaceae.
• Range: Asia, Siberia, Greece, India, N. America.
• Botany description: It makes a very lovely houseplant. Plant has broad fronds, 6 to 10 inches long. Leaves monomorphic, green through winter, 6--40 × 1--6 cm, old leaves persistent as gray or brown conspicuous clump at plant base (only in this species). Petiole 1/3 length of leaf, scaly throughout; scales dense, brown to red-brown. Blades green, linear-lanceolate, pinnate-pinnatifid to 2-pinnate, papery, densely scaly (only in this species) abaxially, glandular, aromatic when handled (only in this species). Pinnae ± in plane of blade, linear-oblong; basal pinnae linear-oblong, much reduced, basal pinnules longer than adjacent pinnules, basal basiscopic pinnule and basal acroscopic pinnule equal; pinnule margins crenately toothed. Sori midway between midvein and margin of segments. Indusia glandular. Root is long obovate, slightly curved, the upper end obtuse or truncate, the lower end acuminate, some cut longitudinally into two pieces, 7-20 cm long, 4-8 cm in diameter. Externally yellowish-brown to black brown, densely covered with regularly arranged frond-bases and ramenta, and with curved rootlets. The frond bases oblate rounded 3-5 cm long, 5-10 mm in diameter, externally with longitudinal edge, texture hard and fragile, fracture slight smooth, brown and showing 5-13 yellowish white meristeles arranged in a ring. The outside of each frond base with three rootlet respectivly, ramenta striped lanceolate, entire, usually fallen off, texture hard, fracture slight smooth, dark green to brown, with 5-13 yellowish-white meristele ranged in a ring, relatively more leaf trace bundles scattered in the outer part. Odour characteristic; taste, firstly slight astringent and then gradually bitter or pungent.
• Chemical composition: Three new kaempferol glycosides, called crassirhizomosides A (1), B (2) and C (3), were isolated from the rhizome of Dryopteris crassirhizoma (Aspidiaceae), together with the known kaempferol glycoside, sutchuenoside A (4). The structures of 1-3 were determined as kaempferol 3-alpha-L-(2,4-di-O-acetyl)rhamnopyranoside-7-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside, kaempferol 3-alpha-L-(3,4-di-O-acetyl)rhamnopyranoside, and kaempferol 3-alpha-L-(2,3-di-O-acetyl)rhamnopyranosside-7-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside, respectively, by chemical and spectroscopic means. Inhibitory effects of 1-4 and kaempferol on human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase-associated DNA polymerase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase and DNA-dependent DNA polymerase) and RNase H activities were investigated (Min, 2001).
Two new ichthyotoxic compounds, aspidin PB (8) and dryofragin (9), along with three known phloroglucinol derivatives (1-3) and five terpenoids, were isolated from the whole herbs of Dryopteris fragrans(Ito,2000).
The two dimeric compounds aspidin and desaspidin, which were found to be the most active among the tested phlorophenones, were also examined in vivo on two stage mouse skin carcinogenesis, and found to show significant inhibitory effect on 7,12-dimethylbenz[alpha]anthracene (DMBA)-TPA tumor promotion(Kapadia,1996).
• Part Used: Root.
• Medicinal Uses: In male mice and rats, one drop of an extract from Dryopteris filix mas, administered orally pure or suspended in sunflower-seed oil, caused a spectacular enlargement of the penis. This unexpected effect cannot be explained so far and will have to be elucidated by further experiments (Kantemir, 1976).
Aspidin and desaspidin inhibit TPA induced tumors in mice(Kapadia 1996) .
Shows antibiotic properties of the male fern (Aizenman 1973).
Effect of desaspidin on photosynthetic phosphorylation and related processes(Hind 1966).

ALso thabnks for this data.
Hows it going with the root red? This thread is very interesting,
I think those grow in the Swedish forrests, seen many many and more.
They all look exactly like the one in the picture. So it would'nt be hard to find them. :)
We also got some plants that look like bluebarrys, but they arent bluebarrys,
they are some kind of clone i guess but with some toxin effect.
hi, my one is 4 inch only and i want to gain it more than now. if there is any one can help me and give me some correct instruction how to gain it i will deeply appreciated.
thank you.
Im willing to try it out if I can get my hands on some. If it was used in a massage oil, then it cant be too harmful. Anything in a massage oil would be induced into the blood stream through the skin, just like a patch etc. So if it didnt kill people when used as massage oil, I don't think it would if it was ingested, as long as it was in moderation.
Just chiming in to say that I'll be giving this a shot myself, hopfully next week. I've been in a "what the hell" mood recently. From what I've found on-line, it should be less than $15 for the fern.
I'm going to get a whole fern and plant it outside. That way, I'll have a constant source for both. I'm going to try the root first, though, after I re-read the whole thread and do some 'net searching to figure the doseage.
I could use a little help, here. I was about to order from a Yahoo store, but there's a few different types available: Grandiceps, Crispa Cristata, Linearis Polydactyla, etc. Could you point out which one is the right one, Red?