
Saw a link to this site at another Penis Enlargement site... So, posting the link here..


The information at that site reads as follows:

"Kantemir I, Akder G, Tulunay O.

In male mice and rats, one drop of an extract from Dryopteris filix mas, administered orally pure or suspended in sunflower-seed oil, caused a spectacular enlargement of the penis. This unexpected effect cannot be explained so far and will have to be elucidated by further experiments."

Would Dryopteris filix mas be poiseness to humans?

Did a quick search on Dryopteris filix mas and here's what turned-up... Not sure if that is the same Dryopteris filix mas they are writing about.




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Dryopteris filix mas was used by researchers, and I am not saying that anyone should try using it....

Pure Dryopteris filix mas could be poisonous.

Extract likely means they processed it first, removing the harmful stuff...

It would be interesting to learn what part of the plant they used and how they proceeded with the "extract" of whatever properties were used.

whats the name of the plant??? why not get some boul it up the part where this stuff is and eat it?? okay it may be poisonous but cooking it should help.

I am keen about this find Rain.

I looked at photos of the plant on the net. To confirm what I believe it to be, will be going to a local plant store and look at one there.

If my guess is right, the stuff grows wild here.... *g*....

Also, plan to research the poisonous factor. If animals in the wild eat it... *g* That's good enough for me. If not, then I'll have to question whether or not to do it.

Extract was probably a highly amplified dose.

Also, will search the net again for means of emailing the Researcher. Would like to ask him a number of questions.

very interesting find..we shouldnt let this thread die...good luck rain,if you need any help with research let me know....
I looked it over. It was done in the late 1970's with no other mentioning if this effect in any other studies done with this plant. It may be BS.

Or the death of you, take your pick. Its toxic and I cant recommend anyone use it. The toxic level of Tongkat ali also was noted that the penis was swollen. I wouldn't take a toxic amount of Tongkat to grow your penis. I'm just saying to be carefull and wise about what you do.

The plant was posted at another Penis Enlargement site... It wasn't my find. It was at thunders or betterman.com but don't recall which at the moment.

Here's what I learned so-far from a gardening web site.

(Clump forming fern found throughout North America and grows well in the Pacific Northwest.

At one time, Male ferns were used medicinally to expel tape worms. The root yields an oleo-resin that specifically treated tapeworms by paralyzing the muscles of the worm making it release its hold. An oily purgative was taken with the root to help expel the worm from the body. The fern was also used in olive oil to make a massage oil.)

Paralyzing the muscles of the worm does raise concerns. Trekked through a wooded - marsh - wetland area this afternoon and found four plants with similar leafs to compare with photos on the net.

I will throw-out what I gathered from the wooded wetlands.

If I do proceed and "not sure I will do so".... Will buy the plant from a nursery store to insure it's the right one. And that is a huge "IF"...

Will keep everyone posted as to what I decide to do. "Risk to health is a deciding factor."

Last thing I wan't is for anyone to harm himself using the plant.

I do not suggest that anyone proceed to use the plant.

No one should use the plant, unless there is medical research that supports it as save to use for humans.

Due to "Risk Factors", I am leaning toward "NO WAY."

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DO NOT take this thing.....we MUST reasearch it more.
8 isnt enough is a Scientist at this stuff.....dude their must be ways that we can think of in the home to decrease the toxin levels???? I dont wonna sound harsh but get ideas in....this could be a MASSIVE breakthru...........
origionally posted by rain
The fern was also used in olive oil to make a massage oil.)

Well if it was used for a message oil maybe we can search for certain brand oils that used the plant, and use it during a girth routine while jelqing. Im not sure if it will work because i havent researched it but it sounds logical.
Hydromaxmmm....GREAT research thanks for sharing.
Now we know that bit more...we know what dosage to take.
Now we need to know how to take it wothout getting the toxin in us????

Boiling it.....cooking it etc etc any ideas...also is anyone game for oneday [after reasearch] testing it???/ maybe some of you scinece folk like Rain can test it on a Rat or summut???
we MUST NOT let this die....we as I said before maybe onto summut new.
Well there’s another site that I found that said if you cook it, it taste like sweet potatoes, I’m not sure if this is fully killing the toxins, but maybe we should take a vitamin b pill of some type to make up for what is being taken from us. Think about it, if we replenish the vitamin b that’s being taken then the toxins wont negatively effect us. Rain I’m not an expert but you probably know more then I, so would love to hear what you think.


This thread really took-off. I didn't expect that...

Been busy here, and haven't had time research further or glance a the links posted. Will try to get at them next week.

Poisonous factor keeps me leaning away from it, unless I can confirm it as safe.

true, like when soup is overcokked it looses its goodness.....Hydromaxmmmmm their must be ways, CUMMON FUCKERS lets get lucking into this....anyone know if they sell these in the UK....I want one ;)
They already sell this in the form of a pill at most homeopath shops. It goes by the name of "Filix Mas", and yes it's for the treatment of Tape Worms. It also has a few side effects. It's not very expensive to buy as well!!

Filix Mas - Wonder if it could indeed help with penile enlargement????

ANyone willing to try an experiemnt with it???? try them pills for say 1 month and do the normal usual exercise and see what happens.

Anyone interetsed?
Hey guys...

Appears this thread is still alive and kicking. I've been busy, plus trying to deal with health issues, so not experimenting with anything... Have an echocardiogram scheduled in a couple weeks... Hopefully nothing major... Probably stress - related.

Sorry to hear that man...hope it goes well.

As for the Felix-Mas....I have alot of ferns and will cook them in a few days and try it out.

What should it be..the leaves? or the roots?
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
Sorry to hear that man...hope it goes well.

As for the Felix-Mas....I have alot of ferns and will cook them in a few days and try it out.

What should it be..the leaves? or the roots?

Wow RED, bottoms up!! No clue about the leaves or the roots though.. ?:(

It has put me of abit....but I will not be consuming alchohol anyway...but it says overdose...consuming alchohol on medicine can make it stronger etc.....I wonder what it would indeed feel like to take this stuff???? like being pissed maybe?
rofl that plant grows EVERYWHERE here!
it can't be toxic, cause i had a rabbit a long time ago and he used to eat this. but the rabbit is a herbivore which means his stomache is made to process plants only, which could also mean he isn't affected by the poison i think.
but dudes, we have 1 in the living room and several outside and when i was little i used to eat this stuff :p
it has a strange taste but it isn't bad. i used to eat a leaf, but i was like 8 years old at that time and i didn't feel something "unusual" hehe.

maybe one should take this in high quantities. you can always consume a Norit tablet with it to neutralize toxins.
I found a homeplathy site that sells filix mas in different forms, pills, granules, ointment, and liquid.
Maybe it wouldn't have to be taken internally if the ointment could be used. I don't know, I'm not a doctor or anything like that. I'm just interest like the rest and wanted to be of help. Here's the site I found it on.


I hope it's of help!

If I can find something more on filix mas to read, I might be willing to try the ointment. That's if it works like that 4AD stuff I've read elsewhere about. (able to penitrate the skin)

Too bad that site says "no alcohol" with the plant, because I was gonna say to dry it, chop it up real fine, then soak it in high proofage liquor for 2 or 3 weeks - shaking it up a few times a day.

What ever magic that is in the plant will go into the alcohol, thus creating a nice Penis Enlargement-lixer. One or two shots'll do ya!

But if you read somewhere about NO ALCOHOL, then scratch what I just said.

Why don't you just SMOKE THAT SHIT?!!

Sorry don't get here as often as I'd like... But do read posts from time to time.

I called a few local health-herb dealers, concerning buying a pill or massage oil of the planet.

Learned it was banned for non RX usage due, a number of serious reactions to using it... Toxic reactions...

So the only way to get it, according to local herbal suppliers is through RX and Doctor.... With that information added to a search engine, there was more to be learned.

Part of this form is researching, which this thread has proven. Toxic reactions, a large number of people... Hospital stays... Need I say more? Be warned, experimenting on yourself could be dangerous...

Keep us posted...

While I warn of the dangers, if not for my RX meds, I am crazied enough to try it...

Please post how to do it exactly one you try this, this could be the missing link to Penis Enlargement!!
I find it hard to believe in this kind of thing, but if it does in fact turn out to be for real then I pray to God that we can somehow manage to keep this news mainstream. I don't want all of my Penis Enlargement'ing efforts to be in vain and wind up being average again...that would piss me off.
FUCK IT...I am gunna eat half a male leaf tommorow *scouts honour* I will photo the fucking eaten leaf and post it here...or photo the leaf going into my mouth.

I will die trying...I really dont give a fuck anymore.