Ahhhh, gotcha. Didn't know he Penis Enlargement'd. I don't know much about him, though,
-rant mode- ...
Hanging/Jelquing/etc have been around longer than the Internet... probably for thousands of years. What the internet does is disseminates (here's the perfect use for that word ) information to a Lot of people.
So, what used to be like the family secret of a handful of poseur assh*les is now readily available information ... memetically transfering the idea .... "ah!, I can yank on my dick and make it bigger? .. No kidding!?"
And now the secret's out.
It's my opinion ( $ .02 ) that anything over 7 has been extensively worked.
So, being in a sexually-aware world without knowing about Penis Enlargement is rather like being a competitive bodybuilder not knowing about steroids...
'Hmmm, I wonder why that guy (my chick longs for, again, ) is wicked-more-hung than me? I must suck. Sucks to be me and always will.'
No, ... that's BS!
He didn't say this, that I know of, but it'd be like Schwarzenegger in his prime saying "'I've never taken any steroids, I don't go to a gym, hell, I don't even work out...."
Yeah? ... B*llSh*t ...! :finger:
So, with the Penis Enlargement info out, you can get a leveled playing field. Some people at this board are as big or bigger than Holmes, and personally I'm bigger (so far) than most people in adult entertainment -- and seriously considering going for another inch just for the obnoxiousness.