I'm not going for girth at the moment, but I read that it can help with length also. I also will like to see what my donkey looks like, if I can blow it up some and see a bigger me. Maybe it will add even more to my desire to work harder at building a bigger dick.

I went with a 2" kit from Joel Kaplan. The pump has a gauge so that is good from what I hear.

My routine is only stretching pretty much. How do you guys recommend I incorporate pumping into my routine for length, if you think you can get any from pumping? :)

Does pumping help flaccid sizes too? That would be nice.

I know not to overdo it. I don't plan to do more than 20 minutes at a time. What is a good starting pressure? Thanks
against_odds21 said:
I'm not going for girth at the moment, but I read that it can help with length also. I also will like to see what my donkey looks like, if I can blow it up some and see a bigger me. Maybe it will add even more to my desire to work harder at building a bigger dick.

I went with a 2" kit from Joel Kaplan. The pump has a gauge so that is good from what I hear.

My routine is only stretching pretty much. How do you guys recommend I incorporate pumping into my routine for length, if you think you can get any from pumping? :)

Does pumping help flaccid sizes too? That would be nice.

I know not to overdo it. I don't plan to do more than 20 minutes at a time. What is a good starting pressure? Thanks

I will relate my experience with pumping, I pumped for five years, firstly with the Kaplan pump and cylinder, I found that the Kaplan cylinder lost it's vacuum very quickly. I phoned and emailed Kaplan several times to ask some questions. But alas I did not get any answers from him, All Kaplan was interested in doing was for me pay several hundred $$ to join his private sessions. Needless to say that was the last business I did with that prick.

Anyway I replaced the valve on he top of the tube and made sure that I was shaved around my crutch, and bingo the problem was solved. But I had to replace the pump and gauge after a few months, Kaplan pump is very poor.

Here are some points, never pump above 4-5 Hg of vacuum, and do not pump for more than 15 min in the first month before taking a 5 min break. You can gradually increase the 15 min window to around 30 min max after a month. If you pump to high a pressure, you will end up with a cock that is LIMP and Sloppy, just like a Hungarian sausage.

Also the pumped cock will deflab after about an hour. Any gains that you make are only temporary, there is no permanence from pumping alone, you must combine pumping with regular Penis Enlargement exercises. If I can be of any other help then PM me. By the way it took me over six months to regain a normal hard on after I quit pumping.
Crap. I thought that it would be a decent one. Oh well. I just am not ready to spend hundreds on one, until I try it out at leasat. You said you been doing it for five years? Maybe his pump has changed since you used his?

How come you lost your erections? You got me scared now. lol I'm in my mid 20's. No need to do this to get an erection.

I'll be sure to only do 10 minutes a day for about 15 days at a comfy pressure and then maybe go up to 15 minutes. Will it be okay to pump every day or should I do it every other day as I start out? Do you start out pumping with a full erection?

Thanks for answering. I always wonder if anyone is going to give me an answer most of the time here.

Has pumping helped you with any length gains?
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against_odds21 said:
Crap. I thought that it would be a decent one. Oh well. I just am not ready to spend hundreds on one, until I try it out at leasat. You said you been doing it for five years? Maybe his pump has changed since you used his?

against_odds21 said:
How come you lost your erections? You got me scared now. lol I'm in my mid 20's. No need to do this to get an erection.

Well when you pump up your dick it makes all the cells inside your dick very spongy, The spongyness takes time to deflate and can end up with permanant damage. That why you have to take it easy. One of the problems with pumping is that it feels sssoooo good that you want to continue for hours.

against_odds21 said:
I'll be sure to only do 10 minutes a day for about 15 days at a comfy pressure and then maybe go up to 15 minutes. Will it be okay to pump every day or should I do it every other day as I start out? Do you start out pumping with a full erection?

some people do, but for me I liked the feel of my dick swelling up. just make sure that you preheat both your package and the tube before you start.

Thanks for answering. I always wonder if anyone is going to give me an answer most of the time here.

Has pumping helped you with any length gains?

I use the Kaplan and it has worked well for me. Here are a few dos and donts.


Warmup before pumping
Pump for 10 to 15 minutes max per session
Pump at 5-8hg per session.
Pump every other day or less than that
Pump for 1-2 sets max per day
Stop if you notice negativity in your erection quality after a couple of weeks
Use pumping as an addon to your sessions, not as your session


Pump every day
Pump for multiple sets every day
Pump for more than 1-2 sets
Keep pumping if erection quality goes down
Get addicted to pumping(easy to do)

If you notice that your erection quality goes down, then cut back the amount of pumping that you do. Pumping can give you some nice gains if you combine it with a regular workout, but wont give them to you all by itself. It helped me with girth the most and length a little.
Well you guys got me worried now. Having second thoughts. Seriously that much potential danger in it? I'll stick to my manual routine if that is so. I don't want any chance of not being able to get a hardon or permanently damaging my donk.

Could have spent $80 on something else, instead of these worries now.
what type of girth gains have you gotten from pumping and can you guys tell me where to get a pump please? or direct me to a site? im dieing to get one man :(
I wouldn't worry so much about it. I've been pumping on and off since my late teens and am in my forties now. I've never had a problem getting an erection due to pumping and yes I have had both girth and length gains. The others have given you good advice - use it and you won't have any problems. I use the pump the augment my routine on my girth day. I do all the girth exercises and then do my warm down (30 minutes max) in the pump and I wrap my heating pad around the outside of the pump. I also do my kegels during this warm down period and I must say Kegels in the pump are rockin.
After MANY years of pumping - sporatically however I've gained at least an inch in both length and girth. Alone pumping is not the most efficient means to grow permanently. The pumped gains one sees usually only last for 6-8 hours but seeing the cock expand like it does over the time in the pump is somewhat of a kick.

For the best in service and quality see below. I've had the Vacu-tech system for years and they are great! The thick-walled cylinders are best if you want to work some length too.

Grabbing your penis with your hand a pulling it will stretch it faster than trying to pull it with a suction. Really. I pump maybe twice a week now after trying it out for awhile. I find it helps with FR, cause the fluid build-up stretches the skin pretty good. But it can injure you and it probably will give you a case of limp noodle if you overdo it. I DO NOT pump if I am expecting or wanting sex. It's no fun hearing your wife ask "What's wrong?" cause you can't keep a good hardon. My very honest opinion is that pumping is more a masturbation aid than anything. A pumped up dick is extremely sensitive!
pumping when combined with other metods can be very productive and give the penis a workout its never had before.
See my log.
Egghed said:
what type of girth gains have you gotten from pumping and can you guys tell me where to get a pump please? or direct me to a site? im dieing to get one man :(

Have a look at this site, http://www.yinyangchi.com/
I had problems with Kaplan he refused to exchange a tube I problems with. I went to the yinyangchi site purchased a cylinder from them, had some problems, and they sent me another one no questions asked. I found their service very good, and they are willing to answer questions that you may have on pumping.
REDZULU2003 said:
pumping when combined with other metods can be very productive and give the penis a workout its never had before.
See my log.

Red is right about pumping. It can be very effective!

Currrently I'm basically on a pumping only routine. I pump 5 to 6 days a week 15 mins a set 3 to 4 sets a day, between my sets I edge, edging keeps your erection level strong, and pumping gets my dick fat as hell. Then after my session I put on a cock ring to keep most of my pump. Edging also limits fluid build up in the penis. I can pump and still maintain a hard ass erection after a session, I say edging makes all the difference in a healty penis no matter what exercise you are doing.
Well I got it, but turns out I could prolly do w/o it right now. I'm doing just fine with my manual workout and don't have the time for this. I got the 2" tube with it and will ship it to anyone in the states for $60. It cost me $80, so that's a pretty good cut. PM me if interested.
against_odds21 said:
Well you guys got me worried now. Having second thoughts. Seriously that much potential danger in it? I'll stick to my manual routine if that is so. I don't want any chance of not being able to get a hardon or permanently damaging my donk.

Could have spent $80 on something else, instead of these worries now.
smartest thing ive heard on this thread don't risk injury if u don't think its for u. Pumping is dangerous if done wrong it does make the dick look sloppy when pumped to much know this from personal experience. Stretch jelg horses and ur on your way man stick to the natural shit arnold didnt put a device on his pecks to get them that big it took time and dedication same goes for peing man