What do you recommend for hanging? I do manual stretching, but it tires the forearms, so I prefer to mostly hang.
I have a Bib, but I cannot use it anymore. It causes stretch marks.
I'm looking for a hanger that pulls the penis the way manual stretching does. I believe the attachment needs to be on the glans, or about the top 1/3 of the penis. The Bib attaches from the middle of the penis and stretches skin, which I do not like and don't think it is the most efficient way to hang.
I have seen several vaccum based hangers with mixed reviews so I'm a little confused.
These are the ones that I have seen:
What do you think of these. Recommend any of them? Recommend another?
I have a Bib, but I cannot use it anymore. It causes stretch marks.
I'm looking for a hanger that pulls the penis the way manual stretching does. I believe the attachment needs to be on the glans, or about the top 1/3 of the penis. The Bib attaches from the middle of the penis and stretches skin, which I do not like and don't think it is the most efficient way to hang.
I have seen several vaccum based hangers with mixed reviews so I'm a little confused.
These are the ones that I have seen:
What do you think of these. Recommend any of them? Recommend another?