LIGHTNING;596739 said:All the posts above this one on this page would not be credited as quality posts. They are not informative nor helping anyone. However, this post is informing people that the above posts are not informative, therefore this post is informative. Hopefully this post helps inform someone about the quality of informative posts. ;-)
This is actually a good question, for example does this thread qualify as a quality post:
I'm assuming no, but at least it's funny. I'm assuming quality posts should strictly be PE related, whether mental or physical. For instance, PE news, PE discoveries, PE epiphanies, exercises, possibly softcore videos which aid PE, and also PE advice for people in need.
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LIGHTNING;596739 said:All the posts above this one on this page would not be credited as quality posts. They are not informative nor helping anyone. However, this post is informing people that the above posts are not informative, therefore this post is informative. Hopefully this post helps inform someone about the quality of informative posts. ;-)
This is actually a good question, for example does this thread qualify as a quality post:
I'm assuming no, but at least it's funny. I'm assuming quality posts should strictly be PE related, whether mental or physical. For instance, PE news, PE discoveries, PE epiphanies, exercises, possibly softcore videos which aid PE, and also PE advice for people in need.