Figured I might as well start a log to keep track of my gains now that I'm stepping up the intensity a few notches. As the title suggests, my current goal is 8x6 NBP. Right now I'm 7.25 NBP(sitting) or 7.5 NBP(sitting) measured from the side (same length as a [words=]DVD[/words] or PS2 case).

Here's the routine I started yesterday, and will be on for at least a month:

5 min heating pad warmup (substituted by hot bath+ball stretching warmup)
60 JAI Stretches (4 sets x 15 reps)
5 min heating pad
[words=]Newbie routine[/words] (30 sec stretches each way, 30 rotary x 3 sets)
5 min heating pad
50 DLD Blasters superset with 1 min Footlong stretches (5 blasters left hand/1 footlong right hand)
5 min heating pad
600 Wet Jelqs (1st 100 is 50% warmup, then 500 at 90-100% hardness)
5 min heating pad warmdown

Alltogether it takes about 1.5 hours. I do it DLD-style, on the toilet, no distractions. If I'm struggling with the Jelq erections, I'll switch to some adult entertainment to help out near the end. Last night after doing this routine earlier in the day I noticed I had a nice fat full hardon. So I won't be taking any days off for awhile.

Wish me luck!
hey! my routine is similar to yours.... try a few supra slammers at the end of the jelqs. for that feel good feeling ;)
Not sure if I'm ready for slammers yet. I have a hard time holding back the nut once I get the feeling... doesn't feel safe.

On a side note... don't do DLD blasters if you have to piss. Get rid of that first. Made that mistake 1 time yesterday... won't be happening again! (waits for toilet rug to finish wash cycle)

On a plus note... I got my BPFSL to 9" from the pubic bone. Kinda odd though, considering the 2 inch difference between FSL and EL... I hope that doing the Jelqs right after the Blasters can translate the FSL to EL. I make sure that when I jelq, I pull hard at the glans for an erect stretch every time.

I will be adding the vimax [words=]extender[/words](autoextender head) to the routine when I get the attachment. If it is as comfortable as they say, I'll be wearing that at least 4 hours a day, maybe 8 if I can wear it in my sleep.
Getting pissed at a lack of gains, even if 1/16" since december... I think i'm gonna drop off the jelqs for now and just focus on length. My girth is around 5.75 and I'm happy with that. I REALLY wanna hit 8 NBP asap.

So I'm changing my routine to the following:

20 JAI
1 round DLD [words=]Newbie Routine[/words]
50 DLD Blasters (1 footlong every 5)
1 hour hanging up to 15 lbs (broken up to 20 or 30 min segments)
2 hours vimax/autoextender as warmdown

Wish me luck... my dick is pissing me off
Well I finally noticed a minute change. 1/16" BPFSL after trying "hardcore hanging" for a couple days. I jumped from 15 to 20 lbs. Hurt like a bitch at first because I had been using lazy wrapping techniques. So, I started wrapping very close to the base, and TIGHTER, and voila... I can do 20lbs for 20 mins.

SO my routine now is 1 set of 10lbsx20min, a 20lbx20, manual stretches (15 mins) and DLD blasters 25 (superset footlong every 5 reps). Finally I end with 200-300 wet jelqs at 90-100%.

My biggest complaint is that my BPFSL is NOT translating to erect length, and I'm hoping the jelqing will correct that.

When I have more time in the morning, I'm going to do a single hardcore hanging set of 20lbs in the AM on top of this routine (at night). My lot is straight out around 6-7 oclock so the hanging SD SHOULD give me something. I may end up incorporating the new rice-sock fulcrum thing on the chair to try and target the tunica more. But, I dont wanna complicate things right now.

Frustration is really hard to avoid because my goal is very reasonable (1 inch NBP increase) but seems like my dick just refuses to change
After considerable thought and advice on my routine I decided to simplify it and focus on one aspect for awhile: hanging.

My schedule is basically 2 sessions a day:

AM -- 3 hanging sets (10, 15, 20 lbs) 20 mins each, followed by 200-300 jelqs
PM -- 3 hanging sets (10,15,20) followed by [words=]ADS[/words] until bedtime

Once I can successfully last a consistent 20 minutes at the 20 lbs mark I will add another 2.5 lbs. I will stick with this routine until March and mark progress then.
is it possible for you to wear an [words=]ads[/words] after your morning session? even for a few hours?
Well at most I could probably get in 1 hour, as I have to fit in my AM cardio and 3 hanging sets as well. I simply have more time at night for the [words=]ADS[/words] and I need to get in my jelqing otherwise I doubt I'll ever make any erect gai ns.
I know its only been a week, but I'm really getting frustrated with the lack of results. I can not even get a 100% erection now, I'm lucky to get 90%.

That being said, I'm taking a full week off starting today. I'm also into weightlifting/getting in shape so it will give me more time to focus on that and take care of myself. I will resume next Wed. with a more balanced routine (manuals/jelq in the morning, hanging/ads at night)... and resume with a vengeance.

Who knows, maybe some time off will give me something to show for these last 4 months...

I think that the reason that you not be seeing the results that you want is because you have not been sticking with a set routine and therefore stressing the penis in the same way for long. IMO you should not EXPenis EnlargementCT to see any results for up to 3 months on a particular routine. I think that you should shoot for either length or girth (preferebly length first) and then hit it the same everyday without fail for months at a time without expecting gains. Then gradually increase intensity. It will take time but be patient.

It seems to be consistancy that sets apart the gainers from the non gainers. I know this because I was the same for years but now I've locked down a consistant hanging routine I'm seeing gradual results even though I don't expect to. If I can gain 1/4" in length in 6 months then I'm happy as this is a life long deal for me and at that rate I'd gain 2" in 4 years and I'd be happy with that. If I get better results then that is a bonus.

All the best. :)
Thanks for the reply Tom.

Today I started up again, and this time I'm starting over fresh, strictly doing the [words=]newbie routine[/words], with 600 jelqs. I'm gung ho about it now, but I'm not going to allow myself to overtrain like I did before. I will re-measure tonight sometime and start fresh.
Bringing this thread back from the dead. I stopped about a month after my last post, as I had gotten discouraged again and had other distractions.

A lot of things have changed and I have a better attitude towards life in general now and I am applying this CAN vs CANT view towards Penis Enlargement.

My routine now(since August)--

10 min warmup (heating pad)
3 sets of -- stretch out, up, left, right (30sec), footlong (60sec), 20 rotations
5 min re-warmup
3 10 sec DLD blasters superset by 3 footlong (60sec) stretches
5 min re-warmup
300 Jelqs (alternating days -- 1 day at 90-100%, 1 day at 50-80%)

Some days I add an optional few hours of [words=]ADS[/words] but its not set.

I am also wearing the metal ball rings to help lower the sack some, the high riders need to go.

I'll be getting a new camera soon to track progress.
Adding ball weights to my routine to get a lower sac... right now im up to a 1.5" weight (can get on 2" though) about 8 hrs a day. Thinking of adding a leather stretcher at night as well so I can have a near 24hr stretch.

Was jelqing last night and it seemed bigger, but I also shaved and have been losing weight/fat pad since I started a fat loss routine, so we'll see.

I'm waiting to measure until October -- the end of which I hope to have a full 6 pack by halloween. Maybe more BP will translate to NBP by then! I might invest in the [words=]phallosan[/words] as well, but I want to see how well manual routines work first.

Also as of a few days ago I'm up to 400 jelqs... 200-300 at about 50%, the final 100 near 100%, with some manual clamping to finish off.
Due to lack of erection quality I cant really see any improvements... I'm going to phase 2, and adding the AutoEXT (as an [words=]ADS[/words] like [words=]phallosan[/words]). Incorporating more A and V stretches, DLD blasters and Footlongs.

I think my intensity hasn't been up to snuff...