I think one of the main reasons it's not mainstream is because doctors, who believe they already know everything there is to know about physiology (see Dr. Drew), and fake sex experts continue to claim it isn't possible to enlarge your penis without surgery. I think it's really pitiful that supposed men of science would base their opinions on what they believe they know, rather than on actual studies. I listened to that clown Dr. Drew's radio show once because they had Olivia Munn on (yum) and a caller asked if was possible to enlarge his penis and the "Dr" completely mocked the idea of manual exercises. Most people after hearing a supposed authority say something will just go along with it.
tha3rdleg your totaly right onthis subject, i been thinking for the past little while ever sinse i started pe and made gains that the reason dr's and urologist and surgeons say all that shit is becaus if the general public was to actualy find out that pe does work they would loose billion in a 5-10 year span maybe even shorter .
im mean think about it pumps, surgery's that cost heavy freggin money , creams, pills, stretchers , and they're all already fighting with them selve's for the consumers buck , ya like they would ever let somthing like pe step in and take 1'st place ,when you can get the info to make your penis bigger for free or even a dvd like mos that can produce incredible gains for 50 bucks! so they place crap in mens minds to deture them from believing it.
i almost missed the boat becaus i heard that it was all a scam but i wanted to get bigger so bad that i said fuck it ! tried it ! and it worked and im so damn glad i did!
I think a lot of guys just plain fear Penis Enlargement. To many it conjures up tabu or may be deemed as a strange fetish. Others may just be too lazy, just like body building...they know it is possible but they are not willing to put in the work.
Penis Enlargement will never gain 'mainstream' acceptance as long as sexuality is taboo in our societies.
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