Dec 13, 2012
hello all,
i am somewhat new to these forums but i consider myself to be slightly more advanced than a newbie. i do have a couple questions and i would apreciate some input from you veterans or those who have the same goals as me. i have constructed a variant of the snake hanger and am hanging at 5 lbs for 20 mins. i know i can handle more weight but i am purposely going through the weight increase progressively. i am in this for the long haul. my routine right now would be something like hanging straight down for 20 mins at 5 lbs and doing 10 mins of wet jelqs twice a day. i am currently in a leg cast so at night when i am laying down watching t.v. i do random amounts and directions of manual stretches. im 24 so i am in no rush but my goal would be somethig close to 9x7 fully erect. a couple questions i have that could find a clear answer to is this...

- it seems that all of these excersises seem to only increase flacid length and if i am lucky i will see erect gains (though it feels bigger already when im erect)
- also what is cementing gains? (i was recently in a car accident and went from doing construction/landscaping and going to the gym 5 daysa week and eating healthy and pentifully to sitting on my ass and etaing healthy but sparcely and taking painkillers. after 2 weeks of not doing any Penis Enlargement because i was focused on healing my leg my dick shrunk and couldnt get hard. i stopped taking so many painkillers as the leg healed and became less painfull and i am back to a structured routine. how do i secure theses gains once i have reched my goal?

thank you for reading- bwc
I'm no pro at this but I would suggest letting your body heal up brother. I know for me personally I'm not a huge fan of meds and pills as I usually have some sort of adverse reaction to them like loss of appetite or sleep disruption. I know cementing gains seems hard but just keeping working at it when you can and vary your intensity and off/on time..
BWC;526539 said:
hello all,
i am somewhat new to these forums but i consider myself to be slightly more advanced than a newbie. i do have a couple questions and i would apreciate some input from you veterans or those who have the same goals as me. i have constructed a variant of the snake hanger and am hanging at 5 lbs for 20 mins. i know i can handle more weight but i am purposely going through the weight increase progressively. i am in this for the long haul. my routine right now would be something like hanging straight down for 20 mins at 5 lbs and doing 10 mins of wet jelqs twice a day. i am currently in a leg cast so at night when i am laying down watching t.v. i do random amounts and directions of manual stretches. im 24 so i am in no rush but my goal would be somethig close to 9x7 fully erect. a couple questions i have that could find a clear answer to is this...

- it seems that all of these excersises seem to only increase flacid length and if i am lucky i will see erect gains (though it feels bigger already when im erect)
- also what is cementing gains? (i was recently in a car accident and went from doing construction/landscaping and going to the gym 5 daysa week and eating healthy and pentifully to sitting on my ass and etaing healthy but sparcely and taking painkillers. after 2 weeks of not doing any Penis Enlargement because i was focused on healing my leg my dick shrunk and couldnt get hard. i stopped taking so many painkillers as the leg healed and became less painfull and i am back to a structured routine. how do i secure theses gains once i have reched my goal?

thank you for reading- bwc

cementing gains is when you use like a wrap, or weight, on the penis to keep elongated to heal in a stretched position
me personally i like a little weight below to cement a gain in like a master lock or anchor weight wear in flaccid position

u start cementing these gains after any SG excersices jelqing masturbation etc this will be end cap of excersizes
wrap now you have adjust its wrap but a weight you can wear discretley under clothing and go the rest of the day sometimes threw night if you become ready
if your in a sit down position i put a strap around bottom leg send a shoe lace threw while wearing master lock and i add a little weight on that so that now
my sit down all day has some pull and cement it in this way for the all day sit guys this is up your alley and even if you get up the all parts stays in place and move with you
to keep you in flaccid stretch
MAXAMEYES;526663 said:

This is something EVERYBODY NEEDS TO BE FAMILIAR WITH prior to posting "advice".
And it goes a long way to answer questions you can't quite find the easy answer to.

from the Link you posted doesnt give a description of how cementing
Cementing - It is believed that you will lose recent gains made if you stop doing Penis Enlargement right after the gain. This is the process of making gains permanent.

im using DLD's descriptions from a post he has written in my journal as a descriptive text
Dime asked what is cementing
i gave him a visual how to cement not just a generalized answer something for him to look at this is what this site is about visuals and descriptives that can be looked at seen and possibly tried
just because i try it doesnt mean he will but it is just an idea
Cementing is in it's most basic expression is making the temporary gains permanent. In penis enlargement there is always a state between measurements, it becomes relative as you gain but there is time factors and healing methods that allow faster gain security. In the SRT routine I explain this as either "active" or "passive" penis enlargement. When you are actively exercising your goal is to always expand, elongate or lengthen as much as you can during the routine. This is when the tissue is broken down and temporary gains ensue. Now this is very, very important to understand, if you manage to successfully break down the tissue in active penis enlargement you will obtain a temporary gain, a gain through certain stress factors that have allowed the "elastic" expression of temporary gains. If you do not practice passive methods of penis enlargement, you are missing out on half of penis enlargement as a whole! Understand that after the tissue is elongated or expanded it will always have a elastic memory and the tendency to heal in the original state. This elastic memory is what makes the cementing period so long for some. If passive techniques are employed, gains will become permanently deformed, in their new, larger size, so much faster.

Very much like the healing in muscle tissue, penile tissue also responds to healing on a few levels. The time we spend outside the bathroom is the time I speak of. All those hours in class, at work, on the couch, whatever, all that time can be utilized to use passive techniques to secure new gains at far greater speeds than ignored. Have a good thorough read through SRT and see where it can fit into your world. It will soon be updated, but for now read up on the healing methods....these are the fastest methods of cementing.

In addition, supplementation is very important, far more important than I even thought only 2 years ago. In the current model supplementation is very difficult to understand unless you become quite educated in what is available and how it is applicable. Penis enlargement Pills like Titan or MaleExtra are used by many and for good reason. The give good, proper supplementation to both the gaining and healing process. But, like all things, time can bring new, smarter ways to supplement ones routine, in March the newest MOS Supplement system will be available...This will change Penis Enlargement supplementation forever, but fuck, I have researched for ten years and I am growing older. I want this system to be the best male supplement system available covering a wide range of very important areas.
doublelongdaddy;526742 said:
Cementing is in it's most basic expression is making the temporary gains permanent. In penis enlargement there is always a state between measurements, it becomes relative as you gain but there is time factors and healing methods that allow faster gain security. In the SRT routine I explain this as either "active" or "passive" penis enlargement. When you are actively exercising your goal is to always expand, elongate or lengthen as much as you can during the routine. This is when the tissue is broken down and temporary gains ensue. Now this is very, very important to understand, if you manage to successfully break down the tissue in active penis enlargement you will obtain a temporary gain, a gain through certain stress factors that have allowed the "elastic" expression of temporary gains. If you do not practice passive methods of penis enlargement, you are missing out on half of penis enlargement as a whole! Understand that after the tissue is elongated or expanded it will always have a elastic memory and the tendency to heal in the original state. This elastic memory is what makes the cementing period so long for some. If passive techniques are employed, gains will become permanently deformed, in their new, larger size, so much faster.

Very much like the healing in muscle tissue, penile tissue also responds to healing on a few levels. The time we spend outside the bathroom is the time I speak of. All those hours in class, at work, on the couch, whatever, all that time can be utilized to use passive techniques to secure new gains at far greater speeds than ignored. Have a good thorough read through SRT and see where it can fit into your world. It will soon be updated, but for now read up on the healing methods....these are the fastest methods of cementing.

In addition, supplementation is very important, far more important than I even thought only 2 years ago. In the current model supplementation is very difficult to understand unless you become quite educated in what is available and how it is applicable. Penis enlargement Pills like Titan or MaleExtra are used by many and for good reason. The give good, proper supplementation to both the gaining and healing process. But, like all things, time can bring new, smarter ways to supplement ones routine, in March the newest MOS Supplement system will be available...This will change Penis Enlargement supplementation forever, but fuck, I have researched for ten years and I am growing older. I want this system to be the best male supplement system available covering a wide range of very important areas.

excellent post im not as good with words but i try
this is by far the explaination needed
thank you everybody, but not to dis any of the other members but DLD responded to my post! i have been surfing this website and have grown to respect DLD's words of advise...

i will get around to reading all of the links and investigating the supplementation.

i am doind a few sets of straight down hanging a day, light weight 20 mins each and i enjoy it, when i am able to stand on 2 legs i do wet jelqs and hold a stretch at the end for a couple seconds while i am in the shower and i do random stretches while watching tv. after hanging i feel a slight tightness in my lower abdominals, about 2-4 inches above where the base of my penis begins, does this mean i am beginning to stretch the inner ligaments? and should i take a day off to heal them every now and then or is that area completely unrelaterd. also when i am working i am constantly doing kegels, i would say about 10 hours wrth of off and on kegels while im slabving away for my boss and going to the gym.

i have read a slight amount about the supplements, it will increase my flaccid size and will also help cement some gains? but i am concerned about when i stop taking the pills, not too concerned about the ingredients i understand it can all be obtained through a natural diet but it is all concentrated into one convienient pill. i have considered taking some pills to jumpstart me towards my goal, i measure at about 7x5.25 if i can get myself to 8x6 as fast as possible and then work on cementing/ gaining the final inch of girth length that would be the best for me, would these pills help jumpstart my gains?

i will not be going back to work for about 3 months, i have decided to put in a very religious regiment for Penis Enlargement which would be several sets of hanging, i tried 10 pounds last ngiht but my skin i sstill a little tight and i was using a barbell not a plate or kettlebball. also i cannot stand on 2 feet so sitting down restricts my hanginig capabilities as well. i do manual jelqs, __________ stretches and regular stretches at random whenever i am idle. also would this be a good time to take the supplements since i have the availability to be doing Penis Enlargement consistantly for about 3 months.
ShaggyRat;526744 said:
excellent post im not as good with words but i try
this is by far the explaination needed

Thank you kind sir!

BWC;526803 said:
thank you everybody, but not to dis any of the other members but DLD responded to my post! i have been surfing this website and have grown to respect DLD's words of advise...

My advice is very well based in the knowledge of that contained within this forum. It is a knowledge base that contains the most powerful secrets to growth. Up to this point the knowledge has existed in a way that makes it difficult to understand without a Phd in urology. My hopes for the new Matters of Size is the completely demystification and dispelling of all Penis Enlargement knowledge. I also plan to deduce all I can to bring the most simple understanding of the most complex topics. I do thank you for the recognition but I will extend much of that back to you and the other members who make this wonderful place a reality!

Peace and Love

how do i know i am making gains, like if i had a very good weightlifting workout my muscles are sore the next day and weak, where should i feel fatigue after hanging? i have felt something about 4-5 inshies above the base of my penis in my lower abdominals, am i doing something correct... or wrong?
hello all,
i am somewhat new to these forums but i consider myself to be slightly more advanced than a newbie. i do have a couple questions and i would apreciate some input from you veterans or those who have the same goals as me. i have constructed a variant of the snake hanger and am hanging at 5 lbs for 20 mins. i know i can handle more weight but i am purposely going through the weight increase progressively. i am in this for the long haul. my routine right now would be something like hanging straight down for 20 mins at 5 lbs and doing 10 mins of wet jelqs twice a day. i am currently in a leg cast so at night when i am laying down watching t.v. i do random amounts and directions of manual stretches. im 24 so i am in no rush but my goal would be somethig close to 9x7 fully erect. a couple questions i have that could find a clear answer to is this...

- it seems that all of these excersises seem to only increase flacid length and if i am lucky i will see erect gains (though it feels bigger already when im erect)
- also what is cementing gains? (i was recently in a car accident and went from doing construction/landscaping and going to the gym 5 daysa week and eating healthy and pentifully to sitting on my ass and etaing healthy but sparcely and taking painkillers. after 2 weeks of not doing any Penis Enlargement because i was focused on healing my leg my dick shrunk and couldnt get hard. i stopped taking so many painkillers as the leg healed and became less painfull and i am back to a structured routine. how do i secure theses gains once i have reched my goal?

thank you for reading- bwc

It is wise to train for an extra 6 months once you have gotten to your goal or better still, go half inch above your desired goal. Once you gain that extra half inch and then you stop PE, you will only lose that extra half inch.
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It is wise to train for an extra 6 months once you have gotten to your goal or better still, go half inch above your desired goal. Once you gain that extra half inch and then you stop PE, you will only lose that extra half inch.
Either 6 months or a half inch
âž• always a maintenance routine once per week after that. Like the newbie routine with LengthMaster 3, or your hands.

I really want to get to 9 inches. I don't know what else to do. It feels like I've gotten to a stage where making more length gains is difficult. I need to do something different for my length if I want to make those gains I seek.

I feel disappointed in myself because, when I was doing expressive stretching with the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging, I stopped too soon. Now I'm thinking of starting all over again with the expressive stretching.
I really want to get to 9 inches. I don't know what else to do. It feels like I've gotten to a stage where making more length gains is difficult. I need to do something different for my length if I want to make those gains I seek.

I feel disappointed in myself because, when I was doing expressive stretching with the LengthMaster, I stopped too soon. Now I'm thinking of starting all over again with the expressive stretching.
It's never too late to start all over again. Your experience you should gain extremely fast.
It's never too late to start all over again. Your experience you should gain extremely fast.

Once I get the needed devices, I will restart my length journey.
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