I rub it underneath my eyes, no problems touch wood. It may help reduce the appearance of dark areas under the eyes but I dont think it will rid it. That stuff for piles is also now aimed at wrinkles and I have been told it helps with those dark areas.
This is interesting, thanks red I'm gunna give it a go in the near future..
Great to hear. I have also found that Evening Primrose oil & Vitamin E cream has helped with the smoothness of my facial skin.
hey red... Do you have to use virgin olive oil? B/c I got a full bottle of just reg. olive oil.
Your welcome

I do the facial oil treatment once a week and afterwards my face feels just amazeing. SO smooth! I fill a bowl with hot water, grab a towel to put over my head when leaning over the bowel and apply the oil to my face all over.

Than put your head over the hot bowl with the towel on your head and stay put for 15-20 minutes. Once you pop up, wash your face ASAP in COLD water ... no soap or anything else, just cold water and get all the oil off.

This cold water will close your skin pores, which will be open from the heat ... when they were open they absorbed the olive oil inside them, which cleansed all the shit out the pores and did its healthy thing to your skin.

Once you have used cold water I usually apply either Aloa Vera face cream or Cuticura face cream, which has Glycerol & Vitamin E or you can simply leave it at that.
Wow you really know your stuff red... I was going to try this right away but since I only have the reg. olive oil I'm going to wait to get extra virgin olive oil.
Apricot kernel oil soaks into the skin really well. Recommended by the late Hulda Regehr Clark. DMSO and E also soak in. DMSO is usually reserved for carrying other things into and beyond the skin. Add E to apricot kernel oil, walnut oil, avocado oil. Great massage combo too.
I can't quite accept dry brush massage, but I take the shower brush with natural bristles and brush massage my face, chest, back, arms, stomach. The brush is getting soft as it gets wet in the shower. The brush really cleans out pores and stimulates circulation and sweeps away surfaced toxins which the skin may cue you by feeling itchy. As soon as I start brushing I usually feel an itch over my liver that cues me to get toxins away by brushing.

Liver and colon cleansing is good for skin. Sauna is good for skin. Sweating is good.
smerc;354165 said:
You can drink it. It's just another form of intake rather than cooking with it. Just figure out the daily needed intake and go from there, I think too much will be harmful as all things usually are. You might try adding lemon to help with tastes. Check somewhere else on this since I am not for sure.

here it says to drink 1 teaspoon once a day is enough

I've not been doing the daily olive oil as much recently except when I do my monthly steam routine and it is soaked into the pores to cleanse them. Have found that the Leech oil, yes the LEECH oil has helped the dark lines underneath my eyes and they are very nearly gone now and my cheeks are very smooth, glowing and radiant from its use.
So I could get rid of dark cirles in my eyes with leech oil? what brand you use? where I can get this stuff? how much you apply it to your dark areas?

thanks, I wanna get rid of my raccoon eyes
It helps me. I apply it before I go bed, underneath my eyes .. just massage it in. Got mine from here
ordered it from ebay. gonna let you know how it works on my dark undereyes
For moisturizer, some people recommend applying a light layer on your skin before you go to bed. It works best on dry skin or in winter. Definitely not recommended for oily skin. The olive oil will act on the oil on your face, loosening blackheads and cleaning off your make up.
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