
You received nice support here. You obviously hurt and need to get pass that stage and that next step would be part of a 'maturity' which you don't have at this point.

Try see the common ground here and start growing up. People are trying to help you. Keeping all that stress and anger will make you a sick and bitter person. Look at the positive and I'm sure there's plenty if you open your eyes.
I am sorry it may seem I am this "negative person." However, evo, I do not think you saying to me that I should be banned helps when I am doing nothing wrong by defending myself by giving my opinion.

It is obvious I am probably not the most casual person here at the forums. I tend to go deeper into things that most people normally don't. Sometimes I wish I could not care about this issue at all. But I am not that kind of person. And frankly if there are no people like me I know this problem will not go away.

I appreciate the comments that have been encouraging and helpful, please do not get me wrong. I don't however, appreciate someone saying my state is normal and trying to push me into denial. I already accept my fate and who I am. I wrote the things I did so I could get how circumcision has effected me.

I only found one person however I did respond negatively to and that was goldmember. And I do not wish to take that response back, because I was brushed off with a comment like "you need serious help man." When a person skims over my feelings, gives me little insight and ignore my stances, and then responds again saying I have serious problems, I can't really just think nothing of it. I have to say something. Not saying something is what made me depressed in the first place.

I realize now that goldmember you may have said that to make me feel better. However, it unfortunately made me feel worse. It made me feel like no one was listening to me again. And that is how many people have treated me. It however was the thought that counts, as I do now see that.

I do not wish however to point fingers. I think misconception probably was the main reason everyone turned against me. I am sorry to the people who thought I was being negative. It was completely unintentional. Sometimes, I am too overwhelmed with stress to come up with a nicer way of saying things. I apologize for not trying to explain any deeper, but at the time, and right now even, I am very tapped out on this situation and the way my life is going right now.

So I hope no one takes anything personally from me. Unless I say something about you as a person, I am not trying to insult you.
It has been said before and I will say it again: you need to grow up a little man. It would have been nice if your dad took you on a camping trip when you were younger and had it so that you could only live off the game that you hunted. It would have maybe made a man out of you. Native Americans love and respect nature, yet they don't think all this vegan bullshit is necessary. And I stand by the figure I gave you, that 90% of all men from developed nations are circumsized. I don't see the big fucking deal, but it pleases me to know that you will never have sex, and I hope you don't know about in vitro fertilization either. The world will be better off. The fact that your shrinks tell you that you are in the top 3% of all brains in the world really scares me...that we have complete imbiciles analyzing people's minds or that there are a whole lot of brain-dead zombies walking around. Honestly, you need some serious help.
You're the one that needs to grow up. Me being vegan has nothing to do with any of this conversation. Stop resorting to personal insults. I take back what I said about you.

And no, I am not told by my psychologist that I was smart. I was tested by psychiatrists (note the difference in the letters) with a few of the USA's intelligence tests and that is what I got.

You don't see the big deal because you aren't seeing past the surface. You seem to do just what you are taught in school. America's circumcision rate is 60%, and it is declining. You need to face the facts, cutting off a part of the penis that one is born with that makes it whole and fully functional makes it worse.

I even gave you the benefit of the doubt in my last post. I thought you went deeper then you first acted. I gave you a second chance and all you do is give me a load of crap. You sicken me.

Stop with this "you need help" crap. Why do you think that the 3 psychiatrists that analyzed me are all complete imbeciles? You're the one that needs help if you really believe that.

Why are you even in this part of the forum? You sound like you don't even know anything about circumcision. Have you researched any of this? Have you read any of the useful information and links that other people have provided in this forum? I doubt so. Or else you might have sounded like you knew what you were talking about. They actually took their time to compile lists so that people like you don't spread those lies and outdated facts.

Look, let's cool it. I never said that I was for or against circumcision, and YES, I have even seen circumcisions performed and say it is God aweful. Will I have my future son circumcized? Most likely yes. I don't want my son going through life thinking he is different from everyone else, hiding his foreskin and afraid to take public showers and let girls see what's under his shorts. I think that being ashamed or embarrased by one's penis is one of the worst things a man can experience, so I will likely opt to have my future son circumcized. And I do fully understand that the only reason the uncircumcised penis is viewed as ugly or weird is because it was decided to make the circumcized penis the norl...I wish the trend was opposite, or that only Jewish boys were circumcized, but unfortunately, that is not the case. I hate to say that I would do this for the sake of conformity, but sadly the world is not very accepting of things that are not ordinary.

We have our differences, and let's just put them aside. Yes I do know the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist, but I figured you were speaking about a psychiatrist given that you mentioned prescription drugs. I apologize for insulting your intelligence by doing what I thought was correcting you. Are you religious? Because it seems that you are, judging by the basis of most of your posts.
goldmember said:
And I stand by the figure I gave you, that 90% of all men from developed nations are circumsized.

90% of the guys in the US aren't even circumcised. Let alone in Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan, Mexico, Scandinavia, ...And in those cultures, it is the circumcised guys that feel out of place. Uncircumcised guys are the normal ones, we are not.

You have to understand that we feel ashamed and embarrassed by having a circumcised penis.
Jamain. It seems that people have tried to be nice and supportive to you. Especially Goldmember. You have responded negatively on a repetative basis to attempted help. The least that you could do is be nice even if the help was not effective. They were still trying to help you.
First, I think the whole "nerves don't grow back" is a misconception. Yes, once someone has a brain or spinal injury, those nerves are forever damaged. However, foreskin restoration is done through skin expansion, which means you are growing new skin, not stretching the old skin longer. The new skin grown is not just as mass of dead skin cells. This skin is living tissue, and comes with all the other structures required to keep it alive... circulatory structures, glands, hair follicles... and yes, nerves. It's the real deal. Now, if you were, say, stretching your earlobes, you would create earlobe skin, earlobe nerves, earlobe capillaries and cartilage... basically whatever stuff is in there composing the tissue you have stretched. Since we are tensing inner and outer shaft skin, the components of foreskin, what we end up with is...yes... foreskin. To me, it's a pretty simple thing.

Did you know that legs and arms can be lengthened with traction? Yes, entire limbs, and that includes skin, muscles, veins and bones. Now, if one can generate a couple inches of human limb, does it seem so hopeless to recreate a few inches of foreskin?

My personal experience is that when people complain that it is never going to be perfect and so they cannot bring themselves to restore, they are just being lazy whiners and will likely never have the drive and determination to do the work. Instead of saying, I want a foreskin but I am just to lazy to do it, they come up will all kinds of lame excuses why the task, for them, is insurmountable or not worth their time. You are being honest about your feelings concerning your circumcision. Now be honest why you aren't going to restore.
Jamian, child. When a person is confronted with a given situation, that person has three choices as to how he or she may respond. (If you know of any more options other that what I'll present then please let me know.)

1. Accept it. Realize you have no control whatsoever over the past and very little actual control over the present. You do, however, have total control over how you choose to respond. Much peace and maturity can be gained through acceptance.

2. Ignore it. This runs the entire range from refusing to let truly inconsequential matters intrude into your life to full blown denial of fatal or catastrophic situations. Much wisdom and perspective can be gained through realizing the difference between that which should be ignored and that which should not.

3. Change it. Recognition of your ability to change your environment (anything in, on or around you) to whatever degree necessary with whatever skills you possess and the energy or effort necessary to effect that change will very often give someone a much deeper appreciation of their inherent talents as well as limitations. Much strength can be both realized and developed by working to change your environment even when one is unsuccessful in the endeavor.

Simply being bitter at your own past and the world in general is self-destructive. Being negative and caustic toward those who could help you is a form of self-pity which produces your self imposed isolation. And if you've already decided on your entire life-path based upon the loss of about two grams of flesh then you really have no need of interaction with anyone further on this subject, so why do you persist? Perhaps you so crave attention and acceptance that any form of interaction, even derisive, is welcome.
Most people don't realize that they themselves are both the source and solution to the vast majority of their own problems. Your circumcision is a CONDITION your choice of response is your PROBLEM. Learn the difference, and how to deal with it.
Thanks for the responses, but as a prospering scientist, yes, nerve endings do not grow back when skin is stretched, and keratin does not shed off contrary to popular belief. There are however enzymes that can break down keratin, but even popular sites like wikipedia have test conclusions that there is the same level of keratin in before and after.

Now, in a few years, through nanotechnology I have been researching with my mate, he believes he can properly reverse this without the need of skin stretching and get back the ridged band. Now, I am not going to go through the details here, so if you want you should research it. He has been to college and has taken a full course on it. He is thinking of going back to college, but we might just wait until someone else does it.

Do you mean "aspiring" scientist, or "prospering" scientist?

Like I said, we are not stretching skin. We are growing new skin. No, you cannot repair old damaged nerves, but you can create new nerves to go along with the new skin, at which time a phenomenom called "nueral plasticity" kicks in and incorporates the new nerve feedback.

I think it's funny that you are quite willing to believe in and quote the countless pro-circumcision studies published on the internet, all of which try very hard (at the expense of truth) to justify this old body-scarring ritual. It's very hard for a culture to abandon old rites and beliefs sometimes. Yet, the thousands of restorers who, every day, report their progress and experiences as objetively as possible, are dismissed as quacks and nutjobs... solely because they don't fall in line and march with the rest of the sheep into the slaughterhouse.

Nanotechnology is an interesting idea, but unless you plan to be cryogenically frozen and thawed out on the Starship Enterprise three hundred years from now, I think you can safely abandon that magic pill.

It's okay if you don't have the gumption to restore. It's not an easy thing to do. It requires dedication and a willingness to commit for years to the process. But don't try to justify your lack of fortitude by joining the ranks of the pro-circers now that you know the truth. That would be true cowardice. The truth is the truth, and it will win out no matter how many men try to cover it up, and no matter how much money is at stake for the medical industry and the shadowy human flesh market.
Please, benching pressing 300 pounds requires dedication. Stretching your skin requires a piece of tape. There's no dedication in false hope. Nerves can only be stretched and the nerve endings will thus be more spread out. And of course there is no recovering of the ridged band.

And no, I don't "believe in the pro-circumcision sites," I asked the question to myself before I ever considered anything on those sites to be true and came to the conclusion through discussion with others that it is indeed true. I remember it even clearly being taught in science class and asking my teacher afterwards about it.

I actually AM a prospering scientist. But this is internet, it means nothing to me.

And to reinstate, I believe fully in nanotechnology. I have discussed with others and it definately seems to be the best method.
goldmember said:
Will I have my future son circumcized? Most likely yes. I don't want my son going through life thinking he is different from everyone else
The rate of cutting in the US is now about 50/50 and dropping. Worldwide, 85% are intact. California cuts around 30%, Canada less.

Not an insult, a valid question. Post 33 has no relevance to anything previous that I can see. I was simply wondering if there was, perhaps, an organic or congenital explanation for your condition.
Jamian said:
I remember it even clearly being taught in science class and asking my teacher afterwards about it.
There are doctors who don't know dick about penis, so you're going to lay any weight on something a teacher said?

Restoration is not a waste of time. No matter what you call it, or how you measure the surface of the glans, IT FEELS WAY BETTER after the glans has been covered by ones own skin for a while. No matter what you say about nerve regeneration, intercourse IS WAY BETTER for both parties with a slinky tube of slack skin (not to mention autosexuality).
Hey, Jamian:

nanotech, well I appreciate that possibility. I also look into weakly pulsed silver electric fields for true regeneration -- but;

Heres my question to you [I am a restorer]:

Which scenario is more likely to bring you happiness, or relief, sooner: putting faith in a theoretically successful procedure for years and years, and maybe in a few decades come to a *possible* solution [it is def. good to research, but something like regeneration requires $$$ and patience with bureaucratic interferences], OR, beginning a restoring regimen?

Think about it. Admit the possibility, at least -- that skin-expansion [not tension, expansion] can produce, at least, more-than-satisfactory results that may be worth your attention. I say this because Ive been where you are now. Angry as hell and upset too, etc, all at the same time - and now Ive been on a regimen for a while, I look forward to doing it.
kong1971 said:
thousands of restorers who, every day, report their progress and experiences as objetively as possible, are dismissed as quacks and nutjobs
I am not a nut job. I love my restored foreskin.



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