stillwantmore2;720468 said:
Some of us self realized, strong minded types have cool stories brother Temp. You can too if you so choose.

Yea I realized that when you said you masturbate to �naked people movies� that was so badass and strong minded bro
I'm admitting I enjoy and don't suffer in any way from it.

I know DLD, just bringing some light hearted ness to the thread.
This should be completely understood, this thread is for those who are suffering from an addiction to either �naked people movies� or masturbation. If you do not have these issues then you do not need this help but there are millions of men out there that do need this and will never find it. As a loving Brotherhood it is imperative that we take care of each other. If someone is addicted to drugs they need the help of others to get things under control. The same applies here, addition is addiction and some suffer more than others. I know, for myself, I need this desperately as I am addicted to both and this thread helps me stay accountable to the Brotherhood. This thread is not for antagonizing or causing more pain to those who need this help. I understand that everyone has different issues and this may not be one of them, fine, ignore the thread. But for those who need this, I will be pushing the heck out of this as I feel responsible for your addiction. I should have never allowed �naked people movies� on the site, not only is it penalizing us but it is also taking men from the forums and sending them to �naked people movies� sites, contributing to their addictions. This is not the objective of the Brotherhood to make men suffer, it is our objective to improve ourselves in any way we can. Just as we would help an alcoholic or a drug addict, we are doing the same here.

God Bless
I need to get some support and encouragement. I fell last night into both �naked people movies� and masturbation. I want to explain this so my fall does not go to waste and I learn something from it and hopefully teach something. About 9:30pm I took my sleeping medication. This usually takes about 20 minutes to kick in but when it does I become extremely delirious. Anyway, about 15 minutes after taking my medication I decided to draw a bit before I fell asleep. If anyone knows, my art is of all female forms. I start each girl I draw naked and from there I dress them with paint, I can post an example. Anyway as I finished a quick sketch I went to post it on Instagram and I realized at that moment I was only doing this to catch the attention of a girl I have absolutely no right to do so for many reasons. Anyways I immediately felt bad and decided to pray in hopes that I could be let go from what I had done. I was becoming more and more delirious and then as I was driving in and out of sleep I ended up grading my laptop and going to �naked people movies� and masturbating. After the fact I fell asleep immediately completely confused and unsettled. When I woke in the morning I was not sure if what happened was real or a dream. I needed to pull my laptop out and check the history to see, yes, indeed I did. I immediately went to my Spiritual Advisor and confessed and was given penance which I completed but during the penance I came to understand 2 very important things and I think they are very important for those who are trying to remain in control know.

First, when we are tired it is a very easy thing for us to become temped as our guard is down and we are not aware as we would be when awake. When we are very tired it leaves much room for invasive thoughts which, if not stopped, will bring us to fall.

I like to say fall as I know two things in the fall, one, it takes great courage and strength to get back up and forgive our mistake and better ourselves. And two, if we do fall over and over we have Brothers here that will help us get up when we can’t. There should never be shame in falling and rising, only conviction and determination to correct the deficiency.

Secondly, it is wise to look deeply into where the fall began and the steps that brought us there. In my case it started with a seemingly innocent drawing to Instagram to seeing things I should avoid to invasive thought to �naked people movies� site to masturbation. So the actual beginning step to the fall starts out almost unnoticed and from there as it builds we become weaker in avoidance and the temptation become so much stronger. By the time we get to the actual act, as I did last night, the mind has a tendency to say “well, I already came this far, I might as well finish.” As you can see strength can turn to weakness very quickly without our guard up. We always need to wear the armor that protects us from these steps in temptation.

So in this two fold way I was drawn to do something I really did not want to do in anyway and if I were awake and aware I would have had the ability to dispel the temptation and go to bed. But this was not the case. I woke up with guilt and I knew that that meant I either need to confess or the guilt would consume me and even weaken me more. Since I did not fall for that trap the guilt was turned to conviction and now I am using it to help teach myself from this fall and hopefully give some light to others that may find this story helpful.

Further thing to note is I set up K9 security on my computer so I could not visit �naked people movies� sites. I kept the password myself thinking I was strong enough to avoid using it…that went to shit :) So the password now is in my Son’s hands and if I want to watch �naked people movies� I need to get the password from Him….GOOD LUCK! So this extra step is just another way to say yes, I fell, but I am also taking steps to see I do not make the same mistake again.

I hope my fall helps others rise. I feel great that I could made it 27 days. With these new understandings I will shoot for 2 months! I do not think it matters so much how many times we fall more than how quickly we get up!

First of all, congratulations! It's my opinion that addicts are able to be much more in-touch with their 'true selves' due to the very nature of necessity. The product used, drugs/alcohol/�naked people movies�/etc. are only the by-product of the actual behavior...addict behavior, if you will. It's a cycle that your brain uses to get what it wants/needs/craves and it will manifest whatever is necessary for its 'host' (you) to do the leg-work. In a sense you become a slave to whatever your brain says it an innocent drawing could be a trigger one day, and a Depends ad on TV could trigger you the doesn't matter what stimuli the brain receives, it will contort those images until the desired result(s) occur.
Now getting back to the 'true-self' addict walks a very fine line from 'deep enlightenment' and 'total Narcissism', whereby the rest of society needs to acquiesce to the needs of the addict and all attention becomes focused on trying to help/cure. Although well-intended, only the addict has the ability to navigate through their own mental abyss.
Control, or loss of control should be eliminated from the behavior category...the exact opposite should be employed. The act of giving-up control completely will free the brain from the exhaustive burden of always being on 'high-alert', and that is why you're susceptible when fatigue ultimately sets-in. You will forever struggle to win 'control' over the addict-brain and that battle will be lost even before it begins. This is where 'trust' becomes the primary driver, if you can truly give-in to whatever impulse your brain is signaling for, but trust that your conscious mind will accept the impulses for what they are instead of them manifesting into that spiral of 'over-dose' then you're one step closer to being free. I akin being addicted to something as being in jail, the addiction controls all the moods/behaviors/thoughts 100% of the time. It's unfortunate/unfair that there are some brains that are predisposed to being held prisoner to substances, where another could do crack/meth/�naked people movies�/whatever and be able to take-it-or-leave-it.
These are strictly my thoughts from personal experiences that I've either had or witnessed, so by no means should anyone construe this as advice...just one brother talking to another
Big Schwanz Acht;720743 said:
First of all, congratulations! It's my opinion that addicts are able to be much more in-touch with their 'true selves' due to the very nature of necessity. The product used, drugs/alcohol/�naked people movies�/etc. are only the by-product of the actual behavior...addict behavior, if you will. It's a cycle that your brain uses to get what it wants/needs/craves and it will manifest whatever is necessary for its 'host' (you) to do the leg-work. In a sense you become a slave to whatever your brain says it an innocent drawing could be a trigger one day, and a Depends ad on TV could trigger you the doesn't matter what stimuli the brain receives, it will contort those images until the desired result(s) occur.
Now getting back to the 'true-self' addict walks a very fine line from 'deep enlightenment' and 'total Narcissism', whereby the rest of society needs to acquiesce to the needs of the addict and all attention becomes focused on trying to help/cure. Although well-intended, only the addict has the ability to navigate through their own mental abyss.
Control, or loss of control should be eliminated from the behavior category...the exact opposite should be employed. The act of giving-up control completely will free the brain from the exhaustive burden of always being on 'high-alert', and that is why you're susceptible when fatigue ultimately sets-in. You will forever struggle to win 'control' over the addict-brain and that battle will be lost even before it begins. This is where 'trust' becomes the primary driver, if you can truly give-in to whatever impulse your brain is signaling for, but trust that your conscious mind will accept the impulses for what they are instead of them manifesting into that spiral of 'over-dose' then you're one step closer to being free. I akin being addicted to something as being in jail, the addiction controls all the moods/behaviors/thoughts 100% of the time. It's unfortunate/unfair that there are some brains that are predisposed to being held prisoner to substances, where another could do crack/meth/�naked people movies�/whatever and be able to take-it-or-leave-it.
These are strictly my thoughts from personal experiences that I've either had or witnessed, so by no means should anyone construe this as advice...just one brother talking to another

So enlightening and right on point. I was not looking for justification, I was looking to be dealt with strongly and with Brotherly love and understanding and that is what you gave me. Trust is so very important and this will; be my meditation for the day. I really appreciate the congratulations because I did do the best I could and that is what counts. And now, in failure I find victory, when all seemed to be a loss I can now see it as a gain. I trust in you and your advice.
acromegaly;720745 said:
DLD needs a wife, these self-flagellations makes me sad :(

The last thing I need is a wife! I would not have time for my Brothers! Do not be sad for me as I am joyful in my life and the choices I have made. Always understand these changes are inspired to improve myself and to help others who may have similar issues.
doublelongdaddy;720744 said:
So enlightening and right on point. I was not looking for justification, I was looking to be dealt with strongly and with Brotherly love and understanding and that is what you gave me. Trust is so very important and this will; be my meditation for the day. I really appreciate the congratulations because I did do the best I could and that is what counts. And now, in failure I find victory, when all seemed to be a loss I can now see it as a gain. I trust in you and your advice.

Language and how one speaks, especially to one's self is extremely powerful. Using superlatives like 'always/never' 'best/worst' generally set yourself up to fail. For communication exercises, my goals are to see how few I'm able to use the pronoun 'I', eliminate directives and only use superlatives for effect vs. fact. Spinning a phrase that ends in a negative into a positive also helps...the human brain skips from the start to the end for the sake of efficiency, so make those two parts positive and powerful.
Communication is what elevates us
Big Schwanz Acht;720750 said:
Language and how one speaks, especially to one's self is extremely powerful. Using superlatives like 'always/never' 'best/worst' generally set yourself up to fail. For communication exercises, my goals are to see how few I'm able to use the pronoun 'I', eliminate directives and only use superlatives for effect vs. fact. Spinning a phrase that ends in a negative into a positive also helps...the human brain skips from the start to the end for the sake of efficiency, so make those two parts positive and powerful.
Communication is what elevates us

What is said after I AM becomes truth.
acromegaly;720745 said:
DLD needs a wife, these self-flagellations makes me sad :(
Are you mad because you can't give yourself an autoflaggelatio? Mike is like lil yachty because he can't have no wife. What's your length mines 7.5bp right now just measured.
templnite;720770 said:
Are you mad because you can't give yourself an autoflaggelatio? Mike is like lil yachty because he can't have no wife. What's your length mines 7.5bp right now just measured.

Mine is like 3.2 now after this mistake :)
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doublelongdaddy;720747 said:
The last thing I need is a wife! I would not have time for my Brothers! Do not be sad for me as I am joyful in my life and the choices I have made. Always understand these changes are inspired to improve myself and to help others who may have similar issues.

Dont need a wife yet,lol if i ever get one dont need one that gets mad at me because of PE....just need someone that can help me to cool things down haha:cool:

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I didn't log into the forum yesterday because I masturbated though I didn't feel any guilt. It will be hard to quit masturbation permanently especially when you don't have a girlfriend.
huge-girth;720813 said:
I didn't log into the forum yesterday because I masturbated though I didn't feel any guilt. It will be hard to quit masturbation permanently especially when you don't have a girlfriend.

It is not easy, but with every fall I gain greater strength. I only feel guilt for a short while when I mess up, I admit it, I pray for forgiveness and I look at the reason I did it and the changes I can make so I do not fall again. Guilt should always become conviction as guilt will drag you deeper into the abyss while conviction will not only make sense of it and make find ways to correct it. Guilt, in short, is something that should be felt indeed if we are guilty of something but that should be short lived and conviction should be taken up for change. Guilt will never change anything for the better, it will only drag you in deeper.
Guilt and it's beloved partner, Shame are two of the most toxic emotions that, if left unchecked, can erode one's self faster and with more damage than any other. In my quest for holistic improvement, I no longer allow guilt or shame to have any power or place inside of me...if I make a mistake, I apologize quickly and sincerely to whomever I trespassed (including myself) and it's done!
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