Last night was much better than the 4 nights before. The wake ups only happened twice last night so I feel much more energetic. This, for me, is a massive spiritual victory knowing that I did not cave to to torment as was so desired! I feel stronger each day and now that a month has come and gone I really am starting to truly becoming detached from it completely, not meaning the urges will leave me, but I now have such discipline that it would take a pretty big episode to shake me. I am not claiming a victory of totality here, but one of daily (even sometimes momentarily) small victories that strung together makes my victory become greater and greater. If I were to fall I would not waste a minute getting back up and moving forward but I also find this hard to imagine at the level I am now.

Someone asked about girth work and how to get an erection there are many methods (outside of �naked people movies�) that this can be accomplished. It should be understood that when you are not viewing �naked people movies� you body starts to bring erections at nearly the touch. Viagra could be used but if total abstinence is the goal, there will be no issues with getting an erection, believe me! And orgasms are well taken care of nocturnally.
doublelongdaddy;721997 said:
Last night was much better than the 4 nights before. The wake ups only happened twice last night so I feel much more energetic. This, for me, is a massive spiritual victory knowing that I did not cave to to torment as was so desired! I feel stronger each day and now that a month has come and gone I really am starting to truly becoming detached from it completely, not meaning the urges will leave me, but I now have such discipline that it would take a pretty big episode to shake me. I am not claiming a victory of totality here, but one of daily (even sometimes momentarily) small victories that strung together makes my victory become greater and greater. If I were to fall I would not waste a minute getting back up and moving forward but I also find this hard to imagine at the level I am now.

Someone asked about girth work and how to get an erection there are many methods (outside of �naked people movies�) that this can be accomplished. It should be understood that when you are not viewing �naked people movies� you body starts to bring erections at nearly the touch. Viagra could be used but if total abstinence is the goal, there will be no issues with getting an erection, believe me! And orgasms are well taken care of nocturnally.

Less energy used for masturbation means more energy towards other things :)
I masturbated yesterday after holding it for 2 days. But the good thing is that for the very first time, I was able to masturbate only once after holding off for two days. Before now, I will masturbate up to 2 to 3 times whenever I fail to abstain. I must admit that hours after masturbating, I had urge to masturbate again and I was having erections too but I managed to tame it. I didn't feel any guilt.

Now I've come to the conclusion that if you masturbate daily, you will feel guilty but if done once in a while, no problem at all. But replacing masturbation with a girlfriend remains a top priority.
tbone77;721975 said:
the masturbation or aid in gains? Or both?

After orgasm the penis becomes much easier to stretch, so if you have just had sex with your wife there is no better time to stretch than after orgasm. The reason for this is because the penis is in a state of fatigue and will be less resistant to the stretch. But, if you are masturbating obsessively is will destroy your erection quality and make girth work a nightmare.

huge-girth;722047 said:
I don't understand what you actually mean

I got it :)

kyomoto;722039 said:
Less energy used for masturbation means more energy towards other things :)

Indeed, my mind has so many other things it has been exploring since I have stopped. I also feel so happy not to be hurting my sweet Jesus any longer with �naked people movies� filth!

huge-girth;722049 said:
I masturbated yesterday after holding it for 2 days. But the good thing is that for the very first time, I was able to masturbate only once after holding off for two days. Before now, I will masturbate up to 2 to 3 times whenever I fail to abstain. I must admit that hours after masturbating, I had urge to masturbate again and I was having erections too but I managed to tame it. I didn't feel any guilt.

Now I've come to the conclusion that if you masturbate daily, you will feel guilty but if done once in a while, no problem at all. But replacing masturbation with a girlfriend remains a top priority.

I respect your determination and I completely understand your victory here, and we need to see every little step in the right direction as a victory. So even in this fall you have made your self better in a few ways. First, you tamed the urge to give into the guilt and spend the rest of your day in masturbation. You have also attained an attitude that masturbation does not need to master you! I agree in every way that any man who can not control his mastubatorial and �naked people movies�ogrphic habits should get a wife :)
Got through the night with not one demon attacking me! :) I went to sleep in peace and woke in peace. Today I will be focusing on silence, refection and humility in hopes to bring me more strength in this mighty journey. What I would love to get across to my Brothers mostly is stick in there, after 30 days it becomes a walk in the park. It is getting through those first 4 weeks. Remember and take this to heart as a very real thing; It takes the mind 28-30 days to change a habit. Soon after this sets in you will feel a new peace and grace of discipline. What I hope and pray for so much in my Brothers is strength, fortitude and discipline.
doublelongdaddy;722072 said:
Got through the night with not one demon attacking me! :) I went to sleep in peace and woke in peace. Today I will be focusing on silence, refection and humility in hopes to bring me more strength in this mighty journey. What I would love to get across to my Brothers mostly is stick in there, after 30 days it becomes a walk in the park. It is getting through those first 4 weeks. Remember and take this to heart as a very real thing; It takes the mind 28-30 days to change a habit. Soon after this sets in you will feel a new peace and grace of discipline. What I hope and pray for so much in my Brothers is strength, fortitude and discipline.

Still trying to stay off for a period of 28 to 30 days as this is the cleansing period. I will keep pushing and keep updating my progress on this thread.
huge-girth;722134 said:
Still trying to stay off for a period of 28 to 30 days as this is the cleansing period. I will keep pushing and keep updating my progress on this thread.

A month is usually around the time you get wet dreams, BUT over time wet dreams occur at a further time from my experience. So at first I had a wet dream after a month of no masturbation but right now I'm up to 1 month and 13 days until a wet dream, I think masturbating once in the span of 1 month is good and can postpone wet dreams.
kyomoto;722159 said:
A month is usually around the time you get wet dreams, BUT over time wet dreams occur at a further time from my experience. So at first I had a wet dream after a month of no masturbation but right now I'm up to 1 month and 13 days until a wet dream, I think masturbating once in the span of 1 month is good and can postpone wet dreams.

There has to be a release or we would burst! :) I am now I believe 38 days in and as time goes by temptation grows but at the same time the ability to get beyond these temptations becomes stronger. Today was particularly difficult as it was a nice day, like 65 degrees, and my town was having a huge protest and there were so many women everywhere, wearing the most sexy clothes, it took all I had to remain strong and not allow lust to run over into masturbation. There were most likely 2000 people. I prayed very hard and asked God to help me with these temptations. About 10 minutes went by and I was sitting in the café with mu back to the protest. All of a sudden the sun came out so bright that I noticed behind my back. When I went to turn to look at the sky the protest was over and it was like a sunny ghost town. Oh how good is Jesus when I need Him so much! Sometimes all I can do is pray, the spirt is willing but the flesh remains weak.

When I go through this I not only talk to God but also my Son, who is my spiritual advisor and then I bring it to my Brothers. This has been my greatest defense against the evil that surrounds me at times. I love that I have the support of so great a God, so great a Son and so great a Brotherhood! I would not have ever got this far otherwise. My Brothers, I thank you with every part of my Love for you!

Stay Strong! I pray for the Brotherhood everyday!
kyomoto;722159 said:
A month is usually around the time you get wet dreams, BUT over time wet dreams occur at a further time from my experience. So at first I had a wet dream after a month of no masturbation but right now I'm up to 1 month and 13 days until a wet dream, I think masturbating once in the span of 1 month is good and can postpone wet dreams.

We will have to keep experimenting to know what is best.
huge-girth;722204 said:
We will have to keep experimenting to know what is best.

Yeah I'm going to try and add 10 more days to not masturbating so 1 month 23 days.
Big Schwanz Acht;716621 said:
Why do you think you need to either stop or slow-down? Is your life negatively impacted by it? Any friends or loved ones harmed because of it? Is it inhibiting you from doing/getting the things you want? Those would be some of the questions I'd ask before walking down the road of shame/guilt.

Sometimes self-acceptance is the hardest part

true but no i dont think people around me gets negatively impacted by it at all.haha I have to knock one off every other day n who wouldnt if they had no companionship lol
LONGERDICK7+;722243 said:
true but no i dont think people around me gets negatively impacted by it at all.haha I have to knock one off every other day n who wouldnt if they had no companionship lol

But knocking one off every other day will kill your urge to ask a woman out. That's where the real problem is.
huge-girth;722280 said:
But knocking one off every other day will kill your urge to ask a woman out. That's where the real problem is.

yep that could be a problem,but even when we knock one off, we still have some extra ammo if need to counterattack the enemy lines LOL
Well, I gotta say that last night was a tough night. The day was not bad at all, really I do not believe I lusted once but the occasional glance. The evening was good too, I had a pleasant night so there was no issues there. After I took my medication to sleep and got ready the battle began. I did look at a virtual girlfriend app that was in my cloud, pretty much G rated but I thought maybe that played a part. Not sure what it was but it felt as though the battle was going on outside of myself. I kept waking up and it seemed like it was one lustful thought destroyed by a righteous one but I played no part in it, almost as if I were an observer. This went on the whole night and I woke every hour to this torment. I really think the devil is pissed off at me and the success I have enjoyed so far. I refuse to cave and I will do whatever I need to do to become disciplined in this. If it means torment like this for a while, I can carry the cross. I know that destroying a habit takes time and a positive replacement needs to be implemented. I also know that old habits have many hidden demons, some so small I barely notice them, but non the less, they are there. There is never going to be an escape from the temptations, I am a man and I have carnal needs but there is always the grace of prayer. When temptation comes I immediately pray and I think this will lead me to the grace strength and disapline I so dearly desire!
So I made it to almost 40 days and messed up last night. I have made a moral inventory of how and why this happened and I think I have found another place of fault where �naked people movies� and masturbation become difficult to resist. First let me say that I am embarrassed and disappointed this happened but I will not allow one second of guilt to stop me from starting again. It again happened when I was in a state of delirium, I was very tired and the temptation was constant. I did not worry too much because I knew there was a filter on my computer but something reminded me that my phone had no filter. I realized I could send my phone video to my TV and I found a weak spot in my firewall! Today I am putting K9 on my phone so there is no device in my house that I can view �naked people movies�.

I see the past 39 days a victory, of course I wish I could have avoided it but I did make it to 39 days and that is cause to be happy. Now, as I have pointed out a few times, �naked people movies� and masturbation do not just happen, we are driven to them for many reasons and looking back and seeing the steps that took me from innocence to the fall are vital in every fall, these are the weapons that will help us in the next similar situation. For me it started the night before last. I have been dying my hair most of my life. I went grey after a heroin overdose when I was young and dyed it since. I decided that I no longer wanted to be so attached to this vanity but I did not realize how difficult it would be. I cut my hair and shaved and allowed the grey to start coming in and I became sad. I felt embarrassed and scared that I looked so much older. Even when I saw my Son He seemed to think so in a way as he said some things that made me think this and that broke my heart. The sadness followed me through the day and when I got home, during prayers, I just broke down and started to cry. I thought about my Father before He died and I thought I look old like He did, and this made my heart hurt even more. By the time I was going to bed I felt so badly about myself that I used �naked people movies� and masturbation, not for pleasure, oh no! Not at all! I did this to punish myself! The revelation came after I spoke with my Son.

"In times of guilt and self-loathing, the fantasy world of �naked people movies� offers false redemption. If we are feeling guilty, �naked people movies� says, “You’re okay just the way you are. Nothing about you needs to change.” If we are mired in self-hatred, �naked people movies� is our way of punishing ourselves. “This is the shameful life I deserve,” we say to ourselves. �naked people movies� is a way to indulge our dark world of self-pity."

So now we can add to the list of things that could bring you too a fall. I hope my situation helps others and does not go to waste.
doublelongdaddy;722409 said:
So I made it to almost 40 days and messed up last night. I have made a moral inventory of how and why this happened and I think I have found another place of fault where �naked people movies� and masturbation become difficult to resist. First let me say that I am embarrassed and disappointed this happened but I will not allow one second of guilt to stop me from starting again. It again happened when I was in a state of delirium, I was very tired and the temptation was constant. I did not worry too much because I knew there was a filter on my computer but something reminded me that my phone had no filter. I realized I could send my phone video to my TV and I found a weak spot in my firewall! Today I am putting K9 on my phone so there is no device in my house that I can view �naked people movies�.

I see the past 39 days a victory, of course I wish I could have avoided it but I did make it to 39 days and that is cause to be happy. Now, as I have pointed out a few times, �naked people movies� and masturbation do not just happen, we are driven to them for many reasons and looking back and seeing the steps that took me from innocence to the fall are vital in every fall, these are the weapons that will help us in the next similar situation. For me it started the night before last. I have been dying my hair most of my life. I went grey after a heroin overdose when I was young and dyed it since. I decided that I no longer wanted to be so attached to this vanity but I did not realize how difficult it would be. I cut my hair and shaved and allowed the grey to start coming in and I became sad. I felt embarrassed and scared that I looked so much older. Even when I saw my Son He seemed to think so in a way as he said some things that made me think this and that broke my heart. The sadness followed me through the day and when I got home, during prayers, I just broke down and started to cry. I thought about my Father before He died and I thought I look old like He did, and this made my heart hurt even more. By the time I was going to bed I felt so badly about myself that I used �naked people movies� and masturbation, not for pleasure, oh no! Not at all! I did this to punish myself! The revelation came after I spoke with my Son.

"In times of guilt and self-loathing, the fantasy world of �naked people movies� offers false redemption. If we are feeling guilty, �naked people movies� says, “You’re okay just the way you are. Nothing about you needs to change.” If we are mired in self-hatred, �naked people movies� is our way of punishing ourselves. “This is the shameful life I deserve,” we say to ourselves. �naked people movies� is a way to indulge our dark world of self-pity."

So now we can add to the list of things that could bring you too a fall. I hope my situation helps others and does not go to waste.

At least you were about to abstain for more than a month. One thing I've noticed is that there is that urge to masturbate whenever I'm depressed. its not really a sexual urge but it's like a way to let off your anger and frustration. I've been going through this a whole lot. You shouldn't feel any guilt at this time, you tried. Now get back on the train that's what matters.
doublelongdaddy;716552 said:
I will be the first to post my timeline of success. It has been 2 days since I have watched �naked people movies� and masturbated. I felt extremely ashamed after and the guilt was so great I ran to the first friend I saw and admitted my fall. The shame was so great that I started to search out ways to refrain from this continuous win/lose situation. My way to stop this is very simple and, in my case, extremely effective. Again, I base everything I do in the Lords eyes so if you are not a believer that is fine but my methods may still help. This is NOT a religious thread, this is a thread to help Brothers become disciplined and accountable to the Family and seek help in the times of failure.

Hey DLD, dont put yourself down so much Brother. If you are trying to stop masturbation and �naked people movies� it takes time. �naked people movies� is a very real issue that men struggle with. and there is no need to feel shame. i honestly still stuggle with it. However, now I use �naked people movies� as PE motivation. I would suggest maybe looking at �naked people movies� maybe once-twice a week on set days and not the other ones and slowly taper down. As for masturbation, nothing wrong with that either. I feel the same way after I masturbate, I feel like a total shithead. But I change the ways I think now. I useually only masturbate once a week now if that even. To me clamping and working on my girth and edging are more important, so I remember that when I have a ring on and I use that motivation to not masturbate. Find some sort of motivation that may keep you from doing those things. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY DONT BEAT YOURSELF UP ABOUT ANY OF THESE THINGS IF YOU DO THEM.
BigPapa8;722523 said:

This is the most important point indeed. I realized many things throughout the day and night and many things when I prayed. It is amazing that since I have taken on this challenge it has increased my ability to recollect and reflect on myself and the challenges of the day. First I wanted to go right to feeling guilty which would keep me away from Jesus and allow the devil to continue to accuse me, wasting valuable time and keeping myself away from Him, whom I love the most. As I looked more at the reason why this happened instead of the guilt of the fall I was able to see my course of action and find the weak links in that chain, allowing me to make the proper changes. (GOD! I love having the Brotherhood to go to when I need help!) The K9 filter, the timing of medication, what I allow myself to view before bed, when too eat, etc. all were reflected upon and implemented in the best way I could think of. Recognizing that H.A.L.T. are applicable and should maybe even be expanded upon. When we battle something there is a ways a reason for the battle but there should also be a preparation of weapons to have when the battles begin. H.A.L.T. stands for being Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired, all very prominent reasons for us to have a slip. But I think we can add sub categories to these to expand their definitions.

Hungry, Overeating, Purging, Fasting, etc.

Angry, frustrated, disappointed, discouraged, etc.

Lonely, depressed, obsessive, etc.

Tired, hyper, manic, overstimulated etc.

I also think other categories can be added like

Under the Influence: high, drunk, medicated etc.

Sudden Changes: Moving schools, homes, relationships, etc.

Mental Problems: Seasonal Affective Disorder, Suicidal, etc.

I think you get the point. It is not always that we are horny and sexually out of control that these things happen. Sometimes it stems from many different places to bring various outcomes. Unfortunately, the outcome, feeling wise is guilt and guilt is our biggest enemy in staring over.

I was also thinking of the parallel's between this being the third time I fell and the Passion of Christ. This is the 3rd time I have fell in this challenge and I came out of this feeling very naked due to shaving my hair and beard and deciding to finally go with what I naturally have which is now grey and white. When I thought that after Jesus fell a 3rd time He was then stripped of His clothes and after this He was crucified, this gave me much hope. I thought to myself, 'Yes! this is my 3rd and final fall. I am now stripped naked of all my attachments and now my 'habit' will be crucified! This made me so happy because it allowed my to tie it to my own fall.

Anyway, last night, although fear and a bit of temptation I times everything perfectly that I fell asleep while occupied with a completely different thought pattern. Instead of looking at my phone or playing on the computer after I took my medication I put on the X-Filed from Netflix and before an episode was over I was fast asleep. I think I may start to read before I sleep, this may be even better. I really believe many gifts, blessings, graces, abilities, or whatever you want to call them will come out of accomplishing mastery of the flesh in this way!

2 days now :)
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