
Apr 26, 2004
Been hanging for a couple months now. 5 days on 2 days off.
Going for 1-2 hours because that is all the time i have left after 12 hour work days and my gf.
im up to 12.5 lbs, and i basically hang just straight down. Up to this point, no gains<:(
First, what's your LOT? If it's under 9 you might want to consider hanging SU and such. Secondly, you might need more time in the day and an ADS to help out. I also sleep with my penis extended, see this thread

I can ideally get a 24 hour extension everyday(minus stuff for like pissing and wiping the water off the sheats for ADSing).

If after 3 months of hanging at least 2 hours a day, if you haven't gained .25 inches in erect length, then you need to add more time, more weight, both, or you need to keep your penis extended all day(and night if possible) to help growth in the penis. I'm hoping the next few months doing 24 hour extension stuff will produce much better gains than if I only hung and did 8-hour ADS.
Wow man you need to read Bib's Hanging 101 stuff. You should have done that before you started hanging. Read his LOT theories.
Ok so i checked out the LOT

Took my flacid penis and started at 12 and began to kegel until i visually stopped seeing my flacid penis tug back into my body. My LOT was around 6-7 aclock where i barely seen it tug in. So i should be hanging over the shoulder?
Yeah start hanging above your Lot, you should see good gains in the next month, then continue to raise your angel untill you reach your stomach, you should see good gains.
Keep us posted!
AfroMan10 said:
Ok so i checked out the LOT

Took my flacid penis and started at 12 and began to kegel until i visually stopped seeing my flacid penis tug back into my body. My LOT was around 6-7 aclock where i barely seen it tug in. So i should be hanging over the shoulder?

Mine has always been 6 and I always generally stretch SU or OTS, rarely doing SO.
gravymonkey said:
Can someone tell me about SU, OTS and SO????

Dude, The letters mean the words...Like for example:

SU is Straight Up
OTS is Over The Shoulder
SO is Straight Out

and so on, and so on...

There is a forum inside MOS that has all the acronyms used in Penis Enlargement. I think it is on the main page and it's called glossary and term used.


AfroMan10 said:
Ok so i checked out the LOT

Took my flacid penis and started at 12 and began to kegel until i visually stopped seeing my flacid penis tug back into my body. My LOT was around 6-7 aclock where i barely seen it tug in. So i should be hanging over the shoulder?
Afroman you say your LOT is 6-7 o'clock but is that complete loss of tugback because as I understand it your LOT should be were you experience partial loss of tugback. You start at 12 o'clock and keep going down until you experience a NOTICEABLE PARTIAL Loss Of Tugback. This point is your Lot angle not the total loss of tugback you experience at 6-7 o'clock. Forget what I said if this is not the case but just trying to save you wasting your time mate.
bigjim7 is right, when you start noting a less strong tugback, this will be your LOT.
Keep in mind, that the LOT test is not very accurate, Bib is favouring the palpation test over the LOT test.
BIB, doesn't necessarily favor either test, but which one gives the user the information needed to gain. LOT is easy to understand, and the theory that he used while he was Peing. LOT is when you have a COMPLETE LOSS OF TUGBACK, that's what LOT stands for. If you reach anything under 9 you should hang SU, SO, or OTS. If you're above 9 you should work on BTC or SD. I am a fan of the use of multiple angles and attacking at least 2 limiting factors in a session. I would definitely invest in an ADS to supplement the hanging.
LOT is a defunct theory (IMO) the "science" of which makes no sense. There are a couple of good threads at �other PE site� which challenge and (again, IMO) dispel LOT theory as patently wrong.
Yes, as we all know the guys at �other forum� know all. They've given us great gems like "masterbation affects gains, or does it?" not to mention that most of the hanging info I picked up there was pretty useless. There are TONS of theories and there are only a few people that have developed anything that has any merit at all. LOT is not defunct, just like IPR is not the be all end all of existence. I've taken to an apporach where I will rest, but I'm not a subscribed to IPR. If you read through most of the threads at �other forum� or here at MOS where theory is discussed, especially as it relates to real world gains, you'll find men that agree and disagree with this and that based on their experiences. At the same time there will be those that jump from band wagon to band wagon each time something new comes down the road. Find what works for you individually off of someone else's principle or whatever floats your boat at the time, and work it for all it's worth.

LOT has been one of the most influential theories on the Penis Enlargement forums for a long time and has helped many a man gain inches in length. It may not be the most accurate, but in itself it has application because it will help you target LIMITING FACTORS. I've recently found that I can go back to LIG work and see improvements again, and I surely have begun to include stretches to target this area. As always just because someone types something and posts it up doesn't mean that anyone and everyone has to change their way of pursuing their goals. In the end we're working towards the same goal, it's just that some of us are always in a HURRY to get there.
Yes, as we all know the guys at �other forum� know all. They've given us great gems like "masterbation affects gains, or does it?>

Not quite sure what you're talking about here, or how it relates to LOT theory.

I'm just making sure the person who asked the question knows that LOT isnt received wisdom, and many people believe it to be nonsense, me included.
Nonsense it might be, but I've not found anything remotely close to it. It's extremely simple, and no one person can argue that it doesn't help them to find their tight places, also known as limiting factors. If you follow along with the LOT theory you'll see that it's not meant to be exact but a guideline to fine the angles at which one should train. Basically it breaks down to where are you tightest at, because at the LOT you'll find your tightest spots. I haven't found anything at �other forum� recently discussing LOT, although I did come upon a thread discussing BIB hangers and how they compare with Vacuum hangers. Again, another instance of someone coming out and saying this is inefficient or we can do it better, when in all reality the BIB Hanger has helped many men add inches to their penis. This is a solid reflection on BIB as an innovator and LOT theory came from him and it's what he used to gain into the 10" category. I don't see why anyone would say that it didn't work, when it honestly does work and it serves it's purpose.

I've read countles threads on how to improve this that and the other, when there have been many men before us that have gained ridiculous amounts in length and girth using basic routines, jelqs, and squeezes. Sure it might take some time, but if it works it works. It seems as of late that everyone is going after a particular aspect of Penis Enlargement dogma, and that's progressive but I think in many instances it's more about someone trying to make a name for themselves.
millionman said:
LOT is when you have a COMPLETE LOSS OF TUGBACK, that's what LOT stands for.

This is not true!
Bib always said (here and at �other PE site�) that the LOT is where the tugback begins to reduce.
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millionman said:
LOT has been one of the most influential theories on the Penis Enlargement forums for a long time and has helped many a man gain inches in length. It may not be the most accurate, but in itself it has application because it will help you target LIMITING FACTORS. I've recently found that I can go back to LIG work and see improvements again, and I surely have begun to include stretches to target this area. As always just because someone types something and posts it up doesn't mean that anyone and everyone has to change their way of pursuing their goals. In the end we're working towards the same goal, it's just that some of us are always in a HURRY to get there.

When looking through the forums and talking to the people you will find out that less and less people are gaining from hanging.
Its not true when you are saying that many man gain inches in length, as far as i know there are only a handful of people who where gaining multiple inches.
DEX, I don't afree with your assessment of hanging, as there are guys from WAY back that have made gains with hanging, and using the LOT theory as a guide. Many of the guys that I've read that haven't had success with it had trouble with their setup and most got frustrated and moved on to something else. Look at a guy like Monty, Cap'n, BIB, SWM, and even BG and see that these guys gained from hanging simply because they took the time to learn how to do things. The LOT theory has been under scrutiny for a long time. Since you seem to disagree, what theory do you find to be acceptable?
millionman said:
DEX, I don't afree with your assessment of hanging, as there are guys from WAY back that have made gains with hanging, and using the LOT theory as a guide. Many of the guys that I've read that haven't had success with it had trouble with their setup and most got frustrated and moved on to something else. Look at a guy like Monty, Cap'n, BIB, SWM, and even BG and see that these guys gained from hanging simply because they took the time to learn how to do things. The LOT theory has been under scrutiny for a long time. Since you seem to disagree, what theory do you find to be acceptable?

Like you said it, there are only a handful guys who gained a lot from hanging.
Most people only gained a inch or something, they would have gained the same amount with manual stuff like stretching.
The LOT Theory makes no sense to me, because the LOT test can give you different results than the palpation and the exit point test.
Like me for example, i have a LOT of 9 but a very low exit point.
Another point, why i dont believe in the LOT test is, that it seems, that the test has changed over time. At the beginning it was a complete loose of tugback and later it was a decrease in the tugback (this is the version of the story which is ok according to Bib nowerdays).
Back in time, with a LOT of 9 you had to hang btc, today you should hang ots or so. You see the change again.

According to your progress report, you seem to have problems with hanging too. Is this right?
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