bigjim7 said:
Afroman you say your LOT is 6-7 o'clock but is that complete loss of tugback because as I understand it your LOT should be were you experience partial loss of tugback. You start at 12 o'clock and keep going down until you experience a NOTICEABLE PARTIAL Loss Of Tugback. This point is your Lot angle not the total loss of tugback you experience at 6-7 o'clock. Forget what I said if this is not the case but just trying to save you wasting your time mate.

Yes its 630 is my loss of tug. I dont even see it pull anymore. Its gone
AfroMan10 said:
Yes its 630 is my loss of tug. I dont even see it pull anymore. Its gone

But where do you start to notice that the tugback is weakening
LOT in my opinion is helpful in determining the angles which would be most beneficial to hang or manually stretch in. Even though my LOT has gone back to being a bit more than 9, I still focus most of my length work on the Tunica. The tunica has a huge amount of growth potential. I'd focus on working the Tunica with your current LOT and see where it will take you.
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