Jun 3, 2003
I have lost about 80lbs to date, reduced my fat pad from just over 2" to about .25" and brought my waist line from 40" to 32"...all in 3 months, how did I do it? In my case I had a few things going for me or should I say against me? Jen leaving me put fire under my ass to make things happen. One of her last comments about my body was that I looked like a tube, this crushed me and made me feel like a loser. I knew I had to do something. I think my ability to focus and set and accomplish goals helped me too. I am the kind of person that if I want something I put the blinders on, focus, work and make it happen. This was no different.

My diet had a complete makeover. I dropped all liquids from my diet with the exception of water and morning coffee. If I am feeling like something different I may allow myself a sugar free Red Bull or a diet soft drink but this is only on occasion.

The other piece to my diet took some research and patience. My biggest problem with dieting is I love food, I love to eat. I paid very close attention to these cravings and when I would have them I would make a note of that and create a healthy alternative to that craving. For instance if I want something sweet and chewy I will opt for a fat free granola bar instead of Good and Plenties, if I am craving sweet and crunchy I will grab an apple instead of Poppy Cock Pop Corn, if I am craving sweet, soft and cold I will grab a frozen, fat free, sugar free yogurt instead of ice cream, if I am craving spicy and meaty I will opt for some low fat turkey jerky over spare ribs, etc. I created a massive list of cravings and substitutes and I shopped accordingly. My home is only stocked with things I can eat with one exception...chocolate and peanut butter. Once per night I alow myself a small piece of chocolate with 2 tbs. of peanut butter, this takes care of a craving I cannot substitute and is a kind of reward for my days hard work.

I try to each 5-7 times a day, very small, small, small meals and I am active for most of the day. In the morning I run 4 miles daily. I weight train, 5 days a week, abs daily. My weight routine is very quick and basic as my goals are not to bulk up but to slim and cut. My weight routine consists of one 25lb barbell (homemade) and I use this for my entire body.

Here is my weight routine. 1 set of 20 push-ups, wide low angle to target the outsides of my chest, this is where I have some fat. I then do 1 set of 12 curls on each arm, shoulder presses 12 reps each side, tricep extensions 12 reps each side, hanging back lifts 12 reps each side, squats 12 reps each side, trap shrugs 12 reps, and I do two sets of each exercise, non-stop, good form, so as I am keeping my heart rate up while strengthening and cutting my body.

For the first time in my life I have abs and obliques, my waist is smaller than it was when I was 18 and my cock looks long, like it should.

Remember this people as it got me to get this to happen, a good body (dick included) is the best gift you can give to yourself.
Another example of mind of matter!The power of the mind is the key to everything!!!Well done DLD!!!Good motivational stuff!!!!!

Heh.. I guess this won't work for me yet, since I've not yet moved out of the house, removing cravings that others have no problems with. x_x; dietign can't be done alone, if you have others in the houshold... unless they cooperate or you have GREAT willpower over food... and that's not me anymore :x
Congratulations, DLD. I bet it looks like you have gained three inches down there with that much weight loss.
Dam DLD!! I'm very glad you turned to a VERY GOOD thing to work out your frustrations and bad feelings! It is one hell of a motivator, I use things my other does or says as triggers to keep me working out and dieting. I'm a long way away from where your at but I will be there. I went from a 42" waist to a 38" waist and I will be at a 36-34 by the hoildays!! Pe is kinda on the back burner but I'm not stopping totally, just using it as icing on the cake.
Same problem as DLD. Except, I still eat SHIT. One thing I've cut out is high fructose corn surup. I don't do fat free, at all. I like taste. I prefer to kill myself when I exercize. I do eat fairly well, but I wont give up my M+M's. I eat a lot of organic stuff now and I'm going to get a $500 juicer when I have some more money. I drink 2L of water a day and I've switched from Dew to Organic sugar cane soda by Boylans. I eat a banana and applesause with prunes for breakfast. I usually eat soup or tuna sub or something 1/2 decent for lunch. I eat meat for dinner. I gotta have my meat. Sometimes during the week, I'll substitute a meal with a protein shake with Organic 1% milk with an Orange in the blender. I also take flax seed oil (tbsp) a day and Norwegian Omega 3 Capsules. I choke down a shot of Organic Apple cider vinegar in the morning and at night.

I've replaced white bread with organic whole grain, as well as the milk. If your drinking the chemical laden regular milk, try organic cow 1% milk for a week and then go back to regular milk. You will barf.

My routine.
Tibetan 5 rites workout. This consists of 5 exercizes, 21 reps of each. This takes about 8 minutes and it will make you sweat all your fat out. 20 minutes on the gazelle or the recumbant exercize bike. 150 crunches with AB-roller bar and 100 pushups.
3 sets, 10 reps with 40lb dumbells. This routine takes about 45 minutes to complete
Tibetan 5 rites workout
No aerobic
150 crunches with AB-roller bar

The tibetan 5 rites workout works wonders. It's mostly bizarre stretches and poses but it will flatten you out and tone you up.
I was 220 about a year ago and I've got down to about 170-180 and I'm 6'0
Here's a pic. I wish I had a before pic. It's amazing what a fat bastard I was at 220. I found a pair of leather pants I bought that were size 40. I recently bought 10 pair of shorts @ Old Navy, size 32's and I have to use a belt still to hold them up.

I can't say enough about this 5 rites manual I have. If anyone wants a copy, I'll email it to you. PM me
The key to this is really cutting down on the soda. I started out drinking less Dew. I'd buy a 20 oz and throw 2/3 of it away.

However, the #1 thing you must realize is that you have to kill yourself in order to do this fast. Eat less and do what DLD said about substitutions (something I have to work on still) and SWEAT.

I exercize in a room, 13x 15 or so. I shut the windows and close the door. It's usually about 85 in there in the summer. My wife brings in a fan when she does the bike. I don't use it on me. I SWEAT. SWEAT that fat off boys. You have to have the proper mental attitude. Do not call yourself a fat bastid. Instead focus on yourself. I'm damn happy with the V-shape I have now, although I still need more improvement. But don't beat yourself up with "I'm fat" "exercize sucks" and the like. Instead, concentrate on a new you.

Step outside the box of convention and create a new you. That's how this works. When you've exhausted all the current knowledge and what is in your current belief system. You must step outside that box and affirm over and over what you want to become and visualize yourself as already being it. You must be persistant. Tell yourself your hulk hogan when you look in the mirror. Lie to yourself. Over and over. What will happen is, eventually if you lie to yourself enough, you will subconsciosly create a new program that replaces that lazy "I'm fat" defeatist program and you will subconsciously start choosing things in your life to support your new program "I am Hulk Hogan" or whatever it is that you choose.

It starts with the mind. The mind controls the body. It's your body telling you "eat that cake" because you are addicted to the SHIT foods. Now if your intent is not to eat SHIT, and the body is telling you "eat that cake" then you have to make a decision. Am I BODY/MIND? Or, am I MIND/BODY? The mind controls the body, and that is where society has failed.

Also, don't drink that diet coke shit. That stuff is the worst thing in the world. Your better off to drink regular Battery Acid Coke and punish yourself after by wanting to burn it off.

Finally, there is no such thing as a diet. IT'S A LIFE. You diet? You fail. Exercize and proper diet is LIFE and is not TEMPORARY.

I hope this helps someone and provides the motivation to change. It starts with an idea. Ask yourself. "How would it be, to be firm and fit and not a fat bastard" and expand on that idea. Feel it. Feel what it would be like. Imagine all the woman looking at you. Do you want a gut? I sure as fuck don't. I decided a year ago when I saw a bunch of my fat friends who are my age 34 or so and their huge guts, that I will not have a gut. I will be cut, I will kill myself with exercize and I will not look like homer simpson from the side when I look in the mirror.

It starts now, NOW GO DO IT.



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incredible DLD. My story has turned to crap as of late but I too once busted my ass over a woman.

During high school I was the epitome of a jock playing football, baseball, and track & field. At the beginning of my senior year I was 5'9" 210 lbs. at 9% body fat. I was a monster in the weight room and consistenly took home shirts and trophies for being the top lifter on the football team, and the school for that matter, benching 410 lbs. at 18 years old. Well towards the end of my senior year I was in a freak pile up on the football field that left me with a fully torn right ACL and partially torn left ACL which the doctor later severed and cleaned up because he said it was too tore to salvage. Thankfully, I've since had them repaired and they're almost good as before.

As you can imagine during this time I was unable to do much exercise and became depressed gaining a massive amount of wait in a short time and even more horrible was the body fat I gained. I was so damn depressed, and didn't care about anything anymore, and as a result my body and everything else went with my crappy attitude. I went from a muscular 210 to a flabby 255 lbs. and my body fat shot up to 22%. My girlfriend of 3 years dumped me for another guy right around the time we graduated, and that was the day I decided to change what I was doing and get back on track.

Over the course of the next 10 months after she dumped me I got down to 174 lbs. and 5 % body fat and was pullin' pussy that I would have never dreamed about!

The story should end there, but alas I've found myself back in a bad spot. back up to 210 and not nearly as cut as I used to be which I mainly blame on nursing school but it's really more my fault than anything I can lay blame too. But I've recently put together a good diet plan, and a good cutting weight routine and time will only tell if I can pull off my miracle again lol. It would also be very nice to lose an inch or two off my fat pad in hopes of getting back what God gave me. My damn fat pad has always been on the thicker side.

But anyways, besides all the long winded talk... I just wanted to say congratulations DLD and you're an inspiration to everyone bro!
You can do it man, just look at all the guys that have huge guts (no offense to anyone on here) and just realize how easy it goes on and how hard it is to get off. I don't have the desire to get ripped, I just want to be tone and have no gut.

BTW, what the fuck is a fat pad?

DLD, I was very encouraged to read your post. I need to lose 50lbs, and it was inspiring to read about your 80lb loss.

Kevin, likewise, I appreciate your words of wisdom about mind control.

Time to get started on looking after the rest of myself.

Thanks guys.
You can add me to the list. I need to lose about 50-60 pounds. Your routine looks good, and from your recent "Alpha Blade" photos it looks like you've made some amazing progress. No suprise there, someone who has perservered and dedicated and achieved results in one aspect of there life is bound to see more success in whatever goals they are looking to reach.
DLD, have you changed your routine at all since you've posted. Any idea on your current bf%? (Just out of curiousity).
I just reread your post. Did you lose 80lbs in 3 months???!!!! or did you lose a portion of the 80lbs in 3 months. Cause 80lbs in 3 months is unheard of.
It's not impossible ;) if i can loose 12 pounds in a week, why shouldn't someone lose 80lbs in 12 weeks?
doublelongdaddy;174975 said:
I have lost about 80lbs to date, reduced my fat pad from just over 2" to about .25" and brought my waist line from 40" to 32"...all in 3 months, how did I do it? In my case I had a few things going for me or should I say against me? Jen leaving me put fire under my ass to make things happen. One of her last comments about my body was that I looked like a tube, this crushed me and made me feel like a loser. I knew I had to do something. I think my ability to focus and set and accomplish goals helped me too. I am the kind of person that if I want something I put the blinders on, focus, work and make it happen. This was no different.

My diet had a complete makeover. I dropped all liquids from my diet with the exception of water and morning coffee. If I am feeling like something different I may allow myself a sugar free Red Bull or a diet soft drink but this is only on occasion.

The other piece to my diet took some research and patience. My biggest problem with dieting is I love food, I love to eat. I paid very close attention to these cravings and when I would have them I would make a note of that and create a healthy alternative to that craving. For instance if I want something sweet and chewy I will opt for a fat free granola bar instead of Good and Plenties, if I am craving sweet and crunchy I will grab an apple instead of Poppy Cock Pop Corn, if I am craving sweet, soft and cold I will grab a frozen, fat free, sugar free yogurt instead of ice cream, if I am craving spicy and meaty I will opt for some low fat turkey jerky over spare ribs, etc. I created a massive list of cravings and substitutes and I shopped accordingly. My home is only stocked with things I can eat with one exception...chocolate and peanut butter. Once per night I alow myself a small piece of chocolate with 2 tbs. of peanut butter, this takes care of a craving I cannot substitute and is a kind of reward for my days hard work.

I try to each 5-7 times a day, very small, small, small meals and I am active for most of the day. In the morning I run 4 miles daily. I weight train, 5 days a week, abs daily. My weight routine is very quick and basic as my goals are not to bulk up but to slim and cut. My weight routine consists of one 25lb barbell (homemade) and I use this for my entire body.

Here is my weight routine. 1 set of 20 push-ups, wide low angle to target the outsides of my chest, this is where I have some fat. I then do 1 set of 12 curls on each arm, shoulder presses 12 reps each side, tricep extensions 12 reps each side, hanging back lifts 12 reps each side, squats 12 reps each side, trap shrugs 12 reps, and I do two sets of each exercise, non-stop, good form, so as I am keeping my heart rate up while strengthening and cutting my body.

For the first time in my life I have abs and obliques, my waist is smaller than it was when I was 18 and my cock looks long, like it should.

Remember this people as it got me to get this to happen, a good body (dick included) is the best gift you can give to yourself.

Sniff sniff... that stories brought tears to my eyes.. god bless and may we all reach the success we are looking for in life
This Is the motivation I need to get the weight off. I don't want to get big but nice and toned and have that cut look. Plus I have 1" fat pad that I desperately want to get rid of.
Everyone knows that health is very important for each and every person, So we must be do exercise regularly at morning time this is the best time, you can also go for walking, Yoga is the bets way to maintain our body and it will give us flexible body.
What is important many of us forget is to lose weight you have to EAT! You should always be full and every person is supposed to get at the least 30 minutes of walking or some type of physical activity a day. Something I just remembered today was Metamucil and if you drink a cup of that before you go to sleep at night it will poop out of your butt in the morning when you wake up. It is really good for detoxing your body and you feel better.
Turnover;422700 said:
What is important many of us forget is to lose weight you have to EAT!

I can attest to that.
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