
Jun 13, 2008
I had my first night of hanging today, I did 3 sets, 20mins each.... I had some blue/cold, I wonder if its from the hanger coming down too much on the penis? When the weights are on, it seems the hanger goes right over the glands and you can barely see the head?<

It is possible. The hanger is not supposed to slip down on the head. You should have it adjusted, and tight enough so that it does not slip. How much weight are you using?

>Can I do 4 hours a night of hanging now?<

No, not now. You first must learn how to hang, and how the hanger works. Three sets per day is ok to start. Then you only add one set per day each week, till you work up to four hours. The soft tissues must have time to adapt to the stresses.

>i was doing an hour of stretching and an hour of jelqing a day, i guess hanging will replace my stretching and I will stay with the hour of jelqs?<

I recommend 10-20 minutes of LIGHT jelqing after each hanging session, in order to return full blood flow. An hour of heavy jelqing may make the hanger attachment point sore.

>Also the theraband has no way of closing tight, should i tape it?<

Yes. Did you read the product guide on the Bib website? It has some good information. Also the Bib forum covers a lot of things.

>why so many strips out of the theraband?<

I do not know what that means.

>My penis seemed a little crushed directly after and i had 2 marks , not sure from what?<

It is not unusual for the skin to show "waffling" after unwrapping. Also when you take the hanger off, you may see the marks of the hanger fingers in the wrap for a bit.

But if the hanger is adjusted properly, it should not "crush" your penis.

Great stuff Pauly89. Follow Bib's advice and you won't go wrong. Good luck to you.
I had my second hanging session 2nite, i did 4 sessions with 5 pounds, the bibhanger is tight enough that it doesnt slip and fall off, it stays on, but I think it may be too tight cause after each session my penis is cold after, everytime....if its cold does it mean im wasting my time and doing it wrong, I still feel quite a stretch....when the weights on , the hanger goes down right to the head of the penis, making the penis head hard too see, i dont know why its cold? it wasnt blue this time at all, it was turning blue I think ? any help is great thanks Paul
another question is how can i incorporate jelqing and stretching into my routine, with the hanging? i used to stretch and jelq 2 hours a day.... 7 days a week, whats this business about 5 days on 2 days off? No breaks
You may have the hanger on too tight. At 5 pounds it doesn't have to be very tight. It is normal for the penis to be cold after a set due to reduced blood flow. Experiment with different positions, placing the hanger a little further behind the head and tighten it enough so it won't slip, no more. If you are concerned about your penis head and want to monitor it during a set, set up a mirror so you can see it. I recommend that you do some light jelqing in between sets to help restore circulation. You can do some regular jelqing after you hang. You don't need to do any manual stretching since you are hanging. I don't recommend off days unless you absolutely have to.
Also, back down on how long your sets are for now. Until you really get the hang of does take a learning curve. Go with 15 minute sets instead of 20. Some cold feeling is ok after a set. You are after all, cutting way back on the blood flow to the penis when hanging. As long as you are not feeling any numbness, or "asleep" feeling in your penis, you are fine.
I was wondering about routines, I havent been able too find any proven routines for hanging? Like what was BIBs routine? I assume thats a winning formula.... I'm also a little concerned, I have been hanging for 2 weeks, and I'm already up to 10 lbs... its quite uncomfortable, but manageable.....I plan too stick with 10 lbs. for a couple weeks, I may go down to 7.5 lbs, Im not sure if I went up too 10 lbs too fast? I do 4 sets of 10 lbs., can I do more sets?
Bib has an outline under product guide at his website. It sounds like you are adding weight too fast. Be patient!! Adding weight too fast will not result in faster growth and may lead to injury. Also there is a lot of information on Bib's forum. Take your time, add weight and volume slowly and you will make gains. You sure don't want to try Bib's routine right now.
If you are hanging I suggest joining Bib's forum at, they have a lot of good information.

>I made a mistake and I started with my first 8 days using 5 lbs. and 2 days at 7.5 lbs, so I guess I'll go back down to 6 lbs tomorrow, and add 1 lb a week right?so the sets keep increasing, could I end up doing 10 sets a night? I have the time? thanks for you time<

You could have started at five for seven days, for three sets. Then you could have added a fourth set the eighth day, a fifth set the 15th day, a sixth set the 22nd day, etc. After reaching your 12th set, you could begin adding weight.

If while hanging these progressing sets, you feel absolutely nothing with five or six lbs, you can add a bit slowly. You have to respect what your body tells you. But you really need to work up in time first, then begin to add weight.


Bib Hanger <> wrote:


>im on my 10th day of hanging what weight should i be at? I started at 5 lbs now im at 7.5, im thinking of heading to 10<

NO! At the very most, you should be hanging three sets at six lbs this week. As I said in the notification of shipment email, start at 2-3 sets per day, using 2.5-5 lbs. Then, add only one set per day per week, until you reach your available privacy time. Then, you can begin to add 1-2 lbs per set per week, until you begin to reach fatigue within the first set or two of a session. Then, after reaching fatigue, reduce weight as needed to remain comfortable.

You MUST give your soft tissues time to adapt to the stresses.


Bib Hanger <> wrote:


>ok so while im hanging everyday, other than the 5 mins between sets, I should only do 10-20 mins of Jelqing?<

Yes, after your hanging session. Light jelqing.

>I was doing 40 mins other than the 5 mins between sets<

40 minutes is too much risk of making the hanger attachment point sore, and causing fluid buildup. After you learn to hang, you may be able to jelq a bit more, but I know of no reason to do so.

>also is it okay to do erect bends for 30 mins as well?<

I do not think so. Once again, no reason to do so.
I hang standing is that okay? more gains sitting? is sets of 20 mins ok?is it ok to masterbate everynight? detrimental? I still do erect bends and some jelqing along with the hanging.....
i plan on working my way up too become a hardcore hanger, I can do 4 sets with 7.5 lbs with almost 0 discomfort, once i get the bib adjusted right....I've been hanging for about 11 days now.... its seems like this is by far the way too go in the Penis Enlargement world, I have a feeling im going to see much better results with the BIB than the excercises =)
Im a somewhat new hanger, I started 12 days ago, I did it standing up,str8 down, but now have adjusted to this method here BTC...about BTC where should your penis end up?it doesnt go all the way back to the ass cheeks like the stretches does it? also do u know how i could find other ways too hang? I understand BTC im pretty sure, buts thats about it, unless you count standing and str8 down....any help appreciated thanks Paul
When you hang btc your shaft should split your balls. How far back it goes depends on your length. I think btc is by far the best way to hit the ligs. That would be the angle I would concentrate on for now. If you want a secondary angle, straight out is a good one, sitting in a chair with the skids of the hanger against the edge of the chair. Later on after you exhaust your lig gains, you can make a rice sock duct tape fulcrum for hanging straight out and hit the tunica. But for now, I would hang btc and get all the lig gains I could.
yea I think im gonna stick with the BTC with the legs up angle for awhile, if its the best hanging way, than im gonna go with it for awhile!... I tried logging into Bibs forum and i couldn't, it said General error, max user connections...
>I'm really confused about LOT theory, I swear I dont lose any tugback, at any angles, if I do, I think its at higher angles, between 9 and 12? what does that mean? Im not even sure im doing it right =S<

I would say that from your description, you are not doing it right. No reason you should have a loss of tugback from 9-12, and not 6-9, unless you are an alien.

If you actually have good tugback at any angle, then you have an LOT of six, and need to work at the upper angles, and especially with the RSDT fulcrum.

Tell me what you are doing, and I will try to help. Realize that your LOT is when you FIRST begin to see a loss of tugback. That is when the ligs begin to engage.

Also, doing the other two tests will help confirm any LOT results.

>You say your supposed to be fatigued after first one or two sets of hanging, what does fatigue feel like? tired, sore, turtleing?<

Tired and sore. Much like after doing a good weight lifting workout.

>then do u drop the weight a bit?<

When the fatigue becomes great enough you reduce. You must learn to manage the fatigue. Fatigue FORCES you to reduce weight to remain comfortable.

>right now I only do BTC, I really hope im doing it right? My penis ends up where the black line is in the picture, pretty much down in front of the chair, in between my balls and basically just down? is that right?where the black rope is in the pic, is basically where my penis is...ok?<

The pic did not come out. BTC is between the cheeks. Between the balls, then between the cheeks. Your butt on the edge of the chair, and pretty well slouched down in the chair.

Great questions for the Bib forum.

Just too let you guys know been hanging OTS while sitting on a chair....4-5 sets of 13.5 lbs...each day...going well, sometimes feel I could do more sets....very tired, no negative PI's, should see some gains next time I measure...also looking into buying Horny Goat Weed, heard its a natuarl viagra and much cheaper
I have been hanging now for 4 months, i did 2 months BTC and 2 months was the day I was too measure and I gained nothing, I remained at 5.5 inches, I was hanging 6 times a day with 13.5 lbs OTS and nothing! I mean I thought that if i started at 5 inches, I had another 5 inches inside me and therefore could end up at like 9 inches, but I haven't even gained a quarter inch! I'm scared that this doesn't work and I got my hopes up for absolutely nothing, Im pretty scared here BIB, I'm starting to feel like I'm stuck with this size, has this happened before? I should have gained! My lot is 9 cause i have pullback therefore i was too do OTS and upper angles, no gains though
i was doing OTS while sitting down, I mean maybe I was doing it wrong? I seriously doubt it though my penis would be against my body and puling upwards.....
I Kow You Have A Lot Of Questions. Not Sure If Anyone Has Answered Them. Ut You Can Ask Bib And He Will Get Right On It. Im Not Apro But I Have Been Hanging For Less Than A Year Now Alot Of Trial And Error. Ive Made Gains But I Got A Lot Of Kowledge If The Past 2 Months I Wish I Had That Probably Would Have Given Me 2 Inches In Less Than A Year. All My Answers And Knowledge Come From Bib. Please Dont Go To Fast And Ask Him Questions.
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