so do u think if u stopped 4 good u would go back to ur original size sorry to sound like a cat in the rain im a quarter away from an inch really happy about that but this thread really got me down would it be too much too ask if u took all measurements and let us know the out come of not peing regularly
subzero468;324709 said:
so do u think if u stopped 4 good u would go back to ur original size sorry to sound like a cat in the rain im a quarter away from an inch really happy about that but this thread really got me down would it be too much too ask if u took all measurements and let us know the out come of not peing regularly

I stopped for 2 years without losing erect length and girth (only recently started again). The only place I noticed a change was in flaccid state. I used to hang very heavy and long but now it is not hanging like that. I seriously think it was the lack of daily stretching and girth work that caused this. I am sure I will get it back now that I am training again.
Well im not 40 but i know that 40 is not old, its just the peak, after which comes age, about 45.
As for loss of flaccid, i have found personally that comes from too much jerking off
However, too much se with a condom too, without condom no, cos the vagina has pge-1 which helps expand the penis tissue.
if you have to jerk off then you must edge by stop yourself cumming 3-5 times then blowing your cannon fodder! if you must old chap
Doctor007;324736 said:
if you must old chap

If I smoke enough weed I become a young chap:) Remember, I died in 1999 so technically I am only 8 and a half:) Thank God for narcane.:)
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