Thanks for sharing bro, that you lost your 'big gains', now its clear that you shouldn't inject your penile.

Why are you encouraging someone go down your same path? Imagine I spray my dog in the face with chemicals when he's not listening. Same thing you're doing with the brother. *Matters of Size*
timber1981;658985 said:
I'm not sure why you assume you are more knowledgeable than myself on the subject. You shouldn't assume that about anyone on this forum.

First of all, I spent several years of my life injecting pge-1 and tri-mix into my penis and severely overtrained myself into some of the biggest gains ever obtained by any member on this forum. I am currently retraining naturally to get my gains back.

Not once did I ever do a bad injection, and i was taught proper injection technique into the c.c. by a medical doctor.

Judging by your post, you have never injected anything into your c.c. you are merely regurgitating bro knowledge you read about online.

Second of all, not once in my post did I say that I was going to be injecting any substances into my penis. I was merely giving my two cents on which peptides or protocols would be more effective for tissue growth. Chances are, even if I tell him not to inject anything, he is just going to do it anyways. I would rather arm him with better knowledge than none at all.

I have long since moved on from chem pe, as I was one of the originals to take part in chemical penis enlargement protocols. I now do strictly natural pe.

Do as you please mate,it's your life :) But these things are dangerous.If you say you have experience with these injections,i believe you.
templnite;658988 said:
Thanks for sharing bro, that you lost your 'big gains', now its clear that you shouldn't inject your penile.

Why are you encouraging someone go down your same path? Imagine I spray my dog in the face with chemicals when he's not listening. Same thing you're doing with the brother. *Matters of Size*

I lost SOME of my gains because I stopped training completely, and stopped using the tri mix cold turkey. I was also extremely stressed out with running my business, working double shifts the entire winter, as well as dealing with marital problems at home because of my work schedule.

I went in and got blood work towards the end of winter and my testosterone levels were 180 nl.

I destroyed alot of my gains by not continuing a maintenence routine and putting my body in a very unhealthy state.

The man I learned from that used to run the chempe blog, ronielle, did the routine for several years and retained all his gains even after stopping chemical pe.

I already explained this, but I'll repeat it just for you because I love repeating myself for those that can't read my entire posts.

I NEVER encouraged him to do chempe. I only corrected what I believed to be was an incorrect protocol he was following.
timber1981;660014 said:
I I NEVER encouraged him to do chempe. I only corrected what I believed to be was an incorrect protocol he was following.

I showed my little brother how to cook crack, but I'm not encouraging him to do something illegal.
ChilDsh;659039 said:
Do as you please mate,it's your life :) But these things are dangerous.If you say you have experience with these injections,i believe you.

Yes, I know it's competely unbelievable that I obtained a prescription from a doctor and used an erectile dysfunction medication that had to be injected into the penis with a 31 gauge insulin needle, but yes, I wasn't lying. It really happened.

You really need to stop with your fear mongering about penile injections. It's your own fear that is creating those theories, nobody else. You are not a doctor.

Far as I know, neither caverject or tri-mix has ever been recalled as a medication. Everyone that has been prescribed the medication is trained on how to inject and how to rotate injection sites safely by a certified medical doctor, with protocols that have been used safely by patients for decades without incident.

What I don't advocate is anyone buying these chemicals off of the Internet and teaching themselves how to use it. Go to a doctor and get a prescription and be taught the correct way.
templnite;660015 said:
I showed my little brother how to cook crack, but I'm not encouraging him to do something illegal.

You are being extremely dramatic and coming across as a control freak.

I have no vested interest in what anyone else does with their body.

You talk as if some anonymous information from an Internet forum is the deciding factor over what someone does with their life.

Save your white knight speeches, and if you don't want him injecting anything into his dick, go run your guilt trip on the guy injecting his dick in the first place.

While you're at it, go bump every other thread in this forum about chem pe and go nag to death every person that has discussed it or started a thread about it.
Woah chill out buddy! Are you jonesing for your igf-lr3 already?
I'm no one to tell you what to do yes, but some brothers are very impressionable man we have to take care of our own.
templnite;660019 said:
Woah chill out buddy! Are you jonesing for your igf-lr3 already?
I'm no one to tell you what to do yes, but some brothers are very impressionable man we have to take care of our own.

You talk like you are playing peacekeeper, yet you make some backhanded snide comment about my past chempe use?

Make up your mind about where you are trying to direct this discussion!

He has obviously already started using the discussed compound, and I only recommended an alternative compound that would require less injections and is no more dangerous than the compound he is already using.

Like I already previously stated, if you don't want him injecting anything and you want to force your belief system on anyone, go do it to him.
If you, and that guy want to sell crack to each other that's fine, but this isn't a discussion. Bottom line chem PE sucks, and everyone should do natural PE oh wait they already do :p
going all out;579653 said:
hey warbot here's a video on penile injecting


damn doubled post if someone can take this off that would be great

Extremely Dangerous!
templnite;660024 said:
If you, and that guy want to sell crack to each other that's fine, but this isn't a discussion. Bottom line chem PE sucks, and everyone should do natural PE oh wait they already do :p

If that's the case, than why are you trying to play security guard in the alternative section?

Chem pe apparently doesn't work, yet you hang out in this sub forum. That makes a TON of sense.

I looked through your post history, and you come across as a negative judgemental douche who lingers on this forum all day and leaves shitty comments for anyone who does anything you don't agree with. You bring absolutely nothing of use to this forum and do nothing but give off bad energy to others.

I noticed you left some stupid unneeded comment in my phallosan thread as well.

Your attitude reminds me of one of those trolls over at �other PE site�, which is probably where you came from in the first place.
Mathew 7:23
Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

Knight not security guard playboi, you certainly know alot about me chief that's good, too bad I can't say the same.
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templnite;660032 said:
Mathew 7:23
Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

Knight not security guard playboi, you certainly know alot about me chief that's good, too bad I can't say the same.

1,200 posts since your join date beginning of june, most of it useless contributions.

You are quite the post-whore.

Oh, and you edited your post to quote Mathew to imply that you are a good person and I am evil.

You initiated this shit so maybe you should take a look in the mirror security guard.
Whore, control freak, douche, stupid. Do you see what you're like bro? Maybe that's why you have marital problems.
both of you should just agree to disagree.

Personally I don't inject my penis and I'm not going to advise others on it even though I've used a lot of Igf. The main problem is nobody realizes how much site injection is required to grow a body part. It is a ridiculous expensive undertaking and you can't hide it everyday so you're significant other is going to see it and judge you. A lot of negatives and I can't see many positives
swedsihsnake;578351 said:
I'm currently doing scenic igf 1-lr3 penile injections!

This is my stats:
Startingsize (measured when I was doing my 4th injection)
BPEL :17.5cm (after 4th injection)
MSEG:14cm (after 6th injection)
Flaccid: Differs between 10-11.5cm

Injection amount:
First injections 10mcg in each side of cc. (total of 20mcg) + bcaa supplement 1hour before and after
Later on 15mcg in each side of cc. (total of 30mcg) + bcaa supplement 1hour before and after
Last injection 25mcg (total of 50mcg).

12 injections are made with the one today (doing 30mcg total again).

Before every injection I wear jes-extender for minimum 1 hour (usually 1-3hours).
I wipe the dick with alcopads and inject in both sides of cc.
I put on the cockring and wear it for at least 20-30 minutes and sometimes a little massage to spread it out.
The last times I also wear extender after injection for about 30min-2hours.

I mixed my IGF-Lr3 with AA water and store it in the coldest part in refrigerator.
Before injection I withdraw 10-25mcg in each syringe and then mix it with baa water.
Some guys belive this is wrong (Supra etc) but if you don't do this you can cause tissuedeath and scars in the cc.
Every one that have injected igf with aa in stomach (it burns like hell sometimes) knows what I'm talking about.
And this does not destroy the IGF. THAT IS FALSE!

Results so far:
The dick feels more loose than before, it stretches much easier and longer without warmup.
I have increased the screws on the extender to max (had not much left to give to maximum but a small change).

The injections are getting more and more painful and harder to penetrate the skin and hard part.
It seems like it is more veins than before also (harder to find good places to pin).
The dick looks a bit thicker in the middle (right side) when using extender. Don't know if it has been site specific growth here but it doesn't show when erect or flaccid so it doesn't matter.
And a new thing. It has affected my wellbeing.. sometimes I feel really great and sometimes I just crash. I noticed that the crash comes after a few days without any injections.
This has also affected my booners... they have been more loose when I am in the "worse" periods.
I will try to inject monday, wednesday and friday again to get a good routine.

I don't have that much IGF left because of some waste etc.
Soon its time for some new measurements.

Take good care everyone!
I can't stand when people go on about chempe vs. Natural. If you haven't at the very least injected trimix into your cc, then kindly shut the fuck up. This shit isn't for newbies, or the faint of heart. There's video testimonials of guys talking about penile growth for hgh and ifg. There's always a right and wrong way but educate yourselves before you speak. There is nothing more pathetic than trolling on a PE forum or any forum for that matter. I wish there was more info on chem pe, instead of dipshits like temple night giving their "2 cents" and making snide back handed comments.

I see this a lot on this and other PE forums, it's part of the reason I don't participate or post regularly.
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