
Jul 15, 2003
Looks like my penis is starting to get a baseball bat-like shape. It's not very visible yet, but if you look closely, you can see that the penis is a little thicker closer to the head of the penis, and it's also much harder during erections in this area. That the penis is getting this kind of shape is quite logical because during jelqing the blood is forced upwards and therefor the maximum pressure is there. I'd like to know how to excersize and thicken also the parts closer to the base of the penis. I don't think I'm ready for really hard girth excercises because I haven't Penis Enlargement'd for that long either. I think it would be good for the growth of my penis to get it also thicker closer to the base. I guess it can grow better if it's thicker throughout the penis shaft.
I have always started my jelq exercises as close to the extreme base as possible. This makes for a very even growth along the whole shaft. I also thing that erect twists may be very helpful...use caution with these as they are more advanced.
Erect stretches (70-90%) all directions.

Behind the Balls jelqing.


I have been doing these in addition to an intense jelqing/uli workout and my base girth seems to grow faster than the rest of the shaft.

Its over 7" erect.
I love my baseball bat...

...and so does my girl:D

so long,

This does sound quite undesirable.

DLD, any thoughts on the physiology behind this?
Hi all, to combat the bat effect, I suggest BTC hanging or stretching. If not already, familiarize yourself with the LOT theory to see if you have any lig stretching potential. In theory, stretching the base lengthens the ligaments and pulls out the inner penis, both of which combine to make the base girth larger and can offset the baseball bat.

My case is oppposite of yours, but illustrates the point nicely. I've been Penis Enlargement,ing since 3 / 02 and hanging since 6 / 02, with very little girth work. My base girth has increased to 5.5" rougly an inch up the shaft while my midshaft has stayed the same at 5". This however will set me up nicely when I do switch over to girth excersises.

I'm pe'ing 5years(on/off) and use the last half year almost exclusively the a.m. exercises.
The overall-shape of my dick never changed over the years.
Was pre-pe already like this.
IMO it's mainly genetics and if at all, very dificult to change dramendously(I mean from baseball bat to tree trunk for expl.).
At least for me.
Anyway I have no problem at all as long as it is BIG;)

so long,

Behind the Balls jelqing is easier for me to do dry.
You simply pull the whole package out away from your body and use the OK grip and jelq from the pubic bone forward.
These can be done quickly with a moderate squeeze or you can slow down and apply more force.
Originally posted by shortwide
Behind the Balls jelqing is easier for me to do dry.
You simply pull the whole package out away from your body and use the OK grip and jelq from the pubic bone forward.
These can be done quickly with a moderate squeeze or you can slow down and apply more force.

This is NOT exactly BTB jelqing!
If you pull your sack forward and jelq from the pubic bone you may grasp only few mm more then usual!

The term BTB means jelqing in the area between pubic bone and your anus (aka inner penis) what can't be done with a standard OK!
It needs a kind of U grip(targets mainly CC) or flat grip(targets mainly CS).
BTB is supposed to improve blood flow or -like I do it- as an additional method(besides kegeling) to make your ULI's more effective.

Originally posted by pebe
What is the LOT theory? Can anybody explain it shortly?

We have this nice search button in the upper right corner here, you know?;)
doublelongdaddy;6139 said:
I have always started my jelq exercises as close to the extreme base as possible. This makes for a very even growth along the whole shaft. I also thing that erect twists may be very helpful...use caution with these as they are more advanced.

Boss do you think jelging is the cause of the base ball bat effect? I remember I once bought a jelg device back in 2008 and used it a few times with slight gains. Could it be the reason for the thin mid shaft I have today? Just wondering.
huge-girth;757585 said:
Boss do you think jelging is the cause of the base ball bat effect? I remember I once bought a jelg device back in 2008 and used it a few times with slight gains. Could it be the reason for the thin mid shaft I have today? Just wondering.

Possibly in some cases but the jelq is so outdated. The Slow Squash jelq will allow the user to gain evenly without deviation. The SSJ also targets areas for spot training so if you are thinner the middle you can exclusively train that part since the exercise is close ended, you simply move your grip closer or farther away depending on the spot to intense to correct. All in all the SSJ is better than any overt girth exercise and when combined with the BathMate, there is nothing that can even come close! SRT Girth program (SRT 5x5x3)!
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