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      TheJunk replied to the thread Creating a curve?.
      i like my penis straight but thats only personal aesthetics point. now as mentioned a good curve can target girls sensitive areas better...
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      TheJunk replied to the thread Creating a curve?.
      you would say was created sum sort of scar tissue/plaque plaque under the skin of the penis or just natural tissue bending manipulation...
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      TheJunk replied to the thread 16 Years Of Inner Penis Research.
      indeed need start doing those, now idk if need let skin in a way that i get more testicle skin gains or shaft, shaft wise i think i need...
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      TheJunk replied to the thread 16 Years Of Inner Penis Research.
      very interesting.i wounder if changing ourselves anatomy wise in pubic are is good or presents limitations as so weak spots to lift...
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      TheJunk reacted to DLD's post in the thread Raphe with Like Like.
      Religious act that has no effects on the penis. God gave us a foreskin and what God creates we should appreciate it
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      TheJunk replied to the thread Raphe.
      girls one is indeed unhuman imo, but yeah its an controversial topic, but for most part, at least on women thing, all agree with the...
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      TheJunk replied to the thread Raphe.
      i think is more normalized usa (where i heart such term), and arab and african countires as cultural, europe as where im from i dont...
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      TheJunk replied to the thread Raphe.
      i believe is this:
      • 1719723020378.png
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      TheJunk replied to the thread Raphe.
      • Screenshot_20240630-004429-140.png
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