
Dec 8, 2009
This is not an over night magical routine that'll pack on an inch of meat in a few months, this routine take a minimum of 12 months to see the results.

1) Bucket and ice.

2) Dick extender and or hands.

3) Patience

Most people will probably find this routine very uncomfortable, it takes several weeks before your penis will adapt to the severe environment you're exposing it too, but it's well worth it.

This routine is performed daily, it takes around 25-45 minutes to complete.

The routine is very basic.

a) Fill a bucket with ice water.

b) Do a manual stretch routine with your penis suBathmateerged in the ice water.

c) Do a manual semi erect and fully erect girth routine with your penis suBathmateerged in the ice water.

d) (optional) slap a dick extender on and suBathmateerge your penis under high tension in the ice water.

After the water is no longer cold, you can either fill a bath up with warm water or fill up the bucket you were using, or any container.

e) Repeat all the steps above in warm to moderately hot water, continue to add hot water as it starts to cool down.
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Is this trolling? If not-

Considering DLD gained 2 inches in far less time, and lots of guys gain an inch in 3 months or less, gaining an inch in 13 months is far from impressive unless you've been Penis Enlargementing without a break for years.

You probably didn't gain more because your dick was suBathmateerged in ice. Just sayin'. Science will tell you that you need heat to make the tunica break down the fastest (and prevent injury).

http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/...s Enlargement-works-scientifically&highlight=

To each their own though.
AndroidR;558348 said:
lots of guys gain an inch in 3 months or less, gaining an inch in 13 months is far from impressive unless you've been Penis Enlargementing without a break for years.

I've been doing Penis Enlargement for 5 years and an inch in 3 months is BULLSHIT!! You can believe whatever you wanna believe, if you think you can gain an inch in 3 months you're fooling yourself.

Gaining an inch in three months is equivalent to going into the gym and gaining 30lbs in 3 months, it's never going to happen.
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I'm about to. I've gained about 3/4" in length in 8 weeks following the SRT routine. And I did Penis Enlargement years ago and months before I started SRT, so it's not "newbie gains". SRT actually makes sense scientifically. I don't see any kind of benefit of suBathmateerging your dick in ice.

New guys are going to see this and start putting their dick in ice and be all fucked up. The only reason you feel more stretching with ice is because your dick is pissed off and wants to shrivel and you're trying to not let it do so, where as with heat, your dick accepts the stretch more-so and therefore accepts becoming longer easier. When you're stretching suBathmateerged in ice, you're obviously stretching to a shorter length than what you would with heat. Would you rather stretch your dick to a shorter length, or a longer length? Obviously longer.

If you say "oh, well once your dick gets used to the ice, it will stretch the same", well what was the point of stretching your dick in ice in the first place?
AndroidR;558393 said:
I've gained about 3/4" in length in 8 weeks.

Lmao I've been doing Penis Enlargement for 5 years kid, if gaining 3/4" in 8 weeks was physically possible we'd all have a 10 inch penis by now, but it's not possible, keep your ego to yourself you aren't impressing anyone with your fallacies.
i gained more than 1" in ~4months *(it was actually closer to 1.25~1.4").... My initial goals when starting Penis Enlargement were to be 7x~6... i started at 5.5~5.7"BPenis EnlargementL *(depending on EQ).. after 4months i had hit my goal.. *(i am now 6.8~7"BPenis EnlargementL) with a MSEG of 6.2~6.5 *(depending on EQ)....

it is very possible to gain depending on the person. My new goal is 8xmy girth right now..

*(side note. after initial rapid gains my gains have slowed considerably.. BUT i am still gaining by using a combination of stretching/pumping/hanging/ADS.... EQ is usually off the charts....)

i am 44years old..
So you been doing Penis Enlargement for 5years then, think you been doing it all wrong by the looks of it, if your not gaining and have not gained an inch in 3months in your 5years of Penis Enlargement your doing every thing wrong! Sorry

That's not even a routine up top don't make any since at all, what stretches are you meant to be doing in this routine as it don't say at all and how long are you holding them for? And it's Important you use the right stretches Togiver this is what makes your gains. You can't just say do 20mins of stretching with out giving the names of the stretches because it will never work.

Good luck by the way as your going need it!
Iwillbe9;558412 said:
So you been doing Penis Enlargement for 5years then, think you been doing it all wrong by the looks of it, if your not gaining and have not gained an inch in 3months in your 5years of Penis Enlargement your doing every thing wrong! Sorry

Where in my post did I mention I haven't had any gains in the 5 years I've been doing Penis Enlargement? I've followed the 5 Phases on the MOS DVD, I've followed the newbie routine, I've followed many of the advanced routines on this website for many years. Wearing an extender for over 20 hours a day for 5 years kid. I've tapped out my genetic penis potential from years of Penis Enlargement. I've gained over 3 inches in erect length in the 5 years I've been doing Penis Enlargement and I can GUARANTEE you, you're NOT going to gain an inch in 3 months. If you truly believe you can gain a permanent 1 inch of penis growth in 3 months, prove it.

You're obviously measuring wrong or you read all these miracle posts on this website and get those gains confused with your own.

Keep fooling yourself kid.
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wajiro;558410 said:
i gained more than 1" in ~4months *(it was actually closer to 1.25~1.4")

You have another 8 months of Penis Enlargement before those gains become permanent. Stop doing Penis Enlargement for a year and see what happens. Your results slowed down because it's physically impossible for your body to create new tissue that fast.
Want_that_gain;558419 said:
You have another 8 months of Penis Enlargement before those gains become permanent. Stop doing Penis Enlargement for a year and see what happens. Your results slowed down because it's physically impossible for your body to create new tissue that fast.

i have no plans on stopping.

honestly i believe my fast gains came because 20something years ago i had surgery for torsion. i wasn't able to basically touch it for 2 months or so till it healed and it spent the time turtled up.. i spoke with my first wife *(high school sweetie) and she *(registered nurse practicioner) that i USED to be about 7 when we were dating/married *(before the surgery)... when i first started hanging i experienced lig pops on a weekly basis *(with 6~8lbs) and accompanying growth.

so i think i was undoing a bad healing process...

that being said i am looking forward to gaining just 1" more to make mine the "perfect" 8x6+"...

happy hanging...
wajiro;558421 said:
i have no plans on stopping.

honestly i believe my fast gains came because 20something years ago i had surgery for torsion. i wasn't able to basically touch it for 2 months or so till it healed and it spent the time turtled up.. i spoke with my first wife *(high school sweetie) and she *(registered nurse practicioner) that i USED to be about 7 when we were dating/married *(before the surgery)... when i first started hanging i experienced lig pops on a weekly basis *(with 6~8lbs) and accompanying growth.

so i think i was undoing a bad healing process...

that being said i am looking forward to gaining just 1" more to make mine the "perfect" 8x6+"...

happy hanging...

One inch is no sweat! What is your timetable?
Penis EnlargementOPLE CAN WE NOT MAKE THIS INTO A DICK SWINGING CONTEST!!! Shit even as a newbie when I was 16 and Penis Enlargement'd religiously (way back before I even had my routine posted and I'd Penis Enlargement every night after school. I never made an inch gain in a year. I'd be happy with that. Instead of tearing someone down that comes up with a new idea how about we actually ask questions regarding what he's talking about. Remember guys thats how most of the "Go To" exercises that we use today were started, with experimentation. If it worked then and only then did we try to find out why it works because there is no science lab that I know of performing penis enlargement experiments.

I asked a physical therapist what I could do about my IT band syndrome and she said take an ice cube and rub on the area for a little bit and then massage the area and repeat. She said this brings the blood flow back in. Also my fellow gym rats might now about alternating a hot and cold shower after an intense workout to decrease inflammation with the cold and then allow the blood vessels to over dilate with the heat, which prevents soreness very very well.

So I could see how this could possibly work. And I like the idea of it not turtling in the winter time. Guys that are doing the SRT routine are purposely doing just that and imagine going skinny dipping and still having a swollen dick swinging between your legs. I'm willing to try it out. I think what I will do is try it out when I start pumping with my penomet again. I can alternate sets with cold and hot water. It could work like it does with my gym workouts and help with healing. I would always start with cold to shrink the vessels and halt the inflammation process and then switch to heat that makes the shrunken vessels over dilate and flood the muscles with oxygen and nutrients.

I don't know about doing a whole routine like that. But it has gotten me thinking that maybe a 5 minute pump with cold and a 5 minute pump with warm water for maybe a cycle or two at the end of a routine could be beneficial for healing and maybe produce the same results.

PS: Also Want_that_gain can you give us an example of the actual stretches and girth routine you do in the ice water? Also how are you positioning yourself so that you can fit your dick in the ice water bucket?
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Want_that_gain;558390 said:
Gaining an inch in three months is equivalent to going into the gym and gaining 30lbs in 3 months, it's never going to happen.
You're assuming that 30lbs is muscle.
Shenlong;558506 said:
You're assuming that 30lbs is muscle.

Actually I gained 35 lbs. in about six weeks by squatting (to max) w/backoff sets 6+ days/week and eating 4000-6000 calories every day. Didn't get much fatter. (Not saying this is easy or realistic for anybody but a novice like myself)
All I have to say is I gained 3/4 of an inch in a montha nd a half back when I first started pe doing phase one!
Gains are gains. some people gain easily some people(myself) not so easy. Its a marathon not a sprint race and most importantly its a road to self improvement.
Want_that_gain, like I said, if you have genetically reached your potential for Penis Enlargement gains (many years of Penis Enlargement in a row), then switched to ice and gained an inch, then your inch is impressive.

With that said, everyone is different. There ARE a lot of guys who gain an inch in 3-4 months and 2 inches in a year. I'm not "fooling" anyone because I've actually seen my dick grow on pace for an inch in 12 weeks. Another 3 weeks and I will know if I made the full inch gain. I realize gains will slow down, but your first year you can really see big gains.

I also want to say this "routine" could be dangerous. I'm not sure if you can get frostbite from ice water, but upwards of 45 minutes is a long time.
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doublelongdaddy;558461 said:
One inch is no sweat! What is your timetable?
i do my pe daily. hanging either daily or 1 on 1 off, pumping one day a week, stretching por mano daily and constantly through the day.

i have no real chipped in stone timetable seeing as i hit my initial goals of 7x6 *(i am actually 6.25~6.4mseg depending on EQ) a month or so back. i got the easy gains out of the way and if i gain another inch in the next year i will be fine. lcwmbo said NO MORE than 8.
This is not an over night magical routine that'll pack on an inch of meat in a few months, this routine take a minimum of 12 months to see the results.

1) Bucket and ice.

2) Dick extender and or hands.

3) Patience

Most people will probably find this routine very uncomfortable, it takes several weeks before your penis will adapt to the severe environment you're exposing it too, but it's well worth it.

This routine is performed daily, it takes around 25-45 minutes to complete.

The routine is very basic.

a) Fill a bucket with ice water.

b) Do a manual stretch routine with your penis suBathmateerged in the ice water.

c) Do a manual semi erect and fully erect girth routine with your penis suBathmateerged in the ice water.

d) (optional) slap a dick extender on and suBathmateerge your penis under high tension in the ice water.

After the water is no longer cold, you can either fill a bath up with warm water or fill up the bucket you were using, or any container.

e) Repeat all the steps above in warm to moderately hot water, continue to add hot water as it starts to cool down.

Sorry to say, but this is an amateur routine. Nowadays, many members as making 0.5 inch of gain within their first 30 days of using the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging.

What you need is the LengthMaster. Get the device quickly. It will change the game completely for you.
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