Typically symptoms for vitamin C deficiency don't present until scurvy sets in. If you're going to talk about deficiencies with physiologically relevant symptoms prove they exist. So far the only symptom we have is scurvy and it's a breeze to avoid and cure. If you're going to imply a relationship then back it up with evidence. You're only providing anecdotal evidence.
pith;467073 said:
Typically symptoms for vitamin C deficiency don't present until scurvy sets in. If you're going to talk about deficiencies with physiologically relevant symptoms prove they exist. So far the only symptom we have is scurvy and it's a breeze to avoid and cure. If you're going to imply a relationship then back it up with evidence. You're only providing anecdotal evidence.

I love orange juice, vit c gives me so much it is amazing! I did find out from my last physical that my body does not produce Vit. D correctly and I have a massive deficiency. They wanted me to go on a supplement but I think I may just wait. What does Vit. D exactly do?
It has a lot to do with calcium handling in the bones and in the cells. You get most of your Vit D from the sun I believe.
Thanks...you just keep gettin' better and better.
And from now on you're officially being ignored for gross ridiculocity.

CK10N3; sorry your thread got side-jacked. But, like I tell everybody, research is one of your best friends in the Penis Enlargement world.
Penis Enlargement is slow, serious business and should be approached in an intelligent, methodical fashion. As much to maximize your gains as to prevent injury.
If you are serious about quelling your bleeding problem you really need to be familiar with the relationship between Vitamin C, collagen production and the whole Penis Enlargement process of 1.Destroy, 2. Repair & 3. Rebuild.

If the process of reading through some of the links I gave you earlier seems to be too much to accomplish, then maybe you should re-think your approach to Penis Enlargement:
Permanent growth happens fairly slowly, injuries are instantaneous. And healing from them can take forever if your body lacks what it needs to do so effectively.

If you don't have optimum nutrition you won't have optimum gains.
And there's always something to be said for new knowledge.

pith;467073 said:
Typically symptoms for vitamin C deficiency don't present until scurvy sets in. If you're going to talk about deficiencies with physiologically relevant symptoms prove they exist. So far the only symptom we have is scurvy and it's a breeze to avoid and cure. If you're going to imply a relationship then back it up with evidence. You're only providing anecdotal evidence.
Kinda funny you should ask this!
Take a look here, Mike:

Good ol' Doc Mercola is a big proponent of Vitamin D and all the fantastic stuff medicine is just now discovering about it.
I f I remember right he even called it "the forgotten vitamin".
He's got loads o' good info and lots of links outside of his site.

Good luck!

doublelongdaddy;467074 said:
I love orange juice, vit c gives me so much it is amazing! I did find out from my last physical that my body does not produce Vit. D correctly and I have a massive deficiency. They wanted me to go on a supplement but I think I may just wait. What does Vit. D exactly do?
MAXAMEYES;467131 said:
Thanks...you just keep gettin' better and better.
And from now on you're officially being ignored for gross ridiculocity.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes it's just too hard to deal with nonsense.
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