I would like to order the New and improved power assist the heavy duty one that you can hang from.
I dont know the name of it but I would like to start the new year off with new equipment to add to the aresnal-

Thank you

Ron Peforlife
peforlife;522493 said:
DLD-- Hi there buddy!
I noticed some new members here thats awesome.. Im sure your very busy with the Holidays-
Sir, really quick,
when will the new Power assist be available to purchase,? It is the one that looks like a Gear/Plate. very heavy duty, and you can hang from it..


March 1st is the tentative

Please keep me posted and let us know when it is available
have a great New Year!


Supra;524717 said:
Miss you Mike and Jazz, wish I was back in Florida

Will see you soon, we still have some stuff we need to finalize.
MOS-- IS THE Penis EnlargementNOMET to make the batHydromaxaste obsolete? what are the advantages of using this new water pump as apposed to the Bathmate?

Has any one used it yet?
Thank you

Ron =Peforlife

Hey there just to let you know I am in phase 1 for 6 months, I have gained very little lenth but have noticed Girth with continued Jelquing-- / I have started really using the Power assist as instructed for most stretching, as oposed to hands only For phase 1---
I think its time to step up the program, Sir do you think I should move into Phase 2 at this time? it seems like I am stuck,,,,:( what are your thoughts?
also sir-- 2 important machines are needed-

Could you, or your team send me a link to the Penis EnlargementNOMAT? and also The New Power assist which you said would be available in March 1- It looks like a metal Plate which can be used for hanging, combined with stretch.

thank you for outstanding continued support:) I am in this for the long haul however long it takes!
DLD- MOS--- I just Posted this Below I think at the wrong thread-- Sorry to clutter the site with Redundant Query, This is what I am dealing with at 6 months out .. Can anyone please advise me what you think I should do at this juncture?

Thank you again...

Hey there just to let you know I am in phase 1 for 6 months, I have gained very little lenth but have noticed Girth with continued Jelqing-- / I have started really using the Power assist as instructed for most stretching, as oposed to hands only For phase 1---
I think its time to step up the program, Sir do you think I should move into Phase 2 at this time? it seems like I am stuck,,,,:( what are your thoughts?
also sir-- 2 important machines are needed-

Could you, or your team send me a link to the Penis EnlargementNOMAT? and also The New Power assist which you said would be available in March 1- It looks like a metal Plate which can be used for hanging, combined with stretch.

thank you for outstanding continued support I am in this for the long haul however long it takes!
peforlife;524869 said:
MOS-- IS THE Penis EnlargementNOMET to make the batHydromaxaste obsolete? what are the advantages of using this new water pump as apposed to the Bathmate?

Has any one used it yet?
Thank you

Ron =Peforlife

No, it is more a case of preference. For a few years there has been no option outside the Bathmate and now the Hydromax X40, now that other options have arisen you start to see a difference in customer based on nothing more than what they have read here or what they have researched to be the better choice. Some equipment affectionados, that can afford the luxury, may have both, as I do, and with that said their preference will lay where they get the best workout. I am a X-40 user due to my erect size but I can do some awesome flaccid pumping in the Bathmate and Hydromax X40, the Penomet can almost handle me so I can use that in almost erect state. The new Penomet soon to arrive will be a longer tube so I will have a much better way to make a comparison. What I can tell you is when using the Penomet pressure and intensity gets to levels that are unreal. The gaiters are brilliant and the way they are not only progressive in their method of gaiter change they also remain committed to this "open box" Beta philosophy that allows for improvements and new attachments in the future.

peforlife;526413 said:
DLD- MOS--- I just Posted this Below I think at the wrong thread-- Sorry to clutter the site with Redundant Query, This is what I am dealing with at 6 months out .. Can anyone please advise me what you think I should do at this juncture?

Thank you again...

Hey there just to let you know I am in phase 1 for 6 months, I have gained very little lenth but have noticed Girth with continued Jelqing-- / I have started really using the Power assist as instructed for most stretching, as oposed to hands only For phase 1---
I think its time to step up the program, Sir do you think I should move into Phase 2 at this time? it seems like I am stuck,,,,:( what are your thoughts?
also sir-- 2 important machines are needed-

Could you, or your team send me a link to the Penis EnlargementNOMAT? and also The New Power assist which you said would be available in March 1- It looks like a metal Plate which can be used for hanging, combined with stretch.

thank you for outstanding continued support I am in this for the long haul however long it takes!

OK, the Penomet is available is available HERE The LengthMaster is scheduled to become available for preorder (with many other options) come March 1. This will be on a first come, first serve basis and remember 1000's of guys have been looking for one...stay aware and get your order in as soon as they are available. The PowerAssist can be used in the interim for applications such as Expressive Stretching and an ultra-powerful addition to any stretch. When the new LengthMaster is available the PowerAssist will be retired. Grab them while they are still for sale...I said this about the LengthMaster and no one seemed to care until there were none left. The early bird gets the worm.

After the time you have invested into the Phase 1 or Newbie Routine you can simply switch into SRT since your mind is going that direction. I will have 3 versions ultimately available but there is no reason for you not to do what you can for now and train on the most powerful routine yet that encourages rest and healing procedures that are so important to the overall structure of the routine and the proper, efficient use of time active and passive.

Thank you for your insight regarding the NEW Pump-- I will invest in that one as soon as possible-
What is the name of the New Powerassist ? the one where you can hang weights? MARCH due date? and I found a thread somewhere that you can use the Bathmate for STRETCHING Exercises...

My quick question is this -----,Can after I do Phase 1 workout, streching go into the Bathmate for more stretch routine, UP WARD OUT STRAIGHT LEFT STRAIGHT R DOWNWARD then the Jelquing remaning part of the exercises? BTW I am using the Power assist for all streching except for Behind the cheeks and upward stretch-- can I do this then end with doing my warm down?

Your thoughts?

Thank you very much for your assistance and patience

Ron-Penis EnlargementFORLIFE
peforlife;526547 said:

Thank you for your insight regarding the NEW Pump-- I will invest in that one as soon as possible-
What is the name of the New Powerassist ? the one where you can hang weights? MARCH due date? and I found a thread somewhere that you can use the Bathmate for STRETCHING Exercises...

My quick question is this -----,Can after I do Phase 1 workout, streching go into the Bathmate for more stretch routine, UP WARD OUT STRAIGHT LEFT STRAIGHT R DOWNWARD then the Jelquing remaning part of the exercises? BTW I am using the Power assist for all streching except for Behind the cheeks and upward stretch-- can I do this then end with doing my warm down?

Your thoughts?

Thank you very much for your assistance and patience

Ron-Penis EnlargementFORLIFE

The PowerAssist makes up the body of the LengthMaster when all attachments are removed, so the PowerAssist is included with the LengthMaster, which also includes the brilliant Bundle Chamber that allows for two handed stretching, bundles, rolls, etc. When the Bundle Chamber is removed from the body of the LengthMaster is can be used to do hanging.

The new Matters of Size plans on deducing and eliminating the fat. Our product line will be very consistent as will the forums and the online video site. It is kind of like SRT, it contains the best of the best exercises and leaves no popular need for any other routine. I envision a more streamlined environment that will reduce the confusion and make the MOS experience intuitive and interpersonal. I think the changes that will happen will completely change the face of penis enlargement.

Anyway, I understand the demand for the LengthMaster and I wish I could give them to all but as it stands we will need to wait until March 1 at which time many of the other changes will take place.
MOS-- and team,

That sounds GREAT! Looking forward to a year of success and gains, thanks to you, and your team I have hope... have a good evening

Ron.. Penis EnlargementFORLIFE!
hepcat;531995 said:
Still waiting until April I believe.

Yes, I have been told all upgrades will happen on that date.
Thanks Hepcap--

How is your work outs going? I got really sidetracked with work, and gonna get back into it again, I guess your also waiting for the LengthMaster right?
hepcat;532279 said:

I was actually worried about this because I got an email that my trip to NYC was off, due to a production issue. Anyway, I got a call later and I was told China is still on and we should still be on course. I will keep everyone updated as I get more information.
hepcat;532279 said:

I was actually worried about this because I got an email that my trip to NYC was off, due to a production issue. Anyway, I got a call later and I was told China is still on and we should still be on course. I will keep everyone updated as I get more information.
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