It pains me to see some of the workouts people are doing. The premise of this thread:
This is not to be confused with newbie gains. Even young studs may not be at their erection potential - I sure wasn't. Newbie gains can be rather fast, though the first gains are almost always increased erection potential rather than actual penis growth.
It's easy to get over zealous with Penis Enlargement. A common, unspoken thought that rings louder than any other statement on this board is "if I just work twice as hard, I can get twice the gains." Unfortunately, in the real world, it is simply not the truth. It can be dangerous in fact - I have heard of quite a few guys who got over zealous with girth work, many with hardcore clamping routines, whose erection started to suffer, get horrible fluid buildup, and bad discoloration. Worst of all - inability to get an erection when it really counted.
This is where working smart comes in to play. Remember our premise? The penis can grow only so fast. It's a fallacy to set time limits for goal sizes. If you really want to set a time limit - tell yourself "I want to work hard, work smart, and take rest where I need to for three months." There will be no dissappointment, there will be no rush, and there WILL BE Penis EnlargementNIS GROWTH.
It's up to everybody to find a balance between work intensity, rest, and growth potential.
Clamping. I tend to come off as an anti-clamping propaganda spreader - but there are some very important things to remember with clamping that people tend to forget. Red WILL back me up on this. It's easier to get over zealous here more than anywhere. You get a super big, super cool, super fat erection that just keeps on growing in the clamp. Guys, this is exactly what kills you. "Maybe I can get just a little more expansion if I go 20 more minutes." Everyone who's strapped on a clamp has thought this. It's an unfortunate battle clampers have to face - overcoming the psychological torture your huge penis is putting on you.
With clamping, it's difficult to tell when you've had enough. It has a tendency to numb the "tired" effects. It also has a tendency to keep your erections long after an erection would have been kept with a manual routine. This can be dangerous.
Keep these things in mind:
*Limit your set times. Yes, guys, you HAVE to take breaks. The more the better.
*Use clamping as an ADDITION to your routine. A 100% clamping routine will lead you to disaster.
*DO NOT oogle over your expansion. I know it's pretty. Have a set workout, do it, and be done.
*DO NOT have clamping as 100% of your routine. Your penis will thank you.
Clamping aside, working smart means EXPenis EnlargementRIMENTATION. Dare I say experimentation can mean even CUTTING DOWN YOUR ROUTINE? This isn't a race. Overworking will destroy any chance of you making nice gains.
Overworking Signs:
*First and foremost, loss of nocturnal or worning woods.
*Erection difficulty during the day, few or no daytime erections
*Excessive fluid buildup that last longer than 10-12 hours
*No gains in 2+ months, even with a demanding routine
*Workouts lasting longer than an hour. A good girth routine should not take longer than this. If it does you are resting too much or working too much.
*Experiencing pain is not a good sign
*Anything beyond a light soreness after a workout
A Smart Penis Enlargementer Does These Things:
*Has a set workout plan
*Executes this plan
*Hot wraps. The importance of hot wraps goes beyond whether you need it or not. It encourages blood flow and injury recovery, not to mention injury prevention
*Carefully monitors penile health during a workout (discoloration, erection firmness, erection quality) and following a workout (soreness, erection ability [or inability])
*Takes rest days
*Clamps in moderation
*Carefully monitors erection quality AT ALL TIMES, throughout the day, morning, etc.
*Carefull monitors gains
*Works consistently. Working out every day because you may lose inspiration if you don't is a very lame excuse. Part of working hard is maintaining inspiration on the off days.
*Shares his experiences with his Penis Enlargement brothers in an attempt to HELP SOMEONE ELSE. God forbid that happens on the internet, right?
*And the gains were good.
Remember men, your penis can only grow so fast. How fast? Very very slowly. Accept it. Live it. Love it.
This is not to be confused with newbie gains. Even young studs may not be at their erection potential - I sure wasn't. Newbie gains can be rather fast, though the first gains are almost always increased erection potential rather than actual penis growth.
It's easy to get over zealous with Penis Enlargement. A common, unspoken thought that rings louder than any other statement on this board is "if I just work twice as hard, I can get twice the gains." Unfortunately, in the real world, it is simply not the truth. It can be dangerous in fact - I have heard of quite a few guys who got over zealous with girth work, many with hardcore clamping routines, whose erection started to suffer, get horrible fluid buildup, and bad discoloration. Worst of all - inability to get an erection when it really counted.
This is where working smart comes in to play. Remember our premise? The penis can grow only so fast. It's a fallacy to set time limits for goal sizes. If you really want to set a time limit - tell yourself "I want to work hard, work smart, and take rest where I need to for three months." There will be no dissappointment, there will be no rush, and there WILL BE Penis EnlargementNIS GROWTH.
It's up to everybody to find a balance between work intensity, rest, and growth potential.
Clamping. I tend to come off as an anti-clamping propaganda spreader - but there are some very important things to remember with clamping that people tend to forget. Red WILL back me up on this. It's easier to get over zealous here more than anywhere. You get a super big, super cool, super fat erection that just keeps on growing in the clamp. Guys, this is exactly what kills you. "Maybe I can get just a little more expansion if I go 20 more minutes." Everyone who's strapped on a clamp has thought this. It's an unfortunate battle clampers have to face - overcoming the psychological torture your huge penis is putting on you.
With clamping, it's difficult to tell when you've had enough. It has a tendency to numb the "tired" effects. It also has a tendency to keep your erections long after an erection would have been kept with a manual routine. This can be dangerous.
Keep these things in mind:
*Limit your set times. Yes, guys, you HAVE to take breaks. The more the better.
*Use clamping as an ADDITION to your routine. A 100% clamping routine will lead you to disaster.
*DO NOT oogle over your expansion. I know it's pretty. Have a set workout, do it, and be done.
*DO NOT have clamping as 100% of your routine. Your penis will thank you.
Clamping aside, working smart means EXPenis EnlargementRIMENTATION. Dare I say experimentation can mean even CUTTING DOWN YOUR ROUTINE? This isn't a race. Overworking will destroy any chance of you making nice gains.
Overworking Signs:
*First and foremost, loss of nocturnal or worning woods.
*Erection difficulty during the day, few or no daytime erections
*Excessive fluid buildup that last longer than 10-12 hours
*No gains in 2+ months, even with a demanding routine
*Workouts lasting longer than an hour. A good girth routine should not take longer than this. If it does you are resting too much or working too much.
*Experiencing pain is not a good sign
*Anything beyond a light soreness after a workout
A Smart Penis Enlargementer Does These Things:
*Has a set workout plan
*Executes this plan
*Hot wraps. The importance of hot wraps goes beyond whether you need it or not. It encourages blood flow and injury recovery, not to mention injury prevention
*Carefully monitors penile health during a workout (discoloration, erection firmness, erection quality) and following a workout (soreness, erection ability [or inability])
*Takes rest days
*Clamps in moderation
*Carefully monitors erection quality AT ALL TIMES, throughout the day, morning, etc.
*Carefull monitors gains
*Works consistently. Working out every day because you may lose inspiration if you don't is a very lame excuse. Part of working hard is maintaining inspiration on the off days.
*Shares his experiences with his Penis Enlargement brothers in an attempt to HELP SOMEONE ELSE. God forbid that happens on the internet, right?
*And the gains were good.
Remember men, your penis can only grow so fast. How fast? Very very slowly. Accept it. Live it. Love it.