but mate remember this!
if i asked you to not eat anything. only drink water.
and do interval training 3 times a day.
in 1 week you will lose like 15 pounds.
and in 1 months you will be dead.
this whole concept.
what i want you to do. is to change your ways from now on!
just a tiny step in the right direction is what we are looking for.
what comes easy goes easy!
so please. remember this! this is not the ego that needs to be fed.
this is your body! we need to teach you how to control it.
and this new method i am testing is fucking kick ass!
seriously! you need to try this out as it gives you an inside of what happens in your body!
every morning first thing when you wake up take a piss and measure yourself.
and then right down the diet from the day before (just special things like went for burgers with andy etc)
i have done this for 1 week now and it kicks ass.
you get to realize some things from this.
weight jumps up and down alot (it just does)
so like stocks you need to find a curve (it can go up and down but it needs to go slowly down in total)
and you get to see the results of your bad habbits and your good habbits like me for example:
sunday i went out to the cinema. ate candy and drank a coke. the day after my
weight was a lot higher than the other days.
lets just say 0.5 kg.
now with this knowledge. when i stand up in the morning and look at the
weight and i have gained. i know the cinema candy is not a good idea today,
i get control 100%
another great thing!
when you have dropped
weight for some time. it will start to stagnate.
and at the same time you will start to have sexy dreams about carbs. (i always dream about pasta and bread for some reason i must be italian)
this is your subconscious mind telling you that you have lost alot of fat and now the metabolism is being tuned down.
what can we use that for?
fucking cheat day man!
fill it up. what happens is the metabolism goes up again so really. you will lose
weight from eating junk. how awesome is that?