You shouldn't be lacking dedication unless you are not very serious about your goal.
Aimingforthetop;646431 said:hehe ye it does hit you like a train. especially the first time. i have done my share of workouts. this is the only one that manages to give me the taste of blood in my mouth every time i start it up (ye im the maniac that works myself untill i feint during workouts) i have never been the most talented. but i have always been the most stubborn!
everything you do is really good mate. and i love the attitude.
now. remember! this is not a diet! this is a life style change. and too many changes at the same time is gonna make you fuck it up in the long run.
just think back on how many times you have tryed to diet. and then fell back into old habbits?
so please. the key here is not to go all out crazy at once. do it slowly 1 step at the time. for permanent results.
think about making habits. much more than you think about losing weight.
your attitude is spot on. and i can hear in the way your writing that you have the taste of blood (like a shark)
so your going in the right way. but please. do not over do it.
it's like the Penis enlargement commercials. that tries to convince people that you can gain 4 inches in a matter of weeks,
we both know that dedication, consistency and hard work is the key. not some fancy ass miracle pill.
same here
this is all good stuff 3 to 6 meals is great what ever works for you. Your stomach will shrink after a while if you eat healthy and don't engorge yourself with food. The vegetable v8 juice works great for me and celery I eat that raw without dips. Most dips are unhealthy(very fattening). A healthy dip is ideal if you need dip.Raw Fruits are awesome too for your health. It sounds like your getting serious that's good to hear brother!doublelongdaddy;646520 said:You are so on point with taking too much on at once and this is a setup for failure. In my case, I am following each and every word you put out there. Did the HIIT workout again this morning and it kicked my ass again! A few changes in diet that I think work well. I am eating 3 meals a day that consist of a Protein bar and either a vegetable juice or fruit juice (both fresh hard pressed) and I am eating 2 meals that consist of Beef, Chicken or Fish with vegetables. So 5 meals a day seems to be keeping me in action, getting that metabolism rocking. I also stocked the house with vegetables and fruit if I get hungry. Two coffees a day, I switched from cream and sugar to milk and no sugar (little steps) The biggest issue I have is at night I get incredibly hungry so I am hoping the veggies and fruit will be enough to curb this ferocious appetite. Next thing I would like to do is get a walk in daily but I will do that maybe starting next week. So far so good. Going to take pictures tonight and start a progress thread. I really appreciate all you are doing for me Aim!
doublelongdaddy;646520 said:You are so on point with taking too much on at once and this is a setup for failure. In my case, I am following each and every word you put out there. Did the HIIT workout again this morning and it kicked my ass again! A few changes in diet that I think work well. I am eating 3 meals a day that consist of a Protein bar and either a vegetable juice or fruit juice (both fresh hard pressed) and I am eating 2 meals that consist of Beef, Chicken or Fish with vegetables. So 5 meals a day seems to be keeping me in action, getting that metabolism rocking. I also stocked the house with vegetables and fruit if I get hungry. Two coffees a day, I switched from cream and sugar to milk and no sugar (little steps) The biggest issue I have is at night I get incredibly hungry so I am hoping the veggies and fruit will be enough to curb this ferocious appetite. Next thing I would like to do is get a walk in daily but I will do that maybe starting next week. So far so good. Going to take pictures tonight and start a progress thread. I really appreciate all you are doing for me Aim!
doublelongdaddy;646520 said:You are so on point with taking too much on at once and this is a setup for failure. In my case, I am following each and every word you put out there. Did the HIIT workout again this morning and it kicked my ass again! A few changes in diet that I think work well. I am eating 3 meals a day that consist of a Protein bar and either a vegetable juice or fruit juice (both fresh hard pressed) and I am eating 2 meals that consist of Beef, Chicken or Fish with vegetables. So 5 meals a day seems to be keeping me in action, getting that metabolism rocking. I also stocked the house with vegetables and fruit if I get hungry. Two coffees a day, I switched from cream and sugar to milk and no sugar (little steps) The biggest issue I have is at night I get incredibly hungry so I am hoping the veggies and fruit will be enough to curb this ferocious appetite. Next thing I would like to do is get a walk in daily but I will do that maybe starting next week. So far so good. Going to take pictures tonight and start a progress thread. I really appreciate all you are doing for me Aim!
pogzee;646594 said:LOL first time i see DLD very serious about his goal to lose weight....
Aimingforthetop;646608 said:Trust me. He is like me. He doesnt have 50 shades. He has black and white.
I would't be surprised to see 10lbs in the first 2 weeks. (Results may vary due to muscles growing)
What you have seen untill now is just dld saying he would like to be thinner.
What he is doing now.
.and what we all should do.
Is to learn to enjoy the journeys with our bodies.
It isn't about being thinner anymore. It is about the process. Of using ones body
Become zen with it.
Same with PE.
Those with the biggest gains are also the ones who continues after they reach their goals. Why? Its about the process much more than the actual goal in the end.
Same reason millionaires stay in business
GirthGains;646611 said:A lot of people are mislead in health. Look at the older generation like my grand father and ancestors and how they ate. They ate garden food, meat, milk and so on. There was less toxins in the food and it was all home feed and natrual.They also worked hard and got exercise because of this. They never heard of cancer or it was rare back then. Sure there's more pollution in the world today then back then. But I believe it all comes down to how you eat and some exercise of course. Also try to stay away from pollution or chemicals as well. Something that works for me is smoking a blunt or whatever amount of green it takes to get me high. Then I don't feel like eating for a while. I find it also makes me loss more weight to if I smoke a bunch and barely eat. Ive seen and heard of this. Also DLD you could try getting high when you get hungry, drink some water and vegatable juice. Then maybe you could go straight to bed.
pogzee;646614 said:its the chemicals and preservatives and all the shit they put in food now........i have a small farmhouse where we grow some veges for ourselves in some months......
plus the physical effort and activity has gone down which should bring the calorie intake also down but we eat loads of shitty food .....i dont know where the world is heading health wise.........but people are realizing this generations mistakes and slowly switching to natural products and herbs as there is rise in demand for these things
Aimingforthetop;646607 said:Sounds really good mate.
Now on the topic of late night cravings.
My cravings makes me not wanna do anything for it.
So things wrapped in a piece of paper. Or take away is usually the stuff. So it has to be really easy to get when that craving shows up.
If i where you (this is what i personally do) i find "the marionade" you know something that makes you get an orgasm.
Everybody have different concepts. Of what is good. And the limits to what you can use is actually very little. Just dont do a full battered something something.
Now for me.
My favorit is this:
Chicken breast
Lime/lemons (only need the juice)
Take the chicken breast. (A big portion)
Cut them out so they are shaped like small sticks.
(Cut them the long way of a chicken breast)
Now throw them in a storage container
Mash up the garlic. Into tiny bits. And put it in the container. Pour the juice over them.
Put a lid on. Shake it a little.
Let it sit for a day.
Now when lime or lemon juice touches meat it makes a chemical reaction. That cooks the meat a little (what the mexicans use to cook raw fish. Seviche i think its called)
After 24 hours start up a barbeque. And throw these on. They need to become just white. As always with chicken.
And im telling you man this is so delicious.
The lime makes it so tender.
The barbeque gives this smokey taste.
And garlic has always been one of my favorit taste enhancers
You dont even need to add salt. There is so much taste in it.
I like to cook 2 kgs. At the time for one person.
It is lean protein. It is incredibly to add in a salat.
Can be reheated (i hardly ever do that)
And it is sobeasy to bring with you. Just add to a box. Or grab one on your way out.
And it is a fast snack that fills up your protein needs.
Things you should look into if you wanna try others is things like curry. (I create my own homemade blend)
All classic chinese recipes (no battered chicken is not classic chinese!!!!)
And ye i guess you get the idea.
I have always advised against the eat 6 times a day. Concept. As i found it tiring and a intrusion in my daily life so big that i couldnt go or do anything. As i have traveled a lot and im what people refer to as an "intense person" i do things 200%
It is not unusual for me to go 48 hours without sleep if i am working on something that i find interesting.
This is without the effects of coffeine.
So imagine asking me to eat up to every 3 hours of my time awake. Not going to happen!
But i have taught myself to snack. On good stuff.
Carrot stick. And homemade chicken.
Do the same with beef (and a chilisauce that can kill a buffalo)
Now i think you have some of the same traits as a person.
So my advise.
Make a weekly cooking day. (Or 2 times a week) i use a vacuum pakker
And cook up some good stuff.
Great opportunity to start the barbeque (always had a weird thing with starting up the barbeque for 1 meal. Seemed to be a waste.)
Now remember this!
Just because we eat healthy.
We dont need to eat shit.
I am so tired of seeing people boil a chicken breast without any spices. Because of some illusion of those spices fucking up their macros.
And a little fat for the cooking. Fucking up their bodies.
huge-girth;646651 said:I want to see the thread you started and those photos dld. I thought beef is bad for weight loss?
I'm not sure about the kfc thing. But stay away from McDonald's I worked there. There's a lot of greese that comes from the burgers when cooked. When I worked there the burgers where sitting in greese in trays before they make the sandwich. So try to stay away from McDonald's. I would say kfc would be better without the skin. Or taco bell but I never ate at taco bell so I don't know what the tacos consist of..doublelongdaddy;646650 said:I agree with you 100% but let me tell you my living situation and maybe you can advise me on this specifically. I do not have a kitchen right now, it will not be built for about a month or two. I also do not have any other cooking method, BBQ, Microwave, Toaster Oven, etc. So, I buy mostly dry foods that I can eat without having to cook. I do have a fridge, a small one. Currently I am stocked up on veggies, fruit and nuts. Healthy cold-pressed fruit and vegetable drinks. I also have the Protein bars that have 60g of Protein, 24 grams of complex carbs, 1 gram of fat and 2 grams of simple sugar, these make up two of my meals. The only meal I eat hot is dinner and this is take out or go to a restaurant. I stick with lean protein and vegetables in these dinners...beef, chicken seafood mostly. I skip all starches and anything that has simple sugars. I also limit my fructose intake and try to keep vegetables as a better choice. I eat peanuts and almonds but my body does not process them at all so I may eliminate them and stick with peanut butter when I have the craving. Agains late night is a hunger nightmare but last night I had two cans of white tuna and a protein bar and that got me to sleep. So if you have any advice on take out, for instance if I went to McDonalds, would getting a double quarter pounder be a good choice if I only ate the meat? Also, what if I went to KFC, would a fried chicken breast be OK if I removed the fried outside? Or, if I go to Taco Bell is it ok to have a burrito? The higher end restaurants are not an issue but the fast food is, so I guess I am asking what healthy choices I can make when I have to go the fast food route?
The exercise is going great, very intense and the "out of breath feeling"it lasts for a few hours after. You will be happy to know that I took pictures last night, I look very fat but I guess this is part of the progress. I will start a Thread tonight with the first pictures.
doublelongdaddy;646761 said:I have photos from a week ago and 3 days ago and last night. I will post them in my new progress thread tonight. Kind of embarrassed because I got so overweight but I know I will really appreciate having these pictures when I lose the weight. Beef is a wonderful protein to eat, last night I had a 7oz Tenderloin (very lean and delicious) with a huge pile of spinach and a salad (I cheated on the salad dressing). I can already see I have lost a few pounds just looking at the pictures. I am very excited about this and can't wait to share.
ChilDsh;646816 said:In the documentary on channel 4 you were lean as fuck DLD.Just do the same things you did back then,you will get rid of fat
pogzee;646802 said:i think you are overthinking DLD stick to your workout and healthy food and u will be thin before you know it,,,,,,,
i know even i usedto to constantly keep thinking what i ate and what i should and shoudnt but i realized the more you use ur physical and mental energy in other things the more healthy u will eat and making the process faster
GirthGains;646789 said:I'm not sure about the kfc thing. But stay away from McDonald's I worked there. There's a lot of greese that comes from the burgers when cooked. When I worked there the burgers where sitting in greese in trays before they make the sandwich. So try to stay away from McDonald's. I would say kfc would be better without the skin. Or taco bell but I never ate at taco bell so I don't know what the tacos consist of..
huge-girth;646780 said:Don't feel embarrassed DLD. You are our teacher and mentor on PE. It would be great to see photos of the great DLD. So are you guys advising me to add beef to my diet? It's the same thing as red meat right?
Thank you for the kind wordspogzee;646720 said:where do you get such knowledge from aimingfortop ???
can you advice me some books to read to gain such valuable knowledge ????
Aimingforthetop;646944 said:Well dld... That is one hell of a situation your in.
Personally i see junk food as something only to take when your at your goal (gain 2 pounds and loose 2 pounds. Its all good)
But in your case i will make an exception.
But i will advise you to change this as soon as possible.
If i should pick a fast food place. Pick taco bell.
Im sorry but what you get from mcd or kfc is just not food.
Taco bell.. Could be worse.
Go for small portions. Without extra stuff. (Just a burrito or something like that) and dont add any sodas.
And make sure it is clean stuff in it (nothing battered in dough etc.)
The biggest problem with this stuff is that they have removed all nutrition and flavors from it and then added it artificially. Later on. Which results in way too much salt and other chemicals
If you are brave see the documentary: "food inc"
At your own risk
But when it has to be done. Remember these queues:
Eat as clean as possible
Less is more
No extras.
Ohh and dont worry about dressing (in normal sizes) that is in so small quantities that it is energy wasted to avoid that
Aimingforthetop;647003 said:your body is addicted to starchy carbs. sugar etc.
so the first 3 weeks you should try and avoid them completely to get out of the addiction.
ChilDsh;647054 said:im dealing with this right now..i wanna lose my fat pad and belly fat so bad,it make my dick look 1 inch smaller,but im so additcted to sugar and starchy carbs..i eat good through the day and at night im just craving for sweets..i feel so hungry...any tips on this? eating smaller meals doesnt help..still want to eat sugar
Aimingforthetop;647069 said:my best advise is to stay 100% clean in the first 3 weeks. and make sure to eat lots of protein and nuts. as they stabilize your blood sugar.
you see what happens is this:
you eat something with carbs (lets say pasta. or rice) now starchy carbs are really just sugar. so what happens? well your sugar levels increases.
what happens with stuff that jumps up? it goes down? which mean that you are crashing now your body felt good before due to the sugar. and now it crashes so it wants more sugar! and you have the cravings!
by eating a diet consistent of meat. nuts. veggies. and water. (not even fruit as it is also gonna spike the sugar levels) for the first 3 weeks.
you will be feeling a little more tired than usual. but the energy levels are stabile. after 3 weeks. you will find yourself in need of eating a lot less food for more energy. and the cravings for carbs have disapeared.
now is anything gonna happen if you eat it occationally again? maybe. check it out (i advise everyone to check out their bodys weakness. some people don't have problems with carbs afterwards. some people do.
for me personally:
eating carbs i get low vibration head. hard time concentrating just wanna watxh cartoons. and im feeling irritated.
me eating non starchy carbs. excess energy. good mood. great concentration. wanna do stuff. wanna create climb. and have fun.
so which one should i be eating?
i have seen first hand people who ate a starchy carb rich diet who was able to maintain a high level of hard training and a 6 pack. so don't believe that this is the solution for everyone.
what i want you to do. is to clean up your diet. and start from the "right side" by getting in shape by following this protocol. you can then later add stuff and see what is gonna ass fuck you and what you can eat without a problem
trial and error my friends
Dld if I were you I'd stay away from pork(sauage, winners, bolona, pork chops etc.) I have stopped recently and I'm starting to feel better and more healthy as well. A Muslim told me pork damages the brain. Muslims and Jews don't eat pork.In the Bible it says "and the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you." Leviticus 11:7-8 Here's what really stopped me from eating pork. "The pork species, known as Taenia Solium, can infect humans in two forms. Thefirstisby eating undercooked pork from infected pigs, resulting in taeniasis -- an adult worm residing in the intestine. The second, in the larval form, through contact with the feces of an infected pig or human, which can go on to infect many tissues. If the larval worm enters the nervous system, including the brain, it can result in a condition known as neurocysticercosis. Infection of this kind can often causeepilepsy once inside the brain. Almost a third of epilepsy cases in countries where the disease is native are people who have previously had neurocysticercosis, according to the World Health Organization.";646968 said:Well this is good news because I do love Taco Bell and I go for their burrito when I go there. Lots of beans and beef, not too many carbs either. To give you a description of my diet for yesterday, I messed up my breakfast by eating a sausage, egg and cheese on a whole wheat english muffin, I felt so guilty but it tasted so good and in a weird way my body seemed like it needed it. Lunch was a vegetable cold pressed drink and a protein bar. Dinner was tuna fish and a apple. Midnight snack was another protein bar and orange juice. The biggest thing I am struggling with is the sugar and the carbs, I never knew how much I loved these things until I gave them up. I already know I have lost weight because of the pictures I have been taking so I am very encouraged with that. Tonight I will go shopping and stock my mini-fridge with vegetables and fruit. I am also going to add hardboiled eggs (I hope that is OK). So maybe once a week I will hit Taco Bell and the rest of the week stick to the strict diet I have created. I am really good with eating the same things over and over, so I am not frightened by this diet, I just need to leave room to cheat once in a while
The HIIT program is going great. what is strange is I am already seeing the muscle come back in my chest and shoulders. My stomach, although still big, is smaller. I can't believe these effects are coming from this simple exercise routine!
GirthGains;647088 said:Dld if I were you I'd stay away from pork(sauage, winners, bolona, pork chops etc.) I have stopped recently and I'm starting to feel better and more healthy as well. A Muslim told me pork damages the brain. Muslims and Jews don't eat pork.In the Bible it says "and the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you." Leviticus 11:7-8 Here's what really stopped me from eating pork. "The pork species, known as Taenia Solium, can infect humans in two forms. Thefirstisby eating undercooked pork from infected pigs, resulting in taeniasis -- an adult worm residing in the intestine. The second, in the larval form, through contact with the feces of an infected pig or human, which can go on to infect many tissues. If the larval worm enters the nervous system, including the brain, it can result in a condition known as neurocysticercosis. Infection of this kind can often causeepilepsy once inside the brain. Almost a third of epilepsy cases in countries where the disease is native are people who have previously had neurocysticercosis, according to the World Health Organization." The worms that invade your brain -
here's another story about a woman who had to get a 6 hour brain operation to get the pork tapewarm out of her head. Worm Removed From Woman's Brain - ABC News
huge-girth;647081 said:You are a fountain of ideas.
Aimingforthetop;647560 said:That craving can actually be taken out. But it takes the body 3 weeks of no carbs to do it
doublelongdaddy;647866 said:Update and hopefully I can get some good feedback. I have been on the diet and HIIT routine for 3 weeks now and I lost 6 pounds Now I am not sure if I should be disappointed or celebrate. I am so used to dropping weight so quickly when I become manic that it is hard to know how much weight loss is good. I have stuck to the diet with a few exceptions, maybe once a week I will go to Taco Bell and have a couple burritos but other than that I have been on point. Maybe this is just how it goes for someone that is not manic. Any insight on this would be awesome.
ChilDsh;647906 said:Youre good DLD,a person loses around 0,5-1 kg per week ( 1-2 pounds ).More that that,you either lose a lot of liquid from your body or you lose a lot of muslce mass.6 pounds in 3 weeks its very good,it means youre losing fat only.No need to worry . Also a cheat meal once in a while is good idea
Aimingforthetop;648447 said:Always! Use the same scale for measurements! And always do it in the morning after morning peeing.
The biggest effect of this diet happens when you deprive your body for sugar. So i believe some of the reason for this not to be extremely fast is because of that.
Another thing. As you mentioned yourself. Your muscles are popping out.
Obviously if your muscles grows. That will be seen on the weight aswell.
3 weeks 6 pound is not extremely fast. No but it is a very good phase (especially considering muscle growth) and
There is 54 weeks in a year. Thats 108 pounds in a year from now.
So instead of bashing yourself down with the: i hoped it was faster! And i have done it faster before!
Then ask yourself this:
Can you maintain these changes for 10 years? Because in that case this is what is going to make you fit for good. Just what you do right now.
Remember mate. We are not looking for a 1 week omg wtf! instant wait loss. We are looking for a new lifestyle. In 5 years from now i dont want you to be looking at great ways to lose weight i want you to be fit continuesly!
This is not a sprint it's a marathon. Just like PE
Btw gj!
Try and cut the sugar and salt for 3 weeks and see what happens it says kaboom!