huge-girth;645522 said:Funny enough I haven't checked my weight this year.
Funny I just checked mine and I have gained 10 pounds! Fucking shit! I need to get to 175!
huge-girth;645522 said:Funny enough I haven't checked my weight this year.
doublelongdaddy;645582 said:Funny I just checked mine and I have gained 10 pounds! Fucking shit! I need to get to 175!
doublelongdaddy;645443 said:I love your insight on this and the simplicity you have used to explain it. It sounds like a perfect experiment for me to try as I am in the place now where I want to make changes, many changes, but I have taken what you have said into account and working on one thing at a time will be the smartest move. The brain actually takes 28 days to make a total change in habit I studies RSA for years and I have always remembered this. It is the reason drug rehabs were always 28 days. With a change in insurance the average stay is now closer to 5 days, just not enough time to make the change. This is why we see a massive relapse problem in the drug game. I know I can start with the basics you have provided me. The biggest change will be getting exercise in, but I will use that as the first 28 day change. I am not going to run a marathon, but maybe jogging for a mile every morning would be perfect. As far as dropping sugar and flour, that will be hard but I know you are right. What do suggest to replace those sugars that we crave? I am very excited you posted this and I will be your guinea pig.
huge-girth;645522 said:Funny enough I haven't checked my weight this year.
Aimingforthetop;645619 said:if you noticed i stated that the protein intake should be increased before im asking people to decrease other places.
the reason for that is that it levels out the carb cravings.
for me., if i eat things like pasta bread rice etc.
i heavily crave sugar afterwards (preferably sodas)
its because the meal pushes your sugar levels out of balance. it is not supposed to spike like that and it is only after we archived agriculture that we where able to fill ourself with carbs.,
try and make a meal.
nivce steak (keep the fat) a big salat with the good veggies. like broccoli. cauli flower. and just fill it up with the ones that makes it fresh (iceberg tomatoes etc) and at some good fat cheese to it. if your into that kind of thing)
now eat it.
how do you feel?
if your a carb junkie (trust me i am talking out of experience,.been a carb junkie for years)
you will feel a reaction in your body. but it fades away after an hour max.
and your energy levels is fucking awesome.
and you feel full. like your body got everything it needs.
now. as i stated earlier.
i believe in testing. and you my friend is the PE expert in testing stuff so you know what im talking about.
if you lose 5 pounds a week by eating an able in the morning, by all means, do it.
basicly what i do with people is that i cut them down to what i believe is the essential foods lots of protein. veggie carbs. and natural fat. now we can have a long ass conversation about why i believe this to be the right stuff. but that is another subject.
when you are down to the point im calling "clean" you can start adding stuff again. and people have different reactions to stuff. so as i said. test it out,. people seem to have a need for a religios gospel of what is right and wrong to eat,
and i don't believe in that. i believe in results and only results
but ye. i know you. and you are going to find this program easy as hell. the cool thing is that everything is done in a phase that makes the brain see it as a natural occurance (brains hates changes)
people always go all in on diets and fall out,
diets doesn't work life style changes will always work,
ohh and tabata in the morning. trust me man it is the fucking bomb. i have seen people get sick ass results with just that!
it is my "trade secret"
doublelongdaddy;645721 said:Again, awesome advice. I have decided to forgo carbs for now, keeping them to a minimum. Sugars I will keep my eye on to see just how much I take in each day. I love the type of meal described and I can do that every day. I will be looking for my proteins in Beef, Chicken, Pork and Eggs. I do not eat a lot of sugar as it bothers my teeth but I can relate to the fact that after a carb based meal I do start to crave sugars, mainly chocolate or jelly straight out the jar Tonight will be the first night of the diet. I am at 220 pounds right now and my goal weight is 175. I will start a progress routine in the Body Building Forum.
My next question is on the Tabata training. I have read and researched this but still don't completely understand. Is it really only 4 minutes a day? Or is 4 minutes only one set of many? If you could help me understand this I will be greatly appreciative. I guess an education in exercise all around.
Aimingforthetop;645813 said:There is no such thing as a stupid question my friend.
Yes the tabata is just 4 mins.
Basicly you do 4 exercises 20secs each. 10secs break. 2 rounds.
So basicly
20sec push ups
10 sec break
20sec air squats
10 sec break
20 sec sit ups
10 sec break.
20sec pull ups (if you can. Or do a variation of it that is possible for the 20 sec) hanging vertically under a table pulling yourself up or something like that
10sec break.
And do this 2 rounds.
Now what is gonna happen.
Is that first all the blood goes to your arms.
Then to your legs
Then to the core.
Then to the back.
You are gonna feel like you just ran a marathon after this short workout
And it is gonna spike 2 things.
First off your heart rate.
It is so essential for good health that your heart rate hit the roof once in a while.
Second off
Your metabolism.
More and more studies is starting to show what most athetes already knew.
That low paced cardio is just about worthless. For any other thing than bodybuilders who try to shed the last thin layer of fat off
And they use this method exactly because it is going slow! reducing the odds of losing muscle mass. (When you are at max level of bodybuilding. It is not about "bulking extreme" anymore. Every gram of muscle should be added or fat cut down in a slow and steady pace. As everything else will result in gaining excessive fat or losing muscle.
But since we are not at a peak this is not a worry for us.
So by spiking our metabolism. You will enjoy the effects of the after burn.
Now the only thing you will feel. Is a weed like craving. You will be starving all the time. Again. Dont go nuts in carbs. Remember the protein.
But other than that it will just be 4 mins of work in the morning.
But trust me. It is a fucking killer!
Anything else?
the body can only handle 25 grams of protein at a time unless a person is on steroids. The rest of the protein are stored in the body. Just in case anybody was wondering lol.Aimingforthetop;645619 said:if you noticed i stated that the protein intake should be increased before im asking people to decrease other places.
the reason for that is that it levels out the carb cravings.
for me., if i eat things like pasta bread rice etc.
i heavily crave sugar afterwards (preferably sodas)
its because the meal pushes your sugar levels out of balance. it is not supposed to spike like that and it is only after we archived agriculture that we where able to fill ourself with carbs.,
try and make a meal.
nivce steak (keep the fat) a big salat with the good veggies. like broccoli. cauli flower. and just fill it up with the ones that makes it fresh (iceberg tomatoes etc) and at some good fat cheese to it. if your into that kind of thing)
now eat it.
how do you feel?
if your a carb junkie (trust me i am talking out of experience,.been a carb junkie for years)
you will feel a reaction in your body. but it fades away after an hour max.
and your energy levels is fucking awesome.
and you feel full. like your body got everything it needs.
now. as i stated earlier.
i believe in testing. and you my friend is the PE expert in testing stuff so you know what im talking about.
if you lose 5 pounds a week by eating an able in the morning, by all means, do it.
basicly what i do with people is that i cut them down to what i believe is the essential foods lots of protein. veggie carbs. and natural fat. now we can have a long ass conversation about why i believe this to be the right stuff. but that is another subject.
when you are down to the point im calling "clean" you can start adding stuff again. and people have different reactions to stuff. so as i said. test it out,. people seem to have a need for a religios gospel of what is right and wrong to eat,
and i don't believe in that. i believe in results and only results
but ye. i know you. and you are going to find this program easy as hell. the cool thing is that everything is done in a phase that makes the brain see it as a natural occurance (brains hates changes)
people always go all in on diets and fall out,
diets doesn't work life style changes will always work,
ohh and tabata in the morning. trust me man it is the fucking bomb. i have seen people get sick ass results with just that!
it is my "trade secret"
GirthGains;645882 said:the body can only handle 25 grams of protein at a time unless a person is on steroids. The rest of the protein are stored in the body. Just in case anybody was wondering lol.
you could be right. A bodybuilder told me this. He went to school to be a bodybuilding coach. But that doesn't mean that his course is 100 percent true as science theory and evidence is always changing Hmm very interesting man, it sounds like you have a mind similar to mine.Aimingforthetop;645912 said:i have yet to see any scientific studies proving this. and i have seen it be debunked on several occasions.
and after testing it for my self where i divided my protein intake from 6 times a day. to 3 times a day for a 3 months period. and literally having absolutely no issues other tyhan having to eat bigger portions.
my personal conclusion is that either this study is showing a marginal effect so small that it is not to be concerned with (read your energy can be used better with other small details) or it has absolutely no effect at all.
im not gonna find the exact page. but in the book 4 hour body.
tim ferris (ye he is a populist. but that is basicly his whole philosophy. and he is not denying it)
but during his time with the mad scientist concepts he ends up running around with a probe in his stomach to reach out different values to a tablet he has.
this gives him the ability to see what his body is currrently doing with the food you are giving it.
example would be the fact that it takes the body up to 2 hours to process protein so it can be used. so the whole concept of a post protein workout shake. should actually be a pre workout protein shake as the "window" they talk about might be opened right after hard training. but if protein synthesis takes 2 hours or more. you are gonna miss it post workout shake.
thank you for taking out this idea.
this is the type of things i love to work with.
there is so many rules to follow. and people don't have time to test them all.
for me. this is a hobby and a passion
pogzee;645892 said:willl you compare tabata training to a 40 minute session in a gym ???
Aimingforthetop;645915 said:would you prefer a deepthroat blowjob from a hot girl lasting 5 mins.
or a 40 min intercourse sessions with a woman while she reads an exciting article in a gossip magazine?
sorry for the comparison.
but the thing is. that with any type of training there is different goals and different ways to reach each goal.
example 1. tyler wants to be a body builder. he works out 3 hours a day and his diet is solid. yet he aint gaining shit. why?
tyler is riding a bike for those 3 hours....
example 2. lisa wants to lose weight so she does 3 hours of power lifting every day. is she gonna lose weight? very little.
now none of those 2 examples are people working out wrong. they just don't synchronize their training with their goals.
so. here is my methods simplified of course (please im taking 22 years of different types of trasining and method and boiling them down in 1 post. so to go into details is not a possibility)
losing weight: most effective: peak pulse training. preferably interval (push the heartrate through the roof and as it is coming down push it back up again. to gain most from this.
diet: eat clean, nothing processed.
meat. veggies. nuts. lots of water. no sugar. flour. milk. salt.
gaining strenght: do basic exercises. squat deadlift. dips pull ups. bench do them 3 times a week full body with this system: 1x5 mon. 3x3 wednesday. 5x1 friday. intensity should be 105% now if you go and do this without warm up sets. plese by all means find a wall and repeatedly bash your head into it. these exercises makes a man. so they can break a man. a bad squat can have serious consequences.
diet: eat food. make sure you get enough protein. never starve. if you get fat. cut down your intake keep up the protein. your good.
bodybuilding: gaining muscles requires a food intake above status quoe. which is also the way... one gets fat. so one wants msucles but not the fat. this is done through a game of balancing between gaining as much muscle without the fat and losing as much fat without any muscle as possible.
now you are gonna hear a 1000 tips and bro tricks here. everything from "just get fat so you bild huge muscles. and then cut the fat and your arnold" "eat 6 times a day of lean protein, and carbs"
and ye i can go on.
what is important to know here. is that bodybuilding is infected. just like PE. there is money to be made so everyone wanna tell you how their protein is gonna make you look like the next villain in a hulk movie. so just like i need to read about the "funny secret that makes me increase my penis 3 inches in a few weeks" whenever i take a wank.
there is so much garbage information out there.
and i will now try and put my 2 cents on it aswell.
training: for the first 6 months. do full body of basic exercises. 3-4 times a week. on a 8-12 rep 4 set schedule. in the beginning we prioritize high frequnzy of training over more specific muscle work.
do squats deadlifts. bench. shoulderpress. dips pull downs. bendover rows. and some abs.
after half a year (differentiate from person to person but when you stop improving) it is most likely due to the muscles not getting worked enough. so we split it up in a 2 split. and we add a little extra exercises here to hit specific things (hit your weakpoints with these mostly) by beating up the muscles more they grow more. but also takes more time to grow (so the 2 split is giving it this time now)
3 split.
4 split.
at this point you should have enough knowledge yourself to setup a program.
things to add: DO NOT! and i repea! DO NOT lift with your ego. jesus christ i see so many people doing all these crazy things to lift heavy. i mean you want a big bicep or you wanna curl heavy shit? most people don't hit the muscle correct because if they did they had to take down a few pounds,
stop it! find a coach. (ialways just find a big old guy in the gym) let him go through your exercises. and do this every 3 months to be sure you haven't found something new to cheat with. this is one of my secrets to my training.
put the mind into the muscle.! another secret that im using this is old 90' bodybuilder stuff that people somehow forgot. when your a weightlifter. you have a weight at point a and want it to move to point b. and that is where your mind is at.
when your a bodybuilder you don't give 2 shits about moving the weight. you are interrested in building what people describe as "the pump" for me it feels like im pumping blood into the muscles, and this is what is gonna create fiber deconstructionand rebuild. so really feel the muscle tension as your working through a set. feel the burn feel the fatique in the muscle. you will find that sometimes you can lift heavier but not be able to get the same feeling. well this is where the muscle building process is highly reduced. do it right! this is hard to explain and please by all means do your own research. on it. another way of describing it. is that you should't try and lift the weight up and down. but rather control it up and down.
do not suffocate 1 of any of: protein. carbs. fat.
protein: builds muscle.
carbs. energy.
fat: oil to the engine. and building up essential stuff in the system.
make sure you eat a vitamin rich diet. the less stressed your body is. the more enrgy for building muscles.
now. some of the bad ones.
bad fat. fat has been the villain for years. but currently more and more studies shows it is actually not so bad anyway. i eat fat. i eat it from animals. aswell. last time i cut down i ate bacon every breakfast. no problems! however. processed fats cakes etc. please stay away from it. butter is one of these! i have actually used bacon greece for cooking. worked great. good taste for my eggs
carbs. has been the new evil the last couple of years. with the dawn of paleo and the ketogenic diet.
now for me there is 2 different parts. that have little to do with eachother. veggie carbs. you get them from veggies mostly. they will give you a constant burn for many hours. and these are essential for your body.
starchy carbs. these i use for bulking. but really they make me retain water and my sugar levels spikes which makes me lose concentration. gives me a 3 hour no food period (when you feel hungry 3 hours after eating? that's just starchy carbs talking. not really your body) these should be used with care. and is prettyu much not seen with people at high levels of bodybuilding.
protein: can you hear it? they are slowly but surely making protein the new bad. why? well the 2 others was bad the last time now it is proteins turn. its a cycle always has been. we believe that the food we are gettingis normal but it is mostly engineered. to fill out quotas of x amount of carbs vs protein etc.
and everytime the paradighm changes alot of "new" diets comes along which is old rules in a new package. my advise: test it and do what works best. and please. scientific evidence is most of the time biased aswell. let me give you an example.
im producing milk.
so i get 10 scientific tests set up.
1 to see if milk cures cancer (it doesn't)
1 to see if it is good for the eyes (turns out its bad for the eyes)
1 for the ears (bad here aswell)
1 for diabetes (turns out it might actually be a accelerato in causing diseases)
1 for bones and joint. and here it turns out. that there could be evidence that it is good for joints and bones.
so i now have a bunch of reports on my desk. which one of these do you think im gonna publish?
you see by being the censor of what to publish i can still bend the truth. even though i am telling the truths (or parts of it)
as you can see there is alot more to bodybuilding than the 2 others.
now is bodybuilding making weightlifting easier? yes a bit.
and the other way around.
but actually bodybuilding is alot less usefull for anything other than looking big. than strenght training is.
i did boxing for 4 years. and i was a soldier. i ran 10 km everyday. and to be frank with you.
it was worthless. so much time wasted. and the effects on weightloss was.. i don't know what to say. it might just be my type of muscle fibers. that is not designed for it. but please if cardi sucks for you. it might not be you who is doing something wrong.
i would advise you to do this. if cardio is a goal.
perfect your form. how many people actually work on the way they run? perfect the form? imagine if you are landing the wrong way on your foot for a whole marathon. i mean correct this!
instead of improving distance improve speed and weight. a weight west is key here. aim for a good 5 km time.
build in strenght work with heavy lunges squats deadlifts.
now what we have is a body where 5km weighted runs are possible. and perfect form. and muscles to take the impacts. know what happens if ths guy should run 20 km in a slower pace? basicly it is gonna feel like a walk in the park.
sorry i changed my training away from hours of cardio i didn't have time for. and there is no way in hell that im going back.
Aimingforthetop;645915 said:would you prefer a deepthroat blowjob from a hot girl lasting 5 mins.
or a 40 min intercourse sessions with a woman while she reads an exciting article in a gossip magazine?
sorry for the comparison.
but the thing is. that with any type of training there is different goals and different ways to reach each goal.
example 1. tyler wants to be a body builder. he works out 3 hours a day and his diet is solid. yet he aint gaining shit. why?
tyler is riding a bike for those 3 hours....
example 2. lisa wants to lose weight so she does 3 hours of power lifting every day. is she gonna lose weight? very little.
now none of those 2 examples are people working out wrong. they just don't synchronize their training with their goals.
so. here is my methods simplified of course (please im taking 22 years of different types of trasining and method and boiling them down in 1 post. so to go into details is not a possibility)
losing weight: most effective: peak pulse training. preferably interval (push the heartrate through the roof and as it is coming down push it back up again. to gain most from this.
diet: eat clean, nothing processed.
meat. veggies. nuts. lots of water. no sugar. flour. milk. salt.
gaining strenght: do basic exercises. squat deadlift. dips pull ups. bench do them 3 times a week full body with this system: 1x5 mon. 3x3 wednesday. 5x1 friday. intensity should be 105% now if you go and do this without warm up sets. plese by all means find a wall and repeatedly bash your head into it. these exercises makes a man. so they can break a man. a bad squat can have serious consequences.
diet: eat food. make sure you get enough protein. never starve. if you get fat. cut down your intake keep up the protein. your good.
bodybuilding: gaining muscles requires a food intake above status quoe. which is also the way... one gets fat. so one wants msucles but not the fat. this is done through a game of balancing between gaining as much muscle without the fat and losing as much fat without any muscle as possible.
now you are gonna hear a 1000 tips and bro tricks here. everything from "just get fat so you bild huge muscles. and then cut the fat and your arnold" "eat 6 times a day of lean protein, and carbs"
and ye i can go on.
what is important to know here. is that bodybuilding is infected. just like PE. there is money to be made so everyone wanna tell you how their protein is gonna make you look like the next villain in a hulk movie. so just like i need to read about the "funny secret that makes me increase my penis 3 inches in a few weeks" whenever i take a wank.
there is so much garbage information out there.
and i will now try and put my 2 cents on it aswell.
training: for the first 6 months. do full body of basic exercises. 3-4 times a week. on a 8-12 rep 4 set schedule. in the beginning we prioritize high frequnzy of training over more specific muscle work.
do squats deadlifts. bench. shoulderpress. dips pull downs. bendover rows. and some abs.
after half a year (differentiate from person to person but when you stop improving) it is most likely due to the muscles not getting worked enough. so we split it up in a 2 split. and we add a little extra exercises here to hit specific things (hit your weakpoints with these mostly) by beating up the muscles more they grow more. but also takes more time to grow (so the 2 split is giving it this time now)
3 split.
4 split.
at this point you should have enough knowledge yourself to setup a program.
things to add: DO NOT! and i repea! DO NOT lift with your ego. jesus christ i see so many people doing all these crazy things to lift heavy. i mean you want a big bicep or you wanna curl heavy shit? most people don't hit the muscle correct because if they did they had to take down a few pounds,
stop it! find a coach. (ialways just find a big old guy in the gym) let him go through your exercises. and do this every 3 months to be sure you haven't found something new to cheat with. this is one of my secrets to my training.
put the mind into the muscle.! another secret that im using this is old 90' bodybuilder stuff that people somehow forgot. when your a weightlifter. you have a weight at point a and want it to move to point b. and that is where your mind is at.
when your a bodybuilder you don't give 2 shits about moving the weight. you are interrested in building what people describe as "the pump" for me it feels like im pumping blood into the muscles, and this is what is gonna create fiber deconstructionand rebuild. so really feel the muscle tension as your working through a set. feel the burn feel the fatique in the muscle. you will find that sometimes you can lift heavier but not be able to get the same feeling. well this is where the muscle building process is highly reduced. do it right! this is hard to explain and please by all means do your own research. on it. another way of describing it. is that you should't try and lift the weight up and down. but rather control it up and down.
do not suffocate 1 of any of: protein. carbs. fat.
protein: builds muscle.
carbs. energy.
fat: oil to the engine. and building up essential stuff in the system.
make sure you eat a vitamin rich diet. the less stressed your body is. the more enrgy for building muscles.
now. some of the bad ones.
bad fat. fat has been the villain for years. but currently more and more studies shows it is actually not so bad anyway. i eat fat. i eat it from animals. aswell. last time i cut down i ate bacon every breakfast. no problems! however. processed fats cakes etc. please stay away from it. butter is one of these! i have actually used bacon greece for cooking. worked great. good taste for my eggs
carbs. has been the new evil the last couple of years. with the dawn of paleo and the ketogenic diet.
now for me there is 2 different parts. that have little to do with eachother. veggie carbs. you get them from veggies mostly. they will give you a constant burn for many hours. and these are essential for your body.
starchy carbs. these i use for bulking. but really they make me retain water and my sugar levels spikes which makes me lose concentration. gives me a 3 hour no food period (when you feel hungry 3 hours after eating? that's just starchy carbs talking. not really your body) these should be used with care. and is prettyu much not seen with people at high levels of bodybuilding.
protein: can you hear it? they are slowly but surely making protein the new bad. why? well the 2 others was bad the last time now it is proteins turn. its a cycle always has been. we believe that the food we are gettingis normal but it is mostly engineered. to fill out quotas of x amount of carbs vs protein etc.
and everytime the paradighm changes alot of "new" diets comes along which is old rules in a new package. my advise: test it and do what works best. and please. scientific evidence is most of the time biased aswell. let me give you an example.
im producing milk.
so i get 10 scientific tests set up.
1 to see if milk cures cancer (it doesn't)
1 to see if it is good for the eyes (turns out its bad for the eyes)
1 for the ears (bad here aswell)
1 for diabetes (turns out it might actually be a accelerato in causing diseases)
1 for bones and joint. and here it turns out. that there could be evidence that it is good for joints and bones.
so i now have a bunch of reports on my desk. which one of these do you think im gonna publish?
you see by being the censor of what to publish i can still bend the truth. even though i am telling the truths (or parts of it)
as you can see there is alot more to bodybuilding than the 2 others.
now is bodybuilding making weightlifting easier? yes a bit.
and the other way around.
but actually bodybuilding is alot less usefull for anything other than looking big. than strenght training is.
i did boxing for 4 years. and i was a soldier. i ran 10 km everyday. and to be frank with you.
it was worthless. so much time wasted. and the effects on weightloss was.. i don't know what to say. it might just be my type of muscle fibers. that is not designed for it. but please if cardi sucks for you. it might not be you who is doing something wrong.
i would advise you to do this. if cardio is a goal.
perfect your form. how many people actually work on the way they run? perfect the form? imagine if you are landing the wrong way on your foot for a whole marathon. i mean correct this!
instead of improving distance improve speed and weight. a weight west is key here. aim for a good 5 km time.
build in strenght work with heavy lunges squats deadlifts.
now what we have is a body where 5km weighted runs are possible. and perfect form. and muscles to take the impacts. know what happens if ths guy should run 20 km in a slower pace? basicly it is gonna feel like a walk in the park.
sorry i changed my training away from hours of cardio i didn't have time for. and there is no way in hell that im going back.
acromegaly;646076 said:Breast milk will give u the max gains bro
GirthGains;646079 said:without jokes breast milk probably be good if the woman eats and follows a healthy life. Same as the doctors say to mothers "be careful of what you put in your body when breast feeding your baby." It's crazy to not think about what they put in the cows and think of whats in our milk because of it. Look above of what I posted about cancer treament too. I want everybody to see it and get some awareness out there. This might be the best way to treat cancer and how everything on the earth as uses. You become what you put in your body.
GirthGains;646071 said:Whole Milk is bad because of sugar and contains a significant amount of saturated fat and cholesterol.Also they give cows penicillin, which I belive goes in the milk. So if you are allergic to penicillin you shouldn't drink it. So if someone is getting hives,rashes, or allergic sypmtoms and are allergic to penicillin, then try drinking no milk. Penicillin in Cows' Milk.
Reducing Milk Losses Following Penicillin Use In Lactating Dairy Cows
again as i stated in the beginning. try what works for you. i did milk for several years as it is part of my culture. "half a liter a day is good for you"
when i stopped my digestive system improved and my constant ear infections faded away.
i don'
t care about natural cholestorol. more and more evidence shows that there is more factors playing a part in a humans high cholestorol than the actual intake of it. and starchy carbs should be one of the sinners. slowing down the digestive system setting up a habitat for the body to not be able to digest it probably. again these are current studies i have read. they will probably talk about this in the mainstream in a couple of years.
there is natural sugar in everything so that is not a concern.
what is my biggest concern is the cleansing process of milk. pasteurising and "homogenisering" as it is said in danish. basicly what they dso is to kill the bacteria in the milk. but the body needs those bacterias to be able to digest the milk properly.
studies have shown that people who are allergic to milk. is most likely not allergic to unprocessed milk.
this includes myself. who experimented with raw milk aswell.
The chinese drink soy milk in a bowl they make it from soybeans. I also believe here in north america they add sugar to the soybean products.
Soy milk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do people in Asia drink soy milk? - health nutrition | Ask MetaFilter
warning about a possible estrogen affect for those worried about it. "Phytosterols in soy milk mimics the function of human estrogen. Studies have shown that men who regularly eat soy products have significantly lower prostate cancer risks than men who do not." Soy Milk vs. Regular Milk: Which Is Healthier? / Nutrition / Healthy Eating
i would never eat soy products. other than the few ml of soya for my sushi.
I believe a lot if not all traditional Chinese foods and natural food remedy's are great. I love there way of using foods and herbs to increase the immune system , fix and maintain problems. Along with lifestyle and exercise as well. For example I read a book were it said about using chinese medicine to strengthen the immune system before doing chemo treatments for cancer. As it is well known that chemo brings the immune system down and that's how a lot of people die. So its good to mix chinese medicine with western treatment to improve surviving results.
I believe this would be the best way to fight cancer. But Im not sure as I never tried it but I read the book and have studied some about chinese herbs and food and it makes since. Here's the link to those who are interested in herbal medicine treatment. [u
absolutely agree here. stir fry is one of the best ways to maintain the vitamins and nutrition in the food. and spices are basicly just medicine. so ye im down with old fashiond chinese cooking. but just as everywhere else. what you will meet most places. is canned foods. that has been processed for lifespan. and shortcuts with different additives to make tyhe food taste right the "easy" way rl][/url]
Here's something that is interesting as well "The Santa Barbara Herb Clinic maintains is own fully stocked pharmacy of Chinese loose herbs, patents and other health items. We have a highly trained staff who make up the prescription formulas created by Dr. Henry Han for each individual and their current health issues. These then are brewed up as a tea since they are most effective in this form." So from reading this it is best to take or mix herbs with tea fr PE. This would make sense as well to me. As when I drink green tea and mix it with ground ginger root ,black pepper blend,and honey. I notice a decent flaccid pump drinking tea like this. If I had [words=]penis enlargement pills[/words] I would drink it with tea. To me this sounds like a better and more effective way for herbal penis enlargment.
Aimingforthetop;646156 said:maybe. i don't know. i guess you get more of the extract out of a plant by boiling it. makes sence.
I had a buddy who thought breast milk would give him a boost like steroids lol I wish it worked like thatGirthGains;646079 said:without jokes breast milk probably be good if the woman eats and follows a healthy life. Same as the doctors say to mothers "be careful of what you put in your body when breast feeding your baby." It's crazy to not think about what they put in the cows and think of whats in our milk because of it. Look above of what I posted about cancer treament too. I want everybody to see it and get some awareness out there. This might be the best way to treat cancer and how everything on the earth as uses. You become what you put in your body.
acromegaly;646192 said:I had a buddy who thought breast milk would give him a boost like steroids lol I wish it worked like that
doublelongdaddy;646202 said:Question on belly fat. I can see my abdominal muscles through my skin on my belly but my belly is still huge. How is this possible? Doesn't fat go on top of the muscles? What else could be causing this? Malnutrition?
GirthGains;646227 said:This may help you DLD. I posted some quotes from this website. not fat but stomach sticks out - Forums
"You have excess visceral fat, its fat under the skin and between the organs. Only way your going to lose that is diet and cardio. Fat around your organs and directly under your muscles."
"There is a medical condition that also makes your stomache stick up, if you have firm abs and it still sticks out you should seek medical attention. My cousin had this and its often caused by not being able to digest certain foods properly. I think we call it "gas stomache" in sweden, im not sure tho. Its treatable and nothing dangerous."
"Yeast can do this too .. like 75% of people have a yeast overgrowth ( candida ) and dont know it .."
"If it feels like muscle on your large belly it could be swolen intestines or similar so go to the doctor and get it check out, otherwise try no alcohol, and exercise."
quotes from this link Abdominal fat and what to do about it - Harvard Health
"So what can we do about tubby tummies? A lot, it turns out. The starting point for bringing weight under control, in general, and combating abdominal fat, in particular, is regular moderate-intensity physical activity — at least 30 minutes per day (and perhaps up to 60 minutes per day) to control weight. Strength training (exercising with weights) may also help fight abdominal fat. Spot exercising, such as doing sit-ups, can tighten abdominal muscles, but it won’t get at visceral fat."
"Diet is also important. Pay attention to portion size, and emphasize complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) and lean protein over simple carbohydrates such as white bread, refined-grain pasta, and sugary drinks. Replacing saturated fats and trans fats with polyunsaturated fats can also help"
doublelongdaddy;646230 said:Thank you so much! I have always wondered this because I never have been able to pinch fat on my stomach, it is always hard and the abdominals are visible. I never knew fat could be bellow the muscles so this is good news to me because now I know.
I have already trimmed down my diet significantly. The biggest change is now I am eating 3 meals a day, before I was eating once a day at night and it was usually something high in carbs, sugar, fat and salt. Now, with three meals I am eating sausage, egg and cheese sandwich on wheat english muffin with a coffee that I switched from cream to milk and have eliminated the sugar I used to put in. Lunch is usually a portion bar and a vegetable drink. Dinner is usually hamburger. I know I need to get more vegetables in and I will stock up on this when I hit the grocery store. I know that the diet I am on now is not great but at least it is a step in the right direction. Exercise I still have not started but I hope to motivate myself in the next couple days. There are so many changes I need to make that I want to do them one at a time. Hopefully, once I reach my ideal weight, I can stick with the diet and exercise that will keep me at that weight (170). I hope to be able to see some improvements before I shoot the new videos for [words=]MOS[/words] in about 2 months. I think it is realistic to drop 20 pounds a month under the right conditions. I will heavily be relying on you fitness guru's to help me on my way. Any advice is great advice!
As acromegaly said this is all good stuff. the only thing that sucks is garlic because of bad breath. I like taking a garlic capsule of 2000mg but if you sweat you still smell like garlic, not as bad though. Some other good fish are trout, Atlantic markerel, herring, shrimp, anchovies,sardines, oysters. Just don't eat fish everyday.huge-girth;646256 said:When I created this thread, I didn't know I will get this much advise. I'm shocked with all the info I've read so far. I changed my diet again. I want to list the things I'm eating and I need you guys to tell me if they are good food. Brown rice, beans, egg, oatmeal, water melon, carrot, Apple, peanuts, avocado, vegetables, garlic, ginger and mackerel.
huge-girth;646270 said:Thanks acromegaly and girthgains. In that case, I'm taking fish off the list. What are your thoughts on garlic? I've never taken them before this will be my first time. If I eat the garlic in the evening and then I brush my mouth will my breath still smell garlic?
huge-girth;646270 said:Thanks acromegaly and girthgains. In that case, I'm taking fish off the list. What are your thoughts on garlic? I've never taken them before this will be my first time. If I eat the garlic in the evening and then I brush my mouth will my breath still smell garlic?
huge-girth;646256 said:When I created this thread, I didn't know I will get this much advise. I'm shocked with all the info I've read so far. I changed my diet again. I want to list the things I'm eating and I need you guys to tell me if they are good food. Brown rice, beans, egg, oatmeal, water melon, carrot, Apple, peanuts, avocado, vegetables, garlic, ginger and mackerel.
acromegaly;646254 said:Your diet is not even bad just cut the cheese. You don't have to limit your meals that much either you can eat throughout the day as long as it's healthy snacks (few almonds or an apple etc). I wouldn't worry about what the scale says you might gain a few pounds if you start lifting
huge-girth;646374 said:Thanks girthgains
dont worry about eating fish lol mercury poisen is hippy bullshit unless you are eating like 3 cans of tuna a day you have literally nothing to worry abouthuge-girth;646398 said:Oh so I should be eating any fish that is small in size?
doublelongdaddy;646400 said:aimingforthetop, Today I stared the HIIT workout and I have to say you were right, those 2 sets kicked my ass and I was out of breath for like an hour I do not see how this is possible but I dig it. I have also changed more of my diet. I will be eating 5 protein based meals each day. For breakfast I am going with a Protein bar (30 g protein) and a Fruit pressed juice. For lunch I am doing a portion box that consists of 5 grain flat bread, peanut butter, apple slices, grapes, cheese and hard boiled egg (all portions are small, especially cheese). I will also have a cold pressed vegetable drink with my lunch. Mid-day I will be eating a fruit and nut protein bar with water. Dinner will be beef, chicken or Fish with vegetables. evening snack will be another protein bar with water. I will also keep fruit and vegetables in the fridge to snack on if I get hungry at night (which happens a lot). In addition to this I will be walking to get my dinner, which is about 1 mile back and forth. I am really hoping to see some big changes. I already feel so much better, more awake and aware, more on point and I think this is due to the diet change.
I appreciate all you are doing to help me and I really hope to give you some good news in awhile. I started at 210 and my goal for two months will be 170. Forty pounds may seem like a lot but when my metabolism kicks in I usually drop weight very fast. I will be taking photos tonight and updating them as I progress. I will start a progress thread tomorrow. I am really thinking this could be the diet and exercise routine for [words=]SRT[/words], quick and effective.
doublelongdaddy;646400 said:aimingforthetop, Today I stared the HIIT workout and I have to say you were right, those 2 sets kicked my ass and I was out of breath for like an hour I do not see how this is possible but I dig it. I have also changed more of my diet. I will be eating 5 protein based meals each day. For breakfast I am going with a Protein bar (30 g protein) and a Fruit pressed juice. For lunch I am doing a portion box that consists of 5 grain flat bread, peanut butter, apple slices, grapes, cheese and hard boiled egg (all portions are small, especially cheese). I will also have a cold pressed vegetable drink with my lunch. Mid-day I will be eating a fruit and nut protein bar with water. Dinner will be beef, chicken or Fish with vegetables. evening snack will be another protein bar with water. I will also keep fruit and vegetables in the fridge to snack on if I get hungry at night (which happens a lot). In addition to this I will be walking to get my dinner, which is about 1 mile back and forth. I am really hoping to see some big changes. I already feel so much better, more awake and aware, more on point and I think this is due to the diet change.
I appreciate all you are doing to help me and I really hope to give you some good news in awhile. I started at 210 and my goal for two months will be 170. Forty pounds may seem like a lot but when my metabolism kicks in I usually drop weight very fast. I will be taking photos tonight and updating them as I progress. I will start a progress thread tomorrow. I am really thinking this could be the diet and exercise routine for [words=]SRT[/words], quick and effective.
Aimingforthetop;646431 said:hehe ye it does hit you like a train. especially the first time. i have done my share of workouts. this is the only one that manages to give me the taste of blood in my mouth every time i start it up (ye im the maniac that works myself untill i feint during workouts) i have never been the most talented. but i have always been the most stubborn!
everything you do is really good mate. and i love the attitude.
now. remember! this is not a diet! this is a life style change. and too many changes at the same time is gonna make you fuck it up in the long run.
just think back on how many times you have tryed to diet. and then fell back into old habbits?
so please. the key here is not to go all out crazy at once. do it slowly 1 step at the time. for permanent results.
think about making habits. much more than you think about losing weight.
your attitude is spot on. and i can hear in the way your writing that you have the taste of blood (like a shark)
so your going in the right way. but please. do not over do it.
it's like the Penis enlargement commercials. that tries to convince people that you can gain 4 inches in a matter of weeks,
we both know that dedication, consistency and hard work is the key. not some fancy ass miracle pill.
same here
pogzee;646465 said:yup dediaction is what i am lacking.....[/QUOT
believe or not having an intense PE routine can help you out to loose not a fat person but after 45 to 60 mins of pe you get all sweaty...