OK this is pure speculation and theory here but hear me out.

I've been doing some thinking. What is one of the things men are most insecure about? The size of their dick... look at all of us here working to get them bigger if you don't believe me. Therefore we got these guys out here with 9 10 inches plus... DLD and so on who fuck countless women. (Forgive my assumption DLD and others as I am sure you have stantards, but we're all men here) Why do they fuck them? Do women have a 6th sense to see who has that big dick they want or think they want at least?

No. Its because the guys with big dicks have more confidence as a general rule and know that if they get the chick in the sac she is going to want it over and over. So, its the same well endowed men that are screwing all the women. Of course there are women who can't tell 1 inch from 2, but then again there are those who have taken that 12 inch dick and they can and will brag about it. So, its not that there are tons of well endowed men running around its just that those select few are fuckin all the women. Hahaha.
Smoky said:
OK this is pure speculation and theory here but hear me out.

I've been doing some thinking. What is one of the things men are most insecure about? The size of their dick... look at all of us here working to get them bigger if you don't believe me. Therefore we got these guys out here with 9 10 inches plus... DLD and so on who fuck countless women. (Forgive my assumption DLD and others as I am sure you have stantards, but we're all men here) Why do they fuck them? Do women have a 6th sense to see who has that big dick they want or think they want at least?

No. Its because the guys with big dicks have more confidence as a general rule and know that if they get the chick in the sac she is going to want it over and over. So, its the same well endowed men that are screwing all the women. Of course there are women who can't tell 1 inch from 2, but then again there are those who have taken that 12 inch dick and they can and will brag about it. So, its not that there are tons of well endowed men running around its just that those select few are fuckin all the women. Hahaha.

Hey bro, where do you live? I want to move there RIGHT NOW so I can have sex with tons of women.
Well...considering most women cannot tell the difference between 6" and 8", I would say that the women that you are hanging out with/dating do not know the difference either :)

Trust me, most women have never even seen a cock that is a legit 9"!! Many may have been with an 8" and swore that it was the biggest they have been with: " it was at least a foot long!" I am sure some of us on here have heard THAT before :s

Women for the most part are a horrible judge of measurement/length. 6" in their mind is 8"...8" in their mind is 10"......

Lol I dont understand this..

Guys with bigger dicks have more confidence, why? Because they have a big cock? Thats such a small part of general attraction, its so funny, because when you watch a porno, the guy usually with the big ass cock is UGLY as hell.. my dick is pretty much small, but im a good lookin guy, let a girl pick a ugly guy with a big dick over me.. Line me up next to a ugly guy with a big dick, and let a girl choose..

Yo how many guys have like 8 inch dicks, whats the percentage like 5% or something, how many of those 5% guys are gonna be good-looking?

And furthermore, I always hear about how a girls ex-boyfriend is 8 inches and so on.. stupidness..
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Women have their head up their asses when it comes to penis size. Most of them have had dicks between 5 and 7 inches and they spread rumors of 8 to 12 inches.
oliver said:
Lol I dont understand this..

Guys with bigger dicks have more confidence, why? Because they have a big cock? Thats such a small part of general attraction, its so funny, because when you watch a porno, the guy usually with the big ass cock is UGLY as hell.. my dick is pretty much small, but im a good lookin guy, let a girl pick a ugly guy with a big dick over me.. Line me up next to a ugly guy with a big dick, and let a girl choose..

Yo how many guys have like 8 inch dicks, whats the percentage like 5% or something, how many of those 5% guys are gonna be good-looking?

And furthermore, I always hear about how a girls ex-boyfriend is 8 inches and so on.. stupidness..

Dude, you're big. And as for the 5% thing, it's more like 1% are 8+ inches when the doctors measure it, not when it is self-reported.
My05Cavy said:
Tell them its 9x7 when its 7x5. Then all their friends will come running. Brilliant idea. lol

Exactly, bitches are like sheep.
Here's a funny one...

I was telling my wife about one of these threads proving women can't measure cause every guy supposedly has an 8 to 9" cock. Her response?

"And you guys better be glad we can't measure either!"

She was joking.

Always remember this (and I'm saying this on a penis enlargment forum), if a big cock was the only important part of a relationship, sexual or love, then the guy with the truly big cock would never get a chance to have sex with a second woman because the first chick he banged would NEVER, EVER let him go...but they end up having sex with numerous women.

Women aren't as shallow as we all would like to accuse them of.
Um... my basic point was this, guys with bigger dicks have more sex. And you mean to tell me if your dick wasn't two inches bigger tomorrow you wouldn't have any more confidence? OK, well maybe its just me then. I'm a good lookin guy with not an ounce of fat on my body. But I have an average size dick so if my dick was 8 to 9 inches long and 6 inches in girth, I would imagine my confidence would sky rocket along with the number of sexual partners. And then I'd have ten girls running around talking about they've been with a monster. Haha.
In a club or where ever... how is a girl going to know how big your dick is!!! They dont! So they 1st go for a good looking guy and a good personality! They just dont go round, how big is your dick... if it isnt 7" plus im not shagging you! They dont do that!

I used to have an average sized penis at 6inch, but i had confidence and i shagged loads of girls!!!! So what does that tell you. My mate has got a tiny dick but he also has confiednce and can pull easily! Its all about not being arsed and making a girl laugh.

If you have a big dick its a bonus, but who cares! Especailly if its a one night stand... who gives a fuck, shag them and leg it! Job done!
Smoky said:
Um... my basic point was this, guys with bigger dicks have more sex. And you mean to tell me if your dick wasn't two inches bigger tomorrow you wouldn't have any more confidence? OK, well maybe its just me then. I'm a good lookin guy with not an ounce of fat on my body. But I have an average size dick so if my dick was 8 to 9 inches long and 6 inches in girth, I would imagine my confidence would sky rocket along with the number of sexual partners. And then I'd have ten girls running around talking about they've been with a monster. Haha.

I understand your point, and mine was what kind of stupid fucking girl picks a guy because she heard he had a big dick?

What if he was ugly as hell and was a complete jackass..

But you'd sleep with im because he had a big cock? I DONT GET IT!
There have been some threads here asking about size vs. number of partners, and no correlation existed. At all. It wasn't a random sample, so we can't conclude anything, but evidence seems to suggest women just don't know what is up.

My anecdotal comments: One of the last girls I was with mentioned something about me being 6 inches soft, when I was always around 4. So if she was with an 8 incher, I suppose she'd guess 12. Also the last several girls have moaned 'so deep' when I hit them all the way, and I'm a little under 7 bp. When I was a little under 6 bp they'd always say deeper (even some of the same girls), so there's more evidence that they aren't used to super long ones.
Smoky said:
Um... my basic point was this, guys with bigger dicks have more sex. And you mean to tell me if your dick wasn't two inches bigger tomorrow you wouldn't have any more confidence? OK, well maybe its just me then. I'm a good lookin guy with not an ounce of fat on my body. But I have an average size dick so if my dick was 8 to 9 inches long and 6 inches in girth, I would imagine my confidence would sky rocket along with the number of sexual partners. And then I'd have ten girls running around talking about they've been with a monster. Haha.

According to your theory I'd be getting laid a whole lot. Yes I am quite confident in my life and studies, I'm good looking, intelligent, and well hung. While, yes, girls do like that(the confident part), they won't be all over you. Again, maybe your town has something in the water to make girls more promiscuous or something.

Girls seem to not be into the whole "visual" side of things. The guys I know in life that get laid the most with the best women are probably average, one told me he was actually below-average but he still got ass like candy.

To back up my point, a guy in our high school was rumored to have like a 7 1/2" flaccid on a skinny 5'6" frame. I never saw it but all the guys freaked out when they saw him in the showers. Guess how many girls he got? None. Although he did get tired of guys trying to grab his dick and asking to see it, from "straight" guys mind you.
Shane Diesel is a good looking guy(I guess..lol) with a huge rod...Speaking of Diesel are those hook ups that he does with all those girls pre arranged I tend to think they are...I can't see just walking up to someone not knowing what kinda of possible VD they might have take them back to a room and bang them with ZERO PROTECTION...

Thoughts gentlemen
I'm just sayin for people not to think that theres millions of 8 inch plus running around out there. Theres a select few who get a lot of ass. I am not saying girls look for a bulge, though I imagine some do. I AM saying that girls like confidence and guys with big dicks are probably more confident with women. And if they're more confident with women they will approach more women and not bitch out and score more as a general rule.

I am NOT saying that an average sized guy can't get laid. I am NOT saying that average guys can't get as much pussy. All I'm saying is that the well hung guys are getting more ass as a general rule. I saw a survey on that shit somewhere on the net. I don't know if its true, but there it is. Just a theroy of mine. Sorry if I didn't articulate it very well.
Deon said:
Shane Diesel is a good looking guy(I guess..lol) with a huge rod...Speaking of Diesel are those hook ups that he does with all those girls pre arranged I tend to think they are...I can't see just walking up to someone not knowing what kinda of possible VD they might have take them back to a room and bang them with ZERO PROTECTION...

Thoughts gentlemen

Shane Diesel is ugly to average looking, and most of his hook ups are probably because hes in show business and making money off fucking girls on video?

I know its crazy, alot of posts I hear about some guy whos about average comes in here and talks about his girlfriend whos talking about her ex-boyfriend and his 8 inch dick, its all over the net, its stupid, it kind of makes us think that theres nothing but huge dicks out there, which probably isnt the case.

If I had a big dick, I would be confident about mysize, but not my performance cause im still a virgin.. But even so than, being good in bed and being well hung isnt the kind of condience you need to succeed in life, or get hook ups with girls, I think.. but please, correct me if im wrong, I like to learn. Good thread.
If you want top notch pussy, you need top notch money.
This doesn't apply to all women [afterall no one wants to think of their mother as a money grabber]

But in my experience [which is limited, so don't crucify if i'm off the mark here] rolling in fancy cars or with a heavy check book can easily give women a severe case of self induced 'beer goggles'.

I also agree that a bigger dick = self confidence, the fact that you have no doubts once you actually hit the bedroom is always a boost.
Now how about I challenge the conventional wisdom here.

What if the reason I haven't been laid is because I HAVE A BIG DICK. Sure, society tells me I should be getting laid all the time and that women want me. It makes me feel lazy because women should be all over me, and I don't have to have skills, money, or talent, just a big dick to get what I want.

Small-average guys would learn to tailor themselves to what women like because they know they don't have a big penis, thus they try harder and succeed more with women than well-hung men do. They have a lot better game because society tells them they need to because women only like guys with big dicks.

That doesn't describe me, but it's an interesting thought guys :s
Deon said:
Shane Diesel is a good looking guy(I guess..lol) with a huge rod...Speaking of Diesel are those hook ups that he does with all those girls pre arranged I tend to think they are...I can't see just walking up to someone not knowing what kinda of possible VD they might have take them back to a room and bang them with ZERO PROTECTION...

Thoughts gentlemen
Are you fucking serious? All of the 'random encounters' that are at the start of adult entertainment videos are faked. It's so obvious, and most of the chicks are even established adult entertainment stars. Do you think he just happens to run into pornstars all the time while he's running around town :s ? This is almost as bad as that post where they thought the prosthetic penis vids were real.
Not only do women have absolutely no clue how to judge size, they also love to play little mindgames with their boyfriends.

I've actually only had one girl say that she has had bigger to me in my whole life. That only came out when she knew that I was not into her and she found out I was hooking up with other girls. Either she was making shit up to get me jealous or she was telling the truth to get me jealous. Whichever it was it didn't work.

I have had my fair share of girls and I'm right about smack dab in the middle of average, absolutely zero Penis Enlargement under my belt at this point. Nonetheless, I can confidently say that I've very seldom come across a girl who doesn't want a repeat performance, or that I've not found ways to satisfy my partners.

Real confidence doesn't stem from dick size, it comes from overcoming obstacles and accomplishing feats you thought were next to unachievable. Besides, confidence can open the door but it takes much different things to actually seal the deal.
Overwhelming thoughts in this thread and yet someone still doesn't get it...

Big dick or small dick...if you act like a dick you ain't getting no pussy.

If you're a "great guy" you will be getting laid. Period.

Things that repel the pussy:

arrogance and selfishness

reputation for a being a hit and run guy

forget all this...if you're an asshole, you're gonna be forced into celibacy

Now put all those qualities on a guy with a 9" cock...he ain't getting the top shelf pussy. He's getting the passover.
ocd said:
Overwhelming thoughts in this thread and yet someone still doesn't get it...

Big dick or small dick...if you act like a dick you ain't getting no pussy.

If you're a "great guy" you will be getting laid. Period.

Things that repel the pussy:

arrogance and selfishness

reputation for a being a hit and run guy

forget all this...if you're an asshole, you're gonna be forced into celibacy

Now put all those qualities on a guy with a 9" cock...he ain't getting the top shelf pussy. He's getting the passover.

Unless you're Brad Pitt.
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OK OK SPINNER 2 take it easy I was just joking..I knew that Shane D stuff was rigged from the jump because he fucks bare backed no protection...I knew these chicks had to be pre screened..
I'm sorry but I cant just walk up on a babe without a vet check I mean a doctor visit I refuse to catch VD from anyone..lol
Deon said:
OK OK SPINNER 2 take it easy I was just joking..I knew that Shane D stuff was rigged from the jump because he fucks bare backed no protection...I knew these chicks had to be pre screened..
I'm sorry but I cant just walk up on a babe without a vet check I mean a doctor visit I refuse to catch VD from anyone..lol
No worries, I'm just becoming a crazy person rofl
Women have their head up their asses when it comes to penis size. Most of them have had dicks between 5 and 7 inches and they spread rumors of 8 to 12 inches.

^ ++

Exactly. But often because a 6 or 6.5 guy has told them it was 8 or 9

they also love to play little mindgames with their boyfriends.

^ ++

Yes. And if you -ever- come across this, do yourself a favor -- burn that bridge on the spot and never talk to the petty little harm-seeking emotional wastebag ever again. It's a sign of other problems if someone would try on purpose to hurt you in such a way.

What's down in the well comes up in the bucket.

Lol, I actually heard brad pitt ranting about how is hung like a mouse.. I've heard rumors hes pretty small, but oh well, hes rich, and a great-looking guy, those two qualities make up for his size 10 fold.

I believe you guys when it comes to how girls can be full of shit, just for my first time, I dont want to hear that shit, I dont want a girl to tell me "oh i've had bigger my ex was like 9 inches" even if its complete bullshit, im too insecure to shake something like that off, and it would very much bother, I know theres bigger guys out there, I just dont want to be the smallest guy a girls ever had, and I'd hate to hear that shes had bigger.

So im intimated by alot of posts and hear say on this forum, on the internet, because I have no real experience to go by.. I hope everyone here is right when they say they're full of shit, cause everywhere I go some dude apparently has a 8 inch dick.

This is a penis enlargement site, and 9/10 newbies that come on here are bigger than me already.. I'd like to think im on the higher end of average over here, but I just get kept getting proven wrong, theres guys with big dicks out there yo.
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oliver said:
Lol, I actually heard brad pitt ranting about how is hung like a mouse.. I've heard rumors hes pretty small, but oh well, hes rich, and a great-looking guy, those two qualities make up for his size 10 fold.

I believe you guys when it comes to how girls can be full of shit, just for my first time, I dont want to hear that shit, I dont want a girl to tell me "oh i've had bigger my ex was like 9 inches" even if its complete bullshit, im too insecure to shake something like that off, and it would very much bother, I know theres bigger guys out there, I just dont want to be the smallest guy a girls ever had, and I'd hate to hear that shes had bigger.

So im intimated by alot of posts and hear say on this forum, on the internet, because I have no real experience to go by.. I hope everyone here is right when they say they're full of shit, cause everywhere I go some dude apparently has a 8 inch dick.

This is a penis enlargement site, and 9/10 newbies that come on here are bigger than me already.. I'd like to think im on the higher end of average over here, but I just get kept getting proven wrong, theres guys with big dicks out there yo.

Brad Pitt is definitely average if not large. I have seen candid shots of his flaccid and it's a pretty nice size.

One guy I knew had the best attitude when it came to penis size. This kid in my class said "ya but you don't have a big meat like me"(when talking about a hot girl the guy was dating) and the guy said "it's big enough" and just confidently smiled and took nothing of it. Immediately everyone felt his confidence and "it's good enough and I can use it" attitude. Very empowering, and it shows how he got this hot girl that lots of other guys wanted, even with a "small" penis(I don't really know what his size was).
This has been debated for years. I am better looking and bigger than all or most of my friends and have the least sexual partners. I am probably also the only who Penis Enlargements. Most of the people I have known of who got laid a lot were not good looking or endowed. The confidence came from something else. You also have to consider situations where its ultimately the female who chooses and most don't see the penis size beforehand.

DLD also got laid a lot in the past before he did Penis Enlargement, maybe even laid more?
Asanon said:
^ ++

What's down in the well comes up in the bucket.


Ohhh, I'm liking this little saying quite a bit. One of those Mark Twain sayings that's simple and has much depth to it...and the context was perfect.

If she's screwed up in the beginning, it won't get better it'll get worse. She'll be screwed up in the end.
oliver said:
I believe you guys when it comes to how girls can be full of shit, just for my first time, I dont want to hear that shit, I dont want a girl to tell me "oh i've had bigger my ex was like 9 inches" even if its complete bullshit, im too insecure to shake something like that off, and it would very much bother, I know theres bigger guys out there, I just dont want to be the smallest guy a girls ever had, and I'd hate to hear that shes had bigger.

First off, don't discuss cock size with some chick because I guarantee you it will mess with your head. But you're a man which makes you (and me) stupid and you will bring it up...and regret you will. This will teach you a valuable lesson that you should be learning now by taking others words for it.

Sometimes you have to hit yourself in the head with a hammer to know that it hurts.

Keep working on the three deminsions of your cock and you will be happy. Flaccid length, erect length (which evades me) and girth.
I guess some girls discuss penis size even though they aren't provoked. This girl started talking about two past guys she had played with and their sizes, without me even bringing it up.

I took it as one of those "girl tests" that they pull on you. Why do women make things so god damn complicated?

I was also surprised that she thought I was average, which did piss me off.

My friend said if she tells you anything negative about your dick just tell her "dude, please clean your pussy sometime, it really smells." I did hint at that one time and she got pretty pissed and said "no it's just you." lol
10inchadvantage said:
I guess some girls discuss penis size even though they aren't provoked. This girl started talking about two past guys she had played with and their sizes, without me even bringing it up.

I took it as one of those "girl tests" that they pull on you. Why do women make things so god damn complicated?

I was also surprised that she thought I was average, which did piss me off.

My friend said if she tells you anything negative about your dick just tell her "dude, please clean your pussy sometime, it really smells." I did hint at that one time and she got pretty pissed and said "no it's just you." lol

LOL! That's awesome. Good advice someone just mentioned to not even bring it up to women. Theres a few reasons why, 1 - it'll make you look insecure and 2- it'll just disappoint you if they tell you you're not the biggest and you may think they're lieing if they say you are the biggest.

Once again I only started this thread to share my theory that well endowed men get more pussy which makes it seem as though there are more well endowed men then there really is out there.
It's good to hear the voices of reason here. :) On a related note the original poster probably has some residual psychological issues that need sorting out... it's probably unlike that it's really ruining his life, but its gotta be at least a significant annoyance in his life and confidence-killer....

Past a certain point, there's no use in getting that much bigger. 7 or (max) 8 inches, and you're set for life - just make sure you're a very well put-together guy in other areas, with a good career/money, a good personality, well-groomed/dressed, fun, dependable guy. It trumps a guy with 9 inches who's fat, boring, stuck in a dead-end job/life, and just brings her down with his insecurity.
Best talking about penis size with men [As us mature ones here know it isnt gay!] as we know what we're talking about [not being sexist ether] as we own one and know more about it.

Woman tend to know fuck all about estimating and rememberign size ... dunno how many of you read my post not long back on a test I did at work on estimating size????? maybe most of you ignored it? whatever the case it proved to me woman CANNOT remember size they estimated and put that to a size similer or thereabouts ... nothing wrong with woman but its pretty obvious they CANNOT do size very well so getting into a debate with them on dick size is going to fuck your head up as they, well most have had 10 inches length yet when I pull my pants down and show them my erect 7.8-8 incher they are like :O ... can you EXPLAIN THAT!!!!
Blu said:
It's good to hear the voices of reason here. :) On a related note the original poster probably has some residual psychological issues that need sorting out... it's probably unlike that it's really ruining his life, but its gotta be at least a significant annoyance in his life and confidence-killer....

Past a certain point, there's no use in getting that much bigger. 7 or (max) 8 inches, and you're set for life - just make sure you're a very well put-together guy in other areas, with a good career/money, a good personality, well-groomed/dressed, fun, dependable guy. It trumps a guy with 9 inches who's fat, boring, stuck in a dead-end job/life, and just brings her down with his insecurity.

As the original poster, I have to say of course I have psychological issues. But point out someone who doesn't. And second, all I was trying to say is that maybe twenty women in a room all say they've had a guy with a ten inch dick. Well of those women only 5 have actually had the 10 incher, guy A. Another ten have had guy B a 8 incher who lies. While the other 15 have had guy C who has a 6 and half incher and lies his fuckin ass off about his size. To which my point is this of those 30 girls they only sex between their group with these three guys. So it isn't like theres 30 different guys running around hung like horses. Theres two of the three that are, one is real and the other two are liars.

Does that better clarify what I was trying to say?
A true ten incher would be less than 1 in 10000 men most likely. So the chances of most women getting a 10 inches, including all women(not club whores), is very, very small(haha). Shit, even getting an 8 incher would be rare. As for girth, 1 in 10000 men in that LifeStyles survey had a 6" midshaft girth. So, while a normal girl might have had an 8 incher or maybe two, if "lucky", the chances of her having a HUGE girth to go with it is even more rare.

Just because a guy is long doesn't mean he is thick, and vice versa.
10inchadvantage said:
A true ten incher would be less than 1 in 10000 men most likely. So the chances of most women getting a 10 inches, including all women(not club whores), is very, very small(haha). Shit, even getting an 8 incher would be rare. As for girth, 1 in 10000 men in that LifeStyles survey had a 6" midshaft girth. So, while a normal girl might have had an 8 incher or maybe two, if "lucky", the chances of her having a HUGE girth to go with it is even more rare.

Just because a guy is long doesn't mean he is thick, and vice versa.

I dare to put a 10 incher closer to 1 in 10,000,000 (or more). Grab a paper towel roll and trim an inch off and look at how insane the length is...it is truly monstrous. It is so easy to drop measurements when it comes to the penis, it is almost exempt from real proportions and I don't think it is the fault of anyone. The penis is so fictitious somehow, so mysterious, illusive, it commands such attention while at the same time remaining ambiguous to any real analyzation. Women drop measurements as if they were hot potatoes...8, 9, 10 fuck it, 14 inches. Men live in complete fear of these exaggerations and the product of all of this fiction is unrealistic measurements. I care so much about this because I never want to see you guys suffer from anxiety that is manifested by way of innuendo. Paul Bunion was 10 feet tall and John Holmes was 14" long.

I wonder what people think when I spend so much time on the psychological impacts of sexuality when I could be spending this time developing exercise. I wonder if anyone ever reads, comprehends, uses my dissemination's. I realize I write these papers because of my own demons but I always do so with complete empathy for those who may feel the same way. Beyond what I publish most would call me obsessive with the text that never makes it to the web. I am so much more interested in the impacts male sexuality than I am of the money I could make in development of my products, exercises or any other monetary advancement.

I wish I could get all of you together in one room where I could express these thoughts directly in a human way, devoid of the technology that separates us. I wish I could literally touch you and relay the understandings that would set you free from this fantasy that our world society has manufactured but I also know I can't. Women are not to blame nor are the men, the blame lies in an illusion of power that is as fallacious as the universe we try to explain. It truly breaks my heart.
doublelongdaddy said:
I wish I could literally touch you and relay...this fantasy that... truly breaks my heart.
No way... Get away...get away from me. Hahaha j/k.:blowjob: :hammer: :bounce: lol

I think I'm at the point where I don't give a shit. If a girl tells me she's had a huge one I will know that most likely she is lying. Even is she is not then it probably won't be as big as she says it is. Besides Penis Enlargement give me hope to one day reaching my HUGE goals. Once I get HUGE I might go on to become a FREAK!!! But for now I will stick with my 8x6.5 goals.
longstretch said:
No way... Get away...get away from me. Hahaha j/k.:blowjob: :hammer: :bounce: lol

I think I'm at the point where I don't give a shit. If a girl tells me she's had a huge one I will know that most likely she is lying. Even is she is not then it probably won't be as big as she says it is. Besides Penis Enlargement give me hope to one day reaching my HUGE goals. Once I get HUGE I might go on to become a FREAK!!! But for now I will stick with my 8x6.5 goals.

As basic as that sounds, it is the very attitude that will expedite your gains and give you complete male peace.
doublelongdaddy said:
I wonder what people think when I spend so much time on the psychological impacts of sexuality when I could be spending this time developing exercise. I wonder if anyone ever reads, comprehends, uses my dissemination's. I realize I write these papers because of my own demons but I always do so with complete empathy for those who may feel the same way. Beyond what I publish most would call me obsessive with the text that never makes it to the web. I am so much more interested in the impacts male sexuality than I am of the money I could make in development of my products, exercises or any other monetary advancement.

I wish I could get all of you together in one room where I could express these thoughts directly in a human way, devoid of the technology that separates us. I wish I could literally touch you and relay the understandings that would set you free from this fantasy that our world society has manufactured but I also know I can't. Women are not to blame nor are the men, the blame lies in an illusion of power that is as fallacious as the universe we try to explain. It truly breaks my heart.
To the guy above me -

There's nothing "gay" about being heartfelt. Grow up. It's only gay if he grabs my ass behind my back as he hugs me tight. lol

Anyway I hear you, DLD. I especially respect you because you have a very REAL and rational perspective on this issue of penis size, thanks to having been on both sides of the fence. You had an average (maybe slightly above) penis before starting out Penis Enlargement, and you had a very diverse range of sexual experiences, some would argue DESPITE your size (as if having a 6.5 X 5 was some physical deformity or a handicap :s ). Why? Probably because you were social, knew how to talk to women, and also was in a band - that gives you social status which most women value way more than penis size (within reason). Then you grew a massive penis - during the course of which you developed a psychological addiction to this art, which unfortunately led to a decline in your sex life, and also your relationship. As a person who's LIVED through all the ups-and-downs from every angle I trust your word over any armchair quarterback on this forum who postulates about this and that, claiming that a 10 X 7 creates "maximum pleasure" for women. Truly idiotic gibberish. lol

As a caveat I do see the reasoning for a married man with a wife who was 'stretched out' by pregnancy to start Penis Enlargement in order to get truly massive. But those guys who are virgins or are just general sexually frustrated: they should realize that the shitty sex lives they have isn't a symptom of their penis size, as a general rule. It's because of their horrible self-image and psychological complexes about their penises. It's a psychological disorder. Most definitely.
It has taken me a long time to get over my insecurities. I'm still not 100% over them. I think it's sad when society makes a 16 year-old boy with a 7 x 4.75 wonder if his penis will please a woman(thanks penissizedebate).

At least us straight guys can see that most women get off on just a thumb and really love us emotionally, not for our physical features necessarily. I have to sympathize with gay guys that are small though, seems that it's hard for them to find good loving, from what I've read. And guys are much more physically turned on, so I'd imagine it has a substantially bigger value to be big in the gay community, versus with women.

DLD, btw, I do read your psychological posts, they seem to be better than any exercise you could come up with for the penis.
doublelongdaddy said:
I write these papers because of my own demons .

Man, your "demons" gave me life, hope, dedication, friends, a hobby, goals, confidence, self-esteem AND a bigger dick. So don't think we're not paying attention cause WE ARE. You're not insane, your membrane is just a litlle fucked up just like mine is.

I say, women who trully love don't give a rat's ass about our size, sluts care about our dick size, our bank account size, our car size and our house size. Sluts are all about size but they will only end up with some looser or alone, liver problems and a bad rep if they don't grow the fuck up and become WOMEN.

Confidence comes from the HEART, either we have it or we don't but i've learned that it also comes from experience in life. I could care less what they think my size is cause in the end 1" of love and self-sacrifice will get you much more happiness than a 14" dick will ever bring you.

Just be yourselves and those ladies who care about your size can just eat dirt cause i wouldn't date one EVER. Either they get turned-on by the whole ME, my personality, my wits and my sense of humour or they can go on to the next poor soul that thinks is the coolest dude on the face of this Earth just cause he's got a HUGE DONG.

Anyway, pardon the rant dudes and dump those bitches who mess up our minds and make us feel like shit. Give your love to the ones that trully know what love is. Buttfuck the rest.


8InchMIKE said:
Man, your "demons" gave me life, hope, dedication, friends, a hobby, goals, confidence, self-esteem AND a bigger dick. So don't think we're not paying attention cause WE ARE. You're not insane, your membrane is just a litlle fucked up just like mine is.

I say, women who trully love don't give a rat's ass about our size, sluts care about our dick size, our bank account size, our car size and our house size. Sluts are all about size but they will only end up with some looser or alone, liver problems and a bad rep if they don't grow the fuck up and become WOMEN.

Confidence comes from the HEART, either we have it or we don't but i've learned that it also comes from experience in life. I could care less what they think my size is cause in the end 1" of love and self-sacrifice will get you much more happiness than a 14" dick will ever bring you.

Just be yourselves and those ladies who care about your size can just eat dirt cause i wouldn't date one EVER. Either they get turned-on by the whole ME, my personality, my wits and my sense of humour or they can go on to the next poor soul that thinks is the coolest dude on the face of this Earth just cause he's got a HUGE DONG.

Anyway, pardon the rant dudes and dump those bitches who mess up our minds and make us feel like shit. Give your love to the ones that trully know what love is. Buttfuck the rest.



I'm with you, I wouldn't ever date a girl who was mostly attracted to me by my size. I doubt I'd even have sex with one, that's just a total turn off. My ego would probably be hurt too because I think I have a lot better qualities about me than my cock.
Yeah, I'm gonna get a huge one but I'm not gonna go around and tell girls about it. I imagine their surprise would also be 10x more gratifying for me if they didn't know what they were getting rofl
spinner2 said:
Yeah, I'm gonna get a huge one but I'm not gonna go around and tell girls about it. I imagine their surprise would also be 10x more gratifying for me if they didn't know what they were getting rofl

Girls are driven by anticipation and surprises. For example, girls don't like seeing guys fully naked, they like seeing them ALMOST naked, with someone covering their dicks and such. It's much hotter for them that way, it drives them insane.
8InchMIKE said:
Man, your "demons" gave me life, hope, dedication, friends, a hobby, goals, confidence, self-esteem AND a bigger dick. So don't think we're not paying attention cause WE ARE. You're not insane, your membrane is just a litlle fucked up just like mine is.

I say, women who trully love don't give a rat's ass about our size, sluts care about our dick size, our bank account size, our car size and our house size. Sluts are all about size but they will only end up with some looser or alone, liver problems and a bad rep if they don't grow the fuck up and become WOMEN.

Confidence comes from the HEART, either we have it or we don't but i've learned that it also comes from experience in life. I could care less what they think my size is cause in the end 1" of love and self-sacrifice will get you much more happiness than a 14" dick will ever bring you.

Just be yourselves and those ladies who care about your size can just eat dirt cause i wouldn't date one EVER. Either they get turned-on by the whole ME, my personality, my wits and my sense of humour or they can go on to the next poor soul that thinks is the coolest dude on the face of this Earth just cause he's got a HUGE DONG.

Anyway, pardon the rant dudes and dump those bitches who mess up our minds and make us feel like shit. Give your love to the ones that trully know what love is. Buttfuck the rest.



inspirational, im bout to quit Penis Enlargement. naw just fuckin witchu b, i feel what you sayin though. some bitches you just cant trust. man i seen many dudes fall from the shit bitches was playin on them. INVADE TRICKS HAHA
ithiel said:
inspirational, im bout to quit Penis Enlargement. naw just fuckin witchu b, i feel what you sayin though. some bitches you just cant trust. man i seen many dudes fall from the shit bitches was playin on them. INVADE TRICKS HAHA

Word Brotha...

But DO NOT QUIT Penis Enlargement mate, yes i now you are only kidding but just to be on the safe side, Penis Enlargement till YOU are satisfied. Do it for YOU.


Actually, I think i have a better theory...

I've said it a million times: Women don't have dicks, and don't know sizes. End of story.

We're talking in a matter of INCHES here. Don't forget it!! We're not talking about feet, yards, miles... INCHES!

Granted, we might think theres a big difference.

A girl fucks say, 10 guys, most of them average, around 5inches, maybe some bigger, maybe some smaller... then she gets one guy who's like 7.5, and almost 6" girth, and he's MASSIVE.

My girlfriend has had her share of men before me, and she swore that my dick was atleast 9 inches...

Not only that, she thought the AVERAGE length was 8".

Women have NO perception of size... that's all there is to it.
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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