Hey everyone.

I just wanted to run a theory that I was thinking of before you. Hopefully we'll get enough input in this thread to pass or reject it.

As mentioned before, I'm doing a mixed routine of hanging and clamping (obviously not at the same time).

What I'm doing is 4 sets of 20 mins of Hanging with the BIB (regular), and at the very end I clamp one or two sets of 10 mins while edging.

I was thinking, if clamping and girth work take tunica past the limits of maximum expansion, and cause it to breakdown or somehow enlarge, then wouldn't applying a longitudenal force after this 'fatigued' stage has been reached, cause optimum gains?

I mean think about it. SUPRA SLAMMERS are said to produce Length gains as well as girth gains. We have to ask ourselves why this happens? Some advocate that it is because the ULI and the slow jelq are forcing the penis forward. Most of us however, don't gain length from doing ULI's or slow Jelqs.

What I believe is happeneing, is that while edging, the pressure level built up inside the penis is alot more than a normal errection. In turn the ULI and horse squeeze, cause an even more immense pressure to be achieved, which push the tunica past its point of maximum expansion. It is THEN that the slow jelq 'pushes' the penis out. in a way, that jelq is facilitating a longitudanal force on the penis.

I think based on this theory, it would be quite beneficial, to work the tunica (either with slammers or with clamp work), and then doing length work, instead of doing them the other way around as we usually do (length before girth).

I postulate that doing this will result in greater and faster tunica gain.
I also would like to re-emphisize that while doing this, you should not ejaculate, perferbly at all for a long period if you want to be gaining. It's been my direct experience that ejaculation as a direct relationship with not gaining.

now let's put our minds in gear, and tackle this theory.

*puts on flame suit*:O
is your 1/2" gains credited to clamping alone or also supraslammers, jelqing, and edging? I hope this theory is correct cuz since last week I cut out girth work to concentrate on length, which according to Bib would produce better gains cuz of the longitude and lateral matrix would be to much. I don't know about doing girth first, since one might already to sore to hang/stretch.
wadya think?
sweets said:
is your 1/2" gains credited to clamping alone or also supraslammers, jelqing, and edging? I hope this theory is correct cuz since last week I cut out girth work to concentrate on length, which according to Bib would produce better gains cuz of the longitude and lateral matrix would be to much. I don't know about doing girth first, since one might already to sore to hang/stretch.
wadya think?

well No, my 1/2+ gain was from a modified version of jelq's and ULI's and a couple of exercises which i have not seen anywhere yet, so i can't name them.
All based on the concept of max engorgement.

and yes i've been advised of the same thing by BIB. but there are many ways to gain, and bib's is definately one, I'm just trying to push the status quo and hopefully find a way to gain both length and girth at the same time. That's something that SUPRA claims his slammers will accomplish. and if what he says is true, there just might be some merit to what I'm trying to say.
Vaseline_Knight said:
Hey everyone.

I just wanted to run a theory that I was thinking of before you. Hopefully we'll get enough input in this thread to pass or reject it.

As mentioned before, I'm doing a mixed routine of hanging and clamping (obviously not at the same time).

What I'm doing is 4 sets of 20 mins of Hanging with the BIB (regular), and at the very end I clamp one or two sets of 10 mins while edging.

I was thinking, if clamping and girth work take tunica past the limits of maximum expansion, and cause it to breakdown or somehow enlarge, then wouldn't applying a longitudenal force after this 'fatigued' stage has been reached, cause optimum gains?

I mean think about it. SUPRA SLAMMERS are said to produce Length gains as well as girth gains. We have to ask ourselves why this happens? Some advocate that it is because the ULI and the slow jelq are forcing the penis forward. Most of us however, don't gain length from doing ULI's or slow Jelqs.

What I believe is happeneing, is that while edging, the pressure level built up inside the penis is alot more than a normal errection. In turn the ULI and horse squeeze, cause an even more immense pressure to be achieved, which push the tunica past its point of maximum expansion. It is THEN that the slow jelq 'pushes' the penis out. in a way, that jelq is facilitating a longitudanal force on the penis.

I think based on this theory, it would be quite beneficial, to work the tunica (either with slammers or with clamp work), and then doing length work, instead of doing them the other way around as we usually do (length before girth).

I postulate that doing this will result in greater and faster tunica gain.
I also would like to re-emphisize that while doing this, you should not ejaculate, perferbly at all for a long period if you want to be gaining. It's been my direct experience that ejaculation as a direct relationship with not gaining.

now let's put our minds in gear, and tackle this theory.

*puts on flame suit*:O

Good post VK. Here is my take.

Yes, a good girth routine followed by a length routine might be the most effective overal Penis Enlargement routine. I heard that jelqing FIRST, then stretching upward was how some guy gained a huge amount rather than the traditional length then girth. By weakening the tunica, stretching becomes more effective, whereas stretching seems to not amplify girth work in the same way.

Here's the catch:
Clamping (or any girth work for that matter) causes fluid buildup. If there is no fluid buildup, you probably aren't causing enough internal pressure to cause the "weakened tunica effect" as mentioned above.

Fluid buildup makes hanging (the most effective length exercise) difficult if not impossible at times. That is where specialization comes into play.

Specialize for length or girth but not both at the same time. Heavy girth then a hardcore upward/outward stretch routine for girth mostly, or intense hanging followed by moderate girth exercise.

Just my take, don't assume it's fact, but it seems reasonable. (crickets)
goldmember said:
Good post VK. Here is my take.

Yes, a good girth routine followed by a length routine might be the most effective overal Penis Enlargement routine. I heard that jelqing FIRST, then stretching upward was how some guy gained a huge amount rather than the traditional length then girth. By weakening the tunica, stretching becomes more effective, whereas stretching seems to not amplify girth work in the same way.

Here's the catch:
Clamping (or any girth work for that matter) causes fluid buildup. If there is no fluid buildup, you probably aren't causing enough internal pressure to cause the "weakened tunica effect" as mentioned above.

Fluid buildup makes hanging (the most effective length exercise) difficult if not impossible at times. That is where specialization comes into play.

Specialize for length or girth but not both at the same time. Heavy girth then a hardcore upward/outward stretch routine for girth mostly, or intense hanging followed by moderate girth exercise.

Just my take, don't assume it's fact, but it seems reasonable. (crickets)

ya well that's what I'm doing right now = heavy hanging followed by a moderate girth exercise. But is working to a point of fluid build up the only way of deforming the tunica? because I've been working right up to and before any fluid builds up so i can still hang/stretch. I agree fluid build up can really suck for length work.
Vaseline_Knight said:
ya well that's what I'm doing right now = heavy hanging followed by a moderate girth exercise. But is working to a point of fluid build up the only way of deforming the tunica? because I've been working right up to and before any fluid builds up so i can still hang/stretch. I agree fluid build up can really suck for length work.
I don't think it is the fluid build-up per se, but I think everytime I've had an awesome girth workout, fluid build-up follows. You may want to try the PHASE 2 girth workout, because I experienced the least fluid build-up for how much girth potential I experienced.
goldmember said:
I don't think it is the fluid build-up per se, but I think everytime I've had an awesome girth workout, fluid build-up follows. You may want to try the PHASE 2 girth workout, because I experienced the least fluid build-up for how much girth potential I experienced.

ya i think a hot wrap after girth work reduces fluid build up for me ALOT. but the thing is, after heavy girth work, the hanger attachment point becomes so sensitive. I guess cuz the tunica and the cc and cs are all battered up. but i still am doing manual length.

for now im gonna do 4 sets of hanging,(everyday) <---- lig gains
then heavy girth work followed by manual stretches (every other day) <--- tunica gains.
VK, you may not want to go too "heavy" with the girth work. Even if it is an every other day kind of workout, it can still have an effect on that odd day when you hang. Fluid can stay around in the penis even in small amounts even after a week off, so it is safe to say that you will need to be very observant and not try and go too far with the girth. It's really your best bet to go ahead and hang and manual stretch with some jelqing in the evening for 3-600 strokes. That way you can get in some work, but not too much as to over work the tunica making it harder to grow length wise. Good luck with whatever you decide.
millionman said:
VK, you may not want to go too "heavy" with the girth work. Even if it is an every other day kind of workout, it can still have an effect on that odd day when you hang. Fluid can stay around in the penis even in small amounts even after a week off, so it is safe to say that you will need to be very observant and not try and go too far with the girth. It's really your best bet to go ahead and hang and manual stretch with some jelqing in the evening for 3-600 strokes. That way you can get in some work, but not too much as to over work the tunica making it harder to grow length wise. Good luck with whatever you decide.

ya i know what you mean. but what im trying to figure out is, why is there a length gain associated with some people that only do girth (clamp) work. I'm trying to get to the bottom of that.