Im still having dark skin on my penis after overdoing it with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] too many times it seems. I've had a break from Penis Enlargement now for 2 months or so and I only used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] twice 3 weeks ago. Before that I've used it daily for a couple of months.

I dont know what Im gonna do guys! This damage seems to be permanent! My confidence is so low since the skin doesnt look natural at all.

Im white as hell and my penis is dark. All the way bellow the penis head and down to the shaft it's dark except 1 inch at the base where it got it's natural white color. So it's like a dual-colored penis, you guys know what I mean? I suffer mentally like hell by this.

What should I do to get ridd of it? I tried to rest it away and it doesnt seem to work at all. Now Im trying to wash with hot water morning and evening but I doubt it works. What do you guys suggest about how to treat it? Should I rubb it? Should I keep using water? Maybe I should avoid water? Should I stand in the sun naked?

Seriously this is driving me nuts, Im afraid I've damaged my skin permanently. Help me! :S

I hear people on the forum speak about discoloration, blood spots on their glands and fluid buildup. I personally have some discoloration, blood spots on the glands, and get fluid buildup spots on my glands, but I just don’t care what it looks like, dicks are ugly anyway so I don’t let it phase me. As long as my shit feels healthy and my EQ remains high I just take the discoloration etc… as part of doing Penis Enlargement. I’m a married man, and the wife doesn’t even notice.

Have you heard negative comments about it? I was just wondering if this is you beating yourself up about it, or if someone said something to facilitate these feelings.
Hey Opa Im sorry to hear about your situation I wish I could offer some advice but I have never come across a solution. In-fact Im the opposite its something I want for myself and would like to acquire. I thought Id mention that because I dont think you should let it get you down possibly because some guys would envy you for that. Im sure you will find a cure. Google-it and read through the forums- you know whats up, the answer's out there. KEEP YOU HEAD UP The problem wont last :)
Yeah it's me myself that is really concerned, atm I dont dare to hit on girls cause of it. Geez I better host up a picture tomorrow.
I really need some advice, I've been thinking of laying in the sun naked to make it heal quicker (if it acutally can get healed) or get a tan or something. :S

It's so wierd really..I always had a goodlooking piece and now it feels so ugly. It's lika big fucking bruise over the whole dick basically. So annoying.. :S
Try hot baths for several nights and gently massage the penis. It doesn't sound like bruising as you haven't mentioned pain but rather blood caught between the tunica and your skin - kinda like a big blood blister. Heat and a gentle massage should loosen things up and get some flow happening.
Why dont you go to the docter and explain the situation? Seems like nobody really has experienced something like this, so i wouldn't just take advice here, but would also go to the docter. Go before you really make something permanent.
By MX:

”Chemical peels vary by the strength and the chemicals that are used. Mild chemical peels- salicycilic acid 20-30% (Beta-LIft Peel) or glycolic peels 30-40% are safe when used as directed.”

The only type of peeling agent I found is something called TCA, trichloro acetic acid.

If you do a Google search for "chemical peels", you'll find a number of sponsored links for do-it-yourself products. Caveat emptor.
Honestly Opa I wouldn't worry so much over this. Women wont be offended or anything else. This probably will be permanent now I would say because it does tend to never fade like it was before Penis Enlargement. I don't know the science behind this discolouration but it seems to me like the pigmentation is somehow effected during Penis Enlargement which makes it darker. Its certainly not due to worse circulation. You could always try to use a whitening cream, which is the opposite of a tanning lotion or fake tan. Lightens the skin. You could also start spray tanning yourself, use a fake tan as many do that nowadays or use the sun bed even. Honestly though it should never be a concern and women wont care about its colour.
Has anyone tried these chemical peels?
I havnt tried them DLD but Im considering to use something similar if it doesnt fade away for these 3-4 months or something. It's a major pain for me since Im very much into the beauty and goodlooking stuff.

The problem is not as bad in erect state but in flaccid it's very unpleasant for me. The skin is afterall stretched in erect state and the light skin I used to have appears much more then. *sigh* Im still hoping it disappears, will use this thread as an update if I make it.. so I can help others that are suffering from the same thing.
I agree with kast. My dicks gotten darker too, but I don't give a damn because its growing. Women don't care what it looks like as long as it pleases them. You are worried about something that doesn't even matter. As long as your dick is healthy and growing, what difference does it make? It's not like a bitch can see your dick while its pounding them and they're screaming.
You're fine. My penis was naturally darker than the rest of me before I ever started Penis Enlargement. Don't worry about it– or go tanning in a man thong. :P
I started getting a dark ring towards the tip. I went to Walgreens and bought a fade cream with hydroquinolone 2% as the active ingredient. I followed the directoins and used it 2 times a day for approx 1 month and the dark marks went away. The only issue was it had a strong perfumy smell, kinda like grandma. LOL! There were many different types, I just started with the cheapest stuff with the strongest percentage of the hydro. It worked just fine, so I never tried any of the more expensive stuff. It only cost about $5. Hope this helps, I was becoming sensitive to the change I noticed, too.
Hey opa...

Larger subsurface bruising ( ecchymosis ) like that can take quite a while to clear up, but if you don't add additional damage along the way it does eventually clear up.

I had some bruising along the middle myself about four years back from messing around with some harcore/overboard clamping techniques ... Which was doubly dumb for me since I was already happy with my girth and thinking about retiring.

-- Picture, while clamped, compressing the shaft at various points between both hands like 'Superman making coal into a diamond'. Typically with fingers interlocked, kegel to get more blood into the shaft, then compress with the hands adding pressure slowly across 20 to 30 seconds, wait a bit, then repeat. One can use adduction of the thighs to add even more pressure than you could with just the hands .. all while clamped.

If someone's looking for some long-term bruising ... ^ there's how to do it. ;)

Heckuva girth thing, and as long as it's done carefully it's probably brilliant, but exploring that line between healthy gains and 'went-too-far' is an adventure. Thought about posting on it several times, far as I know I came up with it (Asanon Diamond Squeeze?), but never did because of the potential to mess up. It's the addition of extra pressure with the thighs that goes too far. For an advanced Penis Enlargement'er the slow protracted pressure from just the interlocked hands is pretty safe.

At the time, I didn't know what was up with ecchymosis of penile tisssue. It's not like hitting your elbow on something, it's not a shallow effect. It can occur deep into the tissue way beyond just the skin, it's cleared up by contact with white blood cells - which since it's not a virus or etc can be kindof random and low-priority, and it's helped along chemically for some reason by the contractile action of muscles - which is of no help in a penis injury. But it does clear up.

I wish now I'd kept some notes on it. I recall that it was Months before it completely cleared up .., like maybe 12 or more. But also that I haven't even thought about it until your post in two or more years.

So what seems right now like a big deal with an unknowable amount of scary, dread, and embarrassment to it eventually becomes something you'll forget even occured.

Don't re-injure it in the meanwhile. You don't have to stop Penis Enlargement-ing , just maybe switch to length-only exercises like manual stretches, cranks, BTCs, etc -- things that don't increase internal pressure. In fact your posted girth is getting near what I'd recommend people stop at (or at least pause to use and evaluate), or there starts to be places where girls won't let you put it. :)

Something that might help speed the healing along (by increasing blood flow) is regular light massage of your unit while in a warm shower or bath, and a good vasodilator like arginine-alpha-keto-glutarate.

I powerlift and it occured to me recently that I was hitting higher poundages more easily a few years back and the that only thing I was doing different really was taking the vasodilator 'Nitrix' -- which after going back on Nitrix recently made me consider writing the sort of post that one never sees outside of Penis Enlargement-aware circles called "OMG, MY DICK IS HUUUGE!!!!" rofl

It definitely increases blood flow/flaccid engorgement and getting more blood running through there can speed healing.

Don't sweat it ... it'll get better.

And don't feel like you have to stop dating either, if it bothers you just create some narrative like a crazy hyperkinetic gal you knew was jumping around on it and bent it the wrong way (Ouch!) but that it still works fine (thank G*d) and that sex actually makes it heal faster, ... blowjobs especially. :cool:

Asanon;383552 said:
sex actually makes it heal faster, ... blowjobs especially.

Yup a good sucking can cure anything:)
The trauma caused by Penis Enlargement can generate extravasated blood and a pooling of fluids. The extravasated blood ultimately converts to hemosiderin which will stain the area and leave a bruise. Other fluids cause unsightly swelling that can also increase the visibility of the bruise.

Essentially, you've worked blood out of the vessels and into the inter-cellular area. Most of this has been re-absorbed but some minerals remain, namely iron. You will have to rest the area, massage the area and allow normal healing to take place. You can try creams and ointments, but this is a very difficult item to treat and you will probably waste a lot of money on attempts. Look for post-surgical creams (particularly the type used by plastic surgeons).
I've been getting that also and I feel its getting worse, wife already noticed and have complained already. it really looks ridiculous comparing to the balls / first 2 inches of the shaft... it looks like a white dude with a black man colored dick.... now, if I was a white dude with a black man SIZED dick I wouldn't mind... ;) I wouldn't mind a big black cock, but a little black cock is pointless... (no offense intended....) I stopped the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for a while and will give these creams a try.....
Hey Opa, I think you should give sun tanning a shot although I'm no expert. I would advice you to rub tanning oil all over and sit in the sun without over-doing it. Remember we don't receive too much sun light in that area but I do believe it might work because I've had black n blues that have healed this way. I live in the Caribbean and love the beach so yes, I'm speaking out of my own experiences.
Any updates on this? I've recently started using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and have already noticed some significant discoloration, which I can only assume will worsen. Kinda prefer to avoid this if possible.
I have the same problem.....6 months of 20 min a day and my dick is as black as night! my wife have obviously noticed, but when I put my dick in her mouth its hard to hear her! I know it will clear up.....and it will take a long ....I'm not going to stop doing [words= ]Bathmate[/words] or hanging, my results from the last year is just too good to stop my Penis Enlargement. If she dont like my black dick....I'll stick it somewhere else!!!
I'll give the Nitrix a go and report back on any then my dick will probably be blue-black....or Nigerian black!
I applied wart removal on my discoloration. I let it burn for 8 minutes (hurtzz!) and then wash it off. I repeated this prosess 3 times over 2 weeks and in the end, the discoloration had faded completely away.

PS, let the skin peel off by it SELF, DO NOT pull anything off with your hands. It will leave you with nasty scars.
norskhjelp;409587 said:
I applied wart removal on my discoloration. I let it burn for 8 minutes (hurtzz!) and then wash it off. I repeated this prosess 3 times over 2 weeks and in the end, the discoloration had faded completely away.

PS, let the skin peel off by it SELF, DO NOT pull anything off with your hands. It will leave you with nasty scars.

Scary but it is those who take these risks that come up with solutions. Good work.
well guys after some serious consideration i have decided to cease use of my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for the time being, i'm in the same boat as opa chalk white body, the first inch of penis my normal body colour, the rest is now black and i mean black! i could stomach this if it was all the same colour, my turkey neck is black, and the rest of my balls are normal body colour. its very odd i'm not happy in the slightest. now i know there is a school of thought on here that dont give a shit, but i woke this morning looked in the mirror and even thought myself this is really odd unnatural looking. the million dollar question had i known this was going to turn out this way would i still have pumped, i'm not so sure. i'm going to give some creams a shot to see if i can even out the skin tone in the hope i can rid myself of a multi coloured penis. wiil report back anything i find that helps.
fonic;410463 said:
well guys after some serious consideration i have decided to cease use of my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for the time being, i'm in the same boat as opa chalk white body, the first inch of penis my normal body colour, the rest is now black and i mean black! i could stomach this if it was all the same colour, my turkey neck is black, and the rest of my balls are normal body colour. its very odd i'm not happy in the slightest. now i know there is a school of thought on here that dont give a shit, but i woke this morning looked in the mirror and even thought myself this is really odd unnatural looking. the million dollar question had i known this was going to turn out this way would i still have pumped, i'm not so sure. i'm going to give some creams a shot to see if i can even out the skin tone in the hope i can rid myself of a multi coloured penis. wiil report back anything i find that helps.

Color correction can be done in many ways. Everything from fading creams to acid treatments. I personally got rid of all my discoloration through changing from wet jelqs to dry. Within a couple months my penis was back to its normal color.
Hello all. I have started to get the same problem after using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for a while. Very severe discoloration/bruising. It looks like my dick's had the holy hell beaten out of it! I find that a good massage afterwards gets rid of most of the extreme bruising, but the discoloration is still obvious. I'm not too bothered about a little darkening; my penis was always really pale and I didn't like that much, so a little darkening is welcome, but I am a little concerned at a) the extent of the darkening and b) the fact it hasn't gone away even after rest. I don't want to quit using [words= ]Bathmate[/words] as I'm getting good gains but I don't want to do myself damage either. The reason I haven't yet quit is because although it looks like severe bruising there's no pain and I'm fully functional; in fact I'm sporting hardons and morning wood of top quality :) The girlfriend has noticed, and joked that she's rubbing off on me :) and she isn't put off by the discoloration in any way but is concerned I might be damaging myself (she knows I pe). Not sure yet about taking a break, I'll have a think.
OK to clear things up, the discoloration is actually nothing but a hematoma. I have this problem too, it's actually just half of the shaft, so I bought a cream called "arnicare" (contains arnica) and I think it helps! I took before pictures so when the discoloration is completely away I will shoot after pictures for comparison. Another options is a heparin cream, or anything that helps the healing process of hematomas. My discoloration was caused by hanging too long - I was hanging 30 min. without a break, which was simply stupid. Consequently my skin turned darker and so a hematoma could be the only possibility. Now I'm using this cream after every workout and my penis starts to become pink again :).
If you still have troubles removing the discoloration then you should ask a doctor to remove it, it's not a complicated thing.
lazyhanger;410570 said:
OK to clear things up, the discoloration is actually nothing but a hematoma. I have this problem too, it's actually just half of the shaft, so I bought a cream called "arnicare" (contains arnica) and I think it helps! I took before pictures so when the discoloration is completely away I will shoot after pictures for comparison. Another options is a heparin cream, or anything that helps the healing process of hematomas. My discoloration was caused by hanging too long - I was hanging 30 min. without a break, which was simply stupid. Consequently my skin turned darker and so a hematoma could be the only possibility. Now I'm using this cream after every workout and my penis starts to become pink again :).
If you still have troubles removing the discoloration then you should ask a doctor to remove it, it's not a complicated thing.

well this has cheered me up! glad to hear people are winning this battle. would you care to elaborate how long it took roughly to get some normality back to your skin colour?
Exactly five days now, but it's not 100% away yet. See the important thing for me is that I found a way to cure this, so I'm thinking of doing this procedure in the end of my journey again (together with turkey neck, lower hanging balls, etc.) since I'm pretty sure that my penis will get darker due to the stretching that I'm currently doing. Just try it.
lazyhanger;410699 said:
Exactly five days now, but it's not 100% away yet. See the important thing for me is that I found a way to cure this, so I'm thinking of doing this procedure in the end of my journey again (together with turkey neck, lower hanging balls, etc.) since I'm pretty sure that my penis will get darker due to the stretching that I'm currently doing. Just try it.

bump! 50g tube ordered yesterday, if this works and i can restart my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] work, ill be dancing on the ceiling!
gave the arnicare a good shot did nothing for me, no changes whatsoever, will need to go down the chemical peel route. ouch ouch ouch!
mike84;426484 said:
thats tough to deal with. I had a mental breakdown where I was afraid that I damaged my penis. I kept on going to the urologist consistenly . I had to go into the psychiatric unit several times. I never really had any injury, but I was obsessed with it. If I had an injury like you do I probably would not be able to function and go on disability for psychiatric reasons. You have a permenant injury.. but its ok. as long as you don't have peyronie's disease, and your penis has lost any length or girth you're fine. Your life might never be the same... but we have to be aware that the possiblity of injury is relavtively high. the urogist said he see's atleast 4 patients a day with P.E injuries

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Men need to hear this from other people than myself, thank you for posting!
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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