...and now for something completely different :) I generally keep 'myself' for having actual sex, (either with my GF or on a random field trip), but earlier this week I did back-to-back fap and found that getting to my personal best in my MityVac cylinder seemed much easier. I guess there's something to the fact that fatigue allows for greater stretch. I guess that's one 'pro' vote
...and now for something completely different :) I generally keep 'myself' for having actual sex, (either with my GF or on a random field trip), but earlier this week I did back-to-back fap and found that getting to my personal best in my MityVac cylinder seemed much easier. I guess there's something to the fact that fatigue allows for greater stretch. I guess that's one 'pro' vote
Hello guys I’m struggling daily I’ve been masturbating since I was 6 years old help!!

Day one starts today. Let’s try to go seven days with no masturbation. Let us start out easy and we will add as time goes on. If you can get a week we can move on to even more time. My advice to you is when you start to feel the temptation do something completely different to maintain your mind. For me when I start to get temptation‘s I pull out my phone which has coloring books on it and I simply cover the pictures until the temptation goes away. You’ll never be tempted beyond what you’re able to handle. So as I said this is day one and let’s make it happen.
So 9:31 pm again

24 hours is a big deal and a great big step. I have been abstinent for seven days now. Remember this is not about stopping it is about discipline. If you make a rule for a law over your head you will certainly fail. Trust yourself and know that you can do this through grace.
Relapse now have to start over

Excellent work my brother! Two days is a very big accomplishment in the beginning. Pick yourself up brush yourself off and let’s start again. Don’t feel guilty and don’t be down on yourself as you’re doing a great thing. Have patience with yourself and grow in strength as time progresses.
8 days masturbated for about 2 minutes, I watched something that I thought was safe but too much for me. Grieved and regretful but inspired by my constant successes through this journey. Reason, I watched movie that was R rated and the Spirit warned but I did not listen, from there to Instagram and from there adult site. This is always traceable back to when the original temptation that started the domino effect. Please pray for my discipline and strength, pray I do not feel regret longer than a lesson learned.
I hardly ever masturbate anymore, but every once a week I'll have a quick one without any adult entertainment.

Nothing wrong with that my friend. I’m glad to see you’re back where have you been?
Relapsed... almost make it a week. Well Don't watch attractive women eating meat (atleast not with the sound on)

I am so happy you noticed that the Temptations starts out so small and it progresses from there. Seven days is a very long time and I’m very proud of you. Don’t get down on yourself, brush yourself off and start again. Godspeed my brother
Wow! Give us some advice how did you accomplish this?

I'll be honest, not sure what the secret is, over the years as I've done PE etc I've read about how adult entertainment and masturbation etc can mess up actual sex by either affecting EQ or by reducing the time taken to ejaculate so thought didn't want any of that so stopped.
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I'll be honest, not sure what the secret is, over the years as I've done PE etc I've read about how adult entertainment and masturbation etc can mess up actual sex by either affecting EQ or by reducing the time taken to ejaculate so thought didn't want any of that so stopped.

I admire your strength and discipline. You are a shining example of what all of us want to accomplish in this thread. You give me such hope that I can do the same thing. God bless you my brother
10 days! Better than seven. I went way overboard and watched adult entertainment. Well not the first time, the second. The first was fairly innocent but the second found its way to the gutter. I’m not sure how to explain it but over the past couple days I start to get really frustrated and easily angered, a sign of I need to let one off. That plus being stuck in quarantine leaves the mind much time to get into trouble. I am proud to have gone 10 days maybe I can get 2 weeks in.

I was getting frustrated around day 5 last time. This time those feelings came on 7 days in. Perhaps this is how it goes. A little bit longer every time.

I have grieved the Holy Spirit but I know this is love in discipline ❤️ I immediately thanked God for Jesus that my sins have “forgiven and forgotten as far as east is to west!

thanks to the Brotherhood for such a great accountability thread. Pray for me as I do for all of you!
@49-er I messed up last night but I wanted to make note of something that way it’s included in this thread. I had no desire or interest in masturbation, I was not horny at all. It just seem like a systematic thing I do every single Sunday. I need to break that cycle. I really really need your help in Conquering this. If I can make it to a month I would be so happy. Is there anything else you can teach me that will help me?
Why do you think you need to either stop or slow-down? Is your life negatively impacted by it? Any friends or loved ones harmed because of it? Is it inhibiting you from doing/getting the things you want? Those would be some of the questions I'd ask before walking down the road of shame/guilt.

Sometimes self-acceptance is the hardest part

Yep. This question should apply to everything we do.
No shame or guilt here, those are simply the enemy accusing. I know that I am forgiven of all of my sins past present and future, there are no laws above my head. I do this because I believe that adult entertainment is a grave an awful thing. It destroys so many lives, relationships and many other things. It gives many false expectations and it also brings them into darker places but they wouldn’t go otherwise.

As Saint Paul said “all things are permissible but not all things are profitable.” Use your own conscience.
If God forgives our future sins means that people can be sinful n be forgiven anyway?

WTF this is confusing LOL

It sounds that way doesn’t it LOL that’s not how it works. Once you’ve become saved by the grace of God all rules are taken away, all sins are forgiven and forgotten as far as the east is from the west. But if you’re still continuing in sin without guilt you’re not saved.

Once you become saved by grace your identity has changed and you no longer want to do the things you did in the past, the Holy Spirit inspired you to do better things.
My brother watch the six minute video and your whole life will change. You you understand exactly what I’m saying.

I just joined MOS yesterday and while I browse through the newbie forums and read all the basic resources I will start by posting here first. I've been struggling with adult entertainment addiction for years and even though I've even had streaks longer that 12+ months, I haven't fully managed to kick the habit out 100%. At the point that I'm at, I have a profound disgust by adult entertainment, the adult entertainment industry and anything adult entertainment related in general and I have strong systems to keep me at by but from time to time I get weak and the demons creep back in. Between last's and this year I must have watched adult entertainment in ~10-12 days max but I want to literally nuke that number to 0. I want to be adult entertainment free for life and I'll use this thread as the perfect accountability partner.

At the moment I am on a 6-day streak and I'll work on staying on track as much as possible. I have identified all my triggers and I have made plans of actions in case any of them come up since, just like AA teaches, when you've been addicted to something it doesn't matter for how long you abstain because you will always be vulnerable to relapse.

If anyone has any special techniques that they have used for long term success I'm more than happy to hear them and if anyone wants to join me on this feel free to say so. I will be posting every Sunday with an update on how the streak is going. I'll probably do it together with general dopamine fasting procedures because I know my triggers and how some of these things are related.

Absolute goal: no more adult entertainment watching (even if no masturbation) for the rest of the year.

Let's get it.
i dont think id be able to stop masturbation completely,i dont have someone to have intimacy whit, and the lack of privacy i have is terrible..

But yeah i have try to decrease the number of days i jerk off..LOL
I know this was a long time ago...but I want to convey some information about this.
@LONGERDICK7+, If you stop masturbation your physiology will find a way. You will find a woman. I'm certain of this. You seems like a good guy.

Your sexual energy will be out of this world, and women will feel your present sexual energy seep out of you. You will have an advantage of all the other men that watches adult entertainment and masturbate to that. Your life will also become a lot more focused. Noting wrong with masturbation, but if you need to do it every day...it goes more into the realm of obsession/can't control ones urges. When you feel the urge to masturbate...turn off your computer/phone, and sit with the feeling. You can do PE instead to distract yourself if the urge is to strong. If you have problems with watching adult entertainment you can even filter those sites out, with a filter through, OpenDNS (free to use for home users).

Since I stopped masturbate so much, and have focused on PE to 200%, this have increased my focus in life (every aspect of it).
I know I put out a different kind of energy to my inviroment, now then before. Women feel this. Can't be out and about, without a woman watching me closely. The bulge have something to do with it for sure, but there is something more to it.

Try my suggestions if you have the same "problem" right now. I had this problem in my past (masturbate to much). PE have helped me to see the way.

In my experiences masturbation will make it difficult to keep PE in your life. For example: Stretching with the lengthmaster is painful if I masturbate/ejaclate that day. Then I feel worthless due to the fact I have killed maximum gains this day.

If you still have this problem I will suggest that you try my suggestions. Your life will change. Try to focus on the present moment and make the best of it with what you have.

I believe in you brother. If you want something you can make it happen.
It's a tough thing but consistently In avoiding this will train you to depend less and less on adult entertainment
It's a tough thing but consistently In avoiding this will train you to depend less and less on adult entertainment
And you will be more aware of your own reality/present moment. The present moment will have everything you need, and here you have all your opportunities. The screen only tricks you that you have it all. 1000's of women at your fingertip.
I only use adult entertainment mostly for pumping. I don't watch it because I want to masturbate. I've always masturbated without adult entertainment. I need adult entertainment for girth work.

I was one particular adult entertainment video for up to 30 days. It no longer arouse me when pumping. The mistake many members watching adult entertainment are making is that, they watch hot adult entertainment videos everytime.

I stick to one video only for a long time.
For me even watching a single video doesn't work because I can't restrict myself to not watching other stuff and ending up in a binge. In any case, another week in the books. Updated streak: 20 days.

Let's get it.
For me even watching a single video doesn't work because I can't restrict myself to not watching other stuff and ending up in a binge. In any case, another week in the books. Updated streak: 20 days.

Let's get it.

I feel off last night after 5 days. The thing I hate about masturbation is that, it makes you weak and uninterested in women until you abstain from it for few days.

But if I have sex with a woman, I don't feel that way.
I don't feel the need to masturbate for the monent since I'm only working on length. But it has more to do with the knowledge that ejaclate will destroy my LENGTHMASTER 3 sessions.

I know going NoFap + no adult entertainment for 3 weeks will take my horniness to a superhuman level, and my energy level will be completely diffrent (I have done it once before). But this energy need to be released sometime, or I will become extremely stressed out, and desperate to have sex with anyone.

I will also feel more happy and content with my own life, since the adult entertainment do not warp my sense of reality. I do not trick my brain and believing that I have sex with 100's of women. Since your brain doesn't make a difference if you watch people fuck on a screen, or if you fuck a woman in real life. Our brain is not developed to deal with this intense superficial stimulation from the screen. The stimulation on our brain is to much, and it can mess with our reward pathway system in our brain, for example the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. The brain are using dopamine to be able to do what is important. If you do something that's important, then at the end of that dopamine will be released, also during that activity.

Watching adult entertainment can inhibit our ability to keep our dicipline in other areas in our life, since that system is desensitized from the external stimulation (your life, and the screen). This is the "danger", you start to act like a drug addict and you need high level of adult entertainment to function properly. You get addicted.

Haven't watch adult entertainment for a couple of days now. But I know in order to have good sperm quality you need to ejaclate regularly. But I think the way to do this for me is without adult entertainment and let my own experiences create this need instead. If you do not ejaclate for 3 weeks you will with your eyes, see that your sperm quality is bad. It will on your first ejaculation after like 3 weeks with none, be very clumsy and it will squirt out slowly. After that first ejaculation it will go back to normal. I think ejaculation regularly without adult entertainment is the way to do it for me. It's what we are designed to do.

It's like if you let a car only be driven slow and sit for to long, it will not function properly. Then taking the car on a long drive with high speed, and the car will feel like new again.

When I start my girthwork, I may need adult entertainment. But then I need to stick with only one video to stimulate my nervous system, otherwise I will probably abuse adult entertainment once again, and become addicted.
I think I'm one of the people who always ejaculate without adult entertainment. I can't recall how many times I've ejaculated with adult entertainment. It has never been my style. I'm the master of mental stimulation.