I don't feel the need to masturbate for the monent since I'm only working on length. But it has more to do with the knowledge that ejaclate will destroy my
LENGTHMASTER 3 sessions.
I know going NoFap + no adult entertainment for 3 weeks will take my horniness to a superhuman level, and my energy level will be completely diffrent (I have done it once before). But this energy need to be released sometime, or I will become extremely stressed out, and desperate to have sex with anyone.
I will also feel more happy and content with my own life, since the adult entertainment do not warp my sense of reality. I do not trick my brain and believing that I have sex with 100's of women. Since your brain doesn't make a difference if you watch people fuck on a screen, or if you fuck a woman in real life. Our brain is not developed to deal with this intense superficial stimulation from the screen. The stimulation on our brain is to much, and it can mess with our reward pathway system in our brain, for example the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. The brain are using dopamine to be able to do what is important. If you do something that's important, then at the end of that dopamine will be released, also during that activity.
Watching adult entertainment can inhibit our ability to keep our dicipline in other areas in our life, since that system is desensitized from the external stimulation (your life, and the screen). This is the "danger", you start to act like a drug addict and you need high level of adult entertainment to function properly. You get addicted.
Haven't watch adult entertainment for a couple of days now. But I know in order to have good sperm quality you need to ejaclate regularly. But I think the way to do this for me is without adult entertainment and let my own experiences create this need instead. If you do not ejaclate for 3 weeks you will with your eyes, see that your sperm quality is bad. It will on your first ejaculation after like 3 weeks with none, be very clumsy and it will squirt out slowly. After that first ejaculation it will go back to normal. I think ejaculation regularly without adult entertainment is the way to do it for me. It's what we are designed to do.
It's like if you let a car only be driven slow and sit for to long, it will not function properly. Then taking the car on a long drive with high speed, and the car will feel like new again.
When I start my girthwork, I may need adult entertainment. But then I need to stick with only one video to stimulate my nervous system, otherwise I will probably abuse adult entertainment once again, and become addicted.